I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 15: Mouth fight


"Ban Hua, don't think I dare not touch you."

"I'm so scared! Why, now I'm finally not called Ban Junjun, can't pretend?" Ban Hua rolled his eyes at Kang Ning, "My family didn't raise a decent gentleman who slandered the elders behind his back, nor did he The gentleman who did not hold on to the position of the prince and pretended to be aloof and said that the capital was a filthy place. If it wasn't for some people's mothers crying and begging in front of my grandmother back then, barely keeping the position of the prince, now it's their turn. Why are you yelling at my brother here?"

No matter how stupid her younger brother is, he is also her Ban Hua's younger brother. What kind of person is she Kang Ning, dare to yell at their Ban family

Even if the Ban family were to fall, it would be five years later, not now!

"Yes, our family are all hypocrites. Unlike some people who boast of their beauty, they have been divorced several times. Who doesn't know that someone in the capital can't marry someone who is forced to marry, and let's see which promising man in the capital is willing to marry you? !" Kang Ning was stabbed in the sore spot by Ban Hua, and he began to speak out, "When your brother enters the house with a bride, will you still be arrogant in the Jingting Hou Mansion?!"

"Only your brother can do such a thing, don't think that all men in the world are as hypocritical as your family," Ban Heng snorted, "My sister can be as arrogant as she wants in the future, our whole family is happy to spoil you What's the matter? Besides, my sister is beautiful, ten streets prettier than you, it's useless for you to be jealous!"

This Kang Ning's mind is really vicious, and he actually provokes his sister-in-law friendship with his sister. Is he the kind of person who has a daughter-in-law and forgets his sister

Kang Ning didn't expect that when she and Ban Hua were arguing, a man from Ban Heng would come to interrupt, and he was so angry that he forgot to blink.

Is this the upbringing of the Jingting Houfu

Is this the demeanor of the prince of Jingting Houfu

"Prince Ban, is it inappropriate for you as a man to intervene in trivial matters between women?" Jiang Yuchen frowned and looked a little unhappy.

"What's wrong? No one can bully my sister when I'm here anyway. I don't care if you are a man or a woman." Ban Heng snorted. He doesn't have a good reputation anyway, and it doesn't matter if people say it badly now. , Do not worry about more debts.

A big man who sees his family being bullied and still maintains the so-called gentleman's demeanor is a problem with his brain.

What is a copper pea that is not cooked and not rotten when it is smashed, so is the case with the sisters of the Ban family.

"The Ban family is really well-bred, insulting the descendants of the royal family, but bullying weak women as a man is really amazing," Kang Ning laughed in anger, "Brother, a decent gentleman like you, don't do this..." She scorned Looking at Ban Heng, "Don't care about this kind of person."

"A gentleman?" Ban Hua sarcastically said without mercy, "What kind of a decent gentleman is he, Cheng Anbo never praises himself as a gentleman, but who doesn't know that he is a gentleman in the whole capital? Just like your hypocrisy, How dare you call yourself a gentleman?"

"Ah!" Ban Heng took a sip next to him, expressing his disdain for the brother and sister of Prince Hui's Mansion with practical actions.

It is clear that the brothers and sisters in Prince Hui's mansion are older than the sisters and younger brothers in Jingting Hou's mansion, and their means of acting are higher than those of the sisters in Jingting's mansion, but at this moment, Rong Xia feels that the brothers and sisters of Prince Hui's mansion are being crushed by the Ban family's brothers and sisters. bullied.

Wang De, who accompanied Cheng Anbo, saw that he was standing beside him and did not continue to move forward. He also maintained a smiling face and stood behind Cheng Anbo. As a eunuch who was used by His Majesty's side, he had never seen any noble girl quarrel so much... Frankly.

Seeing that the sister and brother of Jingting Houfu didn't look like they were going to suffer, he felt relieved. In the heart of His Majesty, there is no one in the entire Dayue Palace who knows the importance of Kangning County Lord and Ban County Lord.

"You two are really not human beings!" Kang Ning's eyes were red with anger, "It's too deceiving!"

"Because of your high status, you two brothers and sisters don't count as bullying our sister and brother, but you even beat them up," Ban Hua looked at County Lord Kangning in disbelief, "Are you still unreasonable?"


The most unreasonable is this sister and brother!

Kang Ning turned his head to look at Li Xiaoru: "Miss Li, you can also see what happened. To be fair, who is the bully?!"

"I, I..." Li Xiaoru glanced carefully at Ban Hua, and remembered that when Ban Hua was taunting her just now, Jiang Yuchen still laughed at her, his body swayed, his eyes closed softly and he fell down softly. Even more coincidentally, she just avoided two stones and fell on the thick grass.

She fainted so timely that she almost didn't tell Kang Ning County Master clearly that she was afraid of Ban Hua and didn't dare to provoke her again.

At this time, Rong Xia, who had been standing beside him for a while, was finally willing to stand up. He coughed dryly and said to the guards behind him, "Go and call the two maids over and help Miss Li to the tent to rest."

"Cheng Anbo." Jiang Yuchen looked at the man in front of him, remembering what Ban Hua said just now that he was not as good as Rongxia, his face was not very good-looking.

"Cheng, Ching Amber." Kang Ning glanced at Rong Xia at a loss and gave him a gift of blessing.

Rong Xia bowed back to the two of them, turned to look at the Ban family, and said with a smile, "Jun Ban, Prince Ban, what's wrong?"

Ban Heng glanced at Ban Hua, remembered the embarrassment that Rong Xia had buried the money a month ago, and returned the salute to him silently.

"Cheng Anbo," Ban Ma said to Cheng Anbo, "Why did you and the prince come here?"

Wang De bowed to Ban Hua, and finally someone noticed him.

Rong Xia glanced at the brothers and sisters at Prince Hui's mansion, and took a step towards Ban Hua very naturally: "Your Majesty heard something going on here, so let me come over and take a look."

"Cheng Amber, Ban Hua she..."

Rong Xia smiled at Kang Ning, and interrupted her with a gentle expression: "Master Kang Ning, Jun Ban and Prince Ban are the grandchildren of His Royal Highness the eldest princess. I'm afraid it is a little wrong to say that you are not a son of a human being."

"I..." Kang Ning panicked for a while, the way she scolded someone just now was actually seen by Cheng Amber

It's obvious that she's not like this usually, and she won't say such rude and rude words. It's all to blame for Ban Hua and Ban Heng. If it wasn't for their sister and brother to provoke her, how could she be so angry

"The prince and the county master are older than Jun Ban. I wonder if they can take my face and let go of their prejudices?" Rong Xia smiled more perfectly, "It's just that some words will not be said in the future. If His Majesty hears these words, wouldn't it make him worry and sad?"

Jiang Yuchen sneered in his heart when he heard the words, Rong Xia said politely, but inside and outside the words, it was obvious that the sister and brother of Jingtinghou Mansion were shielded.

Really a good dog of the emperor, let's see what happens next.

"Since Cheng Anbo has already said so, he and Shimei are not people who care about each other." Jiang Yuchen said in a blunt voice, "I also hope that Junjun Ban will take care of himself in the future."

Standing next to him, Wang De raised his eyelids, this Prince Hui was really ignorant, and it would be boring to say this.

When Ban Hua heard this, she was naturally unhappy. When she was about to taunt her back, Rong Xia spoke before her.

"The ancients said, the gentleman is the third, I am incompetent, the benevolent is not worried, the knowledgeable is not confused, the brave is not afraid," Rong Xia put his hands behind his back, and said with a smile, "Your Highness, what do you think?"

The author has something to say: Rong Xia: I am very reasonable, and I will never protect my shortcomings.