I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 1: Married again


The golden autumn and September were originally a good harvest season, but the Hou Jingting hid in his study and smashed several pieces of china. He kept scolding and cursing. He didn't look like a prince, but more like a market scoundrel.

"In the realm of the capital, if you dare to offend my Ban Huai, I will kill him!"

"Father, don't be angry, my son will go out and find someone to beat him."

"You ask someone to beat him, I'll ask the emperor to clean him up!"

"Have you had enough trouble?" Yin Shi kicked open the door of the study, looked at the father and son who were gearing up for their work, and scolded, "Don't think the words outside are not bad enough?"

Jingting Hou and his son kept silent together, Jing Ting Hou took back the legs he stepped on the chair, and Jing Ting Hou Shizi Ban Heng pushed down his rolled up sleeves.

On the day of September, Yinshi had to fan the fan to calm down the anger in her heart. She didn't even look at the broken pieces of porcelain on the ground, she went straight to the chair and sat down. Packed up in a hurry.

The sound of the tiles slamming back and forth made her feel even more angry, she glared at the father and son, and with a pat, the tea cup on the table jumped.

"It's just something that came out of a small country. When I was admitted to the imperial examination, it said that I would break off the marriage, and I also put on a posture that he had to obey when my Houfu forced the marriage. What kind of thing?!"

"Mother, mother," Ban Heng approached Yinshi and said with a smile, "don't be angry, three-legged toads are hard to find in the world, and two-legged men are everywhere, our family has to clean them up. , it's just a matter of moving your mouth, don't make you angry."

"I don't want to be angry, but what do you see?"

No matter who is the daughter that a mother puts on the top of her heart, she has been divorced three times, and she can't feel happy in her heart.

She has only one son and one daughter under her knees. Although Lord Hou is absurd and lazy, he is not a lustful person, so there are no concubines and servants in the family, but he can take advantage of this advantage.

When her daughter was born, she ordered a baby kiss with a friend in her boudoir, who knew that the child died of smallpox when he was three years old.

When her daughter was thirteen years old, she was engaged with Xie Qilin, the second son of Uncle Zhongping, who knew that Lin had left the cabinet. Xie Qilin suddenly found "true love" and eloped with "true love". As a result, it was rumored outside that her girl was a scumbag, not even a maid. Otherwise, why would the son of the dignified uncle's mansion prefer to elope with a woman who can't stand on the stage, rather than marry her

Later, although Xie Qilin was brought back, the marriage between the two families was broken. Since then, the two families have never seen each other again, and they almost didn't become enemies.

This time the incident is even more absurd. This Shen Yu is a partial branch of the Shen family in Dongzhou, and can barely be regarded as a famous local family. After coming to the capital, he fell in love with their girl at first sight. He cried and begged to propose marriage to his family seven or eight times. After agreeing, he retorted.

When they broke off the marriage, on the surface, they said that they were not worthy of their family, but on the inside, they disliked her family's girl's beauty and lack of brains. She was extravagant and lazy, and she was not a good match.

Why didn't you say that when you didn't get into Tanhua? At this moment, I despise her girl for being extravagant. What's wrong with their wealthy Jingtinghou mansion who are willing to let their girl be extravagant? !

The three members of the family were so angry that they couldn't eat, but the righteous master who was divorced from the marriage was still sleeping soundly.

Ban Hua was dreaming, and the dream was very long. When she woke up, she couldn't tell whether it was reality or a dream. When she sat up and saw the pearl curtain hanging outside, she suddenly realized that she was dreaming just now.

By the way, what was she dreaming about just now

It seems that she was divorced again. Whoever became the emperor, her father offended the new emperor and was stripped of his title, and then the whole family lived a miserable life.

Oh my god, how terrible are the days when you can't compare jewelry with others

Can't see those people scolding her behind her back, but on the surface they have to respect her aggrieved appearance, how boring should this life be

This dream is too bad, she should forget it sooner.

"Xiangjun," the maid came in with tears in her eyes, "Shen Tanhua came to break off the marriage."

Ban Hua's soft waist suddenly straightened up: "Broke off the marriage?"

It's over, the nightmare has come true!

Her father is not the Marquis of Jingting, then her brother is not the heir, and she is no longer the lord of the township proclaimed by His Majesty today. How will she eat, drink, play, play horses, walk dogs and enjoy flowers in the future

Life is too short, does she only have a few short years of enjoyment

She didn't remember much about that dream, but she remembered clearly how miserable she was when she was not a Xiangjun. Thinking of this, she suddenly felt sad, put on her shoes and clothes and ran to the main courtyard.

"Xiangjun, your hair!"

Fortunately, the servants of Jingting Hou's mansion are strict, otherwise, tomorrow, the hot spot in the capital will become "Jingting Hou's daughter-in-law went crazy because of her divorce, and ran at home without clothes."

In fact, this was also the first thought that Jing Tinghou had when he saw his daughter.

"My good girl," Jing Tinghou saw his daughter appear in the study with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes, and burst into tears, "Good girl, we won't marry, and tomorrow Dad will buy a dozen faces and come back. Wen Nengwu looks good, pick whichever you like."

Men in the world are not good things, which made his daughter become like this.

At this time, Jing Ting Hou has thrown himself out of the man's range.

Ban Heng glanced at his sister enviously. He didn't even have a maid in the room, and he didn't see anyone offering him one. It was an elegant thing to be quiet in the middle of the night.

"Don't even think about it," Yin Shi squinted and glared at his son, "Just stay home and study for me."

"I-I didn't think about anything." Ban Heng felt aggrieved, obviously he didn't do anything, how could he be talked about by his mother.

"You were born from my belly. As soon as your eyes roll, I know what you want to do." Seeing her daughter like this, Yin Shi's heart softened halfway, and she wished she would tear that Shen Yu apart. But she was worried that her emotions would affect her daughter, so she had to persuade her with kind words.

"Your father's words were confusing, but..." Yin Shi patted her daughter's back, noticed her trembling, and said softly, "There are so many good men in the world, it doesn't matter if you can't find them. , the family's shop Zhuangzi has your share of the land, you have money and status, what are you afraid of?"

Ban Hua rubbed against Yin's body and whispered, "I'm not sad because of that who broke off the marriage, but because I had a very strange dream that made me a little scared."

"What did you dream about?" Seeing that her daughter didn't care about the divorce, Yin Shi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"The new emperor ascended the throne, he cut his father's title..."

"Cut the title?!" Ban Heng jumped up, "Who is the new emperor, let's kill him now."

"I can't remember exactly," Ban Yan thought for a while, "but he should be a very powerful man."

"You don't even remember who they are, and how powerful they are?" Ban Heng snorted, "This is too unreliable."

"Can you take your dreams seriously, can you be an emperor if you're not good?" Yin Shi tapped Ban Heng on the back to prevent him from choking on Ban Heng, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, dreams are all fake, our family is not Is it all right?"

"Your grandmother is the eldest princess, who dares to touch us?" The Yin family brought out their family's biggest backer, the eldest princess, Dening, to appease her daughter's emotions, "Aren't you afraid of being scolded by the ancestors?"

"But the new emperor is not from Jiang's family." Ban Hua blinked, her beautiful eyes were misty, and she looked extraordinarily pitiful, "The person who ascended the throne is a courtier with ulterior motives."

"Hey," Yinshi sucked in a breath of cold air and glanced outside the door. The maid had already left, and now there are only four of them in the house, "You can't go out and talk nonsense."

Ban Hua knew that her mother would not believe the dream she had, but in fact she was dubious about it, "I was divorced in the dream, but when I woke up just now, the surnamed Shen really broke off the marriage. So What if it were true?"

"Then, what should we do?" Ban Huai, who has been a playboy since childhood, looked nervously at the Yin family, "Madam, why don't we secretly find a place to hide some gold and silver jewelry?"

"Father, how can you believe my sister's words, she has been divorced several times, just because of this, it is too funny to believe that her dream is real," Ban Heng waved his hand, "Sister, think about it again. Think, did something big happen in the dream?"

"I owe you!" Ban Hua stretched out his finger and poked Ban Heng's forehead, and the priceless blood jade bracelet on his arm shook so that Ban Heng almost lost his eyes.

"I'll think about it," Ban Hua retracted her hand and pulled her messy blue silk, "I'll think about it again."

Ban Huai looked at his daughter nervously, hoping that this dream was fake.

"By the way, I remember another incident in my dream. Not long after I was divorced, Xie Qilin fell off a horse and broke an eye." Since the other party eloped with someone and made himself embarrassed, Banyan said I remember this very clearly.

Let go.

"As expected of my Ban Huai's daughter, don't make him feel better in your dreams if you offend you." Ban Huai stroked the beard on his chin contentedly, "That Xie Bad Shui is not a good thing!"

"Yes!" Ban Heng echoed, "I will trouble him once I see him."

Yin Shi sneered: "But every time you suffer."

"That Xie Qilin reads a lot and is full of bad water. He can turn black into white every time. How can I say that to him," Ban Heng said angrily, "but I don't suffer, no matter how good his mouth is, I will also It doesn't hurt, it doesn't itch, if I punch him, he will still hurt."

In Ban Heng's logical world, being scolded is not considered a disadvantage, but being beaten is considered a disadvantage. For him, Ban Xiaohou, it is a cloud in the sky.

"Good girl, when did Xie Badshui break your eyes in your dream?" Ban Huai, like Ban Heng, didn't care about his reputation at all. Anyway, he never heard anyone praise him since he was a child.

"On the day after Shen Yulai broke off the engagement."

"Is that tomorrow?"

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