I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 44


The hall was so quiet that even a needle could be heard.

Emperor Yunqing looked at Rong Xia, Rong Xia respectfully stood on the spot and let the emperor look at it.

"Jun Po," Emperor Yunqing finally spoke after a long silence, "I know you won't let me down."

Yan Hui was raised by him, but he found that in recent years, Yan Hui became less and less obedient to his words. He could only open one eye and close one eye, but that didn't mean he could endure Yan Hui's involvement in the royal family's affairs.

Although the crown prince is somewhat indecisive, he has a benevolent character. In the future, he will be able to treat his brothers and sisters well when he inherits the throne. However, Yan Hui encouraged the crown prince to deal with the second prince and his fellow brothers. As an emperor, he could not bear such a thing, even though he himself was not a man of brotherly love.

"It's a pity that you are too young. Otherwise, you will be relieved if you come to sit in the position of the left minister."

"Your Majesty," Rong Xia said calmly, "Doing things for Your Majesty and the people of the world is the pursuit of ministers, no position is important."

"You," Emperor Yunqing laughed in a low voice, "you don't like women, you don't admire power, what's the difference between these days and ascetic monks?"

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen wears splendid attire and has many servants. It is not comparable to the days of ascetic monks." Rong Xia thought for a while, "We Chen can't be as out of the dust as an eminent monk."

"People should have something to ask for in life," Emperor Yunqing smiled comfortably, "Although Aiqing is not my son, but to me, he is like my half son."

Rong Xia bowed his head to the end: "Your Majesty has shattered a small minister."

Wang De in the corner looked down at the tip of his shoe, silent. His Majesty looked at the pleasing young men and women and wished they were their own children. Is this how dissatisfied they are with their children, that they always express such emotion

"What's wrong," Emperor Yunqing patted him on the shoulder, "Go, accompany me out for a walk and get some air."

Rongxia followed behind the emperor and came to the imperial garden. He walked with the emperor many times in the Imperial Garden. For him, this place was nothing special, and it was not as magical as it was written in the foreign words.

"I am getting older, and these courtiers are becoming more and more worried." The emperor stood by the lotus pond and looked at the rippling lake with an expressionless face, "I am still with them now. What will it look like in China?”

There is nothing to see in the lotus pond at the end of autumn. The eunuchs in the palace have long since cleaned up the leftover leaves and fallen leaves. At this time, there is nothing but water in the lotus pond, which looks extremely deserted.

"Your Majesty is in his prime, why do you think so?" Rong Xia looked at His Majesty in a miraculous, horrified and horrified manner, "Wei Chen is terrified."

"There will always be such a day for people," Emperor Yunqing frowned, "If it's not called "long live" by others, it really will not die for ten thousand years."

"Your Majesty," Rong Xia took a step back and gave a big gift to Emperor Yunqing, "Please, Your Majesty, don't say such words, Wei Chen feels uncomfortable. His parents passed away early, and His Majesty has been taking care of Wei Chen all these years. Minister, to say something disrespectful, for Weichen, His Majesty is the heaven of Weichen, and also the big tree of Weichen. In Weichen's heart, you are also the king and father. Weichen knows that his status is low and dare not imagine , but I ask Your Majesty to be healthy and free from illness and disaster."

Emperor Yunqing was touched when he heard the words. He remembered that someone had told him two years ago that Cheng Anbo had erected an immortality tablet for someone at the Temple of Longevity. His name is taboo. Perhaps it was disrespectful to write down the emperor's name as a minister, so Cheng Anbo was very careful not to let anyone find out.

Today, it is said that someone else said this to him, he will only think that others are trying to please him, but the flaw is different, he knows that this child really cares about him as a close relative and elder, so that he behaves in a personable manner. Out of the sneaky thing that happened two years ago.

Later, he heard a report from a secret agent, saying that because a scholar said disrespectful things to him, he was stunned to fight with the other party for ten poems, which made the scholar's reputation discredited, and he never appeared in the capital again. As long as he ordered him, he would earnestly complete it, and even if he was injured, he would never ask for a reward in front of him.

There were a lot of courtiers in the court, but there were only a handful of courtiers who could, like Rong Xia, do things for him wholeheartedly, but never flatter him.

Reaching out and patted Rong Xia's shoulder again, Emperor Yun Qing's mood gradually improved: "Okay, I won't say that."

Rong Xia's expression was slightly relaxed, and she maintained her elegant gentleman's demeanor standing behind Emperor Yunqing. Seeing him like this, Emperor Yunqing had a bit of a joke instead, "It is said that you spoke ill of Yan Zuoxiang in front of many scholars two days ago?"

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen is just telling the truth." Rong Xia frowned, "Fu Le County Master is your important cousin, how can you let outsiders bully you?"

Hearing these words in the ears of Emperor Yunqing, the meaning became: your people, how can Weichen allow others to bully

Hearing this explanation, Emperor Yunqing immediately felt relieved, and immediately smiled: "I didn't expect Yan Hui to do such a stupid thing, your words are right, my cousin's niece is beautiful, that's a gift from God. , the Yan family is crying and arguing for the princess to marry, it's too much."

He looked back at Rongxia, and his smile became more obvious: "It's a pity that you have no intention of being the master of Fule County, otherwise, with your stable temperament, it would be good to marry Hualu."

Rong Xia was silent for a moment, then raised her head to look at Emperor Yunqing: "The princess of Fule County is as beautiful as a concubine of a goddess. She is of noble birth and agile and agile, and Wei Chen is not worthy of her."

He spoke word by word very slowly, as if he was shirking the blame, as if he was stating the facts. However, Emperor Yunqing didn't take this matter to heart at first, and after a few jokes, he revealed the matter.

On the other hand, Wang De, who was standing behind Emperor Yunqing, moved a little, as if he had heard something extraordinary.

"The autumn night is long, sister, you just don't want to sleep, why did you pull me here?" Ban Heng wrapped the thick cloak around him, wishing to tuck his head into the clothes.

"Moon admiring," Ban Hua glanced at the bright moonlight in the sky and sat down on the padded stone bench, "I'm bored alone, so I can only ask you to accompany me."

"In such a cold day, what kind of moon will you reward?" Ban Heng reached out and probed Ban Hua's forehead, "Are you okay with your brain?"

"If you have a problem with your brain, I won't have a problem," Ban Hua patted his hand away, "I slept for a long time in the afternoon, and I can't sleep now."

Ban Heng thought that Ban Hua had been staying in the mansion for the past few days without even going out of the gate, and felt a little sympathetic to her, "Well then, I'll sit with you for a while."

Neither of them are very elegant people. After staring at the moon for a while, Ban Hua pointed at the moon and said, "Brother Heng, what do you think Chang'e wears and what kind of bun does she wear?"

"It's not a skirt," Ban Heng is not interested in what women wear, he is more concerned about the relationship between Wu Gang, Hou Yi, and Chang'e, "If Guanghan Palace is very cold, how do you drink tea and how to cook, think about it I don't think it's a good day."

"Do gods still need to eat?" Ban Hua glanced at Ban Heng, "If there are no other people in Guanghan Palace and they wear beautiful clothes, who should they show off to?"

"Sister, can we stop talking about skirts all the time?" Ban Heng was speechless, "I don't know how you women can do so many tricks, and you're not too tired to panic."

Ban Hua snorted and ignored him.

Seeing that her sister seemed angry, Ban Heng had to accompany the smiling face to coax, "Sister, those scholars outside are praising you, saying that you are filial, that you are beautiful, bloody or something, you are not curious about what is going on. ?"

"What's the matter?" Ban Hua was a little surprised, "I thought that those people outside would scold me for being a bad face."

"It was true that they scolded him like that at the beginning," Ban Heng touched his nose embarrassed when he saw Ban Hua staring at him, "but after Uncle Rong praised you, the outside view changed."

"Uncle Rong?" Ban Hua was surprised, "Did he speak for me?"

"He not only spoke for you, but also criticized Yan Zuoxiang," Ban Heng said with emotion, "Uncle Rong is really kind and loyal, and he is a rare clear stream among scholars."

"Well, it's really cool to be able to praise us in front of scholars, and most people can't do it." Ban Hua nodded. Usually, she never heard any scholars praise her, and only Rong Xia was so great to scholars. The influence of the family made them "abandon their prejudices" against the Ban family and help the Ban family speak.

"Is he not afraid of offending the Zuo Prime Minister?" Ban Hua recalled a key point. "He has a real position in the court. Will the Zuo Prime Minister wear small shoes for him."

"Uncle Rong looks so good-looking, shouldn't he be wearing small shoes?" Ban Heng said unsurely, "How about... I'll ask someone to help you find out?"

"Okay, you can ask someone tomorrow," Ban Hua took a sip of the hot tea brought by the maid, "It seems that it is a wise move to give gifts as you like, even a gentleman like Uncle Rong, because he takes people Short hands helped me talk."

"Ah?" Ban Heng looked at Ban Hua in confusion, "Sister, what else did you do?"

"Last time my father gave Cheng Anbo a gift of thanks, I put a few books in it, because the "Zhongcheng Lun" could not be found for a while, so I postponed it to him a few days ago." Ban Hua sighed, " Anyway, our house will be copied sooner or later, and it is better to give it to a beautiful girl who is pleasing to my eye if it is stolen by others."

"Is that the southeast, northwest middle?" Ban Heng couldn't remember the names of the five books. The only thing he remembered was that these five books were put together, which happened to be the southeast, northwest middle. From this point of view, Ban Heng felt that the talents of the previous dynasty were more capable than the talents of the current dynasty. At least the names they gave to the books were easy to remember, and even he had an impression of a playboy like him.

"However... Uncle Rong is not the kind of hypocrite who speaks for others after receiving a gift," Ban Heng still believed in Rong Xia's character.

"Huh?" Ban Hua touched her cheek, "Could it be that he fell in love with my beauty?"

Ban Heng was silent for a moment: "Probably... Is it really because you gave him a gift?"

Reaching out and pinching Ban Heng's ear, Ban Huan laughed angrily: "Stinky boy, do you know that men can't speak and will be beaten?"

Ban Hua didn't use much energy, but Ban Heng still made a pained expression: "Sister, sister, I was wrong, I was wrong, what I actually want to say is that Uncle Rong is not the kind of greedy man. It's not that you're not beautiful enough."

Ban Hua let go and patted the table boldly: "It doesn't matter, I just admire his beauty anyway."

The author has something to say: "On How to Flatter in an Artistic and Elegant Way."