I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 134


Reaching out to support Rong Xia's hand, Ban Hua squeezed his waist: "Dignified emperor, is it embarrassing to learn to climb the window like a young man?"

"In order to win the beauty's smile, let me climb the window, let me climb the wall." Rong Xia saw that there were many bird cages hanging in the house, but most of them were empty. I like to keep birds, so the people below paid tribute to a lot of beautiful and clever birds.

Later, Emperor Yunqing became ill. After Jiang Luo took power, he was not interested in birds, so the palace servants became slack. Many birds in the bird room starved to death and died of illness. After Rong Xia and Ban Hua entered the palace, There are only a few left.

"If you like it, I'll ask someone to find some interesting ones for you." Rong Xia saw that these birds didn't know how to fly even if they opened the cage, so he knew that they were being raised by the palace servants.

"No need," Ban Hua shook his head, teasing a silly-looking green-haired parrot, "what's good for the top, what's good for the bottom, I won't hurt them. What's more, these things are easy to play with. Well, it can't be true."

Rongxia suddenly remembered the sweet potatoes he had eaten in Zhongzhou, and said to Ban Hua, "Hua, do you still remember the roasted sweet potatoes we ate in Zhongzhou?"

Ban Hua nodded, "what's the matter?"

"I'm going to let people try to plant it in the royal field. If the yield is high, it will be beneficial to our people who have won big." Rong Xia imitated Ban Hua's appearance, for the bird in a cage next to her, "Wait for the spring of next year. , I am going to send the ambassador to take a look outside, if I can find other crops to come back, it will also benefit future generations."

"Although I don't understand this, there is a saying that my ancestors said well. The world is very big, and there are always things we haven't seen before," Ban Huahao's eyes brightened, "It's good that Your Majesty has this idea."

Rong Xia felt that only Hua Hua would agree with his shocking idea. Officials in the DPRK and the common people in the world have always held that the country is the largest and most powerful country with a big win, and disdain for other small countries. Perhaps it is because the small neighboring countries are too poor and backward, which makes them feel arrogant.

The people's ideas are simple, and they have not seen enough people and things. It is not surprising to have such a complacent mood, but if the imperial court officials are also so complacent, it is not a good thing.

For the emperor, don't be arrogant.

One of the husband and wife is thinking about how to benefit more people, and the other is very curious about the unknown. Although the goals are not the same, they chat together. The two came to map the map, from the climate all over the country, to infer the climate of other places abroad, and what strange countries and people were on the other side of the sea.

At the end of the chat, the two found that if they wanted to go to sea, they must have a sturdy ship and weapons to guard against the island, so that they can win the national prestige.

"It costs money everywhere," Ban Hua was lying on the table, "it seems we have to do it step by step."

"You're right," Rong Xia looked at the invisible place outside the map, "Don't be in a hurry, don't take it one step at a time."

"Your Majesty," Wang De walked into the imperial study, saw the emperor and the queen contemplating around Kan Yutu, and bowed, "the main hall has been completely remodeled."

Rong Xia raised her eyebrows and said to Wang De, "Let the people in Qin Tianjian have a good life, and I will move in again."


Wang De thought about it for a while, but said, "Your Majesty, there is something you haven't reported yet."

"Speak." Rong Xia looked up at Wang De and found that Wang De was peeking at Ban Hua. He clicked on the table, "If you have something to say, just say it."

"When Emperor Yunqing was seriously ill, he mentioned something to his servants," Wang De's voice trembled, "if he dies, let the servants take out an imperial edict."

"What decree?"

"The imperial decree to seal the Empress as the princess."

"What did you say?" Ban Hua looked at Wang De in disbelief, "Princess?"

"Yes," Wang De swallowed, "Emperor Yunqing said, His Majesty is both talented and handsome, and there will be many women who will have a deep affection for His Majesty. ... Your Majesty will change his mind, so I want to give you a distinguished status."

Ban Hua stared at Wang De dazedly, and only recovered after a while: "Where is that imperial decree?"

"Please wait a moment, the slaves will go and fetch them."

However, Wang De took a golden box. Ban Hua took the box and took out the imperial decree inside. The handwriting on the imperial decree was a little vague. After all, it was written by Emperor Yunqing himself when he was seriously ill.

It lists all the advantages of Ban Hua in detail, and gives her a new title, Changle.

Her feelings for Emperor Yunqing were very complicated. When she was young, she regarded him as a close cousin. Later, when she grew up, she vaguely guessed some truths.

After reading the imperial decree for a long time, Ban Hua put the imperial decree into the gold box and closed the lid with a click.

The past grievances and hatreds, along with the disappearance of people, eventually fade in the years.

She handed the box to Wang De again, "How long will he be buried?"

Although Emperor Yunqing is the emperor of the great cause, in the eyes of the world, he treats Rong Xia and Ban Hua not badly, so although the Jiang family dynasty no longer exists, Rong Xia still ordered the burial of Emperor Yunqing according to the emperor's regulations. .

Construction of the mausoleum began after Emperor Yunqing was enthroned, and it was completed a few years ago. Now we only choose a suitable day and arrange for Emperor Yunqing to be buried.

"Hui Niangniang, it will be the eighth day of next month."

"Hua?" Rong Xia saw that Ban Hua's expression was a little gloomy, so he stepped forward and hugged her gently, patted her on the back lightly, soothing his emotions.

"I'm fine," Ban Hua shook her head and wrapped her arms around Rong Xia's waist, "I just didn't expect..."

She didn't expect that Emperor Yunqing had more feelings for her than she imagined.

On the eighth day of the eleventh lunar month in the first year of Cheng'an, Emperor Yunqing, the penultimate emperor of the Daye Dynasty, was buried. Although this emperor raised a defunct emperor and a defunct prince, the founding emperor did not lower his funeral regulations, and even personally mourned him, which once again attracted praise from countless people.

The abolished prince, the current Prince He, was dressed in filial piety and walked in front of the funeral procession with a haggard expression.

Emperor Yunqing, who was famous for the first time, ended his glorious life at the moment when the gate of the mausoleum was closed. The funeral procession left with the chariot, leaving only the solitary prince and the prince.

His concubines were afraid of offending the new emperor, so they didn't dare to stay for a moment.

The weather in Beijing was already very cold in November, so Prince He looked at the cold words on the tombstone, knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to the people in the mausoleum.

"Cousin." Ban Hua saw that he and the prince were kneeling on the ground for a long time and didn't get up. He hesitated for a moment, and then stepped forward to check, only to find that the other party's eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face.

He wiped away the tears on his face with the prince, got up and saluted her respectfully: "I have seen the queen."

When the cold wind picked up, Ban Hua handed a cloak to Prince He, "The autumn wind is cool, cousin pay more attention to your body."

He hesitated for a moment with the prince, took the cloak and put it in his hand, but didn't put it on. Ban Hua knew what he was worried about, so he smiled and looked away, "Are you still used to living in the new mansion?"

"If you go back to your mother, everything will be fine."

Nodding her head slowly, Ban Hua sighed, "Okay." She pulled the strap of her cape and turned her head to look around, except for the guards who were waiting for her not far away.

"Fengliang, Niangniang, go back to the palace early." Prince He remembered that the power in the court was now firmly in the hands of Rongxia, and their relatives from the previous dynasty could not help Ban Hua, but could only bring Rongxia to her. Suspicion.

"Don't worry, I told His Majesty before I stayed," Ban Hua knew that Prince He was worried about himself, and his smile was a little relieved, "I thought my cousin would blame me."

The prince treated her very well. She helped Rongxia rebel. If she were the prince, she would resent her.

"Mother told me everything before she went to the other palace," Prince He looked as if he was guilty and relieved, "Marshal Ban, he..."

The wind blew the hem of Ban Hua's white skirt, her eyelids trembled, like a frightened butterfly: "This matter has nothing to do with cousin, you don't have to feel guilty."

"So what does your majesty's decision have to do with your majesty?" He smiled gently, as if he was still the same gentle young man back then, "I'm not meant to be an emperor, the burden of this world is too heavy, and I'm indecisive. If I were to become emperor, I would not be able to give the people a peaceful life. Your Majesty is different. He has always been more capable and seen better than me. No dynasty can last for thousands of years. It just happened to be my turn."

Speaking of this, Prince He's expression was unusually calm, and he smiled at Ban Hua, "Your Majesty doesn't need to take this to heart. What the people of the world need is Your Majesty, not someone like me."

Ban Hua smiled, but her eyes were a little hot. She turned her head away, "Cousin, go back."

"It's time to go back," He and the prince touched the cold stone tablet, "The maiden will go first, and Wei Chen wants to stay here for a while."

"Okay," Ban Hua nodded, "you didn't bring a guard here, I'll leave a few guards to take you back, be careful on the road."

He smiled at the prince, bowed to Ban Hua and saluted, "Congratulations to send off the empress."

Ban Hua paused and turned to look at Prince He: "Cousin, our own family, you don't have to be so polite to me in private."

The smile on Prince He's face brightened a bit, but he shook his head firmly: "The ceremony cannot be ignored. Empress, the people in the palace are complicated, and the desire for power overlaps, so please be careful. In the harem, don't be soft-hearted. Chao old man, please forget it now."

Ban Hua blinked and suppressed the sourness in her heart. She smiled proudly: "I am who I am, whether in the previous dynasty or the harem, I will never live with grievances. If I go against my heart everywhere, I would rather die. The kindness of my cousin I have the heart, but it is up to me to forget whether to forget or not to remember!"


Watching this glamorous woman in a white dress and black cape turn over and dismount, leave recklessly, standing blankly with the prince, and laughed out loud after a long time.

This is baa, this is baa.

He shook the cloak in his hand and put it on his body.

The cloak was not thick, but he felt a warmth protecting his icy cold heart.

Emperor Yunqing was buried, and the people prohibited alcohol and meat from marrying for twenty-seven days. Ban Hua rode a horse and walked on the street, watching the people still talking and laughing, took off the cape and hat on his head, and said to the guard behind him, "These people are the easiest people to satisfy."

The guard smiled and said, "Master, don't delay any longer, Your Majesty is still waiting for you to go back for dinner."

Ban Hua smiled and turned around to find a two- or three-year-old kid who fell not far from the horse. The kid was round and fleshy, and she turned over and jumped off the horse.

At the moment when she jumped off the horse, an arrow rubbed the top of her head and flew past her. She was not injured, but her hair was cut off.

If she hadn't dismounted suddenly, the arrow would definitely have passed through her chest, and even an immortal would not be able to save it.

"There are assassins!"

"Call to close the gates."

Ban Hua looked down and saw the hair on the ground, his face was as gloomy as ink.

This is her hair, which has been maintained like silk since she was a child!

Today, when Emperor Yunqing was buried, the streets were cleared, but after Rong Xia returned to the palace, the ban on the streets was lifted. The people who have been locked up for a long time have long been unable to hold back the gossip in their hearts, and can't wait to run out to share the first-hand information they have obtained with their neighbors. When someone passing by starts, no one will notice.

However, this assassin was not very clever, or he was determined to die, so when the guards found him, he stayed in the room and did not hide.

The guards escorted the assassin to Ban Hua, who saw that the assassin was outstanding in appearance, similar in age to the prince, raised his eyebrows, turned his head to the guard and said, "Go to the gate of the palace to guard immediately, if you see the holy car appear. , must stop him."

"Yes!" The prince hurried over.

Ban Hua glanced around and said expressionlessly, "Cha, this person must have accomplices."

As soon as the assassin missed a hit, he obediently waited for his guards to find out, and perhaps waited for her to interrogate him here. Because under anger and fear, they often vent out at the first time, regardless of the occasion.

Given the importance Rong Xia attached to her, if she heard that she was assassinated, she would definitely rush out of the palace, and the killers lying in ambush on both sides of the road would take this opportunity to kill Rong Xia in pain.

Wanting to understand this, Ban Hua didn't even look at the man kneeling on the ground, got on his horse, whipped his whip, and said to the guards, "Follow them all."

At this time, the ability of the guards who grew up with Ban Hua since childhood showed their ability, because they knew what the master needed and how they could keep up with the master's footsteps. Compared with the guards, the reaction of those janitors was half a beat.

"Your Majesty!" A janitor rushed into the Dayue Palace in a hurry, "Your Majesty, there are assassins trying to assassinate the Empress."

Rong Xia, who had just changed into a plain clothes, heard this, and hurriedly asked, "How's the maiden?"

"My lady is fine."

"Prepare the horse."

"Your Majesty, please think twice." Seeing that Rong Xia was planning to leave the palace on horseback, Wang De hurriedly said, "You must not be in danger."

"Get out of the way." Rong Xia pushed away Wang De who was standing in front of him, and walked out of the Dayue Palace without looking back.

Du Jiu, who was guarding the door, saw this and immediately followed.

Although Rongxia is a literati, he is very good at riding and archery. It's just that the palace servants were a little scared. What happened? His Majesty rushed out of the palace on horseback.

They didn't dare to ask, they just did their work more carefully.

The personal guard sent by Ban Hua was at the gate of the palace, and when he heard the sound of hooves coming from the Suzaku gate, he hurriedly said loudly, "Your Majesty, there will be something to play at the end."

However, dozens of horses galloped past him, even stopping.

The guard was stunned for a moment. Seeing that His Majesty was about to run away with the Imperial Guard, he hurriedly climbed on the back of the horse and chased after him, then shouted, "Your Majesty, the last commander is the Queen, the Empress' personal guard, the Empress has something to say."

Compared to the anxious Rong Xia, Du Jiu paid more attention to the environment around him. He heard the descendants behind him yelling at the Empress, so he glanced back. That person... seems to be the person next to the empress

"Your Majesty, please wait, we have the Queen's bodyguard behind us."

Rong Xia pulled the reins, and the horse was in pain, with its front hooves rising, making a high-pitched neigh.

When the personal guard saw that His Majesty finally stopped, he was moved to tears. His Majesty is a well-known talent in the capital. Why is his riding skills so good? He, who has dealt with horses since he was a child, almost couldn't catch up.

"Your Majesty!" The guard panted and saluted Rong Xia, "My Lady said, please don't leave the palace, this is a trap against you."

Rong Xia's face was as deep as ice: "How's your maiden?"

The guard replied honestly, "The lady was not injured, but she was in a bad mood."

Rong Xia glanced outside the palace, then glanced at the palace gate not far behind, and clenched the reins in her hand, "Are you in a bad mood?"

"Because the empress' hair has been cut," the guard said with a somewhat awe-inspiring expression, "Your Majesty, empress may have been in a bad mood for the past two days, please bear with me."

Rong Xia knows that Hua Hua has always cared about her appearance, and her hair is also carefully cared for, if her hair is really cut.

He coughed dryly: "Have the Yamen and Infantry Division all gone?"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the entire street is now surrounded by iron barrels, and no suspicious person will be released."

"How much did Niangniang's hair... fall out?"

Guard: …

Ban Hua's hair was loose, and she rode on horseback all the way, and with the gloomy look on her face, she had a chilling air.

She didn't say a word along the way, until she saw Rong Xia and the guards standing at the gate of the palace honestly, her expression became a little better.

But Rong Xia and his guards couldn't help but take a step back when they saw Ban Hua galloping forward.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty," Du Jiu said in a trembling voice that wasn't too obvious, "the mother seems to be in a really bad mood."

Rong Xia glanced at him: "Don't I know better than you?"

Du Jiu: Oh, you understand.

Before the horse came to a complete stop, Ban Hua jumped off the horse's back, her hair scattered behind her dancing in the wind like a waterfall.

Da da da.

Ban Hua walked to Rong Xia's side in a few steps, and before she was blessed, Rong Xia held her hand: "Hua, are you okay?"

"Not very good," Ban Hua said with a sullen face, "The assassin who killed a thousand knives actually broke my hair!"

"Where, let me see," Rong Xia reached out and touched the top of her hair, then circled around her, "It's very beautiful, I don't see anything wrong at all."

Well, it's just a bunch of hair at the back that looks short.

But he didn't say it.

"Really?" Ban Hua was relieved, and she touched the back of her hair suspiciously, "Can't you see?"

"I can't tell!" Rong Xia nodded affirmatively, "What's more, she is so beautiful, even if she has no hair, she is hundreds of times more beautiful than other women."

"Nonsense, how can you wear beautiful hair accessories if you don't have hair," Ban Hua gave Rongxia a white look, his face was much better, and turned to Du Jiu, "General Du, you can handle this matter yourself, bring your majesty and My old department."

Others, she can't trust them right now.

"The last general takes orders."

"Go back with me first," Ban Hua said to Rong Xia, "now is not the place to talk."

"Aren't you angry?" Rong Xia took her hand and walked into the Vermillion Bird Gate, "Tell me what happened."

Ban Hua told the story again, and also expressed his guesses. The rotten boat still has three pounds of nails. Although Jiang Luo was put in a prison, it is not impossible if someone wants to assassinate Rong Xia with the intention of pushing Jiang Luo back to the throne.

Rong Xia nodded: "You guess it makes sense."

But the suspicious object should not only be Jiang Luo, but also the abolished prince.

After returning to Da Yue Palace, Ban Hua looked at her hair in front of the mirror. Rong Xia walked to her side and rubbed the top of her hair, "Why, don't you believe what I said?"

"It's because you see me everywhere, that I can't believe what you said." Ban Hua muttered, and when he saw Rong Xia turned and left, he ignored him.


She heard the sound of cutting something behind her, and when she turned around, she saw that Rong Xia was holding a pair of scissors and a tuft of hair in her hand.

"What are you doing?" Ban Hua took the scissors from his hand, "Okay, what are you doing to cut your hair?"

"We didn't make an appointment, we have to deal with difficulties together?" Rong Xia put her hair in Ban Hua's hands and looked at her with a smile, "Do you feel less uncomfortable now?"

Ban Hua squeezed the hair in his hand, reached out to touch the top of Rong Xia's hair, and said distressedly, "No, it's even more uncomfortable now."

The beauty's hair was just cut off like this, he didn't feel bad, she couldn't bear it.

Rong Xia took her into his arms and couldn't help but smile: "Silly."

Wang Dechao winked at the others, and withdrew all the palace staff.

"What happened today," Wang De looked at the crowd, and said coldly, "No one can say it. If there is any news, you don't have to live."

"Yes." The most important thing for a palace servant who can serve in front of the Empress is to be careful and tight-lipped.

Ban Hua leaned against Rong Xia's chest and looked at the hair in her palm. Although she felt distressed, there was still a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Fortunately, he is still the emperor who successfully rebelled, and the means of coaxing women are so stupid.

Du Jiu checked the capital and finally found all the assassins lurking around. The identities of these assassins were beyond Du Jiu's expectations. Some of them were marksmen who had shown their faces in front of Emperor Yunqing, and some were masters from the East Palace.

Could it be that these people were sent by the prince

Although these assassins insisted that they were Jiang Luo's remnants, Du Jiu didn't believe it at all. If such a bad thing did not succeed, he couldn't wait to confess to the mastermind behind the scenes, which was completely inconsistent with the behavior of the assassins.

If all the assassins in the world were so good at talking, then there would be no word "extorting confessions by torture" in the world.

Du Jiu handed the testimony of these people into Rong Xia's hands, Rong Xia glanced at it and threw it aside, "Choose the prince to enter the palace."

"Your Majesty..." Du Jiu looked at Rong Xia hesitantly, "Do you want to let the Empress know about this matter?"

The imperial study fell silent.

After a long while, he sighed and said, "If the Empress asks, you can answer one by one. If she doesn't ask, you don't need to tell her."

He knew that Hua Hua had some kind of affection for the abolished prince. If Hua Hua knew that the prince sent someone to assassinate her and wanted to use her to lead him into danger, she would not know how long she would be sad.

"My subordinate understands."

Du Jiu stepped back.

Rong Xia looked at the table full of memorials and let out a long sigh. He was determined to save the prince's life. If the other party was so ignorant, then he would be no wonder.