I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 61


Ban Hua heard that Shi Jin suffered 50 big boards and was unable to enter the palace for a whole month or two, but seeing that he can run and ride a horse now, should he be all right? She feels that she has an advantage, that is, she is always tolerant when facing beautiful men.

"It's fine," Ban Hua coughed dryly, "then... say goodbye."

Although the beauty is seductive, but she is too serious, she always doesn't know what to say, and the atmosphere will become very embarrassing.

"County Lord, please wait a moment." Shi Jin walked to Ban Yan and bowed to her to the end: "I offended the county lord in the palace before, please forgive me."

"Offensive?" Ban Hua looked at Shi Jin puzzled, "Are you suitable to offend me?"

"Xia accidentally tripped the county lord from the horse and injured the county lord. These days, I have always felt guilty in my heart, but I didn't have the chance to see the county lord, so I can't apologize to you in person," Shi Jin did it again. A big gift, "Please forgive me, the princess."

The smile on Ban Hua's face faded. On the day her grandmother was assassinated, she was indeed tripped off the horse, but at that time she didn't even notice who tripped her, "Master Shi He Chu With that said, you are the commander of the Imperial Guard of the Harem, responsible for the safety of Your Majesty, it is wrong for me to ride a horse in the palace, and it is only my duty to trip me off my horse, why is it wrong?"

"The county master..." Shi Jin had to explain, but a person appeared to interrupt him.

"Hua," a carriage stopped in front of the princess' mansion, a jade-like hand lifted the curtain, revealing Rong Xia's flawless face, "Why are you here?"

Shi Jin looked at Rong Xia in astonishment, what is his name as the master of Fule County

"I'm here to see my grandmother's mansion," Ban Hua looked at Rong Xia in confusion, "Why are you here?"

"I just came out of Master Yao's mansion, and I didn't expect to meet you by chance." The guard put a stool in front of the carriage, Rong Xia stepped on the stool and got off the carriage, walking to Ban Hua, "It's a little dark, I'm afraid I want to If it rains, I will take you back."

After seeing Ban Hua's nod, Rong Xiacai seemed to have just seen Shi Jin, and raised his eyebrows, showing a bit of surprise: "Master Shi is actually here?"

"Yeah, unfortunately I'm here," Shi Jin looked at the slightly intimate behavior between Rong Xia and Ban Hua, "I heard that Uncle Rong is engaged? I haven't had time to congratulate Uncle."

"Master Shi, don't be polite, you are recovering at home during this period of time, and it is normal to not know about these things," Rong Xia smiled, "Rong X doesn't care about these rude people, if Master Shi is so polite, he will be uncomfortable below. ."

"Heh," Shi Jin laughed coldly, "Uncle Rong is a handsome gentleman, and he is naturally a person who doesn't obey the common etiquette."

"Sir Shi's words are not quite right, courtesy is the foundation of human beings, what should be guarded should be guarded, and what should be free and easy should be free and easy," Rong Xia smiled and glanced at Ban Hua next to her, seeing that she seemed to be concerned about the relationship between them. Not interested in chatting, he said, "Sorry, Master Shi, I should take my fiancee home."

Shi Jin's face changed greatly when he heard the words: "What did you say?"

Rong Xia looked at Shi Jin in surprise: "Master Shi, what happened?"

Shi Jin forced a smile: "I don't know what Uncle Rong said about his fiancee..."

"Naturally it's the Fule County Master next to me," Rong Xia said apologetically, "I didn't make it clear in advance, which made Lord Shi laugh."

Shi Jin was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Uncle Rong always surprises people."

Rong Xia smiled and looked at Shi Jin without saying a word.

"It's so cold," Ban Hua covered her face with her hand, and said to Rong Xia, "You two talk slowly, I'll go to the carriage to hide from the wind."

"Okay," Rong Xia held Ban Hua's wrist across her sleeve, let go after she got on the carriage, turned to Shi Jin and said, "Sir Shi, farewell."

Glancing across the carriage, Shi Jin raised his head and said to Rong Xia, "Farewell."

The carriage slowly left, and Shi Jin held the reins of the horse and stood there in a daze, not recovering for a long time. It wasn't until the rain hit him in the face that he turned over and climbed on the horse's back, galloping away in the direction of the Right Prime Minister's Mansion.

Rongxia's carriage is very spacious, at least two people will not be too embarrassed to sit in it. In other words, in order to prevent the two from getting too close, Rong Xia would make Ban Hua feel a sense of urgency, so he deliberately sat in a small corner. The scene was a bit like the king of the mountain who occupies the magpie's nest and the pitiful little magpie.

There are many small grids in the carriage, and various books are placed in them, but none of them are what Ban Hua likes to read. Rong Xia saw that Ban Hua was a little bored, took out a book from under the seat cushion, and said to Ban Hua, "Reading in the car is not good for the eyes, I'll tell you."

Ban Hua asked curiously, "What's the story?"

Rong Xia flipped through the pages and said not quite sure: "It should be about the customs, as well as the demons and ghosts that a Taoist priest encountered on his way to subdue demons and eliminate demons."

"That's good." Ban Hua nodded, "I'll just listen to this."

"It is said that there is an island in the south of the sea, named Hopeless Island, and there is a fairy temple on the island..."

The rain hit the roof, making a rattling sound. Rong Xia's voice was very nice, because the plot of the story was different and the tone of voice was different, which made Ban Hua exclaimed in surprise, until the carriage stopped in front of the gate of Ban's house, she still didn't know what to do.

"Your story is really interesting, much more interesting than the talented and beautiful women told by the storytellers in my family," Ban Hua asked curiously, "Where did you find such an interesting book of words?"

"I can't tell you this." Rong Xia closed the book, ignoring Ban Hua's expectant gaze, and put the book back in the drawer under the cushion.

"Why?" Ban Hua pouted. When she asked for a kiss yesterday, she said it so nicely, but she didn't even want to give her a text book today. No wonder others say that it is better to believe in a man's mouth than to believe in a daydream.

"Because I think you can think of me every day, even if you don't want to think about me, with these interesting words, you will look forward to meeting me next time," Rong Xia chuckled, "So, You have to forgive my greed and careful thinking."

Ban Hua touched her cheek, it was not very good, it seemed a little hot.

"Then remember to keep telling me next time," Ban Hua reached out to lift the curtain, "I'm going home."

"Wait," Rong Xia grabbed her wrist, took out an umbrella from the corner, let go of her hand, stepped out of the carriage first, opened the umbrella and looked at Ban Hua at the door of the carriage, extending his hand to her : "Come on, come down."

The rain was dense, Ban Hua looked at Rong Xia's smiling face, and after a moment of stunned, handed his hand to Rong Xia, who helped him get off the carriage.

Rong Xia sent Ban Hua to the gate and said with a smile, "Go in."

"You're working," Ban Hua thought for a while, "Why don't you come in and have a cup of tea?"

"No," Rong Xia whispered in Ban Huan's ear with a smile, "Uncle definitely doesn't want to see me, a stinky boy who wants to marry his precious daughter in the future."

Ban Hua coughed dryly and blinked, just understand.

Seeing Ban Hua's expression, Rong Xia couldn't help laughing: "I heard that there is a very interesting noodle shop in Xicheng, if you don't mind the small size of the noodle shop, I will take you to try it when the weather is fine. It is said that they The vegetable noodle soup is also very good.”

Of course, this restaurant is most famous for its beef noodle soup. Naturally, Rong Xia would not mention this in front of the filial piety Ban Hua.

"Okay," Ban Hua looked at the sky, "but looking at the weather, I'm afraid it will rain for several days."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't forget our agreement."

Ban Hua touched her face again, didn't she just go to eat noodle soup, she said it as if she was going to do something, "Am I a credible person?"

Rong Xia smiled and shook his head: "Well, no."

"Go back quickly, the rain is getting heavier and heavier," Ban Hua coughed dryly, took off his cloak and put it on Rong Xia, "Put it on well, don't catch a cold."

Touching the short cloak on his body, Rong Xia laughed dumbly, but under Ban Hua's serious eyes, he still bowed his head and fastened the strap of the cloak obediently: "Thank you, Hua Hua."

"You're welcome." Ban Hua glanced at Rongxia's perfect chin. After all, you are beautiful, and I can't bear to see you sick.

So on this day, the servants of Cheng'anbo House saw their uncle wearing a woman's cloak, walking from the gate to the second gate, then through the second gate through the corridor and into the third gate, and returned to his yard.

The housekeeper found Du Jiu anxiously, looked at Du Jiu hesitantly, as if he wanted to ask something but was too embarrassed to speak.

Du Jiu guessed what he wanted to ask, and said directly: "Don't worry, Uncle doesn't have any special hobbies. That cloak was specially put on by County Master Fule because he was worried that Uncle would be cold."

"Ah... This, this." The housekeeper stammered and nodded, this is not right, shouldn't the man take off his cloak and put it on the woman

Alas, it's just that the master and his wife left early, and they didn't teach the uncle how to love his own woman. The Princess of Fule was wronged.

Right Prime Minister's House.

"Brother, you're back." Seeing that Shi Jin's clothes were soaking wet, Shi Feixian hurriedly asked his servants to wait for Shi Jin to bathe and change clothes. After everything was done, Shi Feixian sat down in front of Shi Jin. In just a few days, her face became haggard, and she didn't seem to have any energy.

"Brother, did you find out... Which girl did Uncle Rong marry?" Shi Feixian was unwilling, very unwilling, what was wrong with her that Rong Xia didn't want to marry her

"Fei Xian, don't think about this matter anymore. No matter who Rong Xia is engaged to, he has nothing to do with you in the future," Shi Jin said with a sullen face, "You are still an unmarried girl!"

"Do you know who it is?" Shi Feixian eagerly grabbed onto Shi Jin's sleeve, "Who is it? Is it Jiang Kangning? Zhao Xue? Or Jiang Wan?"

"The princess' name is taboo, and you can call it directly?" Shi Jin sank his face completely, "Fei Xian, he is just a man, how can you lose your temper like this, do you still look like the daughter of my Shi family?"

"I... I..." Shi Feixian said loudly, "I'm sorry, eldest brother, but as long as I think that Uncle Rong would rather marry a woman who is inferior to me than marry me, my heart feels as uncomfortable as a knife, I control it. I can't control my emotions. Brother, can you tell me? At least, at least let me give up."

"Do you want to give up, or let you take revenge on others?" Shi Jin looked at Shi Feixian, his sister, and knew that Feixian was definitely not a tolerant person.

"What else can I do? Will Uncle Rong marry me in revenge on this innocent woman?" Shi Feixian lowered her head and said in a sad voice, "Brother, can you tell me?"

The author has something to say: 寳寳: I am a good girl with a girlfriend who is MAX~