I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 46


"When the ends of the earth are poor, there is only endless lovesickness..."

Du Jiu finished reading this poem in her heart, and looked at Rong Xia with a subtle expression, this verse... quite interesting.

Rong Xia kept an authentic work of Zhao Bicong in his house, so after opening the painting, he was almost certain that it was indeed made by Zhao Bicong, and it was the last work of Zhao Bicong before his death.

Qiushan Mingyue buries the soul of flowers, and there is nowhere for loneliness and lovesickness to survive. This painting not only carries a sense of loneliness, but also a bit of anticipation, looking forward to death, and looking forward to meeting his deceased wife. For Zhao Bicong, who was old and frail and returned to his hometown, death was his best destination.

I just don't know if he is still reciting his dead wife, or the high spirits of his youth

"Uncle," Du Jiu reminded in a low voice, seeing Rong Xia staring at the painting, "This painting was not given by Mr. Ban, could it have been given by... the county master?"

The man was unmarried and the woman was unmarried, so he gave away such a precious picture scroll, and the poems on the picture scroll were still so ambiguous. Could it be that Princess Ban has a relationship between a man and a woman for his uncle, or who would be willing to give such a big gift

He somewhat believed that Princess Ban had a very high status in the Ban family, otherwise, who would dare to give such a rare thing to a man who is not a relative or a relative

"It doesn't matter who sent it," Rongxia put away the painting scroll and put it back into the painting tube, "You did a good job in the past."

"Uncle, my subordinates remembered something," Du Jiu suddenly said, "Some time ago, a woman and a child stopped Jingting Hou's bicycle frame, claiming to be from Xuezhou Tong County, and her husband was convicted of an unjust case. ."

"Block Jingting Hou's car?" Rong Xia put the painting tube in the upper position of Duobao Pavilion, and said with a smile, "Why did she stop a marquis's car instead of going to Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment?"

Du Jiu shook his head, "My subordinates don't know, but the Marquis of Jingting ignored this person and said bluntly that he has no real power in the court and can't help her."

To be honest, Du Jiu felt that the Ban family's thinking was a little different from ordinary people when he heard Jingting Hou say such words.

Lao Tzu said without hesitation that he has no real power, that his son likes to bury gold and silver jewelry all over the mountains when he has nothing to do, and that his daughter gives gifts to men, which are treasures that money cannot buy. spendthrift.

The dandies of other families are all good-looking, gambling and bullying. Although the family is particular about food and clothing, the dignified Lord Hou is under the control of Mrs. Hou, and there are no concubines around him. Although the prince is also idle, he has never seen him molest the people. The woman may show up in the casino and walk through the market with a few guards every day, but it is a matter of fighting crickets, crickets and cocks. Seeing the libertine who flirts with the people, she wants to do justice. The only person who likes to bully is Xie Jia Erlang. However, these two families have old grudges, and it can't be regarded as bullying or being bullied.

On the surface, this family doesn't seem to be very likable, but after thinking about it, this family is also squandering the property accumulated by their ancestors. Although they don't do serious things, they have never done bad things. Compared with someone who is a gentleman on the outside but has blood on his hands inside, this family has the best character.

But why do everyone think of the Ban family, and their brains are basically their lazy and extravagant images

No, their family does seem to be quite lazy and extravagant.

If it weren't for the uncle's relationship with the Ban family, I'm afraid he would never have cared about the Ban family, because the family really didn't care much. But when he began to pay attention to Qiban's family due to various coincidences, he found that the family was actually not that annoying, and even had some fun.

Probably this is the reason why the uncle is willing to associate with the family.

"The gift from the prince is too precious," Rong Xia said, looking at the sunlight outside the window, in a good mood, "I should send some gifts in return."

After the uncle's housekeeper heard that the uncle was going to open the warehouse, he hurried over with several other stewards, and each took out his keys and opened the storehouse doors one after another.

The Rong family has several generations of prominent ancestors. By the time of Rong Xia's grandfather's generation, the reputation of the Rong family in the Great Ye Dynasty has almost reached its peak. When His Majesty was young, Rong Xia's grandfather was the Crown Prince's Grand Master. Although His Majesty's grandfather died of illness shortly after His Majesty ascended the throne, His Majesty still respects him as the Emperor's Teacher.

The Rong Clan's warehouse is full of property left by the Rong Clan members of the past dynasties. Rongxia took an ebony box from the shelf, wiped the dust off it, and opened the lid.

In the box is a set of jewelry made of blood jade, hairpins, earrings, bracelets, armbands, forehead pendants, and jade pendants, each of which is as red as blood, but with an indescribable beauty.

Someone in the ancestors of the Rong family once served as a high-ranking official in the previous dynasty, and also married a princess from the previous dynasty, so Rong Xia's lineage is detailed, and he has the blood of the previous dynasty's royal family. It's just that when the ancestors married the princess, it was still in the heyday of the previous dynasty. When the previous dynasty fell, no one of the Rong family was an official in the court. Therefore, after the establishment of the new dynasty, even if the Rong family entered the imperial court again as officials, there was never anyone. I doubted the loyalty of the Rong family, but felt that the Rong family had noble blood.

This set of blood jade jewelry is said to be one of the princess' dowries. The Rong family likes poetry and books, and it is not easy to enjoy themselves, so these luxurious things are sealed in the warehouse.

When Rong Xia was very young, when he followed his mother into the warehouse, he felt that this set of jewelry was very beautiful, but he had never seen any female family member wearing it. Say it out.

Covering the ebony box lid, Rong Xia took an inkstone from the shelf on the other side, and took the box out of the inner storage.

In the Marquis of Jingting, Ban Huai met Yan Ming.

Yan Ming thought that Ban's family would be like the eldest princess and would never see him without saying anything. But what he didn't expect was that Ban's family not only met him soon, but also served him hot tea. This was only the most basic courtesy in the past, but for Yan Ming at this moment, he was extremely moved.

"Sir Xiaoyan," Ban Huai sat on the top with a very serious expression, "Excuse me, why are you here today?"

"The younger generation came to apologize to your house. The younger brother and his mother were reckless and brought trouble to your house and the county master. The Yan family is very guilty, but the father was seriously ill and could not get up, so the younger generation came to apologize to your house on behalf of the family. ." Yan Ming put down the teacup, walked to the center of the room, and knelt down on one knee, "My daughter's family's reputation is so precious, my Yan family behaved improperly, and I should apologize to the county master."

A man has gold under his knees, kneeling on the ground and kneeling down to his parents, if he kneels to someone who doesn't care, it is tantamount to humiliation. As the eldest son of the Yan family and the future heir of the Yan family, Yan Ming knelt down in front of Ban Huai, his posture was so low as to dust.

Ban Huai looked at Yan Ming who was kneeling in front of him, and turned to look at Ban Heng who pretended to be drinking tea seriously.

Ban Heng turned to the side without making a sound. Ban Huai glared at him, he put down the teacup and walked to Yan Ming's side, reaching out to help Yan Ming.

"Master Yan doesn't have to give such a big gift," Ban Heng has been exercising with Ban Hua recently. Although his body is not much stronger, his strength has grown a little bit. Yan Ming, a scholar with no power to tie a chicken, has not twisted him. He was pulled from the ground, "If you have something to say, sit down and say it."

Yan Ming has not had a good rest these days. He looks as if he is several years older and no longer has the graceful demeanor of the past. After he was dragged from the ground by Ban Heng, he looked even more dejected.

"Please, Lord Hou, let the younger generation see the county master, and let the younger generation apologize to the county master in person."

Ban Huai said lightly, "I'm afraid... it's unnecessary."

"The younger generation knows that no matter how many words of apology are said now, they can't make up for the grievances suffered by the county master, and the palace does not dare to ask the county master to really forgive us," Yan Ming smiled bitterly, "I just want to see the county master and tell the story. Our apologies, the juniors are enough."

Ban Hua stood outside the door, listening to Yan Ming's tired voice coming from the house, and walked in with her maid.

"Lord Xiaoyan sees the little girl, what are you doing?"

Yan Ming turned his head back, his whole person was a little shaken. I saw a stunning woman wearing a blood-colored embroidered red plum skirt and a red jade bead pendant walked in from outside. Her appearance made all the characters and delicacy outside the door pale.

She was followed by several beautiful maids, who entered the room as if the stars were surrounded by the moon, and he seemed to be able to smell the faint fragrance on her body.

This is Motuoxiang, the spice that the subordinate countries pay tribute, because the amount is very rare, so there are very few female relatives who can be rewarded by His Majesty.

"I have seen County Master Fule." Yan Ming politely saluted Ban Hua, which was extremely standard, and there was no reluctance or perfunctory appearance.

"Sir Xiao Yan, don't be polite." Ban Ma lowered her eyelids, took the tea cup brought by the maid, and held the tea cup with her hand stained with Dan Kou, only slightly touched her lips and put it down, Yan Ming saw her hand He squeezed a piece of jinpa, and then wiped his rosy lips with the jinpa.

He retracted his gaze and buried his head lower: "I'm here today to apologize to the county master."

"Apologize?" Ban Yan tilted her head, and it seemed that she was looking at Yan Ming right at this time, "I said earlier, I have nothing to do with your Yan family, you don't have to apologize to me, and I don't care about that. "

Yan Ming's heart sank, and he bowed deeply to Ban Yan, "Yan knows that this matter is completely wrong, and does not dare to ask for forgiveness from the county master. May the county master be healthy, youthful forever, as beautiful as the moon in the sky, and happy for the rest of his life. No worries."

Ban Hua chuckled softly when he heard the words, and looked at Yan Ming with one hand on his cheek: "Sir Xiao Yan can talk so well, it's a pity that I am a bit strange, and I don't like to listen to other people's beautiful words."

Ban Heng raised his eyelids, don't you like pretty words

This Yan family is really interesting. What they do is inconsistent. I really don't know if they are smart or stupid. This Yan Ming can talk so well, but he doesn't know how to coax his wife, Chen, who was miscarried by her mother-in-law, and I am afraid she is extremely sad, so she made up her mind to divorce this man.

After sharing the same bed for several years, the child she finally conceived fell off. For Chen Shi, I don't know how much pain it was.

Ban Hua is very fortunate that she is a county owner and does not have to marry into the house under the coercion and inducement of the Yan family. A woman as gentle as Chen's can't live a good life in the Yan family, let alone her

A beautiful woman is charming no matter what she does, even if her expression is ironic, even if her tone is not gentle, but there are not many men in the world who can really get angry in front of such a beauty.

Of course, the exception is for people with mental illnesses like the second prince.

Yan Ming was about to speak when the housekeeper of the Ban family walked in.

"Master Hou, become the guard of the Amber Mansion and ask to see you."

The author has something to say: Ban Hua: Erkang, no, I just sent a painting at random!