I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 19: Willful Lord



Ban Heng trotted all the way to Ban Hua's yard, interrupting the story that the female storyteller was going on, took the tea poured by the maid, and took a few sips before saying, "I have already found the person."

Ban Hua waved his hand to let all the unrelated people back out, and slapped the coffee table with both hands: "Who is it?"

"Uncle Zhongping's eldest son, Xie Chongjin." Ban Heng drank a full cup of tea before he could barely breathe, "The one who passed the exam three years ago, but went to work abroad. After Xie Qilin broke one of his eyes, he I was transferred back to Beijing, and I just arrived in the capital yesterday."

"Sister, what do you want me to check him for?" Ban Heng sat down on the chair and suddenly looked at Ban Hua with a suspicious look: "You don't think he looks good, so what?"

"Can you think of something normal in your mind?" Ban Hua patted Ban Heng's hand ready to take the dessert, "Your sister is in your heart, that's all?"

Ban Heng is at a loss, what is it like

Ban Hua felt that her hand was a little itchy, and almost slapped it on Ban Heng's silly face. But she couldn't bear it any longer. Seeing him running with sweat all over her head, she threw the handkerchief into his hand, "You say, how likely is it that the Zhongping Uncle's Mansion will rebel?"

"Sister, what do you think you can rebel against the virtue of Uncle Zhongping's mansion?" Ban Heng widened his eyes, "I know you don't want to see this family, but this kind of shit can be slapped on his head, it's a shame to the shit. insult."

"You seem to have some truth in what you said," Ban Hua peeled the melon seeds, threw away the shell and put Ren'er in a small silver bowl. "There are so many men in black in the world, so it's not necessarily him."

"Maybe people from other places raised their flags to rebel, and they responded..." Ban Heng suddenly paused.

"The new emperor succeeded, his position is unstable, and the people are angry," Yin Shi walked into the courtyard and sat opposite the two brothers and sisters. "The world of the Jiang family is not as secure as they imagined."

Today's emperors are extravagant and rejoicing in meritorious deeds. They even condone the empress's maiden's family to sell officials and titles. There have long been voices of dissatisfaction among the people, but officials in the DPRK and China have suppressed these rumors. But if it can be suppressed for a while, can it be suppressed for a lifetime

"Mother, do you think we should tell grandma about my sister's dream?" Ban Heng touched his head, "Anyway, our brains are not good, why don't we let grandma figure out a solution?"

"No." Yin Shi immediately objected, "This matter must not be told to your grandmother."

"Why?" Ban Heng was puzzled, "If we can't solve things that we can't solve, if we don't give them to grandma, who else can we give them to?"

"Your grandmother is not only your grandmother, but also the eldest princess of the Jiang family. She is old. If you let her know that the Jiang family's dynasty will be overthrown, would you let her old man accept it?" Yin Shi said angrily, " You usually go to say goodbye to your grandmother, spend more time with her old man, other things are not your concern."

Ban Heng nodded obediently, "I remember." He poured the melon seeds from the silver bowl on the table into his mouth.

"Ban Heng!" Seeing that the kernels of the sunflower seeds he peeled were gone, Ban Hua almost didn't put the dessert plate on Ban Heng's head, "You are a big man, and you even robbed me of the kernels of sunflower seeds."

"I'm your younger brother, not a big man," Ban Heng jumped up from his chair, "what's the matter with peeling melon seeds, I will marry a daughter-in-law who peels melon seeds for me in the future."

"Bah! You are so beautiful," Ban Hua put his hands on his hips. "If I found a husband like you, I would definitely beat you every day."

"Then what kind of husband are you looking for to peel melon seeds for you?" Ban Heng stomped away, "That's what you call a dream."

Looking at the noisy appearance of the pair of children, Yin Shi couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. There are servants in the family, and the two often quarrel over such trivial matters.

On the street, Ban Huai swayed outside with his guards at any time. This bracelet is very beautiful, so I bought it for my wife. This hairpin looks beautiful, so I bought it for my daughter. These books are well written, so I brought a few to my son. Because he spends a lot of time shopping recently, and he doesn't use his power to oppress people, he gives as much as he should, and he doesn't bully the merchants who do business. Therefore, Mr. Ban Dahou is very popular with shopkeepers and court servants in the luxury street of Daye Chao. Welcome, I really wish he would come every day.

"Master Hou, this glazed lamp just arrived this year. Although it is not as refined as the palace, it is also a bit elegant." The shopkeeper enthusiastically introduced a star glazed lamp to Ban Huai. As if a star has fallen on the ground, the female family members of your house will definitely like it very much."

Ban Huai glanced at the glazed cup, the workmanship was quite good, and said, "How much?"

"Master Hou, you are our old acquaintance, and I don't dare to ask you for a high price if you are young." The shopkeeper glanced around and whispered, "If someone else wants to be a thousand taels, if it is you If you want, I will accept six hundred and eighty-eight taels, which is considered auspicious."

"Okay, you can arrange for someone to send it to my house later," Ban Huai nodded and turned to see a picture of Ma Gu's birthday hanging on the wall. He remembered that his mother always liked calligraphy, painting and antiques, and said, "This picture How much does the painting cost?"

"Master Marquis... This painting has already been set, do you want to see something else?" The shopkeeper laughed along, "I'll let someone pick it up if I'm young, so you can choose it slowly."

"That's all." Ban Huai felt a little pity, this painting has a very good meaning, and it was the perfect gift for his mother.

"If the Marquis wants it, the junior will give you this painting," a man walked in from outside, "as long as the Marquis doesn't dislike it."

Ban Huai looked back and saw the person coming: "Uncle Rong."

Rong Xia gave Ban Huai a junior salute, then turned to the clerk and said, "Prepare the painting and give it to Lord Ban Hou."

"How can this make it? Since Uncle Rong chose this painting, how can I win people's favor?" Although Ban Huai is older than Rong Xia and his grade is higher than Rong Xia, he is not someone who is willing to take advantage of the younger generation. .

"Your Majesty, you're welcome," Rong Xia once again gave a courtesy to the younger generation, "It is fate that this painting can make you fancy. If you refuse to accept it, then you will look down on the younger generation."

In terms of eloquence, ten Ban Huai couldn't compare to half a tolerance, so in the end Ban Huai accepted the painting. At any rate, he still remembered that he could not take advantage of others for nothing, so he decided to invite this generous, polite, and handsome young junior to dinner and go to Wangyuelou, the most expensive place in the capital.

Rong Xia not only did not dislike him for being an idle prince, but he respected him very much along the way, which made Ban Huai's impression of him from a very powerful young uncle to a very likable young man, and finally his favorability went straight to this boy too. To my appetite, my son is a scumbag.

The waiter in Wangyuelou was also very familiar with Ban Huai, and when he saw him, he warmly greeted the two of them to sit upstairs.

When Ban Huai was going up the stairs, he said to the waiter who led the way, "I remember your daughter-in-law is about to give birth?"

"Hui Hou, my wife has already given birth, but unfortunately she is a girl." The waiter's face did not show much joy, "You ask."

"It's alright, girl," Ban Huai felt in his pocket, took out two peanut-sized silver gourds and handed them to the waiter, "Put this for your girl to press a pillow, and bless her with a long life and no disease or disaster. "

"Master Hou, how dare you want to be young..."

"It's okay, this is what I brought to the juniors," Ban Huai said, "My family has ten thousand gold, and I can do whatever I want." "Take it."

"Thank, thank you, Marquis!" The waiter took the two silver gourds, his face full of gratitude.

Rong Xia looked at the exchanges between Ban Huai and the court waiter, and the smile on her face deepened. After the two sat down in the box, Rong Xia said, "Master Hou is sincere and kind."

"It's not that I have a good heart," Ban Huai shook his head and took a sip of tea. "If I don't open my mouth, that girl might not survive."

For their nobles, raising an extra daughter is not a big deal, but for ordinary people, especially ordinary people who seek a child and get a daughter, this daughter is superfluous. In the early years, when he was idle in the suburbs to play, he witnessed an old woman throwing her dead granddaughter under a bridge, just so that she would be trampled by thousands of people, so that no daughter would dare to reincarnate in her home.

After this incident, he went back and was so frightened that he fell ill, and after drinking several sedatives, he recovered.

Rong Xia didn't expect Ban Huai to say such a sentence, and was stunned for a moment, "It can be seen that Lord Hou is still kind-hearted."

Ban Huai waved his hand and didn't want to talk about this anymore.

After a while, when the food came to the table, Ban Huai didn't drink a few sips of wine, and the wine was on his head, talking to Rong Xia with some rambling nonsense. The rare thing is that Rong Xia was able to pick up the words, which is worthy of honor. Young Master Rong of the whole world.

"The bastards in Uncle Zhongping's house still want their eldest son to serve in the household department. He wants to be beautiful!" Ban Huai put the wine bottle on the table heavily, "They bullied my daughter like this, and they still want to pretend that it didn't happen. No doors! No windows!"

Rong Xia remembered the rumors in the capital, that Mr. Ban Hou was the most favored eldest daughter. After the second son of Uncle Zhongping eloped with the fireworks woman, Lord Mr. Ban went to Uncle Zhongping's mansion to break off the marriage. He also smashed Uncle Zhongping's mansion into a mess. Even the door was changed. Later, after Xie Qilin came back, he was beaten countless times. Uncle Zhongping went to sue the imperial court, saying that it was done by the Jingtinghou family, but unfortunately there was no evidence, and the emperor was partial to Jingtinghou's mansion, so the matter was over. That's it.

"The younger generation also thinks that Xie's parents and sons are not suitable for the Ministry of Households," Cheng Anbo filled Ban Huai with wine, "Where do you think it would be better for him to work?"

"It's better to be idle at home!" Ban Huai cursed drunkenly, "Let him take his father home and feed him."

Although Ban Huai didn't learn his military commander's father's ability to fight, but he did learn a lot about scolding people.

The author has something to say: "My family has ten thousand gold, and my actions follow my heart." It can be understood that I am rich and self-willed!