I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 22: Waste snacks


"What are you doing, what are you doing?" Ban Hua was lying on the soft couch and asked the maid to massage her head. Ban Heng rushed in crying and howling, scaring the maid with a heavy hand and ripping off Ban Hua's hair. Grab a few.

"The county master." The little maid was so frightened that her face turned pale. She looked at Ban Hua in a panic, not knowing how to put her hands and feet away.

"You all go down," Ban Yan turned to look at the little girl, "it's okay, it's not your fault."

"Xie County Master." When the little girl followed the others to exit, her hands were shaking. She looked down at the few strands of hair in her palm, only to feel that the owner of her county was kind-hearted and flawless.

"Yuzhu, you've been serving the county master for a year or two, why are you still so timid?" The little girl who was close to her grabbed her wrist and laughed softly, "It seems that the county master will ask for it again later. I quarreled with the prince."

"Don't talk nonsense, how can our servants talk nonsense in private about the matter of the master?" Yuzhu hurriedly tugged at her wrist, "If the housekeeper hears it, your moon silver will be deducted."

The little girl hurriedly shut her mouth, turned her head and looked around a few times, only after she didn't see the butler's figure, did she feel relieved.

In the yard, Ban Hua sat up straight from the imperial concubine's couch and pulled her loose hair behind her. "After being discovered by Uncle Rong last time, didn't you say you would never do such a stupid thing again?"

"It's not every time Uncle Rong finds out," Ban Heng said cheekily, "How many times I take it seriously, don't worry about it. Sister, shall we go and bury the money early tomorrow morning?"

"Go by yourself," Ban Hua lay back on the couch of the imperial concubine, "it's so cold in the morning, I don't want to get up."

"Then... let's go in the evening, and tomorrow night we'll stay in a village in the suburbs and won't go back to the city," Ban Heng thought for a while, "It's not safe to go out at night, we'll go in the evening, if we can't meet the curfew, we'll be there What do you think of staying in Bie Zhuang for one night?"

Ban Hua was silent for a moment: "Go and call me the maid who is guarding outside."

"What do you tell them to do?" Ban Heng was puzzled.

"Don't ask them to comb my hair?" Ban Hua stood up, "I'll wait and tell my mother."

"Okay!" Ban Heng nodded happily, turned around and called the maids in, "Sister, then I'll clean up."

Ban Hua ignored him, just sat on the soft slump and sighed at the nine-turn white jade bracelet on her wrist. She was worried that with her brother's brain, she would forget where she buried her things in five years.

The maids filed in and waited on Ban Hua to comb her hair and change her clothes. Piece after piece of dresses that took more than a month to make, hairpins, jade pendants, bracelets, and pearls that ordinary people could never afford to buy in their entire lives. Waiting for the occasional blessing of the master.

Ban Yan lightly touched her lips with her fingertips, and pursed her lips. After seeing that her lips became gorgeous and moist, she stood up satisfied and walked towards the main courtyard.

Although Cheng Anbo was injured and Ban Huai felt a little guilty, in general, Ban Huai was in a good mood. He walked into the second door and saw the charming and lively daughter, and the smile on his face suddenly brightened a bit: "寳寳."

"Father," Ban Hua blessed Ban Huai, and trotted to him, "You laughed so happily, what happened?"

Ban Huai couldn't hide anything in front of his daughter, so he told Ban Hua what happened in Chaoyang today, and at the end he sighed: "Cheng Anbo is really a kind person."

"You mean that Xie Chongjin was thrown into prison?" Ban Hua felt a little complicated. Could it be that the person who rebelled in the future was really Xie Chongjin, but where did he have the ability to rebel? Among the literati, his name is not as good as Uncle Rong, and he does not have much prestige among military generals. He can't do some miracles like the predecessors, saying that he is destined to be destiny, and fooling the common people to fight with him, right

Seeing that his daughter didn't speak for a long time, Ban Huai looked at her in confusion: "Good girl, why didn't you speak?"

"Father, you say... Shall we kill him?" Ban Hua looked at Ban Huai quietly, her voice fluttering, it sounded a little intimidating.

"Who will you kill?" Ban Huai was taken aback by his daughter's words, "Daughter, do you have a grudge against Dalang Xie?"

"No." Ban Hua whispered, "I was worried that he was that person."

"I can't," Ban Huai couldn't believe it. "With Xie Jinke's virtue, can he raise a son who can do great things?"

Ban Hua was speechless, she tapped her head: "It's all my fault, I can't remember things."

"It's okay, I can't remember anything about your father. You can leave it to me." Ban Huai patted Ban Hua's head comfortably, "Let's go, let's go to your mother."

"Father, are you back?" Seeing Ban Huai coming in, Ban Heng stood up from his chair, "Mother is worried about why you haven't come back so late."

"Hey, I encountered something in the court today," Ban Huai told his wife and children about what happened in the court again. "It's my fault that I was not careful enough to actually implicate Cheng Amber. Madam, look at what kind of thank you gifts we sent. Is it good in the past?"

After thinking about it carefully, Yin Shi said, "Don't worry, I will arrange this matter."

In Cheng Anbo's mansion, Rong Xia looked at her arm that had a large piece of blue, put down her sleeve to cover up the strong smell of medicine, wiped the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief, and said to the blue-clothed guard standing in front of her, "Tomorrow's autumn is just right, it's just right. It's a good time to climb mountains."


Rong Xia picked up the book on the table, and before she could read the last page, the housekeeper hurried over.

"Uncle, the Marquis of Jingting sent a thank you gift."

"Thank you?" Rong Xia didn't expect that the people in Jingting Hou's mansion were so polite. He put down the book and took a gift sheet to read. There were various supplements, a few boxes of good wound medicine, and... Lufu Yuqian Longjing Cake A box

The housekeeper took a food box from the servant behind him, with a subtle expression: "The person who sent the gift from Jingting Houfu said that the contents of this box cannot be stored for a long time."

"Bring it to me and see."

The housekeeper brought the food box in front of Rong Xia, and Rong Xia lifted the lid of the food box. Inside was a lotus leaf green porcelain cup. There were twelve light green pastries neatly placed in the cup. The light green of the pastry was crystal clear. It's soft and very cute, and it seems to exude a fragrance that seems to be absent.

Seeing the twelve snacks, Rong Xia couldn't help laughing softly, and said to the housekeeper, "Go and thank the person who brought the gift in person, don't be sloppy."

"Yes." The housekeeper felt that the people in the Jingting Hou Mansion were a little out of tune. Whoever gave gifts to people and gave these small snacks to people who were careful, shouldn't think that they were looking down on people, and they didn't even need a plate of snacks. get up.

The taste of the dim sum this time was no different from the last time, but maybe because no one was obviously reluctant to look at him generously, Rong Xia felt that it was not as delicious as the last time. After eating two pieces, Rong Xia put down his chopsticks and turned to continue reading the book.

The next morning, Ban Heng woke up early. He collected it in the east and picked it up in the west. He found some silver and small things that were valuable but did not take up space, and put them in a disguised sandbag. Thanks to his sister's daily tossing, he felt that he was finally able to carry these two sandbags, which weighed dozens of pounds together, up the mountain in one go.

Carrying a sandbag once now can save you from carrying a lot of sandbags in the future. He can hold it!

"The princess, the prince came to ask you several times this morning if you got up." Ruyi waited on Ban Hua to wash, and couldn't help but laugh, "Do you want the servant to send someone to tell the prince?"

"No," Ban Hua wiped his hands, "his temper should also be sharpened."

"Yes." Ruyi responded with a smile and asked the other maids to carry the water out, "What kind of hair are you combing today?"

"I'm going out today, and I'm going to stay with my father in Bie Zhuang tonight. You and Jixiang will help me clean up." Ban Hua sat in front of the bronze mirror and looked at her face in the mirror. In the golden autumn season, the flowers on the forehead are best painted bright red.

After lunch, Ban Huai took Ban Heng and Ban Hua out on the grounds of taking their children to play in a village in the suburbs.

When Ban Hua was riding on a horse and passing by a ready-to-wear shop, he ran into a man who walked out of the shop by accident.

This man is very outstanding, with a long body and a jade stand, with brocade clothes on his body, and a blue silk tied with a jade crown, which is both square and spiritual. The fly in the ointment was that the man wore a silver mask on his face, which just covered half of his left face.

Seeing Ban Hua, the man stopped, the expression on his face seemed hesitant, guilty, and a little evasive.

A standout, masked man who always stands out in a crowd. He saw Ban Hua, and Ban Hua naturally saw him.

The two looked at each other, but had nothing to say.

Two years ago, they were still fiancées who were about to get married, but Xie Qilin escaped from marriage for a fireworks Liuxiang woman, and let her be ridiculed by the world. This is the biggest shame in Ban Hua's life.

Oh, what did she scold at that time

She said: She is so beautiful, is this man blind, so he eloped with a so-called oiran

It seems that she scolded right two years ago, this man is really blind.

"Drive!" Ban Hua rode on the horse, looked down at the man, and rode away without hesitation.

She was so affectionate at the beginning, why did she abandon that poor woman in the end for the sake of prosperity and wealth? Because they can't stand the scolding of the world, and can't stand the luxury life without groups of servants and wives? Pity the oiran, thinking that she had found a life support, but what she found was just a trashy snack with no responsibility.

Therefore, for most men in the world, he can be the most heroic hero in the world, but he is only a hero in the past.

Xie Qilin stood there blankly, looking at the woman in purple on the white horse, stroked the silver mask on his cheek, and closed his eyes.

The author has something to say: Ban Hua: Ah bah, waste dim sum! What's the use!