I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 116


Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, there was a literati who was uninhibited, wearing a loose robe and long hair, but because of his outstanding talent, he was hailed as a celebrity, and even got the name of a madman. But where can a man with disheveled hair look better

Shi Jin has always been disciplined since he was a child, and he can't even understand why other people's unruly behavior is worthy of praise.

Although he and Rong Xia had different positions, he had to admit that Rong Xia was a rare figure in the capital. Seeing his embarrassed side, Shi Jin didn't feel gloating, but his heart was complicated.

Not only do I think that he is not good to the Lord Fule, but also that he and the Lord Fule are so in love with each other.

Glancing at the person holding Rong Xia's arms, Shi Jin raised his hand and motioned for his subordinates to let Rong Xia leave.

After Rong Xia nodded to him, he boarded a carriage that had been hurriedly parked outside.

"Marquis of Cheng'an," Shi Jin walked to the carriage, "How is County Master Fule?"

"Lord Lao Shi is concerned, and the lady below has no worries about her life," Rong Xia raised the curtain with an indifferent expression, "Goodbye."

"Farewell." Shi Jin took two steps back and watched the carriage with the family crest of the Marquis of Cheng'an leave.

He turned his head, and the little girl who had been brought in just now was escorted out, and the prince and the princess followed, with an unpleasant expression on their faces.

"His Royal Highness," Shi Jin walked up to the Crown Prince, "is this palace maid the murderer who poisoned County Master Fule?"

"Although she is the murderer, the mastermind behind the scenes is someone else," the Crown Princess continued, "Has the Marquis of Chengan left?"

"I just left in a hurry."

The princess pursed her lips and turned to look at the prince. The worry on the prince's face was so intense that he couldn't let it go. She stretched out her hand to pull the prince's arm, "Your Highness, do we want to send some medicinal herbs that Princess Fule needs."

"Prince Concubine Lao." The prince nodded to her and turned to go to the place where the courtiers were.

The Crown Princess stared blankly at the Prince's back. A long time ago, the Crown Prince liked to call her by her boudoir nickname. At that time, she always persuaded the Prince that it was not in line with the rules. If others heard it, they would definitely laugh at him. Now that the prince stopped calling her by her boudoir nickname, she suddenly felt lost.

It must be because the Marquis of Cheng'an is called Ban Hua's nickname that she is so worried about gains and losses. The crown princess laughed at herself, she is different from Ban Hua, why should you compare these with her

"Prince Concubine," Shi Jin looked at her worriedly, "what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay," the princess shook her head, "I'm just a little tired."

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, Shi Jin folded his fists and bowed before leaving.

Fire, raging fire.

Ban Hua felt like she was standing on a pile of firewood. The fire was so big that half of the sky was red. She opened her dry lips, but all she saw was the pitch-black sky. Before long, snowflakes began to float in the sky again, and the snow became heavier and heavier, and she was so cold that she had nowhere to hide.

Was it not burned to death, or frozen to death by snow

She looked down at the clothes on her body, the coarse linen clothes had no beauty at all, and when she touched her hair again, the scattered and dry hair was no better than a chicken coop.

No, no, she can't just die like this.

Snow had sunk into her calf, making every step extremely difficult. She took a deep breath and looked for the direction of the Jingting Palace.

After walking a few steps, the road in front of her changed. There was fire on one side and snow on the other. She stopped and felt despair in her heart.

But as long as she looked down and saw the clothes on her body, she had the courage to move forward with difficulty step by step.

There are countless graves at the end of the road. There are no weeds on the graves, and there are no tombstones. Each of them stands there coldly, making people's hair stand upright.

Ban Hua stopped and suddenly remembered the dream he had once had. Some of the dead souls under the saber of suppression were real gangsters, but more were victims who were cornered. She closed her eyes, trying to walk across the ground.

She heard the cries of children, the wailing of women, and the roar of men. Biting her cheeks, she didn't dare to look back or respond to those who called her name. Grandfather once told her that if someone calls her in the cemetery, she must not turn back or answer.

"Hua," a burly old man in a green robe stood in front with a smile, "what are you doing here, don't come back with me."


Ban Hua stared blankly at the old man in front of him and wanted to stop him.

No, not right.

Before his death, the grandfather was tortured by fright and pain, and was too thin to be human. However, he supported his grandmother day after day, until he could no longer hold on, he took her hand and said that he wanted her to accompany her well.


Tears in Ban Hua's eyes finally fell. She was sorry for her grandfather. She did not accompany and protect her grandmother well.

"Hua..." Rong Xia rushed to the bedside, watching Ban Hua, whose high fever persisted and her face flushed with burning tears, hurriedly grabbed her hand and asked loudly, "Hua, what's wrong with you? Hua Hua?"

"Marquis of Cheng'an," an imperial doctor who had finished the acupuncture saw Rongxia, and said with some reluctance, "Marquis of Cheng'an, the county master is in a coma now, she can't hear your voice."

"How is the county master now?" Rong Xia clenched Ban Hua's hand tightly, and the scalding temperature made it difficult for him to settle down, "Didn't you say before that the amount of poison is not large, so there will be no life-threatening?"

"It should be the case, but the county master has vomited so much blood and started to have a high fever again. These situations are indeed dangerous." The imperial doctor saw that Cheng Anhou did not speak with a sullen face, and then said cautiously, "Don't worry, the lower officials will do their best. Rescue."

Rong Xia nodded silently: "You have to work."

He turned his head and tried to wipe the tears from his face for Ban Hua.

When the imperial doctor saw his dejected appearance, he shook his head helplessly in his heart, and was about to speak when a servant hurried in.

"Hou, Master Hou, Duke Jingting, Mrs. Jingting, and the prince are here," the little servant gave Rong Xia a salute, panting, "Mister Jingting can't wait for the announcement, and has already rushed over."

"I see." As soon as Rong Xia finished speaking, Ban Huai's voice came in.

"How is it?"

"Who did the calculations? Who are the imperial physicians invited?"

The Ban family rushed in, and the imperial doctor found out that in addition to the three members of the Ban family, there were also some members of the Ban family. These people were all fierce and vicious. Come to smash the field.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law," Rong Xia bowed to the second old man, but the second old man of the Ban family didn't have the heart to wait for him to bow now. Yin Shi walked to the bed and touched Ban Hua's hot forehead, "Has the murderer caught it?"

Rong Xia bowed and said, "I will personally try this case."

Yin Shi nodded, and wiped the fine sweat from Ban Hua's forehead with a handkerchief: "You work, we can rest assured."

Rong Xia gave Yin Shi a deep bow again, and said nothing.

"If I had known that this kind of thing would happen, I should have gone to Yutian," Ban Huai was both regretful and angry, "Which little bastard made our daughter suffer such a big crime, I killed him."

The imperial doctor couldn't help but think that after Duke Jing Ting deserved to be a military commander, this scolding was really straightforward.

"When the mastermind behind the scenes is found out, we will not let him go!" Ban Heng gritted his teeth in hatred, he walked behind Yin Shi, looked at his sister who was in extreme pain, and turned to see the imperial doctor, "What's wrong with my sister? poison?"


"What?" Ban Heng's feet were soft, but he was so vicious

his sister...

his sister...

"Please rest assured, the prince, the poisoning of the county master is not serious, as long as you survive this high fever, you will be fine."

Ban Heng was still very uncomfortable, how could his sister suffer like this? What do you mean as long as you get through it, this is being poisoned, not hungry, but thirsty. But who has such a big hatred with her sister and insists on her life

Princess Ning, Xie Wanyu

Crown Princess Shi

Xie Qilin, the second child of the Xie family, or Shen Yu, who was whipped by her sister

Not to mention the first three, even if Shen Yu hates his sister again, does he have the ability to arrange people to make trouble at the Farming Festival? If he really has this ability, how can he be stripped of his fame, and his official position cannot be preserved

Ban Heng knew that his brain was limited, so he raised the doubts in his heart.

"It can't be Shen Yu," Yin Shi said with almost certainty, "He returned to his hometown of Dongzhou."

"I just said why I haven't seen him again. It turns out that he went back to his hometown after he was expelled from fame." Ban Heng looked at Rong Xia, "Brother-in-law, please find out the real murderer behind the scenes."

"I will," Rong Xia said with a sullen face, "I won't let Hua Hua suffer these crimes in vain."

The news that Ban Hua was poisoned quickly reached Emperor Yunqing. After he heard the news, he almost couldn't believe his ears.

"How could the poison be brought into the Royal Field?" This time, he arranged for the prince to go to farm instead of him. He specially ordered the emperor's specifications prepared by the Ministry of Rites. Every food and every utensils have been carefully inspected. It is almost difficult to mix into it. .

Unless the maid and eunuch serving in Otian had been bribed long ago, this kind of thing would never happen.

Commander Yang had a vague guess in his heart, but he couldn't say it directly, he just said: "Wei Chen will definitely find out as soon as possible."

Unexpectedly, Emperor Yunqing suddenly said, "Do you think it is King Ning or Princess Ning?"

Commander Yang was stunned for a while: "Wei Chen... I don't know."

"You don't know, or dare you not say it?" Emperor Yunqing asked Wang De to help him walk to the imperial case, "grinding."

King Ning's impulsive nature is the fault of my doting. Now that I am old, I still have no progress or retreat, and I am very sad. Today, I have deprived the prince Luo of the title of prince, and I have been demoted to the king of the county. I hope that he will repent...

After seeing these few sentences in the imperial decree, Commander Yang felt a cold sweat pouring out. Is your majesty trying to cut off King Ning's title

After Emperor Yunqing wrote the imperial decree, he put down his pen and sighed.

However, that night, Emperor Yunqing began to have nightmares again. In the dream, he was torn apart by the old people and almost fell into the endless abyss with them.

In the dungeon, the palace maid Xiaoyu shrank her shoulders and sat in the corner. Not far away, a gray mouse ran past, grabbed a piece of dry yellow steamed bun that fell from nowhere, and turned her head into the musty withered grass. middle.

Xiaoyu tried her best to hide back, but there was nothing to hide except for the thick and cold walls behind her.

"Come out," a jailer walked to her old door with a cold and emotionless tone, "If the Marquis of Chengan wants to ask you, hurry up."

Xiaoyu timidly walked out of the prison door. She was wearing shackles on her feet, so she couldn't walk too fast. The long shadow fell on the mottled wall, reminding her of the ghost stories she had heard when she was a child.

Walking through the long passage, the prisoners she saw were either expressionless or frantic.

When he arrived at the brightest place, Xiaoyu saw the Marquis of Cheng An sitting on a wooden chair. The other party was wearing a dark brocade robe, his face was pale, and there was a faint bruise around his eyes.

"Master Hou, the prisoner has been brought here."

Xiaoyu saw that the other party finally raised her head and glanced at her, but this look was emotionless, and it was so cold that she knelt down unconsciously.

"Get up and talk." Rong Xia's tone was unexpectedly calm to Xiao Yu's expectations. She secretly glanced at Rong Xia, and the other party's expression was extraordinarily calm, as if the chill she felt just now was her illusion. She stood up tremblingly, the guilt in her heart making her embarrassed to raise her head.

After all, she was just a thirteen or fourteen-year-old little palace maid, and her heart was not firm enough.

"I don't understand. The first cup of tea was highly poisonous and you ordered it. Why did you give up at the last moment?" Rong Xia asked casually, as if he just wanted to ask a very simple question.

"Slave... The elder brother of the slave servant was on duty in the palace and was once favored by the county master. Originally, he was just a rough eunuch, but because of a few words from the county master and a hand warmer, his life in the palace was made easier. "Xiaoyu said, and couldn't stop crying, "He often said to the slaves that the princess was good, and the slaves couldn't get over the hurdle in their hearts."

King Ning threatened her with her family's life, and she had to obey, but she did not expect that Princess Fule would be such a good person. She knocked over the tea, not only didn't blame her, but also gave her a handkerchief to be careful, she couldn't watch such a good person die from poisoning.

She didn't even think that she would give up such a great opportunity at that time, and poured out the cup of tea like she was dizzy.

Maybe it was because she didn't want to avenge her kindness, or maybe it was because Princess Fule's smile was too good-looking, which made her lose her mind. Whatever the reason, at least the moment she poured out the tea, her heart was very relaxed.

"I have already let people control your family. If you are willing to hand over the mastermind behind the scenes, I will let them take good care of them. If you are unwilling to speak," Rong Xia lowered her eyelids, "I can only let your family go with you."

"Are you serious? Are all my family members really found by you?" Xiaoyu looked at Rongxia in surprise, "You didn't lie to me?"

Rong Xia said blankly, "You choose."

"The servant said," Xiaoyu gave Rong Xia a kowtow, "This is what the servant said."

"It's just that the slaves are..."

"Marquis Cheng'an," Jiang Luo strode in, he glanced at Xiaoyu, "Marquis Cheng'an is really powerful, his wife is unconscious at home, but you have the leisure to judge an insignificant little palace maid here."

He turned his head and looked at Xiaoyu: "It's a little childish and delicious."

Xiaoyu was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she did not dare to look at Jiang Luo.

"Don't pay attention to irrelevant people," Rong Xia ignored Jiang Luo, didn't even stand up to salute Jiang Luo, he just looked at Xiao Yu, "This is your last chance."

"Yes... yes..." Xiaoyu glanced at Jiang Luo, who was staring at him savagely. She trembled all over, closed her eyes and said, "The one who instructed the servants is His Royal Highness Prince Ning."

"You can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. When did this king meet you?" Jiang Luo sneered, "You are just a palace maid who can't stand on the stage. I won't notice you."

"Marquis Cheng'an, this maid slandered the royal family and should be beheaded." Jiang Luo suddenly said loudly, "Come here, take away this maid who is talking nonsense and ruining the reputation of this king."

"King Ning," Rong Xia turned around and glanced at the guards of King Ning who rushed in, his eyes were slightly cold: "This is the capital dungeon, if the prince wants to bring people from here, at least he needs a warrant from Dali Temple and Jing Zhaoyi."

"What are Dali Temple and Jingzhaoyi? This king wants to take someone away, who dares to stop him?"

Rong Xia put her hands behind her back and said slowly, "Is your lord impatient to kill someone?"

"What to kill?" Jiang Luo made a gesture and asked the guards to immediately grab people, "Cheng Anhou should be more cautious when he speaks."

"Wei Chen thinks that the lord must be cautious," Rong Xia raised his right hand, suddenly there were many guards in the dungeon, which had not many people, including people from Dali Temple and Jing Zhaoyi, "Today there are With Wei Chen here, no one can take her away."

"Marquis of Cheng An, are you trying to commit the following crime?"

"Only Your Majesty is loyal to Wei Chen," Rong Xia looked at King Ning with a half-smile, "His Royal Highness King Ning wants to order Wei Chen, it's probably too early."

Jiang Luo's face was so gloomy that he almost squeezed out the ink. He gritted his teeth and said, "Rong Xia, don't be shameless."

In response to him, only Rong Xia laughed mockingly.

Jiang Luo was furious, and the two sides finally met each other, but obviously both sides were extremely restrained and did not dare to really make trouble, so the weapons in their hands made them shrink back.

The guards of Prince Ning's mansion didn't want to make a big deal of the matter, and they might end up being charged with treason or other major crimes. People from Jingzhaoyi and Dali Temple were concerned about the identity of Prince Ning, and they didn't dare to use their swords.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Luo was even more angry. Without thinking, he reached out and grabbed the maid who was kneeling on the ground, but before he could bend down, he was stopped by Rong Xia, "King Ning, do you think Rebellion? This is a dungeon, even if you are a prince, you can't trespass."

"Go away!" Jiang Luo wanted to push Rong Xia away, but not only did Rong Xia not give up, he immediately scolded: "Rong Xia, you are just a bastard raised in my grandfather's house, don't stand in front of this king. This king is not uncommon to see what the spectrum of an upright gentleman is."

"Bang!" Suddenly the door behind him was knocked open, and a group of young people with wooden sticks rushed in. Before the men on both sides of King Ning and Rong Xia could react, they saw these young people beat the guards of King Ning's mansion.

For a while, the mourning continued, and everyone was stunned by this group of menacing and unidentified young people.

The people at Dali Temple were still a little nervous, but seeing that these people were obviously only staring at King Ning's personal guard and beating, they immediately felt relieved. Whose servant is this courageous

After beating up all of King Ning's guards, these young people didn't hesitate, picked up the thick wooden stick and left in a hurry. If it wasn't for King Ning's guards lying on the ground and wailing, they almost thought it was all an illusion.

"I think..." a Dali Temple official said Na Na, "Should we call the doctor first?"

These people take the dungeon of their Dali Temple as something, and they just walk away. There are also the group of young men dressed as servants just now. They have strong arms and heavy feet. They are obviously people who practice martial arts. If it is Dali There is no inner response in the temple, how can they allow them to come and go in a hurry and retreat

Thinking of this, he glanced at Marquis Cheng An who was standing quietly beside him, and wisely chose to remain silent.

In the end, King Ning was unable to take the palace maid away. Two hours after he returned to Prince Ning's mansion, he received the imperial decree from the palace.

His father cut his title, from prince to prince.

As the second son of the emperor, he was actually reduced to a county king. How will he gain a foothold in the capital in the future? Thinking of the mocking eyes of others, especially the high-ranking prince, Jiang Luo felt his head explode.

The bedding in the house was smashed to the ground, and the servants who were serving were also dragged down to beat the boards. But this was still not enough. Jiang Luo felt like a fire was burning in his heart, and he couldn't hold back his anger. He had to find an outlet to calm him down.

He noticed a shivering maid in the corner, and when he pulled her to the bed, he couldn't help venting the tyranny in his heart.

"Princess..." The director of Prince Ning's mansion walked up to Xie Wanyu, "A maid in the prince's yard slipped and fell to her death. Now you need to send a new servant to serve."

"Stumble and fall to your death?" Xie Wanyu felt as if he had heard a big joke, "Is there a cliff or a hidden weapon in the palace, since it can fall to death?"

The butler lowered his head and dared not answer.

"Forget it," Xie Wanyu sneered, "I see, you can arrange the affairs of the palace, you don't have to tell me."

The butler laughed dryly and withdrew.

The relationship between the prince and the princess is not good, and they are the servants who suffer the most. None of them are the masters of peace of mind, but no one can offend anyone. What they can do is nothing more than left and right and muddy mud, but I want to live a better life.

The housekeeper shuddered at the thought of the maid who was covered in cruelty just now. The prince's personality has become more and more violent recently, and it seems that he has changed.

Although the previous prince had an impulsive personality, he was only simple-minded and did not act too scruples. The current prince is more like a lunatic with a tyrannical character. In his eyes, everyone is not worth mentioning.

"My lord," the eunuch poured out a cup of tea for King Ning and comforted him in a low voice, "please calm down. Although you have temporarily lowered your title, you are on good terms with the commander of the infantry yamen. This is something that the prince cannot compare to."

"Infantry Yamen Commander..."

Although the infantry yamen sounded not domineering enough, in fact, half of the entire capital's troops belonged to them. Although the Imperial Guard was close to protecting His Majesty, the number was limited.

Jiang Luo suddenly turned to look at the eunuch: "You say, is Rong Xia the illegitimate son of my father?"

"My lord, you are a difficult slave, when will the slave see His Majesty and the Marquis of Cheng'an." The eunuch's voice was sharp, which made Jiang Luo frown unhappily.

"However, although the slaves have never met, His Majesty treats King Ning very well. It is no wonder that some people in the capital are jealous and spread rumors."

"According to this king, this is not a rumor."

If it was a rumor, how could the father emperor drop his title for Rong Xia, but not investigate the identity of those servants who suddenly appeared in Dali Temple.

"Since they are so unkind, don't blame this king for being unrighteous."

How many emperors have blood on their hands for the throne

The eldest brother is cowardly, and the father is inconvenient to move. Why can't he be the master of this world

Ban Hua was still walking in her dream. After walking for a long time, she finally saw the word "capital city" in front of a city gate.

Her heavy feet became light, as light as they could fly.

But just as she was about to step into the city gate, someone grabbed her hand.