I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 21: collapse


"Your Majesty, although the dog has no talent in the world, he is also dedicated to the people. It is absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing that is reviled by the world. Please enlighten your majesty!"

"You think beautifully, how many people in the world know the name of your Xie family?" Ban Huai said yin and yang strangely, "I just want everyone in the world to scold you, but you don't have the ability."

"Ban Shuiqing!" Uncle Zhongping said angrily, "I have endured you for a long time, don't make trouble!"

"I just told the truth, Uncle Zhongping doesn't need to be so angry," Ban Huai sighed, "Well, I don't want to care about such trivial matters with you. Xie Jiadalang is famous all over the world. No one knows, is that right?"

"You, you..." Uncle Zhongping felt that Ban Huai's every word and every expression was humiliating his Xie family. In a hurry, he raised his banwat and rushed up.

"Uncle Zhongping, it's impossible!"

One of the civil servants shouted, and the hall suddenly became chaotic. One of them moved faster and stopped in front of Ban Huai, but this person was hit hard on the arm.

"Under the emperor's feet, you dare to act on the court, have you put your Majesty in your eyes?!" Ban Huai quickly pulled Cheng Anbo who was standing in front of him, lest Zhongpingbo continue to go crazy and hurt others .

The military general standing next to him stepped forward and twisted Zhongpingbo backhand and pressed him to the ground.

"Uncle Zhongping, I've been offended."

The general glanced at Ban Huai and Uncle Zhongping, and returned to his original position with a straight face.

"Cheng Anbo, is your arm okay?" Ban Huai saw that Uncle Zhongping was already lying on the ground, and turned to look at Rong Xia, both guilt and gratitude, "I'm really sorry for causing you trouble."

"Master Hou's words are serious," Rong Xia glanced at Uncle Zhongping and bowed to him, "Uncle Zhongping, you and the Duke of Jingting are officials in the same dynasty. If you have any misunderstandings, just tell me. If you are so angry, you may hurt your body and mind!"

"Humph!" Emperor Yunqing, who was sitting at the top, slapped the throne with a sullen face. "From my point of view, he is angry and angry, and he doesn't take me seriously."

"Your Majesty, I have no intention of offending Tianyan, but the Marquis of Jingting is too deceiving. He has been in trouble with Wei Chen all day long. Wei Chen couldn't bear it, so he made such a big mistake on the spur of the moment. Please look into it clearly, Your Majesty." He fell to the ground and woke up. Hearing His Majesty's anger, he regretted it in his heart, and even more hated Ban Huai, who had been with him all day long.

Emperor Yunqing knew the grievances and grievances between the two families. In his opinion, Ban Hua was a lovable junior. Although he would not let his son marry him, it did not mean that he could see other people's face off Ban Hua. . Who is Ban Hua? His cousin and niece, the granddaughter of the eldest princess, married the second son of the Xie family, which is called a low marriage.

Who knew that the second son of the Xie family eloped with the fireworks woman, which not only slapped Ban Hua in the face, but also slapped him in the face.

Who doesn't know that he loves Ban Hua, but the younger generation he loves has been escaped from marriage. Is it because he doesn't look down on him, or is he laughing at his lack of vision and doting on a little girl who was escaped from marriage by a man

Ban Huai, as Ban Hua's father, satirized him a few times. He never saw him so excited when his son ran away from the marriage. Now that he heard a few gossips, he was going to beat up a marquis with a higher title than him. Simply contempt for the court.

Emperor Yunqing was unhappy and had a little emotion, so what Uncle Zhongping said became nonsense in his heart.

He didn't even look at Uncle Zhongping, and said to the left minister Yan Hui: "In that case, it is up to you to thoroughly investigate the matter, and the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment will assist. Before the case was found out, Xie Chongjin was temporarily imprisoned in Tianjiu, and he was not allowed to let him go. People visit!"

"His Majesty!"

Uncle Zhongping slumped to his knees on the hall, his voice trembling: "Your Majesty, the dog has been wronged!"

"Whether you've been wronged or not, we'll only know when things are clarified." Emperor Yunqing stood up impatiently, "Retreat!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Uncle Zhongping sat on the ground dazedly, knowing that this would happen, he should not have transferred his eldest son back to the capital. The second son had a broken eye, and the eldest son was about to be imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison. What evil spirit did their Xie family provoked

"Uncle Zhongping, are you still leaving?"

Uncle Zhongping got up from the ground, glanced at the general who was talking to him, and walked outside the hall blankly.

Suddenly, he remembered something, and looked back at the general: "If I remember correctly, General Cao seems to be the old department of Duke Jingting?"

General Cao touched the stubble on his chin, "The late general was indeed the old department of the eldest princess' concubine, Zhong Pingbo asked these for what?"

"As you military generals, I am extremely disappointed with descendants like Gongyou Jingting. I didn't expect..." Uncle Zhongping shook his head, "You military generals are kind and righteous."

General Cao looked at Uncle Zhongping inexplicably: "What are you talking about?"

Seeing him like this, Uncle Zhongping couldn't help frowning. Could it be that he was thinking too much

"Uncle Rong, be careful with the steps." Ban Huai sent Rong Xia all the way back to Cheng Anbo Mansion, and he breathed a sigh of relief when the imperial doctor who was good at bruises arrived.

"Master Hou, I haven't suffered any injuries." Rong Xia rolled up his sleeves, and there was a large mass of bruises on it, which looked a little scary.

"They've all grown so big, and they haven't been injured yet?" Ban Huai turned to look at the imperial physician, "Imperial physician, please help me to see if there is any bone injury?"

It is said that Uncle Rong is good at Danqing calligraphy, and can even write with both hands at the same time. If he really hurts his hands, how can his conscience be good

"Don't worry, Uncle Ban, Uncle Rong is just a skin injury. It will take a few days to put on the ointment." in one piece

Could it be...

He glanced at Ban Huai, the daughter of Ban's family was beautiful and beautiful. Could it be that these two families are going to be relatives

It's just that Princess Ban is beautiful, but isn't it inappropriate to be with Uncle Rong

At this time, in the residence of the Marquis of Jingting, Ban Huan was urging Ban Heng to practice boxing and kicking. Ban Heng was crying bitterly, but he didn't dare to sit on the ground, because he was afraid of the whip on his sister's hand.

"Sister, is it a quarter of an hour?"

"It's still early," Ban Hua stared at the bowl above his head, "Don't shake, the water will overflow the bowl if you shake it again. Be careful I'll slap you."

Ban Heng gritted his teeth and said, "Sister, my sister, the first beauty of my great cause, can you please let me take a breath?"

Ban Hua looked at Ban Heng quietly: "Brother Heng, if you don't exercise well and your parents will get old in the future, what will you do to protect them?"

"You're not good at poetry, and you won't be able to be a literati in the future."

Ban Heng's knees softened.

"If you're not good at Danqing, you can't sell paintings."

Ban Heng's knees are soft again.

"I'm not good at arithmetic, and I can't be a bookkeeper."

Ban Heng's knees couldn't be softer.

"I'm not good at riding and shooting, and I can't be a hunter."

Ban Heng was about to kneel down to his sister.

"You don't work hard, you don't know the five grains, and you don't know how to farm the land. The only thing you can do is to exercise your strength and make money with your strength. Even if you won't be so hard in the future, at least you have a good body. Let the wicked dare not touch you."

Ban Heng finally knelt down with a thud.

"Sister! I was wrong."

Ban Hua took out a handkerchief and wiped the water off his face, and patted his head with satisfaction: "Just understand, go change into dry clothes, and then come back and continue."

"Yes." Ban Heng sullenly got up from the ground, glanced at the broken bowl on the ground, and began to calculate in his head, in a few years, how many bags of goods he would have to carry at the dock before he could buy such a fine porcelain bowl

That afternoon, he went to the housekeeper to inquire about it. The bowl he broke was produced by the official kiln. The price of a bowl was about 22 taels, which was enough for an ordinary farm family to spend a year and there was still a surplus. Wharf workers can get five cents for carrying a bag of goods. This also requires good luck, and the foreman encountered is kind.

One tael of silver is exchanged for 1,000 yuan, and 20 taels of silver is 20,000 yuan, so he has to carry 5,000 bags of goods to buy a bowl he is using now

"Sister!" Ban Heng rushed into Ban Hua's yard, "Let's go and bury the money!"

The author has something to say: Ban Heng: I can't bear such a heavy future!