I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 119


Rong Xia didn't expect that Ban Hua would suddenly ask this question. He looked at Ban Hua and suddenly fell silent.

He didn't want to implicate Ban Hua in this matter, and even deliberately concealed it from her and found a way back for her. If it fails, he will let Ban Hua "righteously destroy relatives", and since she has part of the Jiang family's blood, she can still live well.

Therefore, he deliberately avoided the power and connections of the Ban family and did not allow the Ban family to participate in his private affairs. He was very secretive in what he did, and he didn't even reveal the slightest ambition. He didn't understand why she guessed this matter, or that it wasn't what she wanted to ask, or he thought too much, and what she asked was not What did he think

Quiet in the house.

Ban Hua took two delicate tea cups, poured a cup into Rong Xia's hand, and said with a smile, "Think slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

"Hua, what do you want to know?" Rong Xia took the heavy cup of tea with a wry smile and drank most of it.

"Just say whatever you want, think about what you lied to me, and say what." Ban Hua raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a half-smile, "You don't have to go to court now, and I have nothing to do, you can talk slowly. , I can listen slowly."

Rong Xia smiled bitterly and wanted to put down the teacup, but was stopped by Ban Hua: "Don't put down the teacup, I'm afraid you'll get thirsty when you talk too much."

Hearing this, Rong Xia put the teacup back again: "Okay then, listen slowly, I will talk slowly."

"I didn't like my mother when I was young, because after I was born, my mother's body began to gain weight. She tried a lot of methods, but she couldn't restore her previous appearance." Rong Xia's tone was flat, and there was no resentment towards her mother. Any reaction, "But fortunately, I have a lovable appearance since I was a child, and my mother gradually treated me a lot better, but she was stricter with me, and she felt that I was not as good as my elder brother."

"What kind of mess is this? It's not your choice whether you want to be born or not. Even if she is hypocritical, she should blame herself or your father. Why should you blame you who don't know anything?" After listening to the beginning, I exploded, "Is it still unreasonable?!"

After scolding, Ban Huan remembered that this was her dead mother-in-law anyway. Her behavior seemed very unfilial

But Rong Xia was not angry. When he saw that Ban Hua's cheeks were flushed with anger, he showed a bit of a smile: "No, it's been so many years."

Ban Hua, who had been doted on by her grandfather, grandmother and her parents since childhood, could not imagine what kind of atmosphere Rongxia lived in when she was a child. She took a deep breath and finally suppressed the urge to curse.

"Afterwards, my father's career was a little rough, and the time spent with my mother in the mansion was not as good as before. My mother suspected that my father raised the outer room, so she often told me how much she sacrificed because of my background," Rong Xia's face showed With a mocking smile, "she died later, and it was rumored that she died of illness."


"Yes, it's all rumors," Rong Xia lowered her eyelids, her tone a little cold, "she died of poisoning. I was young at that time, and I didn't know what poison she was poisoned with. I didn't know until last year that she died of acacia bean poisoning. , or the Acacia Beans that her father gave her."

Ban Hua felt a little chill in her heart. Rong Xia's mother died of suicide or murder

Who killed her

Jealous of her woman or... Rongxia's father

The family atmosphere of Ban's family is very harmonious. Although Ban Hua has not experienced all kinds of fighting in the house, she has heard from some of the little sisters around her that the main room insults the concubine, the concubine blows the ear to the man, deliberately provokes the main room, all kinds of things. The grievances and grievances are accumulated together, and they can write a book of words.

Now listening to Rong Xia talking about this, her first thought came to those family secrets she had heard before.

Seeing her strange expression, Rong Xia knew that she was thinking crookedly, and continued: "My father and my mother have a very good relationship. My father does not have a concubine, not even a single room. After my mother passed away, my father wrote poems and lyrics all day long. Missing my mother, knowing the day he passed away, he has repeatedly stressed that he should be buried with my mother."

When life is different, death must be at the same point.

It's obviously a very touching love story, but Ban Hua didn't feel much touched after hearing it. Maybe people's hearts are biased. She cares more about Rong Xia's life after losing her parents, rather than the love of his parents.

"However, in fact my father did not die normally. Like his mother, he died of acacia bean poisoning," Rong Xia sipped the cold tea, "but I think he probably doesn't want to live anymore, even if he is not poisoned, he insists on Not many years."

"Later on, the eldest brother also fell ill. He lost weight every day, and he did not wait for the imperial decree to inherit the title when he was dying. The eldest sister-in-law returned to her parents' house during the heat of filial piety, and accidentally miscarried," Rong Xia's eyes fell to the corner. On the vase, "In the big Rong family, I am the only one left in the end."

"Now that I have you again," Rong Xia's lips rose, "this place has become home again, not a gorgeous but empty mansion."

"I..." Ban Hua turned her head and said, "let's not talk about it."

She felt uncomfortable just listening to it, not to mention the blemishes of experiencing these things.

"I have always kept these things in my heart, and no one can talk about them," Rong Xia held her hand, "Will you just sit with me for a while?"

Banyan pursed her lips and nodded.

Rong Xia chuckled softly: "You don't have to be sad, these experiences may not be too lucky, but at least I was lucky enough to meet you."

"It's all this time, don't forget to be obedient."

"I don't say good things, I just tell the truth."

"You didn't say anything else, don't say I'm going to bed."

Rong Xia took the person into his arms, "I continue to say, don't go."

"After my elder brother passed away, I found out that among the medicines he took on weekdays, there were several medicines that were very damaging to the body. They seemed to be able to refresh people, but they were actually medicines that could not be used easily," Rongxia smiled bitterly, "At that time I'm only ten years old, and even if I find something suspicious, I don't dare to tell anyone, because I don't know who to trust."

"I found more and more things, and finally I finally found out where the culprit came from," Rong Xia sneered, "It's Your Majesty."

He looked down at Ban Hua, thinking that she would be shocked or defend Emperor Yunqing, but what he didn't expect was that she just listened quietly and had no intention of defending Emperor Yunqing.

"His Majesty has been gracious to me again and again, and made me the leader of the spy," Rong Xia's beautiful star eyes were full of mockery, "The whole great cause praised me as a gentleman, but I didn't know that I was doing what a spy did."

Most people will be shocked when they hear this kind of shocking news.

Ban Hua was indeed shocked, but she was shocked by another thing: "It's okay to use your swordsmanship like a game to bluff people. Can you be the leader of spies?"

"The leader of the spy is not the leader of the killer, why do you have to be good at kung fu?" Rong Xia shook her head and smiled bitterly, "Can't it be because I have a better brain?"

"That's also possible," Ban Hua suddenly nodded, "your brain is indeed better than mine, then you continue to talk, I'll listen."

"The more I became a spy, the more I felt that the entire Great Ye Dynasty was like an empty shelf full of worms, and it was hopeless," Rong Xia shook her head and smiled, "At that time, I thought, if I support a prince who has the courage to be an emperor okay."

Ban Hua thought of those sons of Emperor Yunqing, with a complicated tone: "Then have you found it?"

Rongxia: "I thought you wouldn't ask me this question."


"Hua, I'm not a gentleman, I'm an ambitious man," Rong Xia said, "The place where you and Brother Heng buried the treasure twice has something to do with me."

Ban Hua swallowed: "Are you burying things there too?"

Rong Xia laughed when she heard the words: "Yes, I buried some iron objects."

"Is the description of iron ware a bit euphemistic?" Ban Hua thought back carefully, she didn't think there was anything weird about her chance encounter with Rong Xia, but now that Rong Xia made it clear, she felt that something was wrong everywhere.

Once it was early in the morning, and the other time it was getting dark. Who would run to the barren mountains and ridges at such a time

Thinking of this, the back of her neck froze, and Rong Xia didn't kill her to silence her.

"If it were someone else, I might have to choose this outcome, but you are different."

"Because I'm so beautiful?"

Rong Xia nodded silently.

The moment she turned around really surprised him, but that wasn't what really made him keep their lives. But he was sure that the two brothers and sisters didn't discover his secret, and they didn't have the brain to find out.

I won't tell Hua Hua about this idea. He is worried that he will sleep in the study tonight after saying it.

"Have vision." Ban Hua patted Rong Xia's shoulder and continued.

"Bao Hua," Rong Xia looked at Ban Hua, "I don't want to implicate you or the Ban family. If I fail, you should not know about it. I have already arranged the rest, and I will never let you. afflicted."

"What's the matter?" Ban Hua said angrily. "You are my man. What you do, if I go out and say that it has nothing to do with me, will others believe it?"

"If the prince ascends the throne, he will definitely believe it."

"The prince is cowardly, how can he be the king of a country," Ban Hua said angrily. "What's more, you don't know whether the prince is dead or alive now. You think far."

"You don't blame me?" Rong Xia felt that Hua Hua made him feel new every day, "What I want is this world."

"Isn't that good, if you become the emperor, I will be the queen," Ban Hua said calmly, "Do whatever you want, and I won't stop you."

"Where is your majesty..."

"I'm not a fool," Ban Hua looked a little disappointed, "the things that happened in our Ban family, and some old grudges in the past, although my grandmother never told me, but I have some guesses in my heart, but I can't believe it. ."

Emperor Yunqing can even poison his childhood companion, so what's the surprise of killing so many of her grandfathers

"The day my grandmother had an accident, I went to visit the eldest princess' mansion, and her old man gave me something."

"Grandma gave you something, what is it?"

"Three Army Tiger Talisman."

"What did you say?!" Ban Hua looked at Rong Xia in horror, "Didn't the tiger talisman be lost long ago, but your Majesty didn't publicize it?"

It turns out that such an important thing has always been in the hands of grandmother? Why did the grandmother give things to Rong Xia, if she knew Rong Xia's mind, she still gave the tiger talisman to Rong Xia, did it mean that she had a grudge against the Jiang Dynasty

Ban Hua's feelings for Emperor Yunqing were very complicated. She was grateful for his care for herself, and hated him for being cold-blooded and ruthless, for crossing the river to demolish the bridge and murdering her grandfather. Her grandfather has treated her very well since she was a child, and every memory related to her grandfather is happy.

She couldn't kill Emperor Yunqing with her own hands, but she couldn't think that the suffering that her grandfather suffered did not exist.

"Rong Xia," Ban Nu looked at Rong Xia firmly, "you will succeed."

The Jiang Dynasty will eventually usher in the day of changing the dynasty.

Prosperity is bound to decline, and the replacement of dynasties is something that has long been doomed.

Rong Xia thought that his confession would usher in a storm, but he didn't expect that it would only be a gentle breeze and drizzle to greet him. This huge gap made him realize what "happiness came too suddenly."

"That..." Ban Hua looked at Rong Xia a little embarrassedly, "Can you show me what the tiger talisman looks like, I'm curious."

The tiger talisman is made of gold, and its posture is very imposing, but it looks a little cute. Ban Hua read it over and over several times, "The tiger talisman sounds powerful, but it's actually not very useful. To dispatch troops, the general must be willing to listen to you. Sometimes this tiger talisman is very useful, and sometimes it is a mascot The hardest thing to control is the human heart.”

"I know that just relying on a tiger talisman, it is impossible to mobilize troops and condemn generals," Rong Xia saw Ban Hua throwing the tiger talisman around like a gadget, "but at certain times, it is also useful."

"Don't tell me this kind of thing that requires brainstorming," Ban Hua returned the tiger talisman to Rong Xia, "I'm hungry, let's go eat."

She stood up and suddenly narrowed her eyes and asked, "Is there anything else you are hiding from me?"

Rong Xia thought about it for a long time, then shook her head affirmatively, "No."

"Good." Ban Hua patted him on the head, "It would have been better."

After King Ning ascended the throne, he set the country's name as "Fengning", which was a good meaning for the harvest and tranquility, but the days of the Great Ye Dynasty were not peaceful. People in various places were in chaos, and officials in the DPRK and China changed one after another. King Ning listened to the slanderous words of the villain, and he lost his temper at every turn, and did not give the courtiers any face.

All officials who had a relationship with the prince did not end well in the end. Not only that, but there were often maids in the palace who were abused to death. Soon the tyrannical behavior of Emperor Fengning spread throughout the Great Ye Dynasty. The rumors of Emperor Fengning's unjust succession to the throne and the house arrest of his father and brother are rampant, and even the people of relatively remote prefectures and counties can vividly tell how Emperor Fengning forced the palace to usurp the throne, and how he did not shy away from meat and vegetables, and committed violence in the palace. Row.

People's heart is a very strange thing. Most of the people are submissive, and they dare not give birth to a half-rebellious heart. But when the things the superiors do break their bottom line, they will resist frantically, even if they don't want their lives, they will overthrow the superiors who disgust them.

Just when Emperor Fengning was going up because the mob was furious, the people of Xuezhou rebelled. And it was not the people who rebelled, it was the local officials who rebelled together with the people.

It was only then that everyone remembered that the Zhao family had been banished to other prefectures and counties by Emperor Fengning, and the governor of Xuezhou was the direct son of the main line of the Zhao family.

Xuezhou carried the banner on the side of the Qing emperor, and several major prefectures and counties such as Dongzhou and Xizhou responded one after another. The rebels were defeated, and in the end, a small part of the territory of the great cause fell into the hands of the rebels.

The courtiers were helpless, Jiang Luo complained again and again, and then regretted that he had demoted the only officials in the DPRK who could fight to the border, and now there is no one available.

"Your Majesty," said the little eunuch who had been waiting by Jiang Luo's side, "there is actually a good candidate for this servant to recommend, but I am afraid that His Majesty will be dissatisfied when He hears this person's name."

"Who?" Jiang Luo is now in a state of emergency, and when he hears the advice of the little eunuch beside him, he hurriedly asks, "These useless things usually bloom on their tongues. nothing."

"Cheng'an Hou Rong Junpo."

"He?" Jiang Luo frowned, "He is a literati, can he go to the battlefield?"

"Although he's not good at it, his wife was born in a family of military generals," the eunuch said, "Rongxia has always been favored by your grandfather's family, and is also a marquis of the Great Ye Dynasty. At this critical moment, even if he doesn't want to stand up, I also have to shed blood for the great cause."

"Take ten thousand steps back, if he accidentally dies on the battlefield, it will also be a big thing in your heart. This is a win-win situation."

"What you said makes sense." Jiang Luo suddenly realized that he wanted Cheng Anhou to die, but he never got hold of him. Now that he died on the battlefield and died for the country, who else can say anything

"You're right, come here, make up your mind."

"By the way, Rong Xia and Ban Hua led the troops out of the city, and the place where the Ban family lived was sent to guard with heavy troops, so they could not be allowed to leave the city."


Before this decree was issued, Rong Xia had already had the Ban family members moved out of the capital. The "Ban family members" who stayed in the city didn't go out much, so no one doubted their identities. When the people from the infantry yamen guarded the yard where the Ban family lived, "Ban Huai" and "Ban Heng" also opened the door and yelled and cursed for a long time, which made people see the ignorant temperament of the Ban family.

At the same time that the "ban family" was under control, Emperor Fengning's imperial decree was sent to the Marquis of Cheng'an Mansion.

As expected by Emperor Fengning, after hearing that the Ban family was well protected, the Hou Chengan couple changed their faces, and finally carried out the decree of rites. An expedition force of two hundred thousand" left the city.

Emperor Fengning hated Rong Xia, so when Rong Xia was out of the city, he didn't even make a face for seeing Rong Xia off, and just sent an unremarkable official to see him off and dealt with it.

His move chilled the hearts of more courtiers, including some officials who originally followed him.

After leaving the boundary of the capital, the expeditionary army traveled all the way south, and did not dare to delay.

Some soldiers disturbed the people and even damaged crops. Rong Xia ordered these soldiers to punish them, but they were not convinced. In the end, they found that they couldn’t beat Rong Xia with archery, and they couldn’t beat a woman from Ban Hua with marksmanship.

"General, the frontier is where the rebels are." The vanguard drove his horse to Rong Xia's side, "General please show me."

"All the soldiers and soldiers have worked hard all the way. Set up camp first and recharge your batteries."


The Pioneer Officer was overjoyed. They were indeed tired from the journey. If they went to call the camp now, how could they be the opponents of the rebels? It's just that he has limited food and grass now, and the time can't be dragged on for too long. When the food and grass are running out, he will definitely lose.

After setting up the camp, Rong Xia and Ban Hua lived in the same tent. The other soldiers were already used to it, so they didn't find it strange. Along the way, they have long been convinced by the ability of the Fule County Master. Although they are women, they are not comparable to many children.

It's a pity that it's not a man, otherwise the Ban family would be considered a successor.

But when they thought that the Ban family was now being held hostage in the capital by His Majesty, the soldiers felt a little chilling. The emperor was unkind, causing chaos in the world, but in the end, he forced a woman to go to the battlefield and threatened her family. It's so rude that they can't stand it.

I only have pity on Marquis Cheng An and Princess Fule, who were originally newly married Yan Er, but ended up encountering these bad things.

"Looking at the general's attitude, it seems that he doesn't want to face the rebels head-on." A veteran general shook his head, even if he had a thousand thoughts, he couldn't speak at this time.

"Who wants to face the rebels," a young general in silver armor said angrily, "We are soldiers to guard the country's borders and defend against foreign enemies, not to use weapons against our own people and innocent people."

The other generals did not speak, and their hearts were equally heavy, because everyone knew that these rebels were forced into a corner and chose to rebel, but these generals knew that they were not wrong, but they wanted to meet them in battle, Who can be happy.

"Damn it, I'm just doing the opposite!" General Yinjia scolded, "I feel aggrieved by working for such a foolish emperor."

Silver Armor is from a family of military generals. Although it is not as prominent as the Ban family, it has been passed down for several generations. He has just found a job in the army for a few years. Made him very embarrassed.

"Don't talk nonsense!" The veteran said, "If others hear it, will you die?"

"Crack!" Someone stepped on a dead branch.

Several generals turned their heads and saw the Fule County Master in golden soft armor standing not far away.

"The last general has seen the county master." The generals' expressions changed greatly, and they all stood up to salute her.

Ban Hua also had the title of "Right General" when he accompanied the army this time. It can be seen that His Majesty has made up his mind to drag the Ban family into the water.

Some courtiers stood up to oppose Ban Hua going to the battlefield, saying that there was no precedent for women to be generals in the great cause, but they were rejected by Emperor Fengning on the grounds that there were women as generals in history.

Women in history can do it, why can't the Lord of Fule do it? Could it be that she is not responsible for the great cause, and has no center for the great cause? As the princess of the dynasty, you don't even have this kind of consciousness

The meaning of this is that if Ban Hua is unwilling to go to the battlefield, it means that he has no loyalty to the Great Ye Dynasty, and his heart can be punished.

Everyone knew that Emperor Fengning was a sophistry, but no one dared to speak up for the Fule County Master.

Because people with backbones have long been unable to stand in this court. All that was left were some wall grass, or cartilage.

It doesn't matter whether it conforms to the rules or not. The world is already in chaos. What does it matter if a woman goes to the battlefield

The author has something to say:

One day, Hua Hua took out a box containing gold and silver jewelry from the corner of the warehouse: Saying that there is nothing to hide

The lobster thumped and knelt on the washboard.