I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 34


Rong Xia was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the emperor to suddenly ask himself this question. He couldn't help but look at the emperor and glanced at Ban Hua from the corner of his eyes.

She had an irrelevant smile on her face, and looked at him curiously, as if waiting for his answer.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen... I have no intention of getting married yet," Rong Xia Zuo said, "This kind of thing cannot be forced."

"I can hear that there are many women in the capital who care about you. Is there no one who can make you tempted?" Emperor Yunqing didn't understand very much. With Rongxia's appearance and status, it should be easy to get a wife. When he was as old as Rong Xia, the eldest princess had already been born.

Rong Xia bowed to the end without saying a word.

Seeing that he didn't seem to want to marry a wife, Emperor Yunqing didn't want to do unpleasant things, but the courtier he couldn't bear to value, became a bachelor who didn't care about the warmth and warmth, "Just wait until you see a girl. Come and tell me, I will match you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Wei Chen."

With the lessons learned from the previous dynasties, the emperor of the Great Ye Dynasty learned a lesson, that is, don't give marriages blindly.

The reason why the previous dynasty lost the world was because the emperor who had nothing to do gave him a marriage. How could he know that after the bride entered the door, the husband spoiled his concubine and killed his wife, and even tortured his wife to death. The wife's family is powerful, and seeing that the emperor did not deal with the man's man, in a fit of anger, he even united with the fief to rebel, causing chaos in the world, and finally let their Jiang family take this advantage.

The teacher of the past and the future, Emperor Yunqing restrained his thoughts rationally. In fact, he wanted Rong Xia to marry a girl from the Shi family and become a brother-in-law with the prince. Rong Xia is talented and talented, and he is a good minister he picked for the prince. If the two are brothers-in-law, Rong Xia will definitely be more loyal to the prince in the future.

He had seen the younger sister of the Crown Princess. She was a woman with both talents and looks. She matched Rongxia just right. When the two of them were together in the future, they would definitely sympathize with each other and share the same interests.

It's a pity that he thinks very well, Rongxia doesn't seem to be really keen on the relationship between men and women, and the second child seems to have some abnormal thoughts about Shi Er girl, but he can't open his mouth. The Shi family has a prince concubine, and there can never be another princess, so this Shi Feixian can never marry the second child, which is why he decided on the Xie family girl for the second child.

That's all, fortunately, Rongxia is a decent gentleman, even if he doesn't need to be bound by marriage, when the prince ascends the throne, he will help the prince wholeheartedly.

After walking out of the Da Yue Palace, Rong Xia turned to look at the Ban family's siblings who were following behind him: "The county master, the prince, it is a predestined relationship to meet, can we go to the Baiwei Restaurant for dinner together?"

Ban Heng looked at Ban Hua, and after Ban Hua nodded, Ban Heng said, "Thank you, Uncle, then."

After leaving the palace gate, after the eunuch who led the way left, Ban Hua said in a low voice, "Your Majesty called us here today for the matter at His Royal Highness King Changqing's house?"

"County Master, after today's affairs are out of the palace gate, don't mention it to anyone," Rong Xia said earnestly, "This is not a good thing."

Ban Heng and Ban Hua nodded in unison. Ban Heng looked back at the high palace wall, shook his head and sighed, "I really don't understand, what's the meaning behind this high wall and deep palace."

Ban Hua felt that this was not something difficult to understand: "There is wealth, beauty, and power that others can't even dream of, how can it be boring?" If it is really boring, why do so many people want to sit in that position, Really just care about the people of the world

In her opinion, human beings are all greedy, some people are greedy for flowers, some people love money, some people are addicted to power, and some people are greedy for history.

Rong Xia noticed the disapproval in Ban Hua's expression, and her heart moved: "Why does the county master think so?"

"Even if it's long live, it's just a person," Ban Hua looked at Rong Xia in a puzzled way. "People will have selfishness in life. Those who don't have selfishness are the gods in the temple."

"The princess is a rare and transparent person," said Rong Xia with a smile, "this statement is very reasonable." No wonder the emperor loves her so much. Her identity, her age, and her behavior just happened to please her. emperor.

Ban Hua: Did she say anything shocking? Why did Rongxia show such an expression

"I feel like something is missing," Ban Heng looked at Rong Xia and Ban Hua, "It's a little weird."

"What's missing?" Ban Hua glanced around, "Where did King Changqing go?"

"He greeted the queen mother." Rong Xia and her siblings got on the horse. "We don't have to wait for him." Since King Changqing decided to sue, he would definitely not miss the queen mother's place. The queen mother was soft-hearted. , and also helped the emperor and the queen mother a lot, so the queen mother will never let the king of Changqing be calculated, no matter whether the emperor really intends to find out, or only verbally comforts, this matter cannot be brought up again, gently lay down.

At least King Changqing will use this to convince the emperor of his loyalty, and let others know that although King Changqing and the current emperor are only cousins, the royal family attaches great importance to him.

After the chaos of the two dynasties, the father and son of King Changqing, who are still alive so well, are not as simple as just being beautiful.

Of course, it is also possible that it is really just a beauty. The previous generation of King Changqing died on the belly of a beautiful woman. Such a method of death is disgraceful.

"Cheng Anbo, Fule County Master, Ban Shizi." Shi Jin saw Ban Hua and the other three when he was riding his horse, so he slowed down the horse and saluted the three.

"Master Shi." Rong Xia patted the horse's neck, soothing the horse's emotions. After the horse neighed twice, he kicked his hooves and blocked Ban Hua's horse. Ban Hua took a step back when he saw this.

Shi Jin glanced behind Rong Xia: "Where are the three going?"

"We're going to eat." Rong Xia looked at Shi Jin with a smile, but never said any invitations.

Shi Jin tightened his hand on the reins, raised his hand to Rong Xia and said, "The meal is a big deal, so I won't bother you." After speaking, he said again, "Fu Le County Master, in a few days, you and your sister will be saying goodbye. The garden is hosting a banquet and playing, and the county master, uncle and the prince are invited to come to admire their faces."

"Me?" Ban Hua patted the horse's butt and took a few steps forward to let Shi Jin see herself, "Is it a poetry meeting again?"

Shi Jin explained: "The poetry meeting is just a little thing for fun, and more of it is for everyone to join in the fun and play a polo activity to move the muscles and bones."

"Polo?" Ban Hua was interested, but she didn't have much interest in Shi Feixian, so she said, "Thank you, Young Master Shi, for your invitation. If I have time, I will definitely go."

Shi Jin smiled: "At that time, I will be waiting for the princess to drive."

Ban Hua added: "I don't need to wait, and I don't have to go."

"Cough," Rong Xia said with a smile on her face, "Young Master Shi, please, I'll wait to leave."

Shi Jin restrained the expression on his face, and said to Rong Xia, "Walk slowly."

When Shi Jin was far away, Ban Hua whispered to Rong Xia, "Can't you two get along?"

The smile on Rong Xia's face froze: "Why did the princess say this?"

"Don't underestimate a woman's power of observation," Ban Hua raised her chin proudly, "I saw the flying knife in the eyes of the two of you."

Rong Xia laughed softly: "You read it wrong."

"Tsk," Ban Hua shook her head, "I knew it, you men are just unhappy when they talk, just like my brother."

Ban Heng looked at Ban Hua inexplicably: "Sister, why are you talking about me again?"

"Because you are the only young man I know best," Ban Hua said of course, "I won't take you as an example, who?"

Ban Heng: …

The three of them came to the Baiwei Pavilion. As soon as they arrived at the door, a young man in purple walked out. They were a little surprised to see Ban Heng and Ban Hua.

"Why are you two still here?" Brother Young Master and Ban Heng are also close friends. When they saw Ban Heng, they didn't bother to greet him, so they said directly, "Didn't someone go to your house just now to propose marriage?"

"Proposal?" Ban Heng was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Ban Hua, "Who?"

"I just said why the two of you still have the heart to come out to eat," the son-in-law bowed his hands to Rongxia, and continued to say to Ban Heng, "It's that Yan Zhen!"

He grabbed Ban Heng, and after the two walked to the corner, the elder brother whispered: "Don't say that elder brother didn't talk to you, it is said that since the young master Yan saw your sister's heroic appearance on the autumn hunting ground, he has lost his mind. Dreaming around, not thinking about tea and rice, the whole person has lost a lot of weight."

"He's a nerd, why did he come to participate in the autumn hunting, and he just happened to see my sister?" Ban Heng shook his head again and again, "It's impossible, it's impossible, such a nerd is full of mouths all day long, benevolence, righteousness, morality, how can my sister stand this." With that said, he was about to go back.

"Hey, hey, don't worry," Brother Young Master hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold Ban Heng, "Actually, I think this Yan Zhen is also quite good. He has an upright character and doesn't look like a lustful person. And he is so obsessed with your sister, your sister will definitely not suffer any grievances when she gets married."

"Can you fall in love with my sister if you're not greedy and lustful?" Ban Heng said angrily, "Just my sister's bad temper, could it be possible that Yan Zhen can still like her inside?"

Brother Young Master was speechless for a while. It sounded like there was no problem, but it seemed to be a problem everywhere.

No, how could anyone say that about their sister

"Zhou Changxiao, tell me honestly, are you here to help Yan Zhen as a lobbyist?" Ban Heng looked at Brother Young Master suspiciously, "I remember that your brother married the eldest Miss Yan family?"

"We've been brothers for so long, and I'm going to cheat you on this?" Brother Gongzi slapped his chest, "Your sister is my sister, will I harm our own sister?"

"Bah, my sister doesn't have a younger brother like you," Ban Heng didn't bother to tell him any more, turned his head to Ban Hua, and said in a not very good tone, "Let's go, let's go upstairs for dinner."

"Who is Yan Zhen?" Seeing Zhou Changxiao chasing after his younger brother, Ban Hua tilted his head and thought for a long time, but he didn't have the slightest impression of this person in his mind.

Ban Heng's face sank and he didn't speak.

Zhou Changxiao rushed over and said earnestly to her, "It's Yan Zhen, the youngest son of Yan Zuoxiang, who is upright and talented."

"Does it look good?"

Zhou Changxiao was stunned, and glanced at Rong Xia beside Ban Hua: "Also, still successful?"

Originally, he wanted to say that he looked like a crown jade, but seeing Uncle Rong's face, he felt that he might be a little guilty when he said this.

The author has something to say: 寳寳: If you don't see the value of your appearance, it is a hooligan to mention your talent and character to me!