I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 129


Feng Jia stopped in front of the Dayue Palace, and when Ban Hua helped the palace maid's hand to get out of the car, he saw a person standing in the night wind with a lantern in front of the Dayue Palace.

The palace maids and eunuchs all knelt on the ground, and Ban Hua stood there and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Rong Xia walked up to her with the lantern, grabbed her hand, and handed the lantern to Wang De, "Would you like to go back and have fun?"

Ban Hua nodded, looked at the lantern in Wang De's hand and said, "Why are you holding the lantern and the people around you are so inconsiderate?"

"They are doing their best, but only when I carry the lantern can you see me at first sight," Rong Xia took her hand and walked in, "I'll let you cook your favorite dishes, you accompany me Let's try it together."

"It's so late, you haven't eaten yet?"

Rong Xia whispered in her ear in a voice that the two of them could hear, "The Queen is not here, I have trouble sleeping and eating, how can I eat."

Ban Hua glared at him, but didn't say that she had already used it in Jingting's mansion. After eating with Rongxia, she washed and fell asleep.

Today, the entire country is in shambles, and the harem of the former dynasty is a mess. Although Rong Xia was a literati, he acted a little more decisively with the slaughter of military generals. The circle of the circle, the exile of the exile, one after another decree was issued. In just a few days, the capital returned to its previous order. There are still some people who are panicking, but at least the streets and lanes have barely returned to their former liveliness.

King Changqing, dressed in sackcloth and sackcloth, was unkempt and lined up in the line out of the city.

He had observed it for a long time. Except for the first three days of the city's thorough investigation, only those who entered the city would be thoroughly investigated in the past few days, and the requirements for leaving the city were not too strict.

Sure enough, when it was his turn, the guards didn't check carefully at all. After he reported a name and where he lived, he was let go. After leaving the city gate, the big stone in his heart was half put down, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

As long as he leaves the boundary of the capital, someone will pick him up in Yujingzhou, so he won't have a day of comeback.

"The person holding the thing in front of me, stop for me." Ban Hua was riding on the back of a horse, playing with a whip in his hand. This whip was specially made for her by Rong Xia's people. It was gorgeous and powerful. When it went down, it wouldn't break people's skin, but it could be painful.

King Changqing froze, he didn't expect to meet Ban Hua here. What does this woman do in the suburbs of Beijing if she doesn't stay in the palace well

He didn't dare to hide, because as long as he avoided it, it would definitely make people aware that something was wrong.

"Gui, noble people are called Caomin?" He shrugged his shoulders, like a low-level commoner who had never seen the world with very little courage. When he saw noble people, he couldn't help showing his timid appearance.

"It's you," Ban Hua pointed at him with the whip, "raise your head."

King Changqing put on makeup on purpose before he went out, and he was confident that Ban Hua would not recognize him.

This is an extremely ugly face, with burn scars on his face, and some passers-by watching the lively next to him couldn't help exclaiming. Some people didn't have the heart, and felt that Ban Hua was bullying others and deliberately humiliating others.

However, when they saw that this little lady was dressed in gorgeous clothes and had a lot of guards behind her, no one dared to stand up and say a word for this poor person.

"This face..." Ban Hua chuckled, "I don't think it's right."

"Caomin is guilty, Caomin is guilty, and scared the noble," King Changqing cursed inwardly, but without any hesitation on his face, he knelt down in front of Ban Hua, "Please forgive me."

The crowd onlookers can't stand it anymore. This noble person is too much. What's wrong with having money and power? Why do you want to embarrass a poor person

"Your Majesty," a woman in a skirt squeezed out from the crowd with a bit of timidity in her eyes, but she didn't flinch because of this, "this kind of person who is not on the stage, why do you need to have the same knowledge as him, why don't you let him early Leaving, so as not to contaminate the eyes of nobles."

Ban Hua asked the guards to stop the man kneeling on the ground, turned his head and smiled at the woman: "This girl is really interesting, which family are you from, why haven't I seen you in the capital before?"

"The little girl's identity is low, and it's not surprising that the nobles have never seen me." The woman gave Ban Hua a salute. Although she didn't know Ban Hua's identity, the riding outfit the other party was wearing was embroidered with gold thread. In this special period, she dared to bring so many personal guards to show off the city, which shows that her family is also very honorable in front of the new emperor.

The female guard behind Ban Hua drove forward and whispered a few words beside Ban Hua. Ban Hua nodded.

"Your father is Pei Dongsheng, the sacrifice wine of the Imperial College?"

There was a bit of surprise on the woman's face. This nobleman obviously had no impression of her, but the guards around her seemed to be familiar with the situation in the entire capital. What kind of prominent family was this able to raise such guards

"Back to the noble, my father is only the former Guozijian's sacrifice wine." Miss Pei bowed, "It made the noble laugh."

Ban Hua shook his head: "your father is a person who has read poetry and books, and it is more suitable for him to be the position of the Imperial Academy."

Miss Pei's heart was hot. After Emperor Fengning ascended the throne, her father was dismissed from office by Emperor Fengning because he did not agree with Emperor Fengning's decree. The gift of wine.

Her father worked hard all his life, but when he got old, he got such a comment. She went out of the city today, originally to go to the suburbs of Beijing to pick up a herb, but she didn't expect to see this farce.

What I didn't expect was that the seemingly aggressive lady actually said a fair word for her father.

Her father was fair and honest throughout his life, and he did not form gangs. At this time, the nobles in the capital were busy with each other's relationship with the new emperor, who could notice her father? Now suddenly hearing such a sentence, her nose is a little pantothenic.

"Thank you for your compliment."

"I didn't praise him, I just told the truth," Ban Hua got off his horse and kicked King Changqing, who was kneeling on the ground, "but your family is so upright, I don't know that there are some people in this world. , is best at pretending to be pitiful."

"Come on, take something off his face!"

Miss Pei was surprised to find that the burn marks on the face of this very pitiful person were not real.

"King Changqing is a good disguise," Ban Yan smiled and looked at King Changqing who was being held by the guards, "Where are you going, you are in a hurry?"

King Changqing spit out the dust in his mouth, but he actually laughed: "My good niece has such a good look, my cousin I'm like this, and my good niece can recognize me, so it can be seen that my cousin is still very important in your heart. ."

"Bang." The guard who held him punched him in the face, and his face was swollen.

"Cousin, you can't do this. These guards of mine have a bad temper. If they hurt you anywhere, I will feel sorry for your niece," Ban Hua sneered. "Be honest and suffer less, okay?"

"The winner is the king, the loser is a bandit, if you want to kill or kill you, why do you have to be so pretentious."

"Since my cousin said it so imposingly, why did he run away?" Ban Hua glanced at King Changqing's fingernails, which were trembling slightly from fear.

"So he is the King of Evergreen?!"

"The one who goes with the tyrant?"

"It's him, kill him!"

The onlookers who were still very sympathetic to the "poor man" found out that the poor man was not pitiful at all, but the evil King Changqing, who ignited with anger all over his body. He threw what was in his hand at King Changqing.

Eggs, vegetables, melons and fruits were too expensive to throw away, so they simply smashed the soil on the ground and smashed them on people. Some of them had bad headshots, and they accidentally injured the guards.

Ban Hua didn't care what happened to King Changqing, but he didn't want to be implicated by the guards who were always beside him, so he said loudly: "Please rest assured, folks and fathers, the court will never forgive such evil thieves!"

After speaking, she kicked two more feet in front of the people to show that she was on the same stance as the people. After kicking, she asked the guards to tie King Changqing with a rope, like throwing a sack, and threw him on the horse's back.

"Ban Hua, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated," King Changqing didn't expect Ban Hua to treat him like this, "Don't deceive people too much."

"Cousin, didn't you say that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit?" Ban Hua patted King Changqing with his horse whip, "What the victor wants to do to you, just accept it."

This villain's triumphant appearance was vividly displayed by her.

Miss Pei, who was shocked from beginning to end, couldn't recover for a long time. Whose girl is this, who is acting so arrogantly? She would never dare to do these kinds of behaviors on weekdays, but for some reason, she secretly looked at them with envy.

"Excuse everyone, farewell." Ban Hua climbed back on the horse, clasped his fists at the people watching the fun, pulled the reins, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The passersby froze for a moment, then clapped their palms excitedly.

"Bad things like this, catch one counts as one."

"Which family is this noble from? Her eyes are so good. If it wasn't for her, this bad thing would have almost escaped."

"Look at this style, isn't it the princess, the princess, the princess?"

"Hey, the new emperor has only been married for two years, how can such a big princess come from?"

Ban Hua directly brought King Changqing to the Heavenly Prison, and after she locked the person in, she stood outside the fence and said, "Cousin, you stay in the prison well, I hope you can sleep peacefully every night, and the wronged souls of the people in the world will not come to you."

"I never believe in ghosts and gods, you don't have to say these words to scare me," King Changqing sneered, "How clean do you think your husband has?"

"Other people's hands are not clean, I naturally dislike it. My own man, no matter how dirty his hands are, is his own," Ban Hua said confidently, "Cousin doesn't know, I have always been a man of shorts and unreasonable?"

Standing on the side, Liu Banshan glanced at Ban Hua with a complicated expression. It was the first time that he had seen someone speak of double standards in such a beautiful and refined way that he was shameless at all.

King Changqing, who was choked by Ban Hua, was also dumbfounded. He thought that Ban Hua would chase after him and ask what Rong Xia had done, but he never expected that she would not come as usual.

How did that idiot Ban Huai teach his daughter? !

Is your brain okay