I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 57


Rong Xia, who was robbed as a cargo, was entertaining guests at home. Because it was still in the period of filial piety, officials could not drink for fun, so he used two cups of tea to treat the guests.

The identity of the guest is also not low. It is Yao Peiji, the minister of households, and an important member of the court.

Yao Peiji is an avid calligraphy and painting lover, so he has a very good impression of Rong Xia. He and Rong Xia are brothers on weekdays, and he doesn't mind the age difference of thirty or forty years between the two. In fact, if he could obtain a painting of Rong Xia's calligraphy, even if he were to be called Brother Rong Xia, I'm afraid he would be willing.

"Good painting, good artistic conception," Yao Peiji looked at the sketches of cat play flowers hanging on the wall, his cheeks flushed with excitement, and said to Rong Xia, "Uncle's painting skills have improved again, this kitten seems to be alive Normal. Just why is there a peony flower tied to the cat's head?"

Rong Xia smiled and said, "This is just a little fun."

"Painting comes with one's heart, and it becomes more spiritual. It should be like this, it should be like this." Yao Peiji stroked his palm, and suddenly felt that this peony was simply the finishing touch, which made the cat look even more naive. Little willfulness.

A cat should be capricious to be cute.

Yao Peiji took Rong Xia and talked about the painting for a long time, and then said with emotion: "Uncle is so talented, I don't know what kind of woman in the world is worthy of you."

Rong Xia smiled without saying a word, just toasted Yao Peiji with a cup of tea.

"I saw that the second daughter of Shi Xiangye's mansion, Xiuwaihuizhong, is very talented and matches you very well," Yao Peiji took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "I don't know if Uncle has such intentions?"

Rong Xia's face showed a bit of thought, and after a while, she said: "Master Yao said that the two thousand gold in Shi Xiang's mansion?"

"It's him," Yao Peiji said, "I often mention this daughter, but I suddenly thought yesterday that this girl is a good match for you."

"I'm afraid that Master Yao will be disappointed." Rong Xia stood up and bowed to Yao Peiji, and said apologetically, "To tell the truth from Master Yao, a marriage has been arranged a few days ago, but now it's the filial piety of the eldest princess, It's not appropriate to mention this, so I asked Master Yao to keep it a secret for you."

"What, what?" Yao Peiji looked at Rong Xia in surprise. Rong Langjun was actually engaged, why didn't any news come out? Fortunately, he is an elegant person. Seeing what Rongxia said, he didn't ask any further questions, "If that's the case, then this old man wishes Uncle Rong and your future wife to be more affectionate than Jin Jian and grow old together."

"Thank you Master Yao for your kind words." Rong Xia stood up and bowed solemnly to Yao Peiji.

Yao Peiji saw Rong Xia's blushing face with a bright smile, and sighed in his heart that it seemed that Uncle Rong really loved his fiancee, otherwise he wouldn't be smiling so brightly. It's a pity that the Shi family's mind could not be fulfilled, so he went to the Shi family for a visit.

Seeing that Yao Peiji wanted to go, Rong Xia sent him to the main gate after he couldn't keep him again and again. After knowing that Yao Peiji's carriage had left, he let the doorman close the door.

In the Right Prime Minister's Mansion, Shi Jin was recovering from his injuries at home, and when he heard the servant beside his father calling him to entertain guests, he put on a half-worn plain robe and walked out behind the servant. Previously, because of the assassination of the eldest princess, as the deputy commander of the Guards, he was punished with fifty big boards. Fortunately, he is the son of the Right Prime Minister, and the person who executes the execution with a cane is measured, so his injury looks serious, but in fact he did not hurt his bones. On the other hand, the same commander who played fifty big boards with him is more serious. It is said that he can't get out of bed now, and he doesn't know whether he can keep the position of commander of the Guards.

When he arrived at the main hall of the main room, he saw that the person was Yao Peiji, so he guessed what was going on, and greeted Yao Peiji.

Shi Chonghai originally didn't want his daughter to marry Rong Xia, but seeing that Rong Xia became more and more prestigious among scholars, and was highly valued by the emperor, and was still gaining more and more real power in the court, he felt that marrying his daughter would also be a good choice. However, since ancient times, men have always proposed to women, but there is no daughter's family rushing to ask whether the man will marry or not, so he thought about it and asked Yao Peiji to help him find out.

"I showed a picture of a cat play at Uncle Rong's mansion just now. It's very interesting." Yao Peiji had already drank a belly of tea at Rong Xia's place. When he arrived at Xiang Ye's mansion, he only dipped the corner of his lips with tea. He put it down, "The old man added a word today and asked about Uncle Rong's marriage."

Yao Peiji never mentioned that it was the Shi family who asked him to ask, but said that he was talkative, but he took care of the face of the Shi family.

"Who knows that this uncle is a person who doesn't understand style, and he doesn't care about the love between men and women at all," Yao Peiji shook his head and sighed, "I don't know what young people think today, they are all in their twenties. The old man was at his age, and the children were all over the place."

Shi Jin raised his eyebrows slightly: "Uncle Rong doesn't want to?"

Yao Peiji looked at Shi Jin with a smile: "No, he just doesn't want to mention marriage." The implication is that I did what your family asked me to do, but they didn't care about that, so you just rest for a while. Take a break.

Shi Jin didn't know what to think, he couldn't help frowning.

Shi Chonghai smiled and said, "Young people like a free and undisciplined life, and without the supervision of the elders in the family, they are naturally unwilling to live a married life."

It's just that a person who lost his father and mother Lone Star has the right to be picky about his daughter. He really doesn't know how to flatter him!

Yao Peiji just pretended he didn't hear the sarcasm in Shi Chonghai's words, and after sitting for a while in the Shi family, he got up to leave, and the housekeeper of the Shi family sent him out.

After getting on the carriage, Yao Peiji shook his head and hummed a little tune, looking in a very good mood. In the eyes of others, he is a courtier attached to Shi Chonghai, and even he himself thought so. But this does not mean that he likes the Shi family to use him as an errand. There are juniors in the family, and it is not a busy time when there are many guests, but the Shi family asks a servant to send him out, which is really despised.

Rong Xia had such a face in front of the emperor that he personally sent him out. The Shi family's face was really that big, and he couldn't even send him a few steps

Scholar is the most particular about etiquette. If the etiquette of others is not in place, for a scholar, that is an offense.

Yao Peiji had an opinion on the Shi family after all.

"If you really think your daughter is a fairy, whoever you fancy will marry?"

Yao Peiji snorted, maintaining a strangely good mood, and left the Shi family's boundary.

Ban Huai returned home with an expression full of indescribable words on his face, called his wife and children to him, and after waving away all the servants, looked at the other three at home with a serious face.

"Husband, what happened?" Seeing Ban Huai's strange expression, Yin Shi hesitated, "Is the emperor regretting it and doesn't want to give you the title of Duke of the Kingdom?"

Ban Huai shook his head.

"Did the second prince offend you again?" Ban Heng stretched his neck and leaned in front of Ban Huai, "Or did you meet someone strange on the road?"

Ban Huai still shook his head.

Ban Hua saw his father's gaze on him, and put out his index finger to the tip of his nose: "It's about me?"

Ban Huai nodded.

Ban Hua patted the table: "Who is talking bad about me?"

Ban Huai wiped his face: "Good girl, can we think of something better?"

"Then the expression on your face doesn't seem like something good happened," Ban Hua took a deep breath and lowered his head to drink tea, "Just say it directly, I can bear it."

"Uncle Rong asked the emperor to match him. He wants to ask to marry you."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Ban Hua choked on the tip of his throat with a sip of tea, and even choked out tears, so frightened that the whole family beat their backs and took a handkerchief.

"I-I'm fine," Ban Hua patted her chest and looked at Ban Huai tearfully, "Uncle Rong, is he blind?"

Ban Huai shrugged: "I also want to know this question."

"Speak well, what nonsense are you two talking about!" Yin Shi raised his eyebrows, "My daughter is so beautiful, it's not surprising whoever comes to ask for marriage, what is an uncle."

Ban Heng hummed: "But he is Rong Xia, how many daughters in the capital want to marry him."

"What's wrong with Rong Xia, what if he is called Rong Wu Xia?" Yin Shi slammed the table, "Besides, what's so good about this man who is favored by countless women, what if he is distracted?"

"Then which man my sister likes is not a man with outstanding looks and is missed by countless women," Ban Heng whispered with the Yinshi's eyes in his eyes, "If my sister can really marry Rong Xia, it would be good, at least Rong Xia is a decent gentleman. , even if our family falls down in the future, he will not treat my sister harshly because of this, so I can rest assured."

When Yin Shi heard this, he fell silent.

What will happen in five years, they are not sure. But Hua Hua didn't seem to be married in the dream, and she was no longer a villager.

No, no!

Yin Shi suddenly looked up at Ban Hua: "What kind of title do you think you were in your dream?"

"Xiangjun." Ban Hua answered with certainty, because she remembered very clearly that an eunuch came to their house to declare an decree, saying that it was to take away her father's marquis, her mother's official status, and her title of Xiangjun.

"But you are now the county master, and your father has also become a prince," Yin Shi's voice became very low, "Reality... is already different from your dream."

"All of this..." Ban Heng recalled carefully, "It seems to have started after my sister whipped Shen Yu a few times in the street."

"You mean that I didn't end well because I wasn't savage enough in my dream?" Ban Hua frowned, "It doesn't seem to make sense."

Ban Huai looked at the pair of children helplessly: "How can things be as simple as you think? Your dreams are muddled, and the process is messy. The most important point is that you don't even know who rebelled in the end. It's too difficult to infer reality by relying on dreams. Maybe you are now the county lord, but later, because of something you did, you were demoted to the lord of the township. Because of what happened, I changed back to the prince?"

"That's right," Ban Hua thought deeply, "you said... Is it possible that the rebels were the Shi family? Shi Jin, the great leader of the Shi family, seems to like wearing black clothes, and their family is powerful now, if you want to Rebellion is also possible.”

The four members of the Ban family fell into contemplation together, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt that the Shi family did have this suspicion.

"Your Highness, Cheng Anbo is asking to see you."

The housekeeper's voice sounded in the yard, and the four members of the Ban family looked at each other in dismay. Is there a sought-after product that wants to be their son-in-law

To see or not to see, that is the question.

The author has something to say: Classes: Is there a lack of wisdom in our family