I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 52


"His Royal Highness," Mrs. Chang stood beside the eldest Princess De Ning and said with a hesitant expression, "Why didn't you tell the Marquis about the matter?"

"It's good that the grievances of the previous generation are settled in my generation." The eldest princess looked at the dim candlelight in the house and took the pills handed by Chang mama. , I didn't teach him literary talent and martial arts, and I don't want to teach him hatred."

"His Royal Highness," Madam Chang's palms were empty, and there was a heater in the room, but she felt a chill in her heart, "Master Hou will understand your painstaking efforts, and he has never blamed you."

"He's a good boy," the eldest princess de Ning smiled, at this time she was not the eldest princess of the royal family, but an ordinary mother, "I have dedicated half my life to the royal family, and the only happy days are with the concubine. The time we spent together, and the time we spent with our children.”

"His Royal Highness," Madam Chang knelt in front of the eldest princess, and said with a trembling voice, "you must take good care of your body, the filial piety of the Marquis and his wife, the princess and the prince are also grown up, you haven't seen them become biological children. ,you… "

"Ah Chang," the eldest princess suddenly interrupted with a smile, "Tell me, among my juniors, who is the most like me?"

Madam Chang held the hand of the eldest princess, and said with red eyes: "Mrs. Xiuwaihui, there is a bit of courage like your Highness."

"No," the eldest princess slowly shook her head, "the Ban family is most like me, it's Hua Hua."

Chang mama looked at the eldest princess in astonishment. In her opinion, the county owner is obviously more like a concubine, how could she be like a princess

The cold wind was howling outside, but there was no cold wind blowing into the house.

"When I was young, I was the most beautiful of all my father's children, and because of this, my father favored me the most among all the princesses." The eldest princess stroked her gorgeous robe, "Hua Fu. Delicious food, gold, silver and jade wares, and supreme preference made other princesses hate Ben Gong so much that they even resorted to plotting methods. Ben Gong likes to see them racking their brains and using all their means, but they can't shake Ben Gong. half a point."

"As the elder brother of this palace, the late emperor was not very popular with the father. The father even said that if he was not worried that other princes would not take me well, he might not choose his elder brother to be the prince in the end," the eldest princess He closed his eyes and recalled the years when he was young, "In the Great Ye Dynasty at that time, anyone who met Ben Gong had to be courteous three points."

Fresh clothes and angry horses, respected by power, and later married to the concubine, she is still the most honorable princess in the dynasty, but she is only protecting her father and returning home, and it is her brother who sits on the throne.

The elder brother was able to secure the throne of the emperor, and he also depended on the consort's military power to help him stabilize the courtiers. It's a pity that the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden, and the elder brother is the same as other emperors, who is the emperor who removes the grind and kills the donkey. Fortunately, he was still thinking about the brother-sister relationship. Although he was plotted on the battlefield, he didn't kill him.

He thought that he had no last resort, but he forgot that there is a saying in the world, "If people don't know, don't do it unless you do it yourself."

Knowing that her husband, who was extremely considerate to her, had been plotted against by her siblings, she sat in the house all day.

"She looks like me when I was young," the eldest princess coughed a few times, and Chang mama hurriedly brought a cup of honey water in front of her. The Great Ye Royal Family should die there too."

Mother Chang shook her hand, and the cup of honey water splashed a few drops on the back of her hand, and finally slipped into the carpet and disappeared.

The snowstorm did not stop all night. When Ban Hua got up the next morning, she saw the servants outside the yard were throwing salt on the ground, and her face was red from the cold. She said to the maid next to her, "Ruyi. , don't worry about the snow outside, wait for the snow to stop before sweeping."

"Yes." Ruyi went out with a smile and told these servants, the servants were overjoyed, thanked Ruyi repeatedly, and read the mercy of the princess, and withdrew with gratitude.

"I know that you feel sorry for these people, county lord," Ruyi and a few maids waited for Ban Hua to get dressed and whispered, "I'm afraid there is still snow left."

"It's all raised by my parents, and it's pitiful if it freezes," Ban Hua said after washing his face and hands, and cleaning his teeth, "This year's snow seems to be extraordinarily heavy."

Ruyi looked at the swirling snow outside the window and nodded, "It does seem to be bigger than in previous years."

The snow is heavy, and there are not many pedestrians on the street. The wealthy family is fine. The basement of the family is full of meat and vegetables. The life of the poor family is a little sad. Although the imperial court sends a sum of silver taels every year to let the local yamen help the people through the cold winter, but after layers of exploitation, there is not even a fraction of the money that is really used on the people.

But even if someone freezes to death and starves to death, local officials will not report it. In the bustling capital, everyone welcomes the arrival of New Year's Eve with joy. They don't know that the money allocated by the court is not used by the common people superior.

"Uncle," Du Jiu asked casually when she walked into Rongxia's study and saw the overly gorgeous umbrella in the corner of the study, "Aren't you going to return the umbrella?"

Rong Xia raised her eyebrows, not knowing why he said it.

"This subordinate has heard that the homonym of umbrella is not very auspicious, so if you borrow someone else's umbrella, you must return it," Du Jiu immediately added, seeing that the uncle's expression did not change, "Of course, this is a rumor of an ignorant woman among the people. It doesn't make any sense, this umbrella is quite..."

"Du Jiu."

"May I ask what you want, uncle."

"How's the news I asked you to check?" Rong Xia put down the letter in her hand, her tone slightly subtle, "Isn't the body of the eldest princess really dying?"

"The people in the eldest princess' mansion are very careful. Most of the time, the eldest princess' mansion takes pills. Even if there is real medicine residue, they will not let ordinary servants interfere, but the servants who need to be used by the eldest princess. Take care of it personally," Du Jiu frowned, "The eldest princess' usual living habits haven't changed much, but her subordinates still feel that there is something wrong here."

If there is really no problem, why are you so careful, even the dregs of medicine are not willing to let others find out

There was silence in the study, Rong Xia looked at the lady's hairpin and flower umbrella in the corner, and said after a while, "You can send a copy of the invitation that I wrote personally to the palace of the eldest princess. I want to meet the eldest princess."

Du Jiu was stunned for a moment, then clasped his fists and stepped back.

After Du Jiu retreated, Rong Xia walked to the corner and bent over to pick up the umbrella.


The umbrella was opened, and on the umbrella was a woman dressed in Chinese clothes with peony flowers on her head, with a bright smile on her face.

The eldest princess died of illness, what should the Jingting Houfu do

Rong Xia stared at the umbrella for a long time, until the sound of footsteps was heard outside the study door, and he slowly recovered his senses.

"Uncle, the paper and paint you want are ready." The butler's voice came in, "Are you using it now?"

"Bring it in." Rong Xia walked back to the desk and put away the "Zhongcheng Lun" on the table.

The housekeeper asked the servant to stand outside the door, and brought everything in with his own hands. Finally, when he closed the door of the study, he glanced at the umbrella that was not stowed away, then quickly closed his eyes and bowed back. go out.

Many people know that Rong Xia is excellent in both calligraphy and painting, is proficient in poetry, and has a talent for helping the world. He has painted flowers, birds, fish and insects, landscapes and plants, but no one has seen him paint figures.

Some people say that he is not good at drawing figures, and some people say that there is no one in the world who can make Rong Xia write, but no matter what the truth is, at least Rong Xia never draws people.

The heavy snow, the red peony, the man with the umbrella, the luxurious hall, all are beautiful, but when these four scenes are combined, it should be strange.

Why do people need to use umbrellas in the hall, how can there be peonies in full bloom on a cold snowy day. There is also the woman with her back facing the main hall, who can only see her back but not her true face. Just her back is enough to make people think about it, and completely forget the weirdness in this painting.

After finishing the painting in one breath, Rong Xia picked a brush from the pen holder and wrote two poems in the blank space.

Only the true national color of peony can move the capital when the flowers bloom.

Putting down the pen, Rong Xia put away the umbrella and untied the ruby pendant on the umbrella.

The ruby has been ground into a teardrop shape, and the color is excellent, like a woman in the right age, exuding its most beautiful moments.

He chuckled lightly and put the gem into his arms.

"Sister," Ban Heng knocked on the door, but he didn't hear Ban Hua's refusal, so he pushed open the door and walked in, with a helpless expression: "Today there are three ice men who said they were kissing."

Ban Hua lay on the couch of the imperial concubine covered with fox fur, yawned lazily, and reached for the dessert next to her, revealing half of her white and tender arms.

Ban Heng pulled down her sleeves for her, covered her arms and said, "Chen family, Wang family, and... Yin family."

"The Chen family's scholarly family can look down on me like this?" Ban Hua wiped the corners of his mouth, frowning in dissatisfaction, "And that Wang Jiaerlang, who looks like a crooked melon, also ran away. What are you doing to join in the fun?"

Ban Heng was speechless: "Then the son of the Chen family seems to be pretty good?"

"It's not fun to marry such a scholarly family, and..." Ban Ma pouted, "Don't look at the benevolence, righteousness and morality of this kind of family. When our family loses power, they will be the ones who will change their faces the fastest."

Ban Heng thought about it carefully, and said seriously: "Sister, why don't we get married?" Who knows what kind of people those husband's families are, it's better to stay in their own home for five years and live comfortably. For nothing in this world.

"Okay," Ban Hua nodded and said, "Whoever you marry will not have a better life than at home."

"The Yin family is too embarrassed to send someone to our house to propose marriage." Ban Heng did not have the slightest affection for the Yin family, although it was only their ancestor's family, "He is worthy of the virtue of Yinfeng?"

"Yin family?" Ban Hua sneered, "Did mother pay attention to them?"

"You don't know your mother's temperament?" Ban Heng coughed dryly, "The ice man invited by the Yin family has gone back in despair."

Even if his mother could bear it, he couldn't bear the family.

Ban Heng thought that some scholars in the capital were really interesting. For example, the son of the Chen family once said that his sister was too extravagant. Now his family has invited the ice man to match him, and he doesn't know what he thinks.

Is it true that the scholars who renege on their promises should not be called back on their promises

The author has something to say: some readers: the face is a little swollen and it hurts.