I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 30


King Changqing felt that he didn't quite understand the thoughts of his cousin's niece. It was too late to hide this kind of thing. How could anyone go to the emperor and throw himself in the net? Looking at the expression on his cousin's face, which is also a matter of course, he instantly felt speechless.

The emperor favored Ban's family so much because they were... so stupid to be reassuring

"His Royal Highness, what the county lord said makes sense," Rong Xia put down the teacup, "You have to be wronged by others, you must always let your majesty know."

King Changqing looked at Rong Xia inexplicably, this brain is not working well, is there any reason

Today's mind is not much bigger than the tip of a needle. If a word is not careful, he will be taboo for a long time, let alone such a thing. He glanced at Rong Xia, then at Ban Hua, this is the beauty of beauty, and there is no reason

I really can't see that Rong Xia has the same hobbies as him.

After hearing that Rong Xia agreed with her statement, Ban Hua felt that Rong Xia was more and more pleasing to the eye.

This is not the first time that Ban Hua has discovered the advantage of tolerance.

The more Changqingwan looked, the more uncomfortable the three of them felt, and he waved his hand: "Go home by yourself, I won't entertain you."

The Ban family's sister and brother have always been heart-warming. Seeing that King Changqing was not interested in this suggestion, he patted his butt and left, completely ignoring the tension and excitement of the scene of the royal family's conspiracy.

"I knew that when I bought these talking gadgets to go home, I would definitely cause some trouble," Ban Heng said to Rong Xia who came out with him, "I bought a parrot when I was a child, Who would have known that the flat-haired beast would speak slanderous words in the market, so angry that my mother had to pack me up."

Rong Xia said with a smile: "That's also quite interesting."

He didn't have time to play with these things when he was a child, and his family was not allowed to play with them. He had never experienced such a naughty experience.

"Ban Shizi!" A few dandy boys in red and purple across the street waved to Ban Heng. Seeing that Ban Huan was also there, these young people took out their fans and shook them, making a suave appearance. .

Ban Hua almost couldn't help laughing, she waved to Ban Heng, "your friend called you, go over by yourself."

When Ban Heng heard the words, he ran over happily, and he could see that he really had a good relationship with these dudes.

"County Lord," Rong Xia looked at Ban Hua's arm, "I heard some rumors a few days ago, how is your injury?"

"Rumours?" Ban Hua blinked, her little expression extraordinarily innocent, "You said that the second prince broke my arm?"

Rong Xia was really worried about this matter. When he was hunting in Qiuhun, he could see that the second prince and Ban Hua were not very good at dealing with each other, and both of them had a temperament that would not suffer, even if others said that the two were fighting in front of the emperor. When he got up, he wouldn't be surprised.

How can this small arm and calf stand a man's fist.

Ban Hua wanted to lift up his sleeves to give Rong Xia a look, but he felt it was inappropriate, so he compared an area with his hands: "It's okay, it hurts such a small piece."

Her fingers were white and tender, like the roots of green onions that had been peeled off and washed cleanly, and they were lovely and tender. The distance between two fingers is wider than one of his three fingers, and the watery eyes are like furry little animals, some cute and some pitiful.

"When you meet someone like the second prince in the future... you should stay away from him," Rong Xia thought for a while, "a hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, bear with it for a while, record the account and report it later, the most important thing is not to hurt yourself ."

Ban Hua stomped her toes on the ground gently, and looked away from Rong Xia's eyes, because she was really embarrassed to say that she deliberately plotted against Jiang Luo, "He just laughed at me for being divorced a few times, but also I can't bear to laugh at my father for being mediocre and useless."

Rong Xia wants to say that life is unsatisfactory, and no one can be smooth and carefree. But looking at the big eyes of the little girl in front of him, he swallowed the words again, "There are many ways to clean up a person."

"But I'm too lazy to think of other methods," Ban Hua calmly said, "It takes my brains."

Rong Xia laughed dumbly, these words... It really seemed like something Ban Hua could say.

"Then what if you can't beat this person and your status is higher than yours?"

"I haven't met it yet," Ban Hua thought seriously, "I'll tell you when I do."

Rongxia: He really shouldn't be talking about this kind of thing with a favored princess.

"Sister." Ban Heng ran back and said to Ban Hua, "I'll go watch a cockfight with my friends for a while, you can go back by yourself."

"Be careful yourself," Ban Hua took out two silver bills on her body, one with a denomination of 200 and the other with a denomination of 100 taels. After a few glances, she gave the 200 taels of silver bills to Ban Heng. " Take it."

"Sister, you are so kind!" Ban Heng took the silver ticket, rode on the horse contentedly, and followed the other sons and buddies.

Looking at Ban Heng's cheerful back, Rong Xia felt that she had a new understanding of Ban's family. She was able to bury a pile of gold and gems in the ground, but she could only carry two hundred taels of silver on her body when she went out to play. She was very elated. He really doesn't understand this family.

"Uncle Rong," Ban Hua bowed to Rong Xia, "then I will also leave."

"The county lord, I'll show you off." Rong Xia got on the horse and said to Ban Hua with a smile, "I hope the county lord doesn't dislike it."

"I don't dislike it, but it's not far from my house, and I brought a guard, and most people don't dare to touch me," Ban Hua tilted her head and thought for a while, "It's boring to go home alone, or I'll take it off first. You go back?"

The smile on Rong Xia's face froze, and then she bowed to Ban Huo: "There is a Princess Lao."

The Ban family and the guards of Cheng'anbo Mansion glanced at Rong Xia, and the atmosphere suddenly became indescribable.

Ban Hua didn't notice anything wrong with the expressions of the guards. She rode on the horse and said to Rong Xia, "You look so good-looking, I'm really worried that some of your bandits will rob you as your husband."

Rong Xia heard the words and laughed lightly: "Is the county master joking with Rong?"

Ban Hua touched the horse's head, and the horse began to move forward slowly, "I'm complimenting you, a gentleman is like a jade, beautiful and delicious."

Rong Xia felt that he might not be able to talk this day, and facing Ban Hua, he felt at a loss for words.

"The county master is beautiful," Rong Xia rode on a horse, still keeping a distance of half a horse's body from Ban Hua, "where you are, other things will be eclipsed."

"Others have praised me like this," Ban Hua said indifferently, "but not long after, he eloped with a woman from Fireworks Willow Lane."

Rong Xia was silent for a moment. He looked at Ban Hua, whose expression had not changed much. He wondered if she really didn't care about those things in the past, or if she used indifference to cover up her emotions.

"What are you talking about... Xie Erlang?" Rong Xia asked this sentence again.

"Be careful!" Ban Hua reached out and pulled Rong Xia's sleeve, Rong Xia leaned on the horse's back, and a small stick supporting the window hit the horse against his face, causing the horse to suffer. A hissing sound was heard.

Ban Hua looked up and looked upstairs, only to see the silhouette of a young woman hurriedly closing the window. This silhouette was familiar.

Rong Xia hurriedly appeased the horse's emotions and said to Ban Hua, "Thank you, Princess."

"You're welcome." Ban Hua stared at Rong Xia's jade-like appearance. If it were ruined, how many women in the capital would be heartbroken

The guards of Cheng'anbo Mansion wanted to go upstairs to investigate, but Rong Xia stopped them, "No need, I just wanted to come here because I was careless. Fortunately, the county owner was there to save Rong from this disaster."

"It's a trivial matter, and it's not worth talking about." Ban Hua waved his hand heroically, "Uncle Rong is too polite."

Rong Xia smiled, and on the next section of the road, she no longer said the word "thank you" to Ban Hua. Instead, she told Ban Yan some easy-to-understand folklore, which attracted Ban Yan's fascination and kept asking what happened afterward.

"The county lord, it's here." There are no other women in Rong Xia's family, so it is not good to invite Ban Hua to be a guest at home alone, so he can only say, "I hope that the county lord and the prince can often come to the palace to play in the future, and the people in the palace are less deserted. When you have time with the county master, Rong will sweep the couch and wait."

"I will come to harass Uncle in the future," Ban Hua took out a gilded invitation. "Two days later, it will be the grandmother's birthday. Please invite Uncle to the Palace of the First Princess to have a glass of wine."

"Thank you for the invitation from the county master, and Rong will disturb you two days later." Rong Xia got off the horse and said to Ban Hua, "The county master Lao will send you back to the house next time."

Ban Hua thought for a while, then bent down on the horse and looked at Rong Xia eagerly: "Then tell me, what happened to that scholar?"

"Later that scholar was discovered by the princess that he had betrayed his trust, and the princess was furious. Not only did he break up with him, but he also let the emperor take away his fame, and he would never be hired."

"This ending is good!" Ban Hua applauded and laughed, "I like it."

Rong Xia looked at her bright smiling face, and smiled unconsciously, "Just if the princess likes it."

"Then I'm leaving." Ban Hua said goodbye to Rong Xia in a good mood when she heard the ending she wanted. As soon as she patted the horse, the horse trotted away.

Rong Xia stood there, watching Ban Hua and the guards she brought go further and further, until she couldn't see anymore, then turned her head and walked into the gate.

After entering the inner courtyard, he restrained his smile and said to Du Jiu: "Go check the family just now, and King Changqing's place... That's all, don't care about him for the time being."

"Yes!" Du Jiuyi clasped his fists, turned around and walked out.

When only Rong Xia was left in the study, he finally couldn't help laughing.

It was the first time he had a woman sent home, and it was really… interesting.

"You actually sent Uncle Rong back to the house?" Ban Heng returned home, and when he heard that Ban Hua actually sent Uncle Rong home, he was stunned, "Sister, are you being kind or looking down on others?"

"What did you say?" Ban Hua was inexplicable. "Why do I look down on him when I send him home?"

"A dignified seven-footed man, being praised by a woman like you is good-looking, and sent back to the house, but he doesn't show his face to you, that's because he has a good temperament," Ban Heng shook his head and sighed, "Sister, you don't understand men, men are It's very respectful."

"I am such a beautiful woman to send him back, why does he lose face?"

"No matter how beautiful you are, you are also a woman," Ban Heng waved his fingers, "Do you understand?"

For men, who can accept that they become the object of women's protection

"Why don't you say that when you usually ask me to help you out of trouble?" Ban Hua rolled his eyes, "Why are you men so troubled, not hypocritical?"

Ban Heng: "Can my family be the same as outsiders?"