I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 107


Since her grandmother passed away, Ban Hua hadn't worn bright colors for a long time. She reached out and stroked the wedding dress in the tray, looking a little dazed. This whole set of wedding dresses was made by eighteen famous embroiderers for several months. The phoenix pattern on it is like smoke and willows, like clouds, so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off her, even herself, Amazed by this wedding dress.

Wedding dress, many women only wear it once in a lifetime, so for a woman, this is a very important thing, so important that even when she is old, she will not forget how beautiful she is when she wears this red wedding dress.

She opened her arms and let the maid put on one piece of clothing after another, until the red wedding gown was over her body, and her cheeks seemed to be rosy against the wedding gown.

"The princess, the servants will dress you up." A cleanly dressed female official walked up to Ban Hua. She had dressed the queen before, and she was also the consular aunt of Dayue Palace. The concubine princess wanted to ask her to go out to dress up when she got married. Must give this face. But today is different. She was personally sent by His Majesty and the Empress, so she was extremely respectful to Ban Hua in her words and deeds.

The original girl's bun has become a woman's bun, and the wealth is like a cloud. Ban Hua dyed a little rouge at the corners of her eyes, and the ends of her eyes were like peach blossoms in full bloom, delicate and beautiful.

"The county master, I wish you and the Marquis of Cheng'an the flowers will bloom together, and the white heads will match the eyebrows." The female official drew a double flower between Ban Hua's eyebrows, perhaps because Ban Hua's skin was extraordinarily fair, so this flower looked It was like a fire, so hot that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

The female official put down the pen in her hand and said with a smile, "The county master is really beautiful."

Ban Hua turned her head to look at herself in the mirror, picked up the eyebrow pencil and raised her brows a little, the originally gentle eyebrows suddenly became publicized, she smiled with satisfaction, this is just like her. What kind of tenderness is like water, what is shy and charming, how much does it have to do with her

With a bright red forehead pendant and earrings made of ruby, Ban Hua suddenly said, "My red appearance doesn't look like a lantern hanging at the door."

"Your Highness, you are joking again." Yuzhu squatted in front of Ban Hua and dyed her with Dan Kou. Ban Hua looked at her pampered white hands and turned to look at the busy maids in the room. Probably the most laid-back person in the house.

After the nails were dyed, Yuzhu put a layer of delicate and fragrant hand oil on Ban Hua's hands. Ban Hua raised her hands and suddenly said, "It's fine now."

Yuzhu got up and took out a pair of red jade bracelets from the wooden box and put them on Ban Hua, "County Lord, this pair of bracelets was specially made for you by the grandfather of the country."

Ban Huai has been shopping around for the past year when he has nothing to do. Most of these things are prepared for Ban Hua, and this ruby bracelet is one of them.

Ban Hua has not worn the phoenix crown yet, because the phoenix crown is very heavy, and the phoenix crown will not be worn until the groom makes a makeup poem that will satisfy the bride.

Ban Hua smiled and stroked the bracelet, calming down her heart a little bit.

"You have to be careful one by one. There is still ice on the ground that has not completely melted. If you fall, it will not only be shameful, but also unlucky." Du Jiu's injury has healed. In front of the cheerful little servant, "Today, the uncle is marrying his wife, you must be careful not to make any mistakes."

"Yes." The boys responded in unison.

This time, Rong Xia's welcome team was very strong, not only officials from the Ministry of Rites, relatives who had contacts with the Rong family, but also the elders of the royal family who were personally arranged by Emperor Yunqing to worry about Rong Xia.

This is because Emperor Yunqing was worried that Rong Xia was young and did not understand many rules at the wedding, so he sent a lot of people to let Rong Xia know when to do and what to avoid.

This palace awarded by Emperor Yunqing was originally called Changning Garden, but after it was awarded to Rong Xia and Ban Hua, Emperor Yunqing ordered another name for this other palace, Baishou Garden.

It probably means that there is a conjugal love between husband and wife, and the white heads are inseparable.

The name was given by Emperor Yunqing, but the words were inscribed by Rong Xia himself.

At this time, the Baishou Garden was full of festive red ribbons and red lanterns. The guests looked at this gorgeous palace and couldn't help but envy in their hearts. Your Majesty will give such a beautiful palace as you please. Attitude, only the father is to the son.

Because other than my father, who would be willing

"Master Wang, please come here." Master Zhou and Master Yao greeted the guests with the help of Rong Xia, and several officials of the Ministry of Personnel also helped with errands, and some relatives of the Rong family ran around with them, and the whole palace Not so lively.

Perhaps it was because the rumors of illegitimate children had too much influence, so everyone who had something to do with Rong Xia came to congratulate Rong Xia, and those who didn't have invitations would try their best to squeeze in.

"As for the groom, it's time to prepare to pick up the bride."

When a guest asked, everyone found that the groom didn't seem to show his face very much. How can I see the groom on such a happy day

"The groom is in a hurry to marry the bride, and half an hour ago he rode a horse to welcome the newlyweds."

"Hero Mujiaren, you should, you should, don't worry about it."

The guests laughed kindly and chatted with their acquaintances, which was quite lively.

Along the way, the candy that was sprinkled was looted by the children watching the fun. Rong Xia was riding on the horse. He only felt that the sky was blue and the ground was wide today, and even the ice on the leaves was crystal clear and lovely.

"Groom, come out and see the groom, the groom is going to marry the bride."

The children ran around the wedding reception team, applauding and looking at the groom's beautiful clothes, the majestic horse, and the long wedding reception team. The adults recognized from the size of the welcoming team that this must be a big man welcoming the relatives. They were worried that their children would collide with the nobles.

What's in the saddle, a gem

There are also those young sons who follow behind the groom. I don't know who the noble sons are. They are really handsome, and the fabrics on their bodies are also rare. They look at Yunxia.

"Marquis of Cheng'an," a gentleman glanced at the sky, "Is it too early in the past?"

"It's not early," Rong Xia said meaningfully, "When the bride is picked up, the time will be just right."

Everyone didn't understand what this meant at first, but when they got to Ban's house, they understood.

I finally entered the gate. When I got to the second gate, I was blocked by a group of people. The range of friends in the Fule County is too wide. In the end, the noble man almost begged to be called auntie, so he was able to squeeze in the door.

"Isn't it said that the Marquis of Cheng'an is the most popular among women in the capital?" A noble son took care of his wrinkled brocade robe, and said with lingering fears, "But these girls clearly don't want Marquis of Cheng'an to marry and go away. Lord Le."

Thinking of those sturdy women, the two of them shivered together. They only felt that as a man, it was really not easy to marry a woman you liked.

Fortunately, it came early today, otherwise it would have missed the auspicious time.

"The county master, the groom's official has arrived at the second gate." The maid walked in. Seeing that Ban Hua was still sitting on the bedside and the phoenix crown was still on the side, she hurriedly said, "Hurry up and prepare."

Ban Hua stood up, pushed open the window of the room, and the sunlight came in from outside.

"Master," the female official's expression changed, "you can't go to the ground."

"It's a person who will go down to the ground," Ban Hua smiled, opened his palm, and the sun still fell between his fingers, "things like rules are made for others to see. Whether it's useful, good or not, only yourself clear."

The matchmaker for Ban Hua and Rong Xia's marriage was Emperor Yunqing, but it was impossible for him as a matchmaker to come to Jingting Palace in person, so this female official who was arranged also acted as a matchmaker. Hearing Ban Hua's reasonable but actually shocking remarks, she was so worried that her bowels were knotted, but she didn't dare to offend him, and she didn't dare to say a single heavy sentence.

"The county master," Mrs. Chang walked to Ban Bo's side and blessed her, "Do you still have any concerns in your heart?"

Ban Hua heard the liveliness outside come in, glanced at the pomegranate tree outside the yard, and slowly shook his head: "Bring the phoenix crown."

With the help of the welcome group, Rong Xia finally broke through the layers and walked into the yard where Ban Hua lived. The noble sons of the welcoming group stood outside the yard and looked around, but it was not easy to get in.

The person guarding the door is Ban Heng. He is wearing a purple brocade robe. It should be a festive moment, but there is not much joy on his face.

"Marquis of Cheng An."

"Brother Heng just call me Jun Po." Rong Xia saluted Ban Heng.

Ban Heng looked back at the door behind him, "I don't need you to write any makeup poems, anyway, no one in our family is interested in poetry."

The people standing outside the courtyard gate were a little embarrassed. Shizi, you are so direct, isn't it a little bad

"My sister is a very good girl. If you are treated as her own, she will not let you down," Ban Heng said in a choked voice. "She has never suffered any grievances since she was a child. Don't let her suffer."

Rong Xia took a step back and solemnly gave Ban Heng a salute: "Please rest assured, my wife and brother, I will live up to my life, and I will not let her suffer."

"I hope you will do what you say," Ban Heng raised his chest and tried to make himself look more powerful. "Our Ban family is not afraid of gossip. If you treat my sister badly, I will take her back."

On a good day, before the bride went out, she first thought of bringing her back, Ban's family... Really not very particular.

Rong Xia walked to the closed gate and said loudly, "Today, Rong is fortunate to ask to marry the daughter of the Ban family, one will not break the promise, two will not disappoint the beauty, and three will not make her sad. If there is any violation, let Rong this life. His reputation is disgraced and he will not end well."

For a civil servant who is famous all over the world, this oath is not poisonous.

Ban Hua, who was behind the door, put on the phoenix crown, and when she heard Rong Xia's words, she closed her eyes and asked Mrs. Quanfu to put on the hijab for her.

The eyes were dark red.


Ban Heng walked to Ban Hua and bent down. Ban Hua lay on his shoulders, the child she wanted to protect had grown up unconsciously. His shoulders are broad and his arms are strong and strong, and he can hold up the world for the Ban family.

The colorful paper, the non-stop sound of firecrackers, and the auspicious singing of the servants, Ban Hua knew that she had passed the inner door, the second door, and after a while, she was about to leave. Ban's door.

"Fortune blooms, good luck comes."

This is the Nine-Bend Corridor, where she used to like to tease the koi the most, deliberately attracting them to grab food.

"Fortune and longevity come, and purple energy comes."

There is a hibiscus tree planted here, and it is beautiful when it blooms.

"Happy and full of children and grandchildren."

There are several steps here, step on this step, and walk a few more steps, and you will be able to leave the door of the house.

She is very familiar with this place, so familiar that even if she can't see anything in her eyes, she is very clear in her heart.

A step, Ban Hua heard the sound of firecrackers, blowing and beating outside, and the voices were loud and lively. She suddenly noticed that her palms were cold, so she tugged the fabric on Ban Heng's shoulders a little bit.

"Sister, don't be afraid," Ban Heng whispered to Ban Hua, "as long as Rong Xia treats you badly, I will come to pick you up. Today, I will carry you on the sedan chair, and I will be your arm in the future. He bullied you."

Ban Hua laughed, but a warm liquid flowed out of his eyes disobediently.

She has always said this to Brother Heng since she was a child, and she never thought that there would be a day when he would say it to her.

She seemed to hear a cry, was it the father or the mother

Ban Hua wanted to turn back, but was supported by the female official.

"The princess, the bride can't look back when she leaves the door."

Ban Hua pulled away the female official's hand, lifted the corner of her hijab, and looked behind her. The father stood by the gate, holding the mother's hand and crying like a child. The mother looked at her with tender eyes that made her want to throw herself into her arms and never get on the sedan again.

"The princess!" The female official pressed down the hijab in a panic, "You can't take off the hijab yourself."

Ban Hua didn't speak. She let go of the hand holding Ban Heng's shoulder a little bit, and whispered in his ear, "Let's go."

Ban Heng paused at his feet, bent down and carried Ban Hua into the sedan chair.

Rong Xia stepped forward and gave Ban Huai and Yin Shi a big gift for the younger generation, "Please rest assured, father-in-law and mother-in-law, the son-in-law will definitely take good care of the county master."

Ban Huai glanced at him, grabbed Yin Shi's sleeve, and continued to cry loudly, even more sadly than before.


He had the feeling that he was a bully and robbed a woman, while Ban Huai was a helpless old man who cried bitterly.

Turning to look at his wife and brother again, Ban Heng also looked at him with red eyes, his eyes full of reluctance and sadness.

"Go," Yin Shi wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and forced a smile, "May you have the same heart, Qin Se and Ming."

"Farewell to my son-in-law." Rong Xia gave Yin Shi a big gift, turned around and climbed onto the horse's back with a happy ball, and turned to look at the big red sedan chair behind her, her eyes so tender that water was about to drip.

"Magpies come from the east, and the sedan chairs will rise."

Ban Huai and Ban Heng looked at the sedan chair that was gradually getting away, and couldn't hold back their reluctance any longer, so they hugged their heads and cried. Crying in the dark, crying like the sun and the moon, it is useless for anyone to persuade or say good things. The two men just stood at the gate of Ban's house, like poor people who lost their treasures, crying without image.

Some people say that the Ban family is absurd, and some people say that they can't bear their daughter, but most of them are watching the fun.

The separation of other people's families and the tears and laughter are just an interesting performance for others. Who cares about the mood and feelings of the parties involved

The sedan chair swayed and slowly revolved around the capital. Ban Hua always felt that she could hear the cries of her family members. Although she knew that it was far away from Ban's house, it was impossible for her to hear their family's voices.

Behind her sedan chair, followed by a long string of people carrying dowry, these people wear bright red clothes, and everyone has a beaming smile on their faces.

The snow has not melted, and the makeup is red.

This wedding was enough to make all the women in the capital envied, and let everyone know what a real red makeup is.

Calligraphy and painting antiques, jewelry, silk and satin ornaments, rice and wheat made of gold and silver, golden peanuts, gem trees, antiques that are rumored to have been lost, did the Ban family vacate their homes

Shi Jin was riding on a horse. He was wearing a black robe, his jet-black hair was tied with a golden crown, and he looked very strict. The golden sunlight shone on him, and he was like a sculpture standing still on the snow, waiting for the bright red to arrive.

near, near.

The sound of the suona, the sound of drums, the sound of the flute, every sound was proclaiming its joy and pleasure, Shi Jin's unmoved eyes finally trembled, and he turned to look at the other side of the street.

A white horse in red, with a graceful face. Shi Jin had to admit that Rong Xia was an extremely outstanding man, and his existence made all the noble sons behind him look bleak.

Shi Jin's eyelids trembled slightly, and his eyes fell on the big red sedan chair behind Rong Xia.

This is a specially made sedan chair. The top of the sedan chair is inlaid with gems, and the eight corners of the sedan chair are hung with golden bells. Every time it shakes, it makes a pleasant sound.

Eight-treasure incense sedan chair, it is said that in ancient times, when immortals went to the mortal world to marry their wives, this type of sedan chair was used.

So since then, people often say that the concubine of the gods is sitting in the eight-treasure incense sedan chair. But no one has ever seen an immortal, and there are not many people who are willing to use the eight-treasure incense sedan to marry a bride. How many people in the world are willing to spend so much money just to marry a woman

But Rongxia did it. He gave Ban Hua the honor he could give, just like a hairy guy who pursued his goddess, took out all his good things, and just asked the goddess to look at him more.

Shi Jin thought, if he could marry Fule County Master, would he be willing to make such a sedan chair for her


The Shi family would not allow him to be so extravagant and high-profile, let alone let his daughter-in-law be so arrogant when she entered the door. He couldn't give Ban Hua such beauty, nor Rong Xia's care, because he still carried the entire Shi family on his shoulders.

As long as he lives for one day, he can't let go of the Shi family, this is his life.

He patted the horse under him, ready to turn and leave.

At this moment, the curtain of the sedan chair was moved by the wind, and he saw the woman behind the sedan window.

She sat lazily, holding her cheeks with one hand, and the red hijab on top of her head swayed gently, like a soft palm, gently pinching his heart, it hurt so badly , He clutched his chest, his throat was sweet, and he actually spit out a mouthful of dark red blood.

"Young Master!" The Shi family's guard looked at the blood on the ground in horror, his face turned pale.

Shi Jin expressionlessly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and said lightly, "Don't make a fuss."

"Yes." The guard was frightened, but did not dare to say anything. He has been by the eldest son's side for many years, and vaguely sensed the eldest son's thoughts towards Fule County Master, but the eldest son never said that the Shi family had no intention of marrying the Ban family, so he did not take this matter. Take it too seriously.

I didn't expect that Fule County Master's marriage would make the young master so sad.

Shi Jin wiped away the last bit of blood on the corner of his mouth with his thumb: "Don't follow me, I'll walk around."


"Is it useless?"

"My subordinates dare not."

Shi Jin rode a horse and walked out of the city aimlessly. When he came back to his senses, he found that he had reached the top of a hill, where the main entrance of Baishou Garden could be seen.

The winter sun is not very warm, and the cold wind blows on Shi Jin's face, as cold as a needle stick. He jumped off the horse's back and watched the sedan chair enter the palace gate. He lifted the gate of the palace, but he couldn't finish it.

He took a deep breath, took one last look at the palace, and led the horse down the hillside.

Down the hillside, he met an acquaintance.

"Thank you, Second Young Master." He looked pale.

"Master Shi." Xie Qilin didn't expect to meet Shi Jin in this place, he was stunned for a moment, and bowed to Shi Jin.

Shi Jin nodded to him coldly, and got on his horse to leave.

"Why is Master Shi here?" Xie Qilin looked at the dowry team that was less than seven or eight feet away from him, and suddenly said, "Did he come to see the scenery?"

Shi Jin sneered: "Why did Second Young Master Xie come here?"

Xie Qilin looked at the dowry team and bowed his head slightly: "Naturally, I came here to enjoy the scenery."

Shi Jin sneered, the whip hit the horse, and the horse galloped out.

Xie Qilin didn't care about his departure, just watched it quietly, as if the scene in front of him had little to do with him, and as if there was a beauty that was hard to find in the world ahead.

Yan family.

Yan Zhen was reading a book by the window with the book. When the sound of joy came from outside the street into the courtyard, he was reciting "Tianxingjian, the gentleman is self-improvement; the terrain is Kun, the gentleman carries things with great virtue", he was interrupted by the sound of joy. Putting down the book in his hand, he said to the servant beside him, "It's almost New Year's Eve, which family is going to get married?"

The servant shook his head: "Young master, I don't know."

Yan Zhen heard the words and said with a smile: "Since I don't know, that's all."

The little servant lowered his head and dared not speak.

"You go down, I don't like to be served by people when I read books."


Yan Zhen smiled bitterly, the little servant didn't know, but he knew it in his heart.

On the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, on the wedding day of the Marquis of Cheng'an and Fule County Master, he hid in this courtyard, but he pretended not to know. Could it be that he really didn't know anything in his heart

"The county master." A Mrs. Quanfu handed one end of the red ribbon to Ban Hua, who stepped out of the sedan and stood in front of the sedan without moving.

"Hua," Rong Xia took her hand, "follow me."

Ban Hua bent her fingers and let Rong Xia hold her hand.

She couldn't see anything, someone helped her walk, at least without wrestling.

Rong Xia's parents had passed away, so when he worshipped Gaotang, he should have worshipped only the tablets of the two of them. However, the guests present found that there was a private seal in the middle of the two tablets.

Ordinary people do not recognize it, but people in high positions recognize it. This is His Majesty's personal seal.

When a son gets married, it is only natural for him to worship his parents. What does His Majesty mean by placing his personal seal in the middle

Yan Hui, who originally thought that Rong Xia was His Majesty's illegitimate child, was very absurd, but after seeing the seal, he suddenly felt that perhaps the most absurd guess was the final truth.

Rong Xia... Is it really the blood of the royal family

In the Dayue Palace, Emperor Yunqing said, "Wang De, is it time to worship the high hall at this hour?"

Wang De smiled and said, "Go back to Your Majesty, the auspicious time has come."

Emperor Yunqing felt relieved immediately.

As long as Rong Xia and Hua Tou worship his seal, his bad luck will disappear without a trace, and his illness will no longer be present.

He had already inquired about the eunuchs and palace maids around him, and the most useful method among the people was this method of congratulations.

Thinking that he was about to get rid of the pain, Emperor Yunqing fell asleep with a smile on his face.

In Baishou Garden, Ban Hua and Rong Xia knelt down together.

"Kneel down to heaven and earth, bye."