I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 101: Zhang Yang in a difficult situation


"Trouble? What trouble?" Su Chen asked anxiously, frowning slightly.

"I heard that his father lost a lot of money in gambling and owed a loan shark. Now his family is hiding from debts, and no one has been able to contact him for a long time." Chen Ya said with a worried face.

"Why didn't he tell me when he was in trouble?" A little anger appeared on Su Chen's face.

Chen Ya remained silent.

"Chen Ya, I'll be leaving first. You should be busy. We'll meet again when we have time."

Su Chen left a word, and then hurried away.

Chen Ya looked at the back of his leaving, and felt that the figure seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, more and more blurred, making it unreachable.

Sighing faintly, she went back to work.

Such a perfect boy is destined not to be hers, but she is very fortunate to have liked him.

As time goes by, this simple secret love may gradually fade and disappear, but it will also become a green and beautiful memory in her life.


After leaving the coffee shop, Su Chen walked towards the car parked on the side of the road and took out his mobile phone to call Zhang Yang.

Sure enough, the dialed number has become an empty number.

So, Su Chen quickly dialed another buddy, Shi Bocong.

"Su Chen."

The call was quickly connected.

"Fatty, you know what happened at Zhang Yang's house, why didn't you tell me about it when you talked to me on the phone last time." There was a little blame in Su Chen's tone.

There was a long silence on the phone before Shi Bocong's voice sounded again.

"Su Chen, it's not that I didn't tell you, it's that Zhang Yang told me several times not to let me tell you about this, and...you and we are gradually losing our conversation, I..."

Shi Bocong hesitated to speak.

Su Chen's hand holding the mobile phone trembled slightly, with regret in his heart, he interrupted: "Then do you know where Zhang Yang is now?"

"I know, I know, but he won't let me tell others." Shi Bocong said hesitantly.

"Where are you now? I'll drive to find you, and then you take me there." Su Chen said with a sullen face, without doubt.

"I'm at home."

Shi Bocong responded weakly.

"I am going now."

After speaking, Su Chen hung up the phone, started the car, and headed towards Shi Bocong's house.

He and Zhang Yang went there a few times during high school, and he still remembers where they were.

Shi Bocong's house is located in an old community over 40 years old. It is only a small apartment of 70 to 80 square meters. He became a demolition household, but the result has not been seen until now.

After about half an hour's drive, Su Chen arrived outside Shi Bocong's community.

After waiting in the car for a while, I soon saw an obese young man who was not short in height, running over with sweat profusely.

This is Shi Bocong. I haven't seen him for more than a year. He seems to be fatter than he remembered.

When he was in high school, this guy managed to break through 200 catties, plus he was so unrestrained and liked to tease girls, so he got the nickname "Dead Fatty" as a matter of course.

"Fatty!" Su Chen lowered the window and shouted to Shi Bocong who ran to the side of the car.

"Damn, Su Chen, haven't you gained weight too, why do you seem to be more handsome than when you were in high school?" Shi Bocong said in shock.

"You thought it was all you, stop talking nonsense and get in the car quickly." Su Chen urged angrily.

I have to say that it is really hard to say whether the relationship between people is getting closer or further away.

The two had nothing to talk on the phone, but when they met at this moment, they seemed to know each other a lot.

Shi Bocong opened the car door and sat on the co-pilot with difficulty, his huge body filled the entire seat.

Su Chen glanced worriedly at the creaking seat, and sighed: "You should also learn from me to lose weight, and if you continue to gain weight like this, you will gain three hundred catties."

"It's impossible to lose weight. I've tried many times, but I can't bear it." Shi Bocong shook his head again and again.

"Tell me, where is Zhang Yang?" Su Chen cut straight to the point.

"Su Chen, we know that your family is rich and can help him, but you also know that Zhang Yang is the most face-saving person. I'm afraid you are the last thing he wants to see now. Are you really going?" Shi Bocong frowned.

"Then you think he has been avoiding debts like this?" Su Chen glared at him.

Shi Bocong was dumb for a moment, and after a long silence, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take you there, and you have to stop him if he wants to cut me."

"Just your fat pile, are you still afraid of him?" Su Chen couldn't help laughing.

Afterwards, the two drove all the way to the place where Zhang Yang stayed.

"Fatty, tell me in detail what happened to Zhang Yang's family. I met Chen Ya by chance, and I heard her give a general idea." Su Chen said in a deep voice.

"Chen Ya? How did you meet her?"

Shi Bocong was surprised at first, then sighed and said: "What else can happen, you also know that his father was so funny back then, didn't he make some money last year, and then he was tricked by others and lost everything Not to mention the family property, but also owed a lot of debts, and even Zhang Yang was found and beaten several times."

"How much do you owe?" Su Chen asked suspiciously.

"I don't know too well. At least it's several million. I sold his house and couldn't fill the hole."

"You've been in touch with him?"

"No, just a few days ago, he found me and asked me to lend him some money. My house hasn't been demolished yet, so what kind of money do I have, so I borrowed some from my classmates and pooled 10,000 yuan for him. See It looks like he can't even eat, there's nothing he can do about it, otherwise he wouldn't ask me to borrow money with his character."

Su Chen nodded silently.

While the two were chatting, they arrived at the place where Zhang Yang lived. It was a dilapidated house in the suburbs. There was no elevator. The two walked up the stairs to a room on the sixth floor and knocked on the door.


A muffled sound came from inside the house.

"Zhang Yang, it's me, Fatty!" Shi Bocong answered.

"How did you come?"

The voice from inside sounded again, and the door was opened.

Zhang Yang appeared in sight with an unshaven beard and a much thinner face.

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback when he saw Su Chen, and then glared at Shi Bocong angrily.

"Don't, don't do it."

Shi Bocong retreated in fright and hid behind Su Chen.

"Come in and talk!"

Zhang Yang said in a neutral tone.

Su Chen and the two followed into the house and looked around.

A single room of about 30 square meters, dirty clothes, lunch boxes, cigarette butts, wine bottles and other garbage can be seen everywhere in the room.

"Sit wherever you can!" Zhang Yang said after taking two bottles of mineral water from a piece of mineral water in the corner and throwing them to them.

Su Chen sat down on the only chair in the room, while Shi Bocong sat on the bed, sinking the bed covered with a mat.

Fourth update! ! !

(end of this chapter)