I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 23: Indescribable


The sun was setting in the west, and before night was approaching, the family of three climbed up the mountain with a few loyal servants. This mountain is not too far from Bie Zhuang, but because this place has always been haunted in recent years, no one dares to appear in this place in the evening.

"Sister, you said here..." Ban Heng rubbed up to Ban Hua's side and whispered, "Is there really something unclean?"

The vegetation on the mountain is lush, and there are many fallen leaves on the ground, making a swishing sound when you step on the soles of your feet.

"Sister, I think it's getting cold here," Ban Heng hugged his shoulders and grabbed the corner of Ban Hua's clothes, "Why don't we come back tomorrow at noon."

"It's almost night, it will definitely get cold." Ban Hua glanced around, because there were many trees, the forest looked a little gloomy, and from time to time there were a few birdsong of unknown species.

"Go this way," Ban Hua glanced at his younger brother who shrank behind him, and his father who looked around from time to time, pulled his sleeve out of Ban Heng's hand, and said to Ban Heng, "walk well."

Ban Heng felt that he was not holding something in his hand, and felt very uneasy, and finally got close to Ban Huai and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Father and son looked at each other and grabbed each other's sleeves.

"Father, Brother Heng, write down the place." After finding the place, Ban Hua instructed Ban Heng to dig a hole, "I will draw a picture for you when I go back. ."

"Can't we remember that we still have you?" Ban Heng dug for a long time, but he only dug a shallow hole not ten inches deep, "If you don't have money, we all live together, and if we have money, we spend it together. Someone remembers Just live, why are my father and I still working so hard?"

"Then what if... what if I can't remember it?" Seeing that Ban Heng hadn't dug up much for a long time, Ban Hua pulled him away with disgust, "Get up and let me come."

Ban Heng was so happy to be lazy that he gave way to the side: "Why don't we bury a few more places, there will always be a place to remember. Besides, the level of your painting, even if you ask me to look at the picture, I will Can't find a place."

"What's wrong with my painting skills?" Ban Hua squinted at him, "You can paint as you please."

"Then neither can I."

"If you can't, just shut up, a big man talks so much, where can he go to beg his daughter-in-law?" Ban Ma shook the soil on her body, threw a box the size of an adult slap into it, sprinkled a layer of soil and buried it A few pieces of gravel, just one layer of soil and one layer of stone, finally filled the hole, and she even dug a piece of turf and stepped on it.

"Sister, isn't it all buried in it?" Ban Heng followed behind Ban Hu and watched her dig a hole in another place, "You are too laborious."

"Have you heard of the Three Caves of Crafty Rabbit?" Ban Hua took a few breaths. "Either you shut up now, or you come to dig."

Ban Heng silently took a small hoe and ran to a place ten paces away to dig by himself. As a result, after digging for a long time, the hoe dug a boulder, and the rebound force made him sit on the ground.

"Alas," Ban Huai, who was digging a hole in another small corner, shook his head with emotion when he saw this: "Our Ban family is really inferior to one generation."

Ban Heng wiped his face silently. Now their family is qualified to say such words, only grandmother is the only one, father... As a man, it's good to be a little confident.

The sky darkened a little, Ban Heng and Ban Huai finally dug a hole and buried a box of jewelry and a box of gold bars in each, and turned to see that Ban Hua had buried the remaining two boxes.

"With a daughter like this, my father has nothing to ask for," Ban Huai said proudly. "In our family, your sister is the one who looks the most like your grandfather."

Ten years ago, when my grandfather passed away, Ban Heng was only five years old. In my memory, my grandfather was a very kind old man. Sometimes he would ride him around his neck, and then take him to go shopping and buy him a lot of money. Novelty gadgets.

But what impressed him the most was that his grandfather loved to take his sister to practice boxing and kick, and took his sister to ride a pony outside.

"Okay," Ban Hua moved the last stone and patted the soil on his palm, "It's already dark, let's go down the mountain."

The Ban family's father and son glanced at the pitch-black hilltop, and they packed up their things faster. They wished they would grow a pair of wings and fly down the hilltop immediately.

"Sister, have you heard footsteps?" Suddenly, Ban Heng stopped his movements and looked around in panic, "Listen carefully."

"Let's go quickly," Ban Hua picked up the little hoe on the ground, "what else are you listening to!"

It has been written in the storybook for a long time, but anyone who finds a sound and is curious to see it, usually died early.

The three of the Ban family walked out in a hurry, Ban Hua ran a few steps, remembered the sandbags they threw on the ground, and looked back, at this time, a few people happened to come out of the dense forest.

"Who's there?!" There was chill in the other party's voice, and Ban Hua also heard the sound of a sharp blade unsheathed.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost here to scare the princess?" Ban Ma clenched the hoe in his hand, "Stand up for me!"

The night wind picked up, making people's palms cold, Ban Heng and Ban Huai ran back to Ban Hua, Ban Huai kept a pair of children behind him, and several die-hard guards brought by the Ban family also drew their knives and took precautions. The opponent suddenly became troubled.

I don't know why, after Ban Hua claimed to be the princess, there was no movement there. It seems that I heard Ban Hua's sword unsheathed here, and a person walking out there, speaking in a very polite tone: "Excuse me... Is that Ban County Master? Below is the guard of Cheng'anbo Mansion, Du Jiu, please don't panic, the County Master, I Just passing by."

Probably to win the trust of Ban Hua, the guard took off his saber and walked closer to Ban's family, "I disturbed the county master, please forgive me."

"It turned out to be Uncle Rong's guard," Ban Hua patted her chest, "I thought it was really haunted."

Du Jiu clasped his fist and said, "Don't be afraid of the county master, I can escort you down the mountain."

"Why are you so embarrassed," Ban Hua looked around with a bit of fear on his face, but still rejected Du Jiu's kindness, "My father and I also brought guards, why bother you."

"It turns out that Lord Ban is also there," Du Jiu hurriedly greeted Ban Huai with a salute, "I just happened to be going down the mountain. You don't need to be polite to Lord Hou and the county master, and it can be more lively if there are more people."

"Well then," Ban Hua smiled embarrassedly, "then it's work."

Du Jiu showed a simple and honest smile: "The county lord's words will ruin my brothers."

With the departure of Ban Hua and his party, the mountain forest returned to silence again. Rong Xia came out of the shadows and pulled the dark cloak on her body, her expression a little complicated.

"How long have they been here?"

"Uncle, this subordinate is incompetent. I don't know when Princess Ban appeared here."

"It's not your fault," Rong Xia walked around the place where Ban Hua stood just now, "there are traces of other people's work, only Ban's... do whatever you want, and there is no logic in what you do."

Half an hour later, Du Jiu came back with the guard.

"Uncle," Du Jiu's expression was a bit indescribable, "My subordinates have already found out why the Ban family members are here."

"Huh?" Rong Xia walked to a stone and raised her chin slightly, "Speak."

"Prince Ban heard that this place was haunted, so he dragged the county master to bury the treasure here, saying... Waiting for someone who is destined, Lord Banhou thought it was interesting, so he came along." Du Jiu felt that this reason was too absurd, so absurd that he was too absurd I feel that even if I lied, I would not tell such a lie.

Rong Xia pointed to a stone by his hand: "Dig it out and see."