I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 81: System black technology is strong


"I didn't expect this young master of the Zhao family to be so ruthless that he even used a gun."

After listening to Su Chen's story, Qin Yun also had an angry look on his face. He looked at Su Chen and asked, "How do you want me to help you?"

"I saved the life of the old lady of the Liu family before, and the Liu family has agreed to help. I have a way to obtain evidence of the Zhao family's crimes over the years, so, I would like to ask Sister Qin to let the Qin family join in and completely defeat the Zhao family. "Su Chen's eyes were stern, and he said expressionlessly.

"You saved the old lady of the Liu family?"

Qin Yun looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

An old family is like a treasure. The reason why the Liu family and the Qin family are the top giants of the pyramid in the capital is because the older generation of the family is still supporting the family. They may no longer be in charge, but they still hold a huge family. Network resources.


Su Chen nodded.

"If you can obtain those evidences, it would not be difficult for our two families to attack at the same time and defeat the Zhao family. However, how are you going to obtain those evidences?" Qin Yun asked solemnly.

"I won't talk about the specific method. Anyway, Sister Qin, you know that I won't talk big. When the time comes, the Qin family just needs to take advantage of the wind and push it." Su Chen made a fool of himself.

Qin Yun pondered for a while, nodded and said: "I will take Ke Ke back to the family at the end of the month, and explain this to the old man face to face. There should be no problem. If the Zhao family can really fall, our Qin family can take the opportunity to share a lot of benefits."

"Then thank you, Miss Qin."

Su Chen was overjoyed, raised his glass of water and said gratefully.

"It's also good for our Qin family. There's nothing to be thankful for."

Qin Yun smiled and clinked glasses with him, then restrained her smile, and said solemnly: "However, you must be careful yourself, the Zhao family has flourished in the capital all these years, and the power is intricate, it is not so easy to deal with .”

"I see."

Su Chen nodded seriously.


After having lunch with Qin Yun, Su Chen returned to school.

Su Chen didn't plan to go to the afternoon class. As the teacher's favorite student, he has the right.

Several subject teachers, including English teacher Caroline, have already said that he does not need to take those books to the classroom to read, as long as there is no problem in the exam, he will be considered full attendance in the usual classes.

Taking a ginseng pill and ointment in the dormitory, Su Chen went directly to the dojo.

He almost lost his life last night, which made him even more eager to improve his strength. As long as he is strong enough, no matter whether he uses a gun or a powerful warrior, he can't help him.

Walking into the dojo, Su Chen saw that Liu Qing and Yao Wu were fighting in full swing, one was using Yao Jiaquan and the other was using Wing Chun, and there were several people around cheering and cheering.

After some guidance from him, the boxing master, many flaws in the two boxing techniques have faded away, and the lethality of each move and style is obviously much stronger, and it is no longer just a show.

"That's right, you've made a lot of progress." Su Chen watched the two finish the fight at the door, and then walked over.


Yao Wu shouted excitedly when he saw Su Chen.

"Tell me not to call me master."

Su Chen glared at him angrily, and said: "You have mastered the Yao family boxing well. It can be seen that you have practiced it many times, but you still lack flexibility. Pay attention to the opponent's expression and eyes during the battle. Even the subtle movements of the body, to guess how the opponent's next move may be made, and then make defensive or offensive moves as early as possible."

"Understood, Master." Yao Wu nodded seriously, still calling Master respectfully.

Su Chen rolled his eyes speechlessly, he was too lazy to say anything, looked at Liu Qing, and continued: "Your Wing Chun foundation is fine, but pay attention to Wing Chun's strict defense, combining hardness and softness, when the opponent shows a flaw At that time, your punches are not fast enough or powerful enough, and at this time, you must seek to inflict as much damage as possible on the opponent."

"Understood, I will correct it as you said." Liu Qing also accepted the opinion humbly.

"Aren't you going to class?" Su Chen asked doubtfully after giving advice to the two of them.

"What's good about the class? The duel will be the day after tomorrow. We must hurry up and practice." Yao Wu said with a natural expression on his face.

Su Chen gave him a pair of supercilious eyes, wondering how this guy was admitted to Shanghai University.

"I also took two days of sick leave. Our counselor has a good relationship with me." Liu Qing raised her eyebrows with a smile.


Su Chen gave her a thumbs up, this president is really good at interacting with people, it really doesn't look like he is a martial artist.

Not to mention the relationship with the student union, even the counselor has become a helper.


Liu Qing smiled proudly, and said: "By the way, Su Chen, the sandbag you bought was delivered in the morning, and it has been placed in your quiet room."

"Really? Arriving so soon?"

Su Chen was quite surprised. After practicing Iron Fist that day, he customized this sandbag online. The surface is made of special materials, which is extremely difficult to break.

"Master, are you going to practice boxing? What's so good about that thing? It's far worse than your kung fu." Yao Wu said doubtfully.

"It's not boxing, you guys continue to practice, I'm going in too."

Su Chen didn't bother to explain, and after leaving a sentence, he went straight to the quiet room.

Still taking ginseng pills, I first practiced a round of internal strength, and then practiced iron fist by punching sandbags with both fists.

Until his fists were injured again, Su Chen applied ointment and tied his hands with the bandage he brought, so that Lin Yumeng would not be worried when he found out that the injury was serious again.

Then, Su Chen began to practice inner strength again.

This time, the proficiency of the thirteen small skills of Nei Jin Gong has reached 1000 points one after another, and the level has entered the intermediate level.

Feeling the real qi that had been condensed into a thick cloud of qi at the dantian, a look of joy appeared on Su Chen's face, thinking that he should have reached the realm of the small achievement of inner strength mentioned by the warrior.

Regarding the division of this realm, Su Chen has heard about it from Luo Shankou.

According to the degree of condensed zhenqi in the body and the strength of strength, internal warriors can be roughly divided into small inner strength, great inner strength, peak inner strength, half-step transformation, and master transformation.

Of course, in today's era, there are not many real internal martial arts that have been passed down, and even fewer have achieved success in cultivation.

As Luo Shan said, the strongest master he has seen in Shaolin is also at the peak of the inner family, and the old monk is already sixty years old. ten years.

This shows how exaggerated Su Chen's speed is.

From the beginning of practicing inner strength, he only practiced for more than a dozen rounds, and he reached the realm of small accomplishment of inner strength.

No way, the black technology of the system is so powerful.

If those masters in the ancient martial arts world know, Su Chen must be taken back to slice and study.

(end of this chapter)