I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 27


"Ban Hua." As soon as Jiang Luo saw Ban Hua, he felt uncomfortable all over. The last time I was hunting in the suburbs of Beijing, Ban Hua pretended to be crazy and sold stupidly, which made him suffer a loss. He never swallowed this breath. Now that he saw Ban Hua's smiling face, he felt the anger in his chest rising up. .

"Your Highness Second Prince." Seeing that Jiang Luo's expression was not quite right, Ban Huai stopped in front of Ban Hua and saluted Jiang Luo.

"Marquis Jingting," Jiang Luo sneered, looking at Ban Huai with disdain, "I heard that when Duke Jingting was alive, his archery could pierce through Yang at a hundred paces. My Highness is very longing for it. I wonder if Jingting Marquis can give some pointers. ."

The courtiers all around kept silent. Who in the court did not know that Marquis Jingting was not good at riding and shooting. His Royal Highness, the Second Prince, was almost mocking Marquis Jingting for being incompetent. They only hated themselves why they had long ears and why they happened to be serving here today.

"Second prince, don't make fun of Wei Chen. Who in the entire capital doesn't know that Wei Chen can't pick on his shoulders, his hands can't resist, and he can't write or fight. You can let Wei Chen teach you to eat, drink, and have fun, and you can avoid archery," Ban said. Huai has lived to this age, and it is not that he has not heard other people's ridicule, and he has heard even more mean words than the second prince, so the second prince's ability to ridicule people can't hit him at all, "But if your highness really likes archery, The dog girl has a father-like style, and it is more useful for you to ask her than to ask Wei Chen."

Others humbly call their son a dog, but Ban Huai calls his daughter a "dog girl" in an ingenious way. It's just that, although my daughter is a daughter's family, it is more than enough to guide you, the prince's archery.

The second prince sneered: "Fu Le County Master is naturally a woman who does not allow men, and makes men in the world feel ashamed and retreat."

This is to say that Ban Hua was divorced, but does Ban Hua have a bad temper

In fact, Ban Hua also admires the second prince, and suffers from her every time, but every time she doesn't learn well, she has to run up to her and swear. This time it went too far and even mocked her father. Can you bear it

It must be unbearable!

"Your Highness the Second Prince, I know you never liked me, and you have no objection to taunting me about someone else's divorce, but why are you insulting my father?" Ban Hua grabbed the Second Prince's sleeve, his voice trembling, His expression was aggrieved, his eyes were red, "As the saying goes, if a ruler humiliates his minister to death, and a father humiliates his son, it means that a little girl is wrong. A little girl confesses to you. Why do you treat your father like this?!"

"You let me go, what are you pulling and pulling?!" The second prince scratched his sleeves, but didn't pull them away, and he still didn't move. He was secretly surprised, this group of Hua looked at Qian Jiao Bai Mei's appearance, why is she so strong, and what did she eat to grow up

"I won't tell you, you and I will go to His Majesty's presence to judge!" With a hand from Ban Hua, the second prince staggered a step, and was dragged into the palace gate by Ban Hua.

"Good girl, you can't!" Ban Huai seemed to react, turning around and wanting to hold Ban Hua, who knew that when he swayed, he fell to the ground, and when the palace people helped him up, how could he Can see the figures of Fule County Lord and the second prince, people have long been dragged into the hall.

After Jiang Luo was dragged into the palace gate by Ban Hua, he finally came to his senses. He scolded in a low voice, "Ban Yan, you are crazy!" After saying that, with a push of his hand, Ban Yan staggered backwards and knocked down a small Behind the porcelain flask, Ban Hua lay on the ground.

No, he didn't use that much force at all...

The feeling of suffocation during the autumn hunting came back to his heart again. He looked up, and sure enough, he saw that the faces of his father and his benevolent brother were not quite right.

"Cousin." The prince was stunned for a moment, wanting to go to help Ban Hua, and then remembered that men and women were not married. Fortunately, the eunuch and the maid in the palace were clever and hurriedly stepped forward to help Ban Hua, even the broken pieces of porcelain on the ground. Tidy up.

Ban Hua's skin is soft and tender, and a red mark has always been formed by a slight scratch of her nails. Her arm knocked over the vase, and her left arm suddenly became red and swollen, which looked very scary.

The emperor and the prince couldn't keep staring at the little girl's arm, but just a glance was enough to make them feel scary.

"What are you still doing, hurry up and ask for an imperial doctor." Emperor Yunqing glared at the eunuch in the room, without looking at Jiang Luo, "Girl, sit down first, don't move your arms, if you hurt your bones, you won't be able to. All right."

Men, especially an adult man with a relatively high status, have always been reluctant to watch a little girl who looks like a flower get hurt.

"Royal father, big brother, she bumped into it herself, it has nothing to do with me." Jiang Luo felt that the eyes of the people in the hall were not right, even though these palace maids and eunuchs bowed their heads in a proper manner, But he could just feel that the attitude of these palace maids and eunuchs towards him was completely different from the attitude towards his elder brother.

"Shut up for me!" No matter how much Emperor Yunqing favored his son, he couldn't accept his son's tyrannical character. If it was a palace maid, that's all. This is his cousin, the granddaughter of his great-aunt.

His pro-appointed county master was injured in his Dayue Palace, and it was his son who did it. When this word spread, how did the courtiers view the royal family, and how did the literati evaluate him

Emperor Yunqing had always felt guilty for the eldest princess, and the eldest princess had never made any excessive demands on him over the years. Although Ban Huai was a playful cousin, he did not cause him any big trouble. As for Ban Hua, this He really likes his cousin's niece a little bit. Seeing her hurt like this, he really hurts.

"Father, she, she..." The second prince was speechless at the moment, and everyone saw that it was Ban Hua who pushed him, "Please believe Erchen, Erchen really didn't use such force. Pushing her, she bumped into it herself."

"Second brother!" The prince saw Ban Hua's head hanging down, holding back the appearance of not crying, and he became strict with Jiang Luo, "Cousin is a woman, how can you treat her like this?"

"How did I get her to me?" Jiang Luo almost couldn't breathe, and snorted coldly, "Don't put on the East Palace's air in front of me, you don't need to educate me!"

Emperor Yunqing was about to get angry when he heard this, when Ban Huai ran in from outside.

"Your Majesty!" After Ban Huai entered the door, he buried his head and pleaded with Emperor Yunqing, "Your Majesty, the goddaughter of Wei Chen was not strict enough to disturb Your Majesty, please forgive me."

Seeing Ban Huai's panic and guilt, Emperor Yunqing and the Crown Prince were a little embarrassed. The people in their family pushed and injured their delicate little girl, and their father came in to plead guilty. The fact is...

Emperor Yunqing had not been so embarrassed for a long time, and turned to see Ban Huan blinking at him, his embarrassment turned into anger and rushed towards Jiang Luo: "You have learned the etiquette and morality of the dog's stomach over the years. Did you go?! Apologize to Hua Hua soon."

If he could speak swear words at this time, Jiang Luo would definitely be able to speak dirty, but obviously he couldn't, so he could only stick his neck and stare at Ban Huan without speaking.

"Oh, sweet girl, what's wrong with your hand?!" Ban Huai saw that Ban Hua's wrist was red and blue, swollen a lot, and his voice changed, "Does it hurt, does it hurt any bones?"

Emperor Yunqing glanced at the prince, and the prince walked towards Ban Huai, who was circling around his cousin, "Master Hou, it's my fault, I didn't stop the second brother..."

"Second Prince?!" Ban Huai turned his head to stare at Jiang Luo, the expression on his face kept changing, and finally his shoulders fell down, and he said to Emperor Yunqing: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen is incompetent, he was not good at civil and military since he was a child, and he lost everything. In the face of the royal family, the second prince is not happy with Wei Chen’s father and daughter. It is Wei Chen’s fault, and it has nothing to do with the second prince. The little girl accidentally walked and bumped into her arm, and Wei Chen will take her back for treatment.”

Emperor Yunqing knew that Ban Huai said this to protect the reputation of the second child, which reminded him of his childhood. One year, he accidentally smashed something that his father liked. At that time, the father had the intention of abolishing the prince, so he was very scared. He didn't expect that cousin Ban Huai would stand up and take the blame for him.

Later, he thanked Ban Huai, but Ban Huai said that he was fine if he was reprimanded a few words, as long as he, the prince, was fine.

After so many years, Ban Huai never mentioned those past events, and he gradually forgot them, but when he heard Ban Huai say this today, he suddenly remembered the afternoon when Ban Huai took the blame for him.

"Cousin, you don't blame him, but I have to punish him," Emperor Yunqing said to the second prince with a sullen face, "Since you haven't learned the etiquette well, go back to the palace to copy books, and don't leave the palace before the festival. ."

As an adult prince, but to learn etiquette and morality by copying calligraphy, for a prince, this is simply pumping in his face.

The second prince was almost mad, but who is his father's child? !

The father and daughter of the Ban family walked out of the palace with the guilt eyes of the emperor and the prince. After returning to the Ban family, Ban Hua shook her arms, swept away the previous grievances and pity, and drank the tea ceremony that Ban Heng poured herself, "Jiang Hua said. If this fellow Luo is not the prince, I will find someone to put a sack on him and beat him to death."

Yin Shi brought a box of ointment over, and while rubbing the medicine with Pan Hua, he said, "My arms are blue, why are you still thinking about this?"

I don't know who this girl's skin followed, it was white and tender, and it left traces after a slight touch. If it is just like this, it will be fine, but what can I do after five years.

"That's not right, father and sister, why are you two helping Jiang Luo cover up after such a fight?" Ban Heng looked at Ban Huan puzzled, taking revenge for his sister's revenge, and if he couldn't take revenge, he would hold revenge for the rest of his life. Personality, it's not like a person who can do this kind of behavior.

"There are no secrets in the palace." Yin Shi put down the ointment and smiled sarcastically, "Unless the entire palace staff of the Great Moon Palace are silenced, the matter will spread out sooner or later."

The second prince has become more and more noisy recently, and those who support the prince have long been unable to sit still, so how could they miss such a good deal.

In the face of power, what are the brothers of the royal family

Ban Heng took a deep breath: "Then the emperor won't suspect that we did it?"

"Didn't we say when we asked the imperial doctor just now that your sister accidentally fell?" Yinshi said calmly, "Since we were careless here, the rest has nothing to do with us."

In the Anbo Mansion, the housekeeper exchanged a cup of tea for Rong Xia, thinking about the books that Uncle has read for a long time, and said, "Uncle, just now my subordinate heard a rumor about the Second Prince outside."

"What rumors?" Rong Xia didn't lift his head, this prince has never been calm, and it's not surprising that any news comes out.

"It is said that the second prince broke the arm of the Fule County Lord at the entrance of the Dayue Palace."

The author has something to say: Rumor: There is only one word difference between a fall and a break, and the difference is not too big, right