I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 137


"Niangniang, Shi Shi is gone."

Ban Hua's hand on her eyebrows paused, she put down her eyebrows, and sighed, "When did it go away?" She was extremely disgusted with Shi Shi, because this woman didn't care about anything for the sake of power, and even wanted her man's life. But she also felt that this woman was a little pitiful. She had been raised and transferred her temper since she was a child, and she didn't know whether to live for herself or for the vanity cultivated by her parents.

She knew that Shi Shi couldn't survive, even if she asked Shi Jin to bring Shi Shi back, Shi Shi would have no choice but to die.

She is immortal, and will always be a thorn in the heart of the royal family, and even if she lives, she can only live a lonely life, and may even affect Shi Jin's career. Only Shi Jin was left in the Shi family. A woman like her who valued power and status was reluctant to let Shi Jin be implicated.

"After the third watch last night, I took the medicine and died." Ruyi took the comb and helped Ban Hua's hair. "It is said that when she was found this morning, she had already lost her breath."

"I see." Ban Hua opened the mouth fat box, smeared some mouth fat on her fingertips, then tapped it on her lips, and closed her eyes, "Let them prepare horses, I'm going out of the palace."

The royal family gave Shi Jin a grace, and even if the grace committed suicide, Shi Jin would only be grateful.

Ban Hua stood up from the bronze mirror, changed into his riding clothes under the service of the palace maid, looked at this gorgeous and spacious room, and took a deep breath: "Go."

Jingting Palace.

Ban Heng had just finished a set of boxing and kick kung fu, and was lying on the table humming and asking the servant to press his shoulders. He heard the servants say that Zhou Changxiao, the son of Shang Shuling's family, was coming, so he said: "Let him directly Just come in."

Zhou Changxiao entered the door and saw Ban Heng sweating profusely on his back at the table drinking tea. He walked up to him and sat down: "What's the matter with you in the past few days, and you haven't gone out to play with us anymore? Could it be that you really want to study and get ahead?" He Originally, I wanted to ask if the Empress was injured, but seeing Ban Heng's relaxed appearance, you can be sure that the Empress should not be injured.

Otherwise, with Ban Heng's character, he would have jumped up and down long ago, dragging them together to find a way to catch the murderer.

"What is going on," Ban Heng said with a sad face, "you won't understand my suffering."

"I've already become an uncle, so what's the hardship?" Zhou Changxiao rolled his eyes, "This is holding a golden baby and saying that I'm poor, so that others will hear and I must beat you."

"Do you think… "

"Sir, the Empress is here!"

Hearing this, Ban Heng jumped up from the stool, turned his head and dragged a middle-aged man and said, "Master Jiang, I have been practicing very well these days, when my sister comes, you must tell the truth, otherwise My sister will beat me up."

"Please rest assured, the prince, and I will tell the truth next time."

Zhou Changxiao was even more shocked than Ban Heng, the Empress... is out of the palace

Yesterday, the entire capital was turned upside down by His Majesty, and the whole city began to lift the law. How could the emperor let the empress come out? Could it be that the murderer has been caught

There was a lot of thought in his mind, when Zhou Changxiao saw Ban Hua coming in, he still gave a big gift.

"Chang Xiao seems to have gotten fatter these days?" Ban Hua looked at him carefully, sat on the stool, her beautiful phoenix eyes swept over Ban Heng, and Ban Heng walked up to her with a smile, "Sister, he Eat and drink every day, how can you not get fat."

Ban Hua reached out to touch Ban Heng's arm and nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that you have indeed practiced a few punches these days." She stood up and hugged the middle-aged man, "Master Jiang, it's hard work."

"The goddess is down." Master Jiang smiled and returned to Ban Hua with a big gift, turned and retreated.

Zhou Changxiao and Ban Hua were fairly familiar with each other, but in the past, Ban Hua was just a noble woman of noble birth, and she was regarded as the more prestigious one in their dandy group. When they talked to her, they didn't have much scruples, and now the other party has become a queen. , he was a little uncomfortable.

He didn't stand or sit for a while. Ban Hua teased him for being fat, so he responded with a smile, secretly regretting coming to Ban's house to join in the fun today.

"Chang Xiao, what are you doing standing up?" Ban Hua couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhou Changxiao's uncomfortable look, "You don't have to pretend in front of me anymore. I don't know what you look like?"

"Hehe," Zhou Changxiao sat down next to Ban Heng, "Yesterday I heard that Empress was assassinated, and we didn't dare to discuss it at will, and it was inconvenient to enter the palace, so I came here today and wanted to ask Ah Heng if you were injured. ."

After all, it was a friend who had been cheating together and had listened to Qu'er together. Although the other party was developed now, they were still a little worried.

"Don't worry, if I have something to do, how can I go out of the palace now," Ban Hua took a sip of tea, "I just walked out with a little boredom in the palace."

Zhou Changxiao suddenly showed a bright smile: "Niang Niang, you are the fate of the phoenix. You are blessed by the heavens. You will definitely be in a disaster and become auspicious, and good things will continue."

"It's been a while, you can meet again," Ban Hua put down the teacup, "Why aren't father and mother in the house?"

"They went to the temple to pray for blessings this morning," Ban Heng thought for a while, "I'm afraid they won't be back until evening."

Yesterday something happened to her. Today, my father and mother went to the Taoist temple to pray for blessings. It goes without saying who they are praying for blessings. She put down the teacup with some guilt, "I made the second old worry."

"How can I blame you, it's not good for all assassins," Ban Heng slammed the table and scolded, "Is your personal guard enough, if not, send some more personal guards in our house."

Zhou Changxiao twitched the corners of his mouth and brought his own guards into the palace. Does this mean that His Majesty is too good to the Ban family, so he is making trouble for himself? In fact, when he heard that His Majesty actually called the Queen's personal guards into the palace to protect the Queen, he was very surprised. Where is the harem? It is the palace of the emperor. How can outsiders be allowed to bring military generals in? Are they not afraid of causing changes in the palace

You must know that Emperor Yunqing died at the hands of his own son. Having learned from the past, His Majesty still treats the Empress so kindly. The way Empress has to train men is truly unique. No wonder the sisters and sisters in his family love to ask him about the Queen's hobbies and want to learn how to control her husband.

How many people said that His Majesty's request to marry the empress was out of frustration

In the end, the reality gave people a slap in the face. Two days after the two got married, it was rumored that the Marquis of Cheng'an had bought something for the Lord of Fule County, and that the Marquis of Cheng'an accompanied the Lord of Fule County to live at her parents' house. Especially when Ban's house was raided, the Marquis of Chengan was not afraid of being implicated. The family of Rongyang Ban did not say anything, and he was more attentive to County Master Fule, which made countless women in the capital envied.

He is a man himself, and if he wants to treat a woman like this, he may not be able to do it, and he is not willing to do it.

"Since your parents are not at home, you two ride a horse and accompany me outside." Ban Hua wiped the sweat from Ban Heng's forehead with a handkerchief, "Go and change your clothes."


Ban Hengle ran to the house.

After Ban Heng left, Zhou Changxiao kept his head down, not daring to look at Ban Hua's face.

"Is Wenbi okay?" What Ban Hua asked was Zhou Changxiao's sister Zhou Wenbi. She had a good relationship with Zhou Wenbi, so she wanted to ask a few more questions.

"Everything is fine with my sister. I made an appointment with someone a few days ago. The wedding date is set for March next year. When that time comes, please..." Zhou Changxiao wanted to say that he would invite Ban Hua to have a wedding wine, and remembered that he came to attend him as Ban Hua. The little sister's wedding banquet was no longer suitable, so she swallowed the following words, "At that time, I will also ask the empress to give some good things to add makeup to my sister, so that she can have more face at her husband's house."

"Don't worry, your sister is indispensable for good things." Ban Yan smiled, it seems that the turmoil this time has really changed these dudes a lot. If in the past, with Zhou Changxiao's character, he would say what he wanted to say, but now, he knew how to swallow inappropriate words back.

People always have to grow up, even if they are playboys, they must grow from a frivolous playboy to a slightly more calm playboy.

After a while, Ban Heng ran out: "Sister, I've changed it."

Ban Hua pressed a fold on the placket for him and nodded with a smile.

In the teahouse, storytellers talk about the grievances and hatreds of heroes and beauties, and love and hate parting. Ban Hua sat at the table, listening to the storyteller describe her beauty in an impassioned tone, and how powerful she was, killing ten people with one sword, and couldn't help laughing with a teacup.

Ban Heng asked her in a low voice, "Sister, how long is this knife to kill ten enemies with one knife?"

"Thirty or forty feet?" Ban Hua couldn't help but laugh, "I can't afford such a long sword."

"These storytellers love to exaggerate," Zhou Changxiao cut out, "the only real place is to describe your beauty and prestige in the army."

Ban Heng glanced at Zhou Changxiao disdainfully, his ability to flatter is not half as good as his, so he was embarrassed to show it off in front of him.

"You old man is so unreasonable. The queen and her majesty are married, and they should accompany him on the battlefield," a man who looked a little shabby said, "what a heroine, what a wise man, if she really is so Awesome, would you have been abandoned by so many men back then?"

This man took a few sips of wine and became more courageous. After he saw that he had spoken out, no one else dared to speak, so he seemed even more proud, "I want to tell you, it's all because our Majesty is kind and kind, and let her A woman has the opportunity to go to the battlefield, and let her be the queen of the palace. If I marry a woman who has been divorced several times, I will never let her be the queen."

"So people like you can only drink wine on credit with us," the clerk mocked yin and yang, "I can't even marry a daughter-in-law, and I'm too embarrassed to make irresponsible remarks about our empress, why don't you use your two-inch nails? Take a piss photo, what are you?"

As soon as the steward said this, everyone in the lobby laughed. Some people laughed at him for being poor, some people laughed at him for not being able to marry a single daughter-in-law, but no one said that there was something wrong with the Queen Mother being divorced several times.

"What happened to our mother-in-law's divorce several times, it shows that these men are not worthy of her," a woman glanced at the man, "a person like you is also worthy of talking about the mother-in-law, bah."

I don’t know when there is a trend of imitating the empress in the capital. My daughter’s family is proud of being able to ride horses and archery. Even if they don’t play poetry and songs, they can straighten their waist and say a word. Even if their empress is not good at poetry and painting, the same is true. Can command the heroes and amaze the world.

Ban Heng, whose anger had just risen to the half, saw that the man in the lobby who was talking nonsense was already surrounded by the anger of the crowd.

He turned his head and whispered to Ban Hua, "Sister, I didn't expect you to be so appealing now."

In fact, there are so many daughters' families in the capital, not all of them can play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but these days are respected, and those who can't have to bite the bullet. Now that a less mainstream queen has finally emerged, they will take the opportunity. To express my emotions.

They were not her, but themselves.

Ban Hua smiled: "Let's go, there's no point in listening to it any longer."

As soon as she stood up, a man in a blue robe walked in. Ban Hua saw him and sat back again.

"The Empress was divorced, not because she was not good, but because she was too good, making men feel ashamed and dare not be with her," Xie Qilin walked in when he heard others gossiping about Ban Huan outside, "Your Majesty Being a natural pair with the queen, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, and other men in the world are with the empress, which is a humiliation to her."

The man was ridiculed by a group of people, because he was in a bad mood, and now he saw a little white face and came to talk, and taunted: "Who are you, what are you saying that those fiancés are not worthy of the queen to break off the marriage, you are not them, you how do you know?"

"I'm not talented, she is indeed the former fiancé of the Empress," Xie Qilin said indifferently, "The Empress is like a fairy, with a noble birth, and because of inferiority, she deliberately broke off the marriage. A filthy villain like you is not qualified to talk about the Empress. , But if I don't make it clear today, there will be people like you to discuss the empress, and I won't sully the empress's good name."

"From the beginning to the end, it's me who is not worthy of the Empress," Xie Qilin lowered his eyelids, his expression slack, "You don't have to talk about this in the future, if it brings disaster, then it's your own fault."

Everyone didn't expect that a gossip behind their backs would be overheard by the parties involved. They had heard that the Empress did have a fiancé named Xie, but they didn't know why she broke off the marriage later. Some people said that Mr. Xie disliked County Master Fule's lack of elegance, so he eloped with someone else. It is also said that the Ban family despised the Xie family for not being prominent enough, so they disliked it everywhere.

Now it seems that the queen is too good to make her fiance feel that she is not worthy of her, so she finds a reason to break off the marriage and save their weak face.

When people succeed, everything you have in the past will be beautified by them and become a moving or inspiring story. In essence, this is people's obedience to the strong.

Everyone present automatically made up some pictures of how beautiful the queen is. In the end, they stamped a seal and concluded that the queen's concubine was too good, and most men were not worthy of it. Only her majesty, who is wise, benevolent, benevolent, and virtuous, can match the natural character of the empress. Become the unparalleled couple in the world.

Ban Hua was expressionless listening to the discussion below.

"He would actually stand up and admit such a shameful thing," Ban Heng sneered, "I thought his conscience was broken to the root."

Zhou Changxiao coughed dryly: "Ah Heng, a new restaurant has opened recently, let's try it."

He didn't dare to listen to the empress's past grievances and grievances, and always felt that it was unsafe to listen too much.

Ban Hua glanced at him with a smile and nodded: "Let's go."

She got up together, and all the men and women in the private room upstairs stood up in an instant, because they were not the guests, but the guards of Ban Hua.

After lunch, Ban Hua was ready to return to the palace.

Ban Heng sent each other all the way, until they were sent to the door of Suzaku before they stopped.

"Sister," Ban Heng threw a burden to Ban Yan and whispered, "I found this for you specially, don't let His Majesty find out."

Seeing his mysterious look, Ban Hua took it with a smile: "Is there no contraband in the palace?"

"You are my sister, will I cheat on you?" Ban Heng sighed, "You have a straight temper and don't like to use your brains. The maids around you are carefully selected by your mother, and I can barely put my mind at ease. Now our family is living a good life, don't ask for benefits for the family, anyway, I'm not an official material, so it's good now. There are few concubines in the playbook who want benefits for their parents' family. It's a good end, just play and don't learn from them."

"What have you been watching at home all day?" Ban Hua reached out and nodded Ban Heng's forehead, "Don't worry about it if you're stupid, I know my sister."

"If you really know it, I'll be relieved," Ban Heng sighed, "I'll still say those few words, don't wrong yourself, don't worry about us, there are not many that can make our family suffer."

Seeing Ban Heng's smug look, Ban Hua couldn't help laughing, "Okay, I see."

"It's good to know," Ban Heng turned his head, "Okay, you can go in, it's time for me to come back."

Ban Hua nodded. She turned her horse's head and rode into the palace slowly. Looking back, she saw that Ban Heng was still outside the Suzaku gate, craned his neck to look at her. She chuckled lightly and waved to Ban Heng, who then rode away slowly.

Back at Da Yue Palace, Rong Xia discussed political affairs with the minister in the front hall. She didn't bother, but opened the package that Ban Heng gave her. Inside the package was a bookcase, quite heavy.

Is it a new book? There are people in the palace who are compiling stories for her. All of these people are masters at compiling stories. How can they buy books outside the palace

The lid of the box was opened, and Ban Hua took out the thick stack of books inside.

"Empress Chunming Living Notes"

"Women of the Sima Family"

The title of the book "The Degree of a Gentleman" is serious, but when I flipped through it, it was written about the duplicitous behavior of men.

"War in the Harem" is about how women in the harem seduce the emperor, and how those ruthless women plot against the queen.

After flipping through all the books, Ban Hua stroked the cover of the book and couldn't help laughing.

"Niangniang," Changmao said in a low voice, "there are some books in here, which may be recorded as facts. Although the prince has been overwhelmed, these books are not all useless."

Ban Hua put the book back in the box, shook his head with a smile, didn't say anything, just asked Ruyi to pick up the book.

Shi Suyue's suicide did not cause much of a stir in the capital. Her jade plaque was taken down, and even the regulations at the time of burial only used the rank of Xiangjun. This was the result of a decree from Ban Hua, otherwise she could only be buried according to the specifications of ordinary women.

Although there was no publicity in the palace, with the liquidation of some people from the previous dynasty, Shi was abandoned by the prince, and finally committed suicide. Anyone with a little brain can guess that Shi may have something to do with the assassination of the queen. .

Shortly after Shi's burial, Prince He took his family to guard the mausoleums of the emperors of Daye.

The front has finally ended cleanly.

In the other palace in the capital, Princess Anle listened to her servant's report, and after a long time said with a wry smile: "Rongxia is driving us from the previous dynasty, so don't mention Shi's affairs to the queen, I'm worried. Her old man can't take it."

"What happened?" Empress Dowager Fuping came in and saw Princess Anle's pale face, she calmed down, "Tell me, I can stand it."

"Queen Mother." Princess Anle didn't expect that the Queen Mother Fuping would hear what she said, her complexion changed slightly, and she didn't know whether to speak for a while.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. I can even stand changing the dynasty. What else can't stand it." Empress Dowager Fuping walked to the table and sat down with a determined and calm expression.

"Mother, Shi Shi is gone."

Empress Dowager Fuping moved her brows: "She places too much importance on power. If she can't get past this hurdle, she will be dead sooner or later." She sighed, "Your elder brother sent someone to tell him that he would go to the ancestors of the Jiang family. Guarding the mausoleum. In fact, this is also good, at least it will not cause suspicion of the new emperor, and can save a life. "

"Mother, Rong Xia... Is it the blood of the father?" Princess Anle remembered that Ban Hua once said that Rong Xia was not the illegitimate son of the father, but Ban Hua could even give Rong Xia the tiger talisman of the three armies. How could she dare to believe Ban Hua

She has been with Ban Hua for so many years as a sisterhood, but in the end Ban Hua rebelled with Rong Xia and ruined the Jiang family's hundreds of years of foundation. Now she doesn't know whether to hate Ban Hua more or love her more.

"Where did you hear these nonsense," Mrs. Fuping's expression changed greatly, "An Le, your father and I have spoiled you for so many years, have you spoiled your brain?"

Princess Anle didn't expect Empress Dowager Fuping to be so angry, she bit her lip and said with a pale face, "Empress mother, just tell me, at least let me understand."

"So what if you understand, what if you don't understand?" Empress Dowager Fuping tugged at the corners of her mouth and smiled, but this smile was not smiling, "You ask me, who am I going to ask?"

"Even you don't know?" Princess Anle looked at the Queen Mother Fuping suspiciously. Does the mother don't know, or doesn't want to tell her

Back in her yard, Princess Anle thought for a long time, called a palace maid, and handed her her waist card.

"You sent someone to the palace and said that I wanted to see your majesty."

"Your Majesty?" The palace maid thought she heard it wrong, and asked again, "Is it Your Majesty?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Princess Anle lowered her eyelids, looking at the dresser that was only 80% new, her eyes lightened a little.

In the Dayue Palace, Ban Hua was lying on the bed, smilingly watching Rong Xia change into the dragon robe, sit on the imperial carriage, and lie on the bed for half an hour before getting up to have breakfast. After finishing her meal, she suddenly remembered Mrs. Yang that Mrs. Zhao had mentioned to her, and said to Ruyi, "I didn't say that Mrs. Yang wanted to see me a few days ago, but I think today is very suitable to announce her to the palace. "

"Is that the remarried Yang?" Ruyi asked in a low voice.

"It's not her who else," Ban Hua sneered, "I just want to know what she wants to do when she asks me."

"It's nothing more than an affair, or to beg Your Majesty and the Empress not to pursue those things in the past," Ruyi smiled, "Could it be that there are other reasons?"

"You're right," Ban Hua smiled, "you can't control these means."

After Rong Xia went to court, he was about to go to the sleeping hall when Wang De whispered in his ear: "Your Majesty, Princess Anle from the previous dynasty asked to see you."

"Princess Anle?" Rong Xia thought for a while, "The princess who has some friendship with Hua Hua."


"Since you have some friendship with Hua Hua, what are you doing here to see me?"

"The slaves don't know either. Princess Anle said that she has something important to report to Your Majesty."

Rongxia pondered for a moment: "Xuan."

"In addition, I'll ask the Empress to sit behind the screen for a while. I can see her face when I see her, but she can't help but listen to what she has to say."

Wang De's eyelids moved slightly, and he bowed, "This servant understands."

The author has something to say: Lobster: All misunderstandings come from self-righteousness.