I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 59


"Father, I think my sister's expression doesn't seem right," Ban Heng whispered to Ban Huai, "It's exactly the same as when she smashed a vase when she was a child and finally let the mouse take the blame."

But that time, his sister was also very miserable. Her mother, who was usually very gentle to her, even punished her to kneel for two full hours in front of the tablets of the ancestors of the Ban family. Later, my mother said that one must either not lie or lie perfectly. There are so many people up and down in their class, and every day someone is responsible for weeding, insects and mice. Not to mention mice in the inner courtyard, not even a fly can come in. What's more, the mouse is so big that it can break a vase half an arm high

"Madam, shouldn't the good girl do anything wrong to Uncle Rong?" Ban Huai looked at Yin Shi worriedly, "This is not very good."

"Could it be that elder sister ruined Uncle Rong's innocence, and Uncle Rong insisted on making elder sister responsible?" Ban Heng didn't know what to think in his mind, and his expression was extremely subtle.

"Shut up!" Yin Shi couldn't bear it any longer, "You are all talking nonsense, how can a daughter's house ruin a man's house and say it's innocent, you two will get out of the yard if you make trouble again."

Ban Huai and Ban Heng kept silent and stood behind Yin Shi honestly, not daring to say another word.

In the house at this time, Ban Hua didn't speak for a long time. She looked down at Rong Xia's hand, embarrassed to look at his face, "I think you should think about it, it's better to be more careful about this kind of thing."

"Is the county master dissatisfied with what's going on here?" Rong Xia looked at Ban Hua with beautiful eyes, and she almost reached out and touched the other's face.

"If there is something I don't do well, I am willing to change it a little for you."

"Uncle Rong," Ban Hua looked at Rong Xia with a thoughtful expression, "I gave you a chance."

Rao Shirong Xia's mind was deep, and when he heard Ban Hua's words, he couldn't react. What does this mean

Ban Hua patted Rong Xia's shoulder with her foot, and sighed, "Okay, I promise you." The young man gave you a chance to escape, but if you didn't seize it, you can't blame her in the future.

She has sinned against such a peerless and beautiful man, and she will try her best to be nice to him and make up for him in the future.

"Thank you, Princess!" A bright smile appeared on Rong Xia's face, "I will definitely treat you well, and I will not let you suffer any grievances."

Looking at the man who was smiling almost stupidly in front of her, Ban Hua felt a little sore in her heart, and she didn't know what it would be like in five years. Will she hurt him? She suddenly regretted that she did everything she wanted in her life, and even made a selfish choice in this matter.

"Uncle Rong..."

"You can just call me Jun Po or Rong Xia," Rong Xia couldn't hold back the smile, "The princess doesn't need to be so polite to me."

Ban Hua suddenly laughed, and blessed Rong Xia: "Thank you."

No matter what the final outcome is, at least in this life she ate the most beautiful food in the world, wore the most gorgeous clothes, had parents and younger brothers who were like jewels to her, and was about to sleep with the best man in the world. Dare to hope, it is impossible to get

Rong Xia was stunned again, as if in front of Ban Hua, he was often at a loss for words: "I should thank the county master."

"Since you asked me to call you by your name, you should call me by my name too," Ban Hua said with a principled approach to fairness, "usually my family calls me Hua, you can call me that too."

"Okay," Rong Xia took a step back and gave Ban Hua a deep nod, "Hua."

Some people's voices are naturally seductive. Hearing Rong Xia's gentle voice, Ban Hua felt that her chest was numb, as if she had been scratched by a kitten.

"Cough," Ban Hua coughed dryly, "I'm in the period of filial piety now, and we will discuss the formal marriage proposal after the period of filial piety."

"Have you forgotten?" Rong Xia said, "His Royal Highness, the eldest princess, is already engaged to us."

Recalling what happened on the day her grandmother left, the smile on Ban Hua's face faded. Although it had been two months since that day, as long as she remembered that her grandmother was gone, her heart was empty and she couldn't figure it out.

"Hua." A gentle voice like water recalled her sanity. Ban Hua nodded and looked at Rong Xia, and blinked to hide the sourness in his eyes.

"I'll treat you well, don't be afraid." He stretched out his hand in front of Ban Hua, hunched over and looked at her, "Trust me."

Ban Hua stretched out her index finger and poked his palm. Her palm was a little cold, but his palm was warm.

Raising his head, Ban Hua smiled at Rong Xia, then withdrew his hand.

Seeing her cute and charming appearance, Rong Xia laughed softly. This laughter reminded Ban Hua of the embarrassing scene when she secretly buried gold and silver jewelry with her younger brother, only to be seen by Rong Xia.

Could it be that Rongxia was attracted by her maverick personality

She really doesn't understand the hobbies of readers.

In Uncle Zhongping's mansion, Xie Wanyu was trying on the wedding dress, and looking at the golden-winged phoenix embroidered on the wedding dress, her originally depressed mood reluctantly improved.

It was supposed to be an auspicious day for her to marry the second prince in two days. How could she know that the eldest princess was assassinated because she was rescued, and her good life with the second prince was moved to two months later. She has been a little flustered recently, and only by looking at this wedding dress can she feel at ease.

"Girl," Xie Wanyu's nurse walked in, her face was a little rosy, as if something made her particularly excited, "If you say something, you won't believe it."

"Mom," Xie Wanyu saw that she was a wet nurse with whom she had a good relationship, and reluctantly cheered up, "what's the matter?"

The nurse was about to speak, remembering that her own girl had a good relationship with the second girl of the Shi family, and she hesitated for a while, "This matter has something to do with the second girl of the Shi family, so it may be inappropriate to say it."

"If there is anything wrong, we just close the door and talk about it, it's fine if we don't spread it out," Xie Wanyu said in a light tone, "Just say it."

Seeing that the girl didn't mind at all, the wet nurse dared to continue: "My servant heard that the Shi family had a crush on Cheng Anbo and wanted Cheng Anbo to ask for the second girl of the Shi family, so he specially invited Master Yao, the Minister of the Household, to be there. As a lobbyist, guess what Amber said?"

Xie Wanyu was refreshed, and she sat upright unconsciously: "What did he say?"

"Say he already has a fiancée." The wet nurse said with emotion, "I didn't expect Cheng Anbo to have a fiancée."

Xie Wanyu looked at the nurse in surprise: "There is no news about this, how could you know?"

"Girl, I have a good sister serving Mrs. Yao. She overheard this. We had a drink together at noon today. She was not good at drinking, and after two drinks, she became dizzy and said this. ," the nurse said in a low voice, "This old slave doesn't dare to tell anyone about this, thinking that you have a lot of contacts with the second girl of the Shi family, so I will mention it to you."

For some reason, Ban Hua's face appeared in Xie Wanyu's mind. She patted her face and felt that she might be thinking too much: "Who is Cheng Anbo's fiancee?"

"I haven't heard of that," the nurse said, not too concerned. "I think it must be a girl with a prominent family background."

Xie Wanyu nodded suddenly, his mind was full of the scene of Ban Hua and Rong Xia walking on the snow in the palace.

It was another big day, and Ban Huai did not go to court because of his filial piety. Some courtiers who did not like Ban Huai looked at the empty place that belonged to Ban Huai, and they were a little uncomfortable. This person was really lucky. Seeing the death of the most powerful mother, he banged, and changed from a marquis to a marquis. Super product country.

Although he didn't make an inch, but whoever let his mother have the power to save the driver, if the mother lost her life, it would be a blessing for the descendants.

The most embarrassing one should be the Xie family. The auspicious day set by Qin Tian had to be moved back because of the eldest princess. What about the prince, what about the royal family, still have to keep filial piety? It is clear that they are already the in-laws of the royal family, but the empress still prefers the Ban family more.

"Master Yao, you look at Anbo," the minister of the Ministry of Industry beside Yao Peiji whispered to Yao Peiji, "This expression is like picking up a few boxes of treasures. You and Cheng Anbo were friends in previous years, do you know what happened to him? already?"

Yao Peiji touched the beautiful beard on his chin and said inscrutable: "There are three great joys in life."

Get rich and kill your wife? No, Cheng Amber hasn't gotten married yet, how can his wife die

The Minister of Industry was stunned for a moment: "You mean that Cheng Amber is getting married?"

Yao Peiji glanced at Shi Chonghai, who was standing in front of him, and said deliberately, "I don't know if we're getting married, but Cheng Amber got engaged a few months ago."

"Huh?!" The Minister of Industry opened his eyes in surprise, and then whispered, "But the girl from the Shi family?"

Yao Peiji shook his head: "No, no, no."

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry was even more surprised now. He heard from his daughter in the past that the second girl of the Shi family seemed to like Amber. Cheng Anbo is engaged, but his fiancée is not a girl from the Shi family. This is a bit interesting. I don't know which girl is so capable to make Cheng Anbo refuse to accept Miss Shi's love and decide to marry her

"Master Zhang." Rong Xia walked to the Minister of the Ministry of Industry and stood still, smiling and bowed his hands with the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

"Uncle Rong," Zhang Shangshu bowed back, "Uncle Rong's face is ruddy, what's the good thing about this?"

"But there are good things," Rong Xia said without hesitation, "Master Zhang's good eyes can be seen at a glance."

Zhang Shangshu thought to himself, isn't this nonsense, your face is so bright, who can't see that you have a happy event

Cheng Anbo has always been tepid on weekdays, and his emotions are rarely exposed. It is really rare to see his undisguised joy like today. It can be seen that Cheng Anbo is very satisfied with his fiancee.

After the court meeting, Emperor Yunqing specially called Rong Xia to the palace and asked about the marriage between Rong Xia and Ban Hua.

"The Ban family agrees?" After hearing Rong Xia's answer, Emperor Yunqing immediately showed joy on his face. It seemed that although the Ban family did something absurd, as long as the things he brought up, the Ban family still gave him face. Well.

"Jun Po," said Emperor Yunqing proudly, "you have to thank me for this, I have said a lot of good things for you in front of your future father-in-law."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Rong Xia said gratefully, "Even the grandfather said that. If it wasn't for the matchmaker you made for Wei Chen, His Majesty, he wouldn't even let Wei Chen enter the gate of Ban's house."

"Your father-in-law has always had such a ridiculous temperament, but his heart is good, but he is too fond of his daughter," Yun Qingdi persuaded with a smile, "You don't have to worry about it, it will be good for you to get along with each other more in the future. already."

It's fine for Jun Po to marry Hua Hua. Although the Ban family is prominent, they have no real power. Such a courtier is more reassuring to use.

And the family members of Ban are really sincere and loyal, and he should treat them better in the future.

The author has something to say: Huang Sang: Rong Qing's family is good, and Ban's family is good, I feel very relieved.