I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 120


Several soldiers were very guilty. They didn't dare to look into Ban Hua's eyes. All the big men stood in front of Ban Hua like quails who had done bad things.

Ban Hua wears small leather boots, silver hedgehog soft armor, and a blue silk tied with a gorgeous jade crown. She is valiant and imposing. If a woman who does not know her gender sees her, she may fall in love at first sight, and it will be unforgettable.

pat pat pat.

Ban Hua supported the saber at his waist, walked in front of these generals, and walked around them: "In this big night, you gentlemen don't sleep, what are you talking about here?"

The young general in silver armor was so young that he couldn't hold his breath: "The county master, I'm just holding an injustice for the people."

"Oh, so that's the case," Ban Hua nodded suddenly, then sniffled, "What are you baking?"

"Yes... it's a cheap thing that came from a small country outside the country. It's the easiest to plant, but after eating this kind of thing, indecent things are easy to happen, so not many people plant it," the silver-armored teenager put a dark The round thing was turned over from the fire, "But it's good to eat occasionally."

"Has any of your ancestors done anything under my grandfather's account?" Ban Hua felt that this little general looked familiar, much like a soldier under his grandfather's command.

"Back to the county lord, the grandfather of the last general was fortunate enough to be a pioneer officer under the command of the Grand Marshal." Mentioning Ban Hua's grandfather, the young general's eyes lit up, "I didn't expect the county lord, since you still remember?"

"When I was very young, your grandfather came to the house as a guest," Ban Hua remembered that he was a very energetic old man, and brought her a lot of gadgets that are only available in the south, "grandfather said, Ling grandfather is A great general."

These few compliments made the young silver armor feel like drinking honey, he couldn't help but straighten his chest, and now he can go into battle to kill the enemy with his blood boiling.

"But it's a military camp now, you don't need to call me a title, just call me General Ban," Ban Hua squatted down and reached out to peel the shell of the sweet smelling thing, but it was so hot that she couldn't help it again and again He waved his hand, "Although I'm not as good as my grandfather's fur, I still know the rules in the army. Please don't be prejudiced just because I'm a woman."

Several generals watched as she stretched out her white fingers and poked the sweet potatoes, just like curious children, which made them unable to pronounce the word "general".

However, because of this incident, they, who were initially nervous about speaking ill of the imperial court, gradually relaxed.

"General Ban," because Ban Hua brought his own halo of descendants of famous generals, the silver-armored general who admired Ban Hua's grandfather very naturally called Ban Hua a general. "Just now, the general's words and deeds have nothing to do with the generals."

"You're right," Ban Hua tasted a bit of the soft inside of the sweet potato, which was very sweet. It was a very good thing. "Who would be willing to attack his innocent compatriots?"

The generals did not expect that Ban Hua would say such a thing, they looked at Ban Hua in surprise, and after a long while the eldest general said: "The county master is serious, I will only complain a few words, and I will never dare to rebel. ."

He was worried that Ban Hua deliberately said this to try to catch their truth.

"It doesn't matter what you want to say, the one sitting on it anyway," Ban Hua put down the sweet potato and wiped his mouth, "I haven't dealt with me since I was a child, and the grudge between him and me can't be finished for three days and three nights. , if you want to scold, scold, listen to you scold people, I can also relieve my anger."

Hearing this, the generals looked at Ban Hua with a bit of sympathy.

The family was left as a hostage in the capital. After more than ten years of glory, they were stripped of their titles. It is no wonder that they liked them and scolded the present.

"I've wanted to scold for a long time," the silver-armored general scolded, "His Majesty has just ascended the throne, and he can't wait to indulge in pleasures. In the past two years, disasters have occurred frequently, the people have no fixed place to live, and the people are dying of starvation. He and the traitors in the court are only extravagant. Enjoy, what are the people in their hearts?!"

He was so angry that he slammed a fist on the ground: "I'm really unwilling to work for such a person!"

The rest of them fell silent. They were all people with unshakable consciences. Who would want to be smeared with the blood of the common people on the knife edge, but the emperor's life was hard to defy, and there was no choice.

Ban Hua looked at these angry generals and let out a long sigh. Perhaps this is the reason why the Ban family has been willing to guard the frontier from generation to generation. Some of them may not know big characters, some may be vulgar, and some may even commit terrible mistakes, but more people are full of blood and throw things for the common people. Blood is pouring out of their heads, they don't know romance, poetry, and poetry, but they know who their swords should be pointed at.

As soon as one succeeds, ten thousand bones die, the replacement of dynasties, the struggle between countries, the people who suffer the most will always be the people.

At that time, she didn't understand why her grandfather mentioned those comrades with emotion, but now she may understand a little.

If grandfather was not calculated on the battlefield and was seriously injured, perhaps his old man would have been guarding the frontier for many years, and he would not be able to live a peaceful life until he could no longer hold a gun and a sword.

The sweet potato in her hand started to get cold, and she handed the sweet potato to the young general: "What's the name of this?"

"It doesn't have an official name, everyone calls it sweet potato." The silver-armored general took out a few from the fire and distributed them to others. They have a lot of appetite, and the porridge they eat at night is not very hungry, so they always try their best to put them in their stomachs. Stuff something.

The prey that happened to be hit or the grasshopper caught was something that could be swallowed.

Ban Hua sat cross-legged with these generals, talking about the weather and terrain in various places. If those wealthy ladies in the capital saw it, he would definitely not believe that this would be something Ban Hua would do.

In life, the Lord of Fule has always paid attention to enjoyment, which is something that almost everyone knows. Food and clothing are all perfect, and travel is more like a car and BMW. Sitting cross-legged on the cold ground like this, chatting with a few smelly men, it is undoubtedly a red rain in the world.

When Rong Xia came over, most of the sweet potatoes in Ban Hua's hand had been eaten, and there were two gray marks on her pale cheeks, which looked embarrassed and cute, but Rong Xia felt that something was holding her heart. Terribly miserable.

He remembered that she had said that she admired soldiers, but she didn't want to be a soldier, because the soldiers were too hard, and she couldn't bear it.

But now she was wearing cold silver armor, no delicate jewelry, perfect makeup, and even eating dark things with the soldiers, which made him feel a little bit out of breath. He wants to give her the best, the most noble, the most beautiful, not let her suffer.

"Rong Xia, are you here?" Before Rong Xia approached, Ban Hua turned her head back first, and she waved at Rong Xia.

The generals who were still sitting cross-legged stood up and saluted Rong Xia. At the beginning, they disliked Rong Xia as a scholar and knew how to fight. Post, the soldiers below are also full of awe for Rongxia.

A literate person is a literate person, and this ability makes them have to obey.

"All generals, please do as you please, there is no need to pay attention to these rules in the army." Rong Xia imitated Ban Hua and sat down with her legs crossed beside her.

The generals looked at each other a few times and then sat down.

"What did you eat?" Rong Xia saw that Ban Hua was eating this half-baked food deliciously, so he reached out and took a little and put it in his hand.

The sweet potatoes are a bit cold, not as soft as before, but the sweetness is not lost at all.

"This thing..." Rong Xia's face changed slightly, "What's the name, is it easy to plant?"

"This is called sweet potato. It is said that it is very easy to grow." The silver armored general scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly. "These are the ones that the last commander secretly brought in to fill their stomachs. The last commander doesn't know how to plant them."

"It's alright," Rong Xia smiled. Although it is stipulated that you can't bring anything in the military camp, but when you are marching outside to fight, there is not enough food and grass. As long as the soldiers don't disturb the people and loot, if you sneak in some food to fill your stomach, many People will open one eye and close the other, "It's good to know its name."

This thing tastes good, and if it is easy to plant, it can also relieve the hunger of some people.

After eating the sweet potatoes, Rong Xia wiped the corners of his mouth: "The generals are also old men in the army, and I have heard about your character. Now there is something I have to tell you."

The eldest general said immediately, "Marshal, please speak."

Rong Xia touched it in his arms and took out a golden seal: "King Ning led the army to force the palace, and Your Majesty and the Prince are trapped. Rong wants to attack King Judgment and rescue His Majesty and Prince, please help General Rong."

"Tiger Talisman of the Three Armies?!" The veteran clasped his fists and said, "Seeing the Tiger Talisman is like seeing the commander of the Protectorate, the last general is willing to listen to the command of the marshal."

Ban Hua looked at the veteran suspiciously. Just now, this person was very cautious. Now Rong Xia said a few words casually, and this person couldn't wait to show his loyalty and rhythm. Is this person the nurse that Rong Xia invited

"The last general is willing to obey the dispatch of the marshal!" The hot-blooded young general in Shining Armor spoke the second.

"The last general is willing to obey the dispatch of the marshal!"

Ban Hua: Wait, this is to overthrow the emperor who is currently sitting on the throne. You people agreed too casually, right

Ban Hua did not know that after King Ning ascended the throne, he suppressed military generals everywhere. The military generals who were originally in low status could not even get salaries and silver, and the soldiers under him were even more hungry and full, so in the hearts of military generals, Emperor Fengning was a hopelessly faint-hearted monarch.

Coupled with the fact that there were people in the military camp who had already had Rong Xia, it was very easy for Rong Xia to control the military camp. Although these soldiers have little culture, it does not mean that they are idiots. Since Rong Xia dared to speak out about this matter, it meant that he was certain that they would agree.

As for not agreeing to...

No one wants to think about the fate of not agreeing.

Above the court, King Ning was drowsy as he listened to the endless debate between the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household over food and wages, he rubbed his forehead and said impatiently: "It's just food and wages, the army has passed through so many places, and it is enough to collect some food and wages. They have eaten and drank, so why don't I send it to them in person?"

"Your Majesty!" The minister ordered Zhou Bing'an to hurriedly said, "How can food and salaries be collected easily through the prefectures and counties..."

"Lord Zhou, the whole world belongs to me. What's wrong with these people donating some food and grass for the soldiers?" Jiang Luo coldly interrupted Zhou Bing'an, "Or do you think my orders are useless?"

"Chen... I understand." Zhou Bing'an took a step back and stopped talking.

The courtroom suddenly became quiet, and the conscientious officials felt chilled by the emperor's words. Now that the people in various parts of the country are in chaos, when it is supposed to appease the hearts of the people, His Majesty is still collecting food and salaries at will. Does this mean that there are not enough people who are suspected of rebelling

If the DPRK and China had properly appeased the victims after the drought, instead of sending troops to suppress them, how could they have come this far

As an emperor, who regards the common people as grass, how can such a person be worthy of being the head of a country

Three days later, some officials planned to enter the palace to save the prince, but they were denounced, causing Emperor Fengning to be exposed. On the same day, more than ten officials were beheaded, and more than ten officials were distributed. It was even hung up at Caishikou to show the public, causing countless onlookers.

The Shangshu ordered Zhou Bing'an to declare that he was sick and to serve, but Emperor Fengning did not retain him or even gave him an honorary title, so he agreed to his request in court.

After Zhou Bing'an's appointment to office, Zhang Qihuai and Zhao Weishen also followed in their footsteps. The only conscientious officials left in the court, finally withdrew from the court. The entire Great Ye Dynasty is already a building that will collapse. destruction.

However, Jiang Luo was still intoxicated by the bragging rights of the traitor, and the power and drunkenness made him lose his last sense of reason. He is like those famous faint-hearted emperors in history.

Now there is no queen in the harem, and Xie Wanyu, who used to be Princess Ning, has an embarrassing status. Although the people in the palace call her an empress, but she is classless and classless, and she lives in the palace without embarrassment or embarrassment. The other concubines in the palace did not dare to come to trouble her, because they still had the queen mother on their heads.

Although His Majesty is absurd, but the Queen Mother's face still needs to be given some points, although the Queen Mother does not want to see His Majesty at all, she only eats food and recites Buddha in Funing Palace all day, as if His Majesty has no matter how much glory and scenery she has nothing to do with her, even Her Majesty's imperial decree to make her the Empress Dowager was also thrown out of the gate of Funing Palace by her.

Although Xie Wanyu was not welcomed by His Majesty, the Empress Dowager occasionally wanted to see her. Because of this, the other concubines in the harem who were not allowed to stand on the stage did not dare to come forward to provoke her.

"Niangniang," the maid who dressed Xie Wanyu couldn't help but said when she looked at her gloomy and gloomy dress, "you better dress up more gorgeously."

His Majesty likes these flowers and fans. Her mother-in-law is obviously the original match, but it is really hateful to end up in such a state.

"Why should I dress him?" Xie Wanyu sneered, "I think it's good."

"Niangniang," a little eunuch ran in, knelt in front of her and cried bitterly, "Xie Dalang-kun, go."

Xie Wanyu's eyelids trembled, her cheeks were pale, but not a single tear shed. She touched her dry cheeks and said with a trembling voice, "I see, you step back."

"Niangniang, your condolences." The eunuch tried the corners of his eyes with his sleeves, covered his face and backed out.

Listening to the whimpering and sobbing in the room, Xie Wanyu sternly said: "What are you crying, there is nothing to cry, you are not allowed to cry."

"Niangniang!" Xie Wanyu's dowry maid knelt in front of her, "Don't do this, if you are sad, just cry."

Xie Wanyu slowly shook his head: "There's nothing to cry, just blame..."

Blame it on our own fault, one wrong step, one wrong step, and this end.

She turned her head to look at herself in the mirror, and smiled hoarsely: "Today, this dress is extraordinarily suitable."

Holding the table to stand up, the dark gray skirt swept across the stool, like a long shadow that could not be dissolved, blocking the heart of the dowry maid.

Xie Wanyu walked out of the palace gate and heard the singing of a woman and the laughter of a man not far away. She was as happy as a fairyland on earth. She walked in the direction where the voice came from, and saw Jiang Luo and a woman having fun under the peach blossoms.

To declare prostitution in the daytime, really use the ground as a bed, and use the sky as a quilt. If God has eyes, how can such a beast be the emperor

She turned and walked away, never looking at the men and women behind her again.

"Your Majesty, that seems to be the Empress?" The concubine, who was tired of Jiang Luo's arms, said in a frivolous voice, "She saw you, why didn't she come to salute and leave?"

"What kind of empress, it's just something that I don't want to see," Jiang Luo stole a sip on her neck, leaving a scarlet mark. "It's just right to come, so as not to lose my appetite."

This queen concubine suddenly smiled, she raised her chin proudly, how is the original wife, how is the famous lady, and now she is not as good as her, a woman who came out of the land of fireworks and willows, it is really ridiculous.

Upward, someone discovered that after the expeditionary army arrived in Zhongzhou, it stopped advancing. It was obvious that the rebels were in front, but they did not move. What does this mean

After hearing the news, some ministers immediately went to Jiang Luo to read the book of Rong Xia. Jiang Luo was so angry that he issued three imperial decrees reprimanding Rong Xia, and hinted in the imperial decree that if Rong Xia did not advance immediately, then Ban's family members who stayed in the capital would die immediately.

But when these three imperial edicts had not been issued to the capital, there were 800 miles of urgent news that came to the capital.

The Marquis of Chengan rebelled with an expedition force of 100,000, and held high the banner of righteousness, saying that Emperor Fengning did not persecute the Emperor Taishang and the Crown Prince. The most shocking thing is that Rong Xia not only has the Tiger Talisman of the Three Armies in his hand, but also the imperial decree that the Emperor Taishang passed down to the Crown Prince.

The court was caught off guard by Rong Xia's move. Jiang Luo wanted to kill Ban's family to vent his anger, but was persuaded by the courtiers. If Rong Xia really entered the capital, Ban's family would still be a bargaining chip to negotiate with Rong Xia.

"What bargaining chip?!" Jiang Luo was so angry that he smashed all the memorials on the imperial case, "Rong Xia, the hypocrite, doesn't care about the life and death of the Ban family, how could he change his plan because of the Ban family."

"I was deceived by him!"

What is deeply rooted in the Lord of Fowler County, and what is infatuation, these are all for him to see.

"He doesn't care about Ban Hua at all, what he wants is the throne of Zhen." Jiang Luo gritted his teeth and went to the place where Emperor Yunqing was imprisoned. The emperor who was once aloof was only served by two or three eunuchs by his side, and he still endured Jiang Luo's abuse from time to time.

"Your illegitimate son is finally rebelling and preparing to enter Beijing," Jiang Luo sneered, "Do you think he is here to save you, or to fight for the throne with me?"

Emperor Yunqing opened his eyes wide, and he shook his head violently, but unfortunately he couldn't utter a word.

"Hey," Jiang Luo suddenly frantically smashed all the tea sets on the table to the ground, "He's just a bastard. It's just wishful thinking to grab something from me!"

Emperor Yunqing watched Jiang Luo walk away without turning his head, a heavy gasping sound came out of his throat.

"Your Majesty," Wang De, still wrapped in gauze in his hands, stepped forward to help Emperor Yunqing, "how are you?"

Emperor Yunqing stretched out his trembling fingers and pointed in the direction of Jiang Luo's departure, his eyes full of anxiety.

"Your Majesty, please calm your anger," Wang De wiped his tears, "The Marquis of Cheng An will definitely come to save us."

Emperor Yunqing's eyes opened wider, but he couldn't speak, Wang De didn't understand what he meant, and finally fainted from anger.

The court had originally planned to face off against other rebels in the name of Rongxia, and the two sides would fight each other, allowing the court to take advantage of the fisherman. Who knew that the expedition army brought by Rong Xia did not conflict with the rebel army at all, but the rebel army seemed to be crazy, and suddenly respected Rong Xia as the leader, and all the rebel forces fell into the hands of Rong Xia.

Rong Xia only had 50,000 expeditionary troops in his hands, and he still lacked food and grass. No matter how you looked at it, these rebels should not be led by Rong Xia. What ability does Rongxia have to coax these rebels into obedience

Those wine bags and rice bags in the courtroom were still puzzled, but Zhou Bing'an, Yao Peiji, Zhang Qihuai, Zhao Weishen and others vaguely guessed a possibility.

"Could these rebels have something to do with the Marquis of Cheng'an?" Among the four, only Zhang Qihuai and Rong Xia didn't have much friendship, so he had the least scruples when he spoke, "Otherwise, why would there be such a coincidence, these rebels? The army is threatening, and when it encounters Rongxia, he bows his head and declares himself as a minister. The expedition army lacks food and grass, and the equipment is not well-equipped, so where did the Marquis of Chengan suddenly turn against the imperial court?"

The only possibility is that most of the rebel leaders in Dongzhou, Xizhou, Xuezhou and other prefectures are from Rongxia, and they are waiting for the day when Rongxia arrives.

"This..." Yao Peiji opened his mouth and was speechless. He turned his head and glanced at Zhou Bing'an. The Zhou family had a good relationship with the Ban family, but the Marquis of Cheng'an had turned against them. It was difficult to predict whether the Ban family members who stayed in the capital could save their lives. It's a pity that the four of them are all white now, and they have no face in front of Emperor Fengning. At this moment, they want to help each other, but they are helpless.

He owed the Ban family a great debt, and he couldn't watch the Ban family die at the moment.

Zhao Weishen shook his head: "It may not be Ban's family who are detained in that yard."

He has been in secret contact with the Ban family for so many years. As early as the day Rong Xia led his troops out of the city, he received Jin Hongyan from a stranger.

Hongyan flying south, how can they stay in the capital

Yao Peiji breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhao Weishen say this: "If it wasn't for them, it would be good if it wasn't for them."

But how did Zhao Weishen know

He was suspicious, but was embarrassed to ask. He just changed the subject and asked, "What exactly does the Marquis of Cheng An want to do?" There was such a big commotion, and even the imperial edict written by His Majesty and the Tiger Talisman of the Three Armies were taken out. Is it really just to save His Majesty and the Crown Prince

"Three Army Tiger Talisman..."

The Shangshu ordered Zhou Bing'an to be a confidant of Emperor Yunqing and to know some secret matters in the court, "It was lost twenty years ago."