I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 10: Men's mind


Seeing that the county master was so angry, the old woman felt even more bitter: "It's Lord Ban. The old slave heard that the Jingting Hou residence was buying white fox skins in the capital, because Banjun said that she was short of white fox skins. "

Corning was so angry that he almost vomited out a mouthful of blood.

It's Jingting Hou's Mansion again!

Can this little slut Ban Hua stop? !

As the county owner, in order not to make the current sage suspicious, she should be careful about everything, pay attention to everywhere, and dare not show any publicity about food, clothing, housing, and transportation, so she is afraid that the sage will grab her braids and make trouble. It is clear that her status is higher than that of Ban Hua, but in the palace, it is Ban Hua who is more honorable, and even outside the palace, those people are more in awe of Ban Hua than her as the princess.

Seeing Kang Ning's face turned pale with anger, the old woman felt distressed and helpless, so she had to persuade: "The county lord, that class of county lords are people who are not stingy. People like us don't need to have the same knowledge as these people."

Kang Ning angrily smashed the teacup beside him on the ground, and said sternly, "Today's shame, I will pay it back in the future."

Originally, she thought that Ban Hua would learn to keep a low profile when her marriage contract was ruined several times, but she didn't even know that she didn't take any lessons, and she still went her own way.

She didn't understand that as a woman, Ban Hua had been disliked by men several times, did she really have no sense of shame at all

"It's only been a few months, and the white fox skin is gone?" Wang Ada looked at the skins presented by various merchants, shook his head and said, "These skins are all variegated, although our uncle is not a picky person, but And don't go out wearing variegated fox fur."

The shop steward also expected that the leather he sent this time would not be satisfied with the purchase of Cheng Amber House, so he did not feel disappointed, but smiled and said: "Wang steward, this is indeed the best leather in our shop. Now, the villain dare not lie to you."

"The best?" Wang Ada sneered, "Do you think I haven't seen anything good or something?"

"Steward Wang, you don't know, this year we have two best skins in our store, but just two days ago, the butler of the eldest princess' mansion came to collect the skins in our store in person. Who are we in business? If you dare to offend these uncles, you have to let the housekeeper take away the two best skins."

"The eldest princess' mansion?" Wang A was stunned. At the age of the eldest princess, can she still wear such fresh colors

"Yes, it is indeed the housekeeper of the eldest princess' house. But the villain heard that the eldest princess bought these skins for her granddaughter. As for whether this news is true or not, the villain does not know." The steward didn't dare to talk about the royal family, so after telling Wang Ada the news, he didn't say another word.

Wang Ada's face improved a lot when he heard the words, "I understand, you can go yourself."

"Yes." Seeing that Caimai's face was not ugly, the shop steward secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, Cheng'anbo Mansion was a reasonable place, otherwise he might have suffered some crimes today.

Wang Ada told the steward about it, and the steward passed it on to the steward again, but the words changed a bit.

"You said that Mr. Ban Jun robbed our house of the things that we wanted to buy?" Rong Xia was painting, when he heard the report from the housekeeper, he smiled lightly: "The little girl likes these white fluffy things, she buys them when she buys them. Right."

"Yes." The housekeeper stood in front of Rong Xia, not daring to let out the air.

"By the way," Rong Xia slowly put down the pen and looked up at the housekeeper, "The citrus I bought last time was not to my taste, so I'll deal with it."

"Yes." The butler's waist sank.

Rong Xia put his hands behind his back, and his eyes fell on the scroll, which showed an old man riding a crane and holding a peach in his hand.

"Sister, you brought back so many white fox skins, do you want to build a nest or something?" Ban Heng can see people sending white fox skins in every day these few days, but these skins are complete or defective, and the price is not high. one.

"I use it to make clothes, cloaks, handguards, and hair accessories. I'm also worried that I won't have enough leather." Ban Hua flipped through the booklet in her hand, which recorded various objects in her small warehouse. "If there are any leftovers, I will make you a scarf."

"After losing so much money, you just wanted to make me a scarf, you are so generous," Ban Heng stretched out his hand to grab the snacks on the table, "Your Majesty is going to hunt in the western suburbs in a few days, are you going? ?"

"Go, why don't you go," Ban Hua said a little excitedly, "I specially prepared several sets of clothes for this autumn hunting."

For example, one of the riding suits took a few embroidery girls nearly a month to make, just so that she could shine on the stage this autumn. riding

Ban Heng looked at Ban Hua with sympathy. With his sister's ability, the painting and calligraphy of chess and chess was not enough. Only when hunting could he compete with other noble girls.

"Hua," Yinshi came in, saw that both siblings were there, and put the box in his hand in front of Ban Hua: "This hairpin was left to me by your grandmother back then, and I haven't done much in these years. Dai. When you were young, you asked me for it when I was young. At that time, I was worried about your every seriousness. If you broke something good, I didn't give it to you. "

Yinshi opened the box and took out this pearl hairpin, the clear and transparent hairpin root, the hairpin head turned bright red, like a few cinnamon fruits on ice, bright and clear. , red as fire.

"I think when winter arrives, you will look good in white fox fur and this Zhu Chai." Yin Shi inserted Zhu Chai into Ban Yan's hair and clapped her hands in satisfaction.

"My daughter is indeed the most beautiful in the entire capital!"

Although mothers look at their own children, they will always think that it is the best, but this hairpin is indeed very suitable for Banma's flower-like appearance.

"Thank you mother." Ban Hua took Yinshi's arm and shook it, tired of acting like a spoiled child on Yinshi.

"You," Yin Shi nodded her forehead and couldn't help laughing, "If your grandmother hadn't passed away early, how could I have married your father."

"What's wrong with marrying me?" As soon as Ban Huai walked to the door, he heard his wife's words. He walked to Ban Nuan and sat down angrily, his face full of grievance, "We already have two children, you still dislike it. I."

Yin Shi didn't even look at his aggrieved appearance: "Do you dislike it, you don't know it yourself?"

Ban Huai was a well-known playboy in the capital back then, and someone of the right family, who would marry her daughter to her? Only her biological mother died young, her father was ruthless, and her stepmother was a woman with a foolish heart, so she finally married Ban Huai. The days after getting married were not as hard as he imagined. Although Ban Huai was a playboy, he didn't stick to the bad habits of lustful gambling. In fact, he was a little lazy and liked to play a little bit. In other respects, he really didn't look like a playboy.

"Come on?" Ban Heng picked a piece of red date cake from the plate and handed it to Ban Hu, without looking at his parents who were "wronged by you or me", he said lazily, "I specifically asked, there are a lot of these autumn hunters. Young talents are going to go, you go and see if there is any that you like."

Ban Hua felt that the red jujube cake was a little greasy, and threw it back to Ban Heng: "You usually spend a lot of time playing outside. Is there any man in the capital who is tall and straight, has a good temperament, has good-looking hands, and likes to wear black clothes?"

The man in her dream always seemed to wear black and dark-patterned clothes, which made people look very luxurious at a glance.

"Black clothes?" Ban Heng didn't dislike that the red date cake was thrown back by Ban Hua. He threw it into his mouth and ate it up in three or two bites. , but I didn't pay attention, there really isn't anyone who likes to wear black clothes if they meet these three criteria."

How could he pay attention to whether other men's hands look good

"Really not?" Ban Hua held her face, "think about it again."

"The capital has always been known as a gentleman and still looks good. Who is not dressed in light-colored clothes, how can you wear black or gray to pretend to be a gentleman," Ban Heng said angrily, "This is the same as those talented women and beautiful women in the capital who don't wear it. You have to be as gorgeous as you are, understand?"

Ban Hua rolled her eyes: "What's wrong with me wearing gorgeous clothes, I'm beautiful!"

Ban Heng glanced at Ban Hua a few times and had to admit that his sister was indeed beautiful. But for the sons of aristocratic families who are good at acting, even if they really care about his sister, in order to show that they are not obsessed with beauty and only value the connotation of women, they will only pretend to be more upright , can't even look at his sister.

But how many times they secretly glanced at it in their hearts, only they know.

He is a man himself, and although he is not a gentleman, he still understands the inferiority of men. But Ban Heng would never tell her about such dirty things. His sister is a stupid person. It's good to be a simple ruler. Those messy things are not suitable for her to know.

"Meimeimei, you are the most beautiful in the whole great cause," Ban Heng nodded with a perfunctory attitude, "No one else can match you in anything else."

"Okay," Ban Hua patted his head and said with a smile, "I wish I had said that earlier."

Recently, she has not mentioned that dream to her family very much, and her family has not mentioned it much. It seems that she is determined to forget what may happen in five years, and choose to live happily in the present.

In any case, she was satisfied knowing that her family would live well in the future.

At the end of September, when the leaves are falling and the grass is withering, Emperor Yunqing started the annual autumn hunting activity. Although Jingting Hou's mansion does not have much real power, but their family has a high status and is closely related to the royal family, so there will never be a shortage of their positions on such occasions.

Ban Hua deliberately woke up early this day, washed her face and greased her face, and carefully sketched her makeup in front of the mirror. Although her hair was tied into a men's bun, her hair crown was a women's golden leaf step-shaking crown. , it will shake slightly.

Ban Heng had turned around several times at the gate of Ban Hua's courtyard, and when he heard Ban Hua's footsteps coming from behind, he hurriedly said happily: "You finally came out, if we don't leave, we will be late."

When he saw Ban Hua's makeup, he was instantly stunned.

"Ouch my sister, you are... this is... "

Let those men hunt unintentionally!

The author has something to say: Ban Heng: My sister, a mobile MT.