I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 49


Human beings have seven emotions and six desires, and jealousy is one of the negative emotions.

When Shi Feixian saw Rong Xia raising a glass to Ban Hua, her stomach felt as if she had drank a jar of vinegar, which was uncomfortably sour. Mrs. Shi, who was sitting beside her, patted the back of her hand lightly, "Feixian, what's wrong with you?"

"Mother, I'm fine," Shi Feixian glanced outside the hall, "It's snowing outside again, I wonder if my brother will be cold?"

"It is an honor for our Shi family to be able to do things for the emperor," Mrs. Shi said with a smile when she saw her daughter was worried about her brother, "You don't have to worry, I have someone make your brother warm clothes, so it shouldn't be too cold. ."

Shi Feixian forced a smile: "That's good."

Many people came to please Mrs. Shi, so Mrs. Shi did not notice the strangeness of her daughter, and turned to talk to the lady next to her.

Ban Hua walked to Yinshi's side and sat down, put his hand in Yinshi's warm palm, and rubbed the temperature on Yinshi's body.

"Why are your hands so cold?" Yin shi touched the palace clothes on Ban Hua's body and held her hands in the palm of her hand, "You girl, you are not afraid of being cold for the sake of beauty."

"It wasn't cold at first. I saw a little eunuch in the middle of the way and I was a little pitiful, so I helped him," Ban Hua squeezed around Yinshi, "Mother, you are so warm."

"Because I dress thicker than you," Yin Shi was angry and funny, so he had no choice but to say, "It's your father's habit."

Ban Hua didn't argue, but only smiled at Yin Shi, looking very well-behaved.

"The prince is here, the princess is here."

Yin Shi and Ban Hua straightened their clothes and stood up to welcome the arrival of the prince and princess.

The Prince Concubine Shi had a reputation of benevolence, filial piety and humility even before she got married. Although her appearance and talent are not as good as her sister Shi Feixian, she is still a famous woman in the capital.

She and the prince can be considered to be on the same page, and the only thing that is not good is that she and the prince have been married for four years, and have yet to give birth to a son. Although the crown prince did not complain about her, but as the second prince was about to get married, she became more and more anxious.

Before walking into the hall, the prince held her hand and smiled at her.

She glanced around and whispered, "Your Highness, this is out of order." After speaking, she pulled her hand out of the prince's palm.

The prince smiled helplessly and entered the inner hall side by side with her, but she was half a step behind the prince.

"I have seen the prince, the prince."

The carpet was very soft, and the Crown Princess looked at the drooping heads of the people around her with a satisfied smile on her face.

When she passed by Ban Hua, her footsteps paused slightly, and her eyes fell on the blood jade hairpin in Ban Hua's hair, which was a bit dazzling red.

The prince is the future emperor. His seat is lower than the emperor, but higher than the ministers. Only when the husband and wife are seated, everyone raises their heads again.

"My lords, please take your seats," the crown prince said as he stood up. "Today is the day when the father and the emperor will have a long birthday, and the whole world will celebrate together. Your lords don't need to be so polite."

The prince is benevolent, gentle, and very prestigious among the courtiers, but the second prince is always rambunctious and not very courteous. The second prince looked at the prince and his wife pretending to be on it, sneered, and regardless of what other people thought, he sat down after salute, not even bothering to do superficial work.

Ban Hua was sitting opposite the second prince. She noticed the second prince's movements and secretly cursed a fool in her heart. You can't even do basic acting, you are going to heaven. The prince is his eldest brother, or the same mother's brother. He doesn't even give the prince this face in front of outsiders. When the prince ascends the throne in the future, even if he wants to clean up your younger brother, others will only think that his younger brother is too cold. Brother's heart.

Ban Hua felt that she was quite good at doing things, but compared with the second prince, she was a euphemism.

The second prince was holding his breath in his heart. Seeing Ban Hua looking at him, he gave him a stern look, what did he look at? Haven't he seen a man before

Ban Hua rolled his eyes, tsk, his personality is not as good as the prince's cousin, and he doesn't look as good as the prince's.

I don't know why, Jiang Luo felt that when he saw Ban Hua, his heart was even more angry. Thinking of the days when he was confined to the palace these days, he wanted to tear her apart, but... he didn't dare.

This woman, Ban Hua, is really evil and shameless. She dares to play and lie in front of her father, but her father still eats her. This time, he was able to leave the palace because of his father's longevity gift. He didn't want to be locked in just after he came out. This time, let this little bitch be spared.

When the people sitting beside the second prince saw the second prince staring at Ban Hua, they suddenly realized one by one. Sure enough, the hero is saddened by the concept of beauty, and it is said that the second prince does not like the Fule County Lord, but it seems that he doesn't really hate it when he stares at the Fule County Lord without turning his eyes.

At the emperor's longevity ceremony, no one dared to make any unhappy things. Even if the wife and concubine died at home, there would be a smile on their face.

Therefore, when Emperor Yunqing and the Empress appeared in the main hall, they saw brighter smiling faces than one another. I found some outstanding-looking people in the crowd to take a few glances, and then I felt that my eyes felt a little better.

The son of this family is good-looking, and the daughter of that family is also beautiful. Turning his head again, Rong Junpo is still the best-looking in Erlang, and he looks better than other men just standing there. The queen touched the bracelet, but it was a pity that she did not have a daughter of the right age, otherwise it would be better to invite her to be the concubine.

There are several princesses in the palace, but for the queen, such a good man cannot cheap the daughters of those concubines. This is her pride and willfulness as a queen.

Princess Fule's dress is so beautiful today, she is more eye-catching than other noble girls. If this is her own daughter, she will definitely dress her beautifully every day. No word.

The queen smiled at Ban Hua, and Ban Hua returned her an intimate and bright smile.

When I was older, I liked this kind of lively, beautiful and lovable little girl. As for those talented girls who obeyed the rules, they were not so attracted to her. I don't know what my second child thinks. Such a beautiful little girl can break someone's arm. If this is my daughter, if someone dares to treat her like this, it will be strange if she doesn't kill him.

The queen sat dignifiedly on the phoenix seat. She was not a person who liked to laugh very much, so the concubines in the harem were very in awe of her and felt that she was unfathomable. The same thought, there were also court wives, who always showed the most respect in front of the queen, lest they would make her angry.

In front of the Empress, a big bow and worship ceremony was performed to celebrate His Majesty's longevity.

As usual, it was all kinds of praises and virtues, and the envoys of the affiliated countries presented gifts as usual. Ban Hua held her cheeks with one hand, listening to the lame Daye Dynasty official words of the envoys of the affiliated countries, and sipped tea from time to time to ensure that she would not yawn.

These affiliated countries are also quite interesting. Flattery is even more shameless than the officials of the Daye Dynasty. Every year, Ban Hua can learn a lot of the essence of flattery from them.

"Your Majesty, you are the eagle in the blue sky, leading our clan to glory."

Ban Hua whispered in Yinshi's ear: "When this country came last time, did it mean bucks?"

Yin Shi almost didn't stop laughing, and hurriedly pinched her under the table: "Don't make trouble."

"Empress," the emperor whispered in the queen's ear after the vassal resigned, "The last envoy in this country seems to praise me as a lion?"

"Your Majesty," the queen's lips moved slightly, but the expression on her face did not change much, "Last time the envoy praised the tiger."

"Really?" Emperor Yunqing frowned, there were too many people praising him, and he couldn't remember what kind of flower he was under the moonlight.

The queen nodded decisively: "Yes."

Wang De, who was beside the Empress, moved slightly.

No, it was the Bucks who boasted last time.

Emperor Yunqing's longevity ceremony was very lively. After the banquet at noon, the ministers and envoys watched various song and dance performances in the afternoon. There were great careers, and there were also performance groups brought by the affiliated countries. mean.

"Your Majesty," said a subordinate prince, "I heard that there is a beautiful and stunning woman in your country, and I yearn very much in my heart. I wonder if the little king can ask this woman to be the concubine?"

Emperor Yunqing's face froze, and his appearance was alluring...

Shouldn't it be my aunt's granddaughter

"I don't know which woman the prince is talking about?" Emperor Yunqing's mind quickly turned, thinking about how to refuse in a gentle way.

"It is said that the woman's surname is Shi, she is good at poetry and painting, and she is a very intelligent woman," said the prince with a longing look, "Xiao Wang loves your country's culture very much, and is willing to stay in Daye to learn your country's etiquette. culture, and to marry this beautiful and intelligent girl."

Emperor Yunqing breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he was talking about the princess' sister, not Hua Hua. However, this subject country is just a small place. How can the daughter of the prime minister marry a barbarian

He glanced at Shi Chonghai, who was not looking very well, and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, there is a saying in my great cause that a fair lady and a gentleman are good, if you like Miss Shi, you have to win her heart in a man's way. What do you think, Prince? Woolen cloth?"

The affiliated prince heard the words and said: "Your Majesty said very much, I don't know how Miss Shi can agree to this king's proposal."

The ministers of Dayechao looked at this affiliated prince. His appearance was very good, but his skin was a little darker and a little rude. Taking a look at Rong Xia not far from him, everyone shook their heads in unison in their hearts.

It's impossible to agree to your marriage proposal.

Shi Chonghai's face was very ugly, and Ban Hua believed that if it was not the prince of the dependent country who said this, this Lord Shi Xiang would probably rush over and slap the prince twice.

But Xiangye is worthy of being a Xiangye. Although the foreign prince in front of him is thinking about his daughter, he still maintains the demeanor of being the right minister.

"His Royal Highness, today is His Majesty's longevity. I'm afraid it is not appropriate to discuss this matter at this time," Shi Chonghai said with a smile, "The dance on the stage is graceful, how can the prince live up to it?"

"You're right," the prince nodded, "I'll go to your residence tomorrow to discuss in detail."

Ban Hua was sure that Shi Xiangye's expression stiffened for a moment, but he concealed it so well that almost no one could find it.

"Sister," Ban Heng leaned over to Ban Hu's side and whispered, "You still cover your face, what if this prince sees you?"

"It's just a prince in a small place. Could it be that he still wants me to choose from my noble daughter?" Yin Shi lightly took a sip of tea, "Don't worry, he can't even marry the daughter of the Shi family, let alone your sister. ."

When Ban Heng heard the words, his heart was settled, and when he returned to his seat, he slapped Ban Hua again.

"She's not as beautiful as you, and the word alluring is not suitable for her."

The author has something to say: Ban Heng: Alluring? who