I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 45


The siblings sat in the pavilion for more than half an hour, and Ban Heng finally couldn't help but said, "Sister, let's go back, it's too cold here."

The night wind was blowing on his face, like a knife was scratching.

"Okay, go back." Seeing Ban Heng shrinking his head and thinking like a poor puppy, Ban Hua couldn't help laughing, "Go back."

Ban Heng couldn't wait to stand up. When he was about to leave, he saw that Ban Hua was still sitting still and looked at her hesitantly: "Sister, are you in a bad mood?"

Ban Hua squinted at him: "Which eye do you see that I'm in a bad mood."

Ban Heng sat back again, holding the warm teacup and said, "Then I'll sit with you for a while?"

"Okay, I'm going back to the yard too," Ban Hua stood up and patted his brother's round head, "You go back too."

"Then I'm back," Ban Heng took two steps, then turned to look at Ban Hua, "I'm really back."

Ban Hua couldn't bear it anymore and gently kicked his ass: "If you don't leave, stay here and blow the cold wind?"

Ban Heng patted his butt and ran out with a smile, like a big dog that had untied the reins, his hands and legs were radiating joy. Ban Hua looked at his back, couldn't help but smiled and shook his head.

Such a stupid brother...

I only hope that her dream is true. She wears a fox fur to die beautifully, and her family will be taken care of because of this. Otherwise, what will happen to such a stupid brother in the future

The next morning, Dang Banheng knew that the reason why his sister didn't sleep last night was because he ate too much dinner, and he felt that his behavior that he couldn't sleep because of worry last night was a bit stupid. When he went out to meet a few friends on weekdays, the friends saw that he was tired, and they all suspected what he did at night.

"The moonlight was so good last night, Brother Ban must have added fragrance to the beautiful woman's sleeves or admired the moon." Zhou Changxiao hooked Ban Heng's neck, "Am I right?"

Ban Heng patted him away in disgust, "It's true to watch the moon, but unfortunately it's not with the beautiful lady, but with my sister."

"If I can accompany Sister Hua to admire the moon, I will be able to stay up all night," Zhou Changxiao said with a look of yearning on his face, "Under the hazy moonlight, a beautiful woman in a gorgeous dress is the The fairy under the moon, the most beautiful scenery in the world."

"Shut up!" Ban Heng doesn't like to make fun of his sister, "I came to you today because I want to ask you for something."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Changxiao and a few other dudes came to their senses, "Is it a sack for Xie Qilin, or a lesson to Shen Yu?"

Ban Heng: …

"Didn't Uncle Rong help our family with a few words before," Ban Heng was a little embarrassed, "I'm worried that he offends Yan Zuoxiang and wears small shoes in the face, so I want you to help me find out."

"You don't know yet?" Zhou Changxiao looked at Ban Heng in surprise, "The Yan family can't take care of themselves now, how can they still have the energy to wear small shoes for Uncle Rong."

"What happened to the Yan family?" Ban Heng looked at Zhou Changxiao puzzled, and found that several close friends looked at him with a foolish look.

"The Yan family has committed a crime, which has angered His Majesty. At this moment, Prime Minister Yan said that he was sick at home and thought about it behind closed doors."

Yan Hui didn't claim to be sick, he was really sick. After Madam Wei ran to the Marquis of Jingting, but was finally driven out by the servants beside the eldest princess, he became sick because of excessive worry. If it wasn't for the sudden miscarriage of the Chen family, he would have sent someone to stop the Wei family, but unfortunately...

He was able to get to this point by being cautious. He knew better than anyone what kind of person His Majesty was.

Be suspicious, hold grudges, love to live, hate to die.

In order to make His Majesty trust him, he has put in countless efforts and energy, but now this incident will inevitably arouse His Majesty's suspicion and dissatisfaction.

The Chen family reconciled with the eldest son, the younger son was unconscious, he was rejected by the emperor again, and the Yan family... He didn't dare to think about what the Yan family would do in the future.

"Dalang," Yan Hui leaned on the bedside, "you take the post as your father and go to see you at the eldest princess' mansion. Whether you are guilty or can't afford to kneel, you must make the eldest princess willing to see you."

"Father, you can rest in peace, and your son must go to plead guilty like the eldest princess." Yan Ming wiped the corners of his eyes and choked up.

"It's because my father didn't teach you well," Yan Hui breathed heavily and grabbed Yan Ming's hand, "Remember, no matter what the eldest princess says, you must apologize sincerely, this is our family's responsibility. Wrong. My father didn't ask you to do a play, but sincerely apologized, do you understand?"

Yan Ming has lost a lot of weight in the past few days, and his clothes seem to hang empty on him, but now he can't fall down, and he can't fall down.

"If the eldest princess doesn't want to see you, you can go to Jingting Hou's mansion to plead guilty to Fule County Master," Yan Hui coughed until blood came out of his throat, "The Ban family is very affectionate, and they value their children. If the Lord of Le County is willing to forgive our Yan family, then it must be done with half the effort."

"Fu Le County Master?" Yan Ming hesitated, "She is just a girl, and a junior..."

"You know why I didn't want your mother to ask Fule County Master to marry him at the beginning, because the Ban family valued this daughter very much," Yan Hui said in a lower and lower voice, "Everyone said that Ban County Master was arrogant and willful. But if she is really a little girl with no brains, how can the royal family favor her so favorably?"

Yan Hui closed his eyes and said slowly, "No one is a fool because of his kinship with the royal family.

"Master, do you want to try this?"

"I don't want to eat." Ban Hua waved his hand and lay on the table weakly. As a royal play girl who is used to playing, staying at home for several days without even going out the door is simply a rare miracle.

But now, like her grandmother, she was ill from the Yan family's temper, and naturally she couldn't run around when she was ill.

"This is your favorite dim sum," Ruyi put the dim sum in front of Ban Hua, "Are you really not going to eat it?"

Ban Hua turned her face: "If you don't eat it, take it and give it away!"

"Who are you going to send it to?" Ruyi coaxed her with a smile, "This servant will arrange for someone to send it there."

"Send it to Cheng'anbo Mansion, it is said to be sent by the prince," Ban Hua recalled that Rong Xia had helped her so much, she stood up and said without saying a word of thanks, "Wait, I will go to the study room. Get something and ask the guards to send it over with you."

The Ban family is not short of rare books, calligraphy and paintings. This time, Ban Hua presented a scroll of paintings, which is said to be the original work of a famous calligrapher and painter hundreds of years ago. They don't know if it's genuine or not. Anyway, the painting is very beautiful, and the characters are written like a phoenix.

"Uncle," Du Jiu put a letter in front of Rong Xia, "this is news from the border."

Rong Xia picked up the envelope, opened it and looked at it, then burned it on a candle: "What's going on at the Yan family?"

"An hour ago, Yan Ming went to the eldest princess' mansion to plead guilty, but the eldest princess didn't see him." Du Jiu thought for a while, "The Yan family has done a really good job...the face is gone."

"If I were Yan Ming, the first thing I would see is not the eldest princess, but the Princess Fule," Rong Xia said indifferently as she watched the letter burn into ashes, "The Princess Fule is the one who is responsible for this matter. Lingren, whether it is the First Princess or the Marquis of Jingting, it is because of the Fule County Master that he is so angry, what is the use of him going to beg the First Princess?"

"This..." Du Jiu hesitated, "The eldest princess is the one who can really make the decision in the Ban family. Isn't it right to ask the eldest princess?"

Rong Xia didn't say anything. If he had never dealt with the Ban family, he would probably think like the Yan family, but after seeing the Ban family's... behavior style, he could be sure of one thing. When dealing with this family, he couldn't follow common sense. Come.

"Uncle, the steward of Jingting Hou's mansion is asking to see you, saying that it was the order of the prince of Hou, and I will send you a thank you gift."

Rong Xia blew out the candle, got up and opened the window, nodded and said, "Let him in."

The steward sent by the Ban family has decent features and wears clean and tidy stewardship clothes.

"I have seen Cheng Amber."

"You don't need to be too polite," Rong Xia glanced at the steward, "I don't know why the prince gave you a gift of thanks?"

"Uncle speaks up for the county master. The Hou Ye, his wife and the prince are very grateful. The prince knows that you are a gentleman in the world and don't like gold, silver and other common things, so I only prepared a small gift. He took a food box and a painting scroll from Jiading and handed them to Du Jiu.

"The prince is polite, Rong is just telling the truth and can't afford a word of thanks."

"Many people in the world know the facts, but not everyone dares to tell them," the steward gave Rong Xia a big gift, "I don't dare to disturb the uncle's tranquility, I'll say goodbye."

After the steward left, Du Jiu put these two things in front of Rong Xia.

It is said that the Ban family is rich and powerful, and it is really too thin to give gifts to people.

Rong Xia opened the food box, and there were two trays of dim sum inside. The light green dim sum looked very tempting, and he couldn't help laughing. Using the silver chopsticks in the box, I took one and put it in my mouth.

"Uncle!" Du Jiu was taken aback, how could Uncle eat these things directly, what if it was poisonous

Rong Xia waved his hand at him, put down his chopsticks and opened the painting scroll.

Du Jiu: I just went to see the painting after eating snacks. Uncle, are you influenced by the unruly Ban family members

The ancestors all said that those who are close to ink are black, and it seems that this is reasonable.

Opening the lid of the painting tube, Rong Xia carefully took out the somewhat yellowed painting, and then unfolded the painting little by little.

"Hanshan Moon-Watching Map?!"

Du Jiu looked at the painting in horror, and almost broke his voice. This is "The Moon Overlooking the Cold Mountain"!

"Looking at the Moon on a Cold Mountain" was made by Zhao Bicong, a famous painter and calligrapher hundreds of years ago. It is said that this work was his last painting before his death, and it was full of all his feelings and thoughts of his deceased wife.

It is said that in order to please the concubine who loved the famous painting, the previous emperor sent people around to inquire about the painting, but no authentic copy was found.

So here comes the point, how is this painting here

No, it should be said, why did the Ban family give the painting to their uncle

He shouldn't dislike the Ban family's stinginess. The family is not stingy, they are too generous, and their brains are not normal. Who would be so foolish as to give this kind of thing as a family heirloom, isn't it stupid? !

Although he is not Ban's family, at this moment, Du Jiu still feels distressed for Ban's family, "As expected of the dandy son of Ban's Prince, this gift is really..."

Rong Xia looked at the painting, the smile on her face getting bigger and bigger: "It's not him."