I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 126


Soldiers are approaching the city, the country will not be the country, the traitors are in constant fear, and the women in the harem are grief-stricken and weep for the future that they can't see.

Women in the harem in troubled times cannot help themselves in life and death. The emperor loves them, and they become beautiful for a few days. When the emperor hates them and they have no children, they can only be trampled on by others.

Xie Wanyu looked at the panicked appearance of the palace people, and her eyebrows stood upright: "What are you panicking about, what's the use of panicking, if Rongxia comes in, you stay in the room honestly, don't run around, and don't think about other things. , with Rongxia's character, I will definitely not kill you."

"Bitch!" Jiang Luo suddenly strode in from outside the door. He slapped Xie Wanyu on the face with a grim expression: "You're just expecting me to lose?"

Jiang Luo's slap was so hard that Xie Wanyu's whole body was knocked to the ground, and instantly his face became red and swollen.

"Niangniang," Xie Wanyu's personal maid rushed to Xie Wanyu's side, turned around and kowtowed to Jiang Luo, "Your Majesty is kind, Your Majesty is kind."

"If the emperor hadn't forced me to marry you back then, how could I have taken a fancy to a woman like you?" Jiang Luo stepped forward and kicked Xie Wanyu again, turned and left angrily.

After the palace people watched Jiang Luo leave in silence, they helped Xie Wanyu up from the ground.

Xie Wanyu held onto her swollen cheeks and laughed in a low voice, as if this was a very pleasant thing.

"Niangniang," the maid of honor was a little scared when she heard this laughter, "what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, I'm in a good mood," Xie Wanyu giggled, "wait for me to wash, I'm going to accompany the queen mother."

Although she does not have an official title, in front of the Queen Mother, all the concubines in the harem are inferior to her. So although Jiang Luo was very dissatisfied with her, as long as the queen mother was around for a day, he would have no way to take her.

Xie Wanyu knew in his heart that this was the Queen Mother's intention to save her life, otherwise why would the entire harem know about it. In fact, the queen mother didn't like her, or the queen mother didn't like her, and she didn't like the princess, just because the queen mother was a good person and couldn't bear them to suffer, so she had to act like this.

Xie Wanyu didn't understand why the Queen Mother would raise a son like Jiang Luo.

Maybe it's more with the emperor

Outside the city gate of the capital, the four gates of the south, east, and northwest were attacked by generals and leaders, Rong Xia in the east, Ban Hua in the south, Du Jiu and Zhao Zhong in the west, and Shi Jin and Rong Xia's aides in the north.

"Shi Jin, you actually turned it against you," the general standing on the north gate city wall looked at Shi Jin on horseback in disbelief, "Why do you do this?"

Seeing this man's horrified expression, Shi Jin suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was extremely ridiculous. These people clearly knew that he did not intend to betray, but they remained silent when Jiang Luo persecuted the Shi family. Now seeing him lead the troops to attack, Just pretending to be surprised.

Who are you showing this look to

He Shi Jin is not rare at all now.

"General Chen, don't be so surprised. The tyrant killed my father and persecuted my family. Didn't he already think that I had betrayed?" Shi Jin took out the weapon he was wearing.

General Chen's heart trembled. The Shi family's current fate is not bad. Shi Jin has such a reaction, so he can't be blamed. It's just that His Majesty listened to the slander and chilled the hearts of the soldiers.

If it wasn't for His Majesty's loss of popular support, how could the rebel army led by Rongxia reach the capital from Zhongzhou in less than a year.

When the people's hearts are gone, the Jiangshan Dynasty will also be gone.

General Chen looked back at the soldiers behind him, and his heart was full of bitterness. How could he bear to let his soldiers die in the hands of his own people, but his family was all in the hands of tyrants. If he fought hard and angered Rong Xia, when the city was destroyed, he would have no place to be buried.

How does this make him choose

"General Chen, my lord Qingjun's side, rebellion against chaotic government is the general trend, why do you want to block the car and make unnecessary struggles?" Shi Jin was not in a hurry to attack the city, "Don't you want to go all the way to the dark, and then come back. The way back?"

"General Chen is loyal and passionate, and Shi understands it. But Shi just wants to ask the general, are you worthy of the people of the world and your conscience?"

If Du Jiu was present, he would definitely feel familiar with these words, because Rong Xia had said similar things when he asked Shi Jin.

General Chen's hand was on the city wall, but he couldn't give the order to shoot arrows.

Shi Jin's side is sticking to each other, and Rong Xia's side is facing a famous veteran. This veteran has silver-white hair and beard, standing on the city wall without speaking or giving orders, as if Rong Xia outside the city gate does not exist at all.

"My lord, what does this mean?" Rong Xia's deputy was puzzled.

"It's no fun, no one should do anything without my order." Rong Xia knew that this veteran was an old member of the Ban family. Later, after Marshal Ban was injured, the veteran's prestige in the army increased. It is said that when Marshal Ban was in the army, he was not used very much, so for so many years, the veteran general has not had much contact with the Ban family.

The Ban family has not had much contact with the generals over the years. From the outsider's point of view, it is the normal state of people taking tea and cold, and there is nothing difficult to understand.

But in Rong Xia's opinion, this cup of tea cooled too quickly, making Rong Xia suspect that this was all made for Emperor Yunqing to see.

At the south gate, Ban Hua rode on the back of a tall white horse, the sun shone on her, and the silver armor reflected a dazzling light. The person guarding the city gate was none other than the Changqing King who had been beaten up by them before. The other person surprised Ban Hua. There was an irreconcilable conflict between the Xie family and Jiang Luo. Luo also asked Xie Qilin to guard the city gate, which shows that there is indeed no one available in the capital.

"My good niece, as a girl, why don't you hide in the house to enjoy the flowers and listen to the music? I have to come to this battlefield that belongs to men. I'm afraid that the smell of blood will scare you too much." The prince's robe, with a frivolous look on his face, "It can be seen that Rong Xia does not treat you well, otherwise why would he want you to come to such a place? Why don't you surrender quickly and let your cousin come to love you."

Xie Qilin, who was standing on the side, frowned when he heard this, King Changqing's words were too much.

However, King Changqing didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he said. He looked down at the silver-armored woman on the horse: "If you don't listen to my cousin, my cousin can only teach you a lesson."

"Cousin only a few months ago when we lost our armor and fled in a panic, how long did it take for my cousin to forget?" Ban Hua sneered, "Cousin has such a bad memory at such a young age, which makes the younger generation very embarrassed. It's embarrassing, you can only think of it today if your cousin sees what happened a few months ago."

King Changqing's face suddenly turned gloomy. This incident was a shame to him, and the resumption of Ban Hua's old affairs was undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire and disgracing his face.

"Since you don't eat and drink for a toast, don't blame this king for being rude."

"Have you seen it, the villains in the general language book love to say this sentence," Ban Hua said to Zuo Lieutenant General, "Remember, don't say this sentence on the battlefield in the future."

"Why?" the honest left lieutenant asked honestly, "What's wrong with this sentence?"

"Because generally those who say this will lose in the end," Ban Hua took the silver gun held by the right lieutenant, "Those who say this will be cursed by the god of the battlefield and won't win. "

"And the god of the battlefield?" The poor Zuo lieutenant's faith was shaky.

"Of course," Ban Hua raised her chin, "otherwise you will wait and see."

"What nonsense are you talking about, the general said yes, there must be!" The right lieutenant, who unconditionally trusted Ban Hua, slapped the right lieutenant, resolutely not letting him question the general's words.

Ban Hua laughed, raised his head and made a gesture: "Brothers, come with me."


This roar was as imposing as a tiger descending from the mountain, rushing straight into the sky.

"Two generals, there is a fight at the south gate."

A soldier ran to Du Jiu and Zhao Zhong and reported the movements of the other three parties.

"It turned out that General Ban was the first to do it?" Zhao Zhong was surprised, "I thought it would be Mr. Shi's side."

With the blood feud between Shi Jin and the court, he should be the first to resist.

"Who is guarding the city at the south gate?" Du Jiu asked the soldier who reported the news.

"It's King Changqing and Xie Qilin."

"Xie Qilin..." Du Jiu touched his chin. With the temperament of the county master, it is not surprising that he did something. He glanced at the cowardly guards at the city gate and said, "In that case, let's start."

The two sides began to fight, and the two sides were at a stalemate. The nobles in the city were uneasy and could not wait to hide in the secret room with gold and silver jewelry.

The atmosphere outside the palace was tense, and the palace was not much better. The palace maids and eunuchs were in a hurry, and some of them were more courageous, and even robbed the masters of gold and silver jewelry, trying to escape the palace by risk. But how could Jiang Luo tolerate their behavior, these eunuchs were shot to death by the archers as soon as they arrived at the palace gate.

The jewels in their bosoms mixed with the blood that flowed from their bodies, and the shiny jewels suddenly became filthy.

"Come here," King Changqing stood above the city gate, watching Ban Hua become more and more brave, but the soldiers he sent out were beaten to death, and said with a sullen face, "The archer raised by this king Please come."

"What archer?" Xie Qilin's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but ask, "Your Highness still raised a magic archer?"

"This archer raised by this king is not ordinary," King Changqing stared at Ban Hua at the gate of the city. "Even the Emperor Taishang personally praised him for his legacy as a Marshal Ban, and there are few children in the world who are hard to come by."

He remembered that in an archery competition, Ban Hua also bet on this person with money to win. Let her die at the hands of the person who she personally praised, I wonder if Ban Hua will be reconciled

After a while, a man with a short right hand and a short right hand entered the city gate. He looked very ordinary. He lowered his head and said nothing, just holding the bow and arrow in his hand tightly.

"You are the archer with the legacy of the class marshal, what's your name?"

The short and thin man nodded: "Back to the prince, the last commander's name is Gao Wangsheng."

"Prosperous..." King Changqing smiled and nodded, "This name is not bad, you can come with this king."

Gao Wangsheng followed King Changqing to the edge of the city wall. He was relatively short, so he could only see the place far away from the city gate.

"Bring him a stepping stone."

"This king wants you to shoot and kill a woman in silver armor and a red ying on her helmet. Can you do it?"

"My lord, I won't hurt women at the end." Gao Wangsheng was silent for a moment, then squeezed out these few words.

"You don't have to kill her, this king will exchange your daughter's life for her life."

The corners of Gao Wangsheng's lips trembled. He had no wife or daughter, but he had an old mother with bad eyes. The words of King Changqing spoke to his heart.

"Come on, bring Gao Wangsheng's family..."

"My lord!" Gao Wangsheng said in a single word, "The last general, the last general leads the order."

King Changqing sneered and took a step back: "Let's do it."

Gao Wangsheng licked the corners of his dry lips, the early autumn sun was dry and hot, and his hand holding the bow and arrow was sweating. Picking up the arrow and putting it on the string, he blinked, sweat dripped into his eyes, and couldn't help squinting.

"Your Highness," Xie Qilin said suddenly, "Your Majesty didn't order the life of County Master Fule, is it wrong for you to do this?"

"Isn't it right?" King Changqing raised his eyebrows, "The sword has no eyes. Since the Fule County Master is on the battlefield, he may die on the battlefield. Is Mr. Xie Lianxiangxiyu?"

Xie Qilin lowered his eyelids and said, "Your Highness is serious, and I have no selfish feelings for Fule County Master."

"This king is not interested in whether or not you have an affair, as long as you are obedient, and don't interfere with my decision-making," he turned around and scolded Gao Wangsheng, "What are you still doing, why don't you do it quickly?!"

Ban Hua picked up a cavalry soldier who was about to attack her, suddenly her right eye jumped, and when she turned around, an arrow on the city wall was facing her.

She was about to dodge, but three cavalrymen rushed up next to her and pinched her in the middle, almost unavoidable. Screaming badly in his heart, Ban Hua reluctantly turned to the side at the risk of his arm being cut.

At the moment when the arrow was shot, Gao Wangsheng felt someone pounce on him, his hand shook, and the arrow crooked a little.

"Xie Qilin, what are you doing?"

Xie Qilin snatched the bow and arrow from Gao Wangsheng's hand, threw the bow and arrow down the city gate, and turned to face the angry eyes of King Changqing. I can't let the lord make his own decisions."

"Okay, very good," King Changqing laughed angrily, "come here, tie Xie Qilin up and leave it to His Majesty!"


The arrow rubbed Ban Hua's arm and flew past, penetrating the chest of the cavalry next to her. This cavalry was the imperial army. He fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, his young face still filled with confusion.

What a powerful force, if this arrow penetrates her chest, she will definitely not survive.

Ban Hua suddenly remembered the dream that an arrow passed through her back through her chest. She didn't even have time to escape, so she was buried under an arrow.

The feeling of this arrow is very similar to the arrow in her dream, as if it was shot by the same person.

"General, are you alright?!" The deputy turned pale with fright, and fought desperately to get to Ban Hua's side.

"I'm fine," Ban Hua shook his head and glanced at his bleeding arm, "Don't be distracted on the battlefield. There is no one on this arrow, so don't worry."

Because a true archer can kill people without having to do anything on the arrows.

There were fewer and fewer soldiers in the imperial army. The Rong family army was red-eyed, one person fell, two people rushed up, and the siege vehicle slammed into the city gate, but the city gate of the capital was tall and strong, unlike other prefectures and counties. The city gate is so easy to break through.

But no matter how sturdy the door is, as long as the defender is defeated, there will be a moment when it will be knocked open.

The South Gate... finally broke.

"General," on the city gate of the east gate, the soldier looked at the old general in panic, "the south gate is broken."

"Who is the one who broke the city gate?"

"The Lord of Fule County."

Hearing this, the veteran laughed, "As expected of a descendant of the marshal, even a girl is still domineering." He walked to the city wall, glanced at the uniform Rong family army under the city, and said to the lieutenants behind him: "When the marshal led us back then, our military discipline was so serious."

The uneasy lieutenants did not understand why the old general said this, and they were a little confused for a while.

"Decades, decades," the veteran laughed out loud, "I, the old guy, finally waited for this day."

"Come here, go to open the city gate, and welcome the Rong family army into the city."


The old general shook his head, his gray hair swaying gently in the breeze, "You have followed me for so many years, how can I bear you to die? The Rong family army is aggressive, and we are not his opponents."

As soon as he succeeded, his bones were dead, and he, the general, was reluctant to let these soldiers die under the sword of his own people.

When the marshal was under the conspiracy of the royal family, these brothers were so angry that they even thought of rebellion. In the end, the marshal stopped them while they were dying in bed.

"You are all rich people, how can I let you do such a big thing for me?"

"After I return to Beijing, you should guard the frontier well. Don't be slack because of the actions of the royal family. We are not here for the royal family, but for the people of the world."

Later, after the marshal returned to the capital, he would not let them have contact with him anymore, just because the emperor was suspicious, he couldn't bear to implicate their brothers.

This forbearance lasted for decades, until the marshal died of poisoning, and these people did not dare to say a word, just because the marshal said that his descendants still need their care.

In fact, the descendants need their care, but the marshal does not let them risk.

The descendants of the Ban family have been in the capital for decades and have a bad reputation of being useless and useless, but these old men can't do anything. They feel ashamed and uncomfortable.

Today, Rong Xia took the Tiger Talisman of the Three Armies in the hand of the marshal and appeared under the city gate. Opening the city gate was the only thing he could do for the marshal.

But Qiu Rongxia is not like the people of the Jiang family, who are suspicious and sorry for the Fule County Master, so even if these old minions go underground, they have the face to see the marshal, and then follow him to fight in the Quartet.

The east gate opened wide, and there was no sound of fighting or roaring of horses. Two rows of neatly dressed soldiers came out and stood on both sides of the city gate. The veteran with white hair and beard walked out. Every step he took was very slow and extremely steady.

Rong Xia jumped off the horse, and he went forward to meet him.

"Master, be careful with deceit." A counselor stopped in front of Rong Xia worriedly.

"Don't worry." Rong Xia pushed his hand away, bowed to the old general from a distance, and then strode up to greet him.

The soldiers on both sides were very quiet, and they watched as the generals gradually approached until they stood together.

"Marquis Cheng'an," the old general said in a hoarse voice as he took off his helmet, "The old general would like to welcome the marquis into the city, but please don't embarrass the generals in this general's hands, they also obey orders."

"Please rest assured, General, Jun Po will never be in the slightest embarrassment." Rong Xia took a step back and gave a big gift to the veteran, "General Gao Yi, please accept Jun Po's worship."

"Master Hou doesn't need to be so polite," the veteran general stretched out his hand to support Rong Xia and said with a smile, "Master Hou is the uncle of our marshal's family, and the veteran can't bear this kind of gift from you."

Rong Xia's heart moved, the marshal in the veteran's mouth should be the grandfather of Hua Hua.

I didn't expect that Marshal Ban passed away for so many years, and these soldiers still miss him. Such a peerless and famous general died at the hands of his own family. It's really deplorable. The Jiang family's royal family owes the Ban family too much.

"General please."

"Master Hou, please."

The East Gate didn't even shed a drop of blood, so it was broken.

Those who have attained the Tao help more, and those who have lost the Tao have little help. The words of the ancestors really apply at any time.

"General, King Changqing has escaped," the right lieutenant was a little discouraged, "this person is really a loach, and he slips quickly every time. However, his subordinates led someone to capture another general and the archer who attacked you. ."

Ban Hua wiped the blood splattered on his face, and turned to see Xie Qilin and the short and thin man behind him.

Xie Qilin was wearing a golden armor with blood on it, and he was very calm. He raised his head and glanced at Ban Hua, then quickly looked away. He didn't wear a blindfold today, and the blind eye was closed together, looking a little scary.

"When this archer attacked me, I seemed to see someone push him," Ban Hua patted the horse and got closer to Xie Qilin, "Did you push him?"

Xie Qilin lowered his head and did not speak.

Ban Hua didn't ask any more questions, she turned her head and looked at Gao Wangsheng, "Take care of these two people strictly, and the others will come in with me."


With a hundred responses, these soldiers were already accustomed to obeying Ban Hua's orders, and they didn't feel that there was anything wrong with obeying a woman as a man.

Xie Qilin looked up and saw the dazzling woman riding on the horse, leading a group of murderous soldiers farther and farther, and looked lost.

It wasn't until he couldn't see the figure anymore that he lowered his head and smiled wryly at the blood-stained boots.

Because he might have saved Ban Hua's life, the soldiers guarding him did not embarrass him. When he saw that the soldiers guarding him were all injured, he said, "There are several wooden boxes on the city gate, which are full of wound medicines. You can go and use them."

"Don't think we'll be fooled, General Ban said, this kind of food and medicines placed on the ground can't be moved casually, who knows if they have been poisoned."

Xie Qilin:…

This class general should be referring to Ban Hua, right

These soldiers took her words as a motto, showing that she was very prestigious in the army. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little fortunate. It was a good thing that he didn't marry her back then. If he married him, he might have buried her ability.

"Miss, Miss," a maid ran into Li Xiaoru's house, "the rebels have entered the city."

Li Xiaoru stood up abruptly, "The city gates are broken?"

"The slaves don't know very well, I only heard that the east gate and the south gate are broken." The little maid's eyes suddenly became a little strange, "The slaves also heard that the person leading the troops at the south gate is the Fule County Lord."

"It turned out to be her?" Li Xiaoru couldn't imagine how the county master, who was good at food, clothing, housing and transportation, could endure the hardships in the military camp and still lead troops to fight.

"Don't go out and ask for news. It's so dangerous outside. What if you get hurt?"

Li Xiaoru was a little flustered and couldn't help but asked a few more words.

"Don't worry, miss, those rebels are very disciplined, and they didn't disturb the people after entering the city," the little maid panted, "but none of the shops outside are open. ."

"It's fine if you can't find it, I knew that the Rong family army would attack the city today, and I wouldn't let you go out anyway," Li Xiaoru shook his head in a trance, "Call a few more people to accompany the young master, don't let the noise outside frighten you. to her."

After the little girl left, Li Xiaoru showed a bit of excitement on her face.

Finally... someone finally came to overthrow the tyrant.

Thinking of his father lying in bed unable to walk, Li Xiaoru wiped his eyes and secretly prayed that Marquis Cheng An could overthrow the tyranny as soon as possible, so that Jiang Luo would get retribution.