I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 65


The smile on Rongxia's face stiffened for a moment, but it was only in the blink of an eye, and he asked in surprise: "So the most beautiful peacocks are not female peacocks? It's my fault, every time I see you, I always think of Those beautiful peacocks look proud and laid back."

"It's okay, it's not a big deal to know that beautiful peacocks are males," Ban Hua comforted Rongxia with understanding, "We have a few peacocks in our garden, I'll take you to see them next time."

"Okay," Rong Xia said with emotion, "I used to have a teacher of characters, and now I have Hua Hua to be my teacher."

He gave Ban Hua a student salute: "Thank you, Mr. Hua."

Ban Hua covered her mouth and chuckled, even her brows were dyed with a smile. The sun was shining in her hair, and her whole person seemed to be glowing. Rong Xia looked at her with a smile, her eyes softening a little.

Zhongping Uncle's Mansion, Xie Qilin just walked to the door when he saw the head eunuch in the Queen's Palace with several little eunuchs coming out. He stopped and said hello.

"Second son Xie is well," the eunuch chief said with a gentle smile, "The miscellaneous family ran errands for the queen and brought some gifts to Miss Xie."

"Many thanks to the empress, Eunuch Lao is here." Xie Qilin thanked the eunuch and wanted to give the eunuch a jade pendant, but he refused.

"Second Young Master Xie is too polite," the eunuch chief smiled, "The miscellaneous family is still waiting to drink your house's wedding wine."

Xie Qilin and the chief eunuch said a few polite words. After the chief eunuch got on the horse, he turned around and entered the gate of Xie Mansion. Walking into the main courtyard, his sister and mother were watching the gift from the queen, and he could see the smile on their faces from a distance.

"Qilin, are you back?" Mother Xie saw her son coming back, put down the pearl in her hand, and beckoned him to sit down, "The Empress will reward you with this year's new tea, and I will let the servants make it for you to taste."

Xie Qilin looked at the happy appearance of his mother and sister, did not mention the gossip he heard outside, and said lightly: "Since it is something that the Queen's concubine has rewarded, it is naturally a good thing, and my son is not very particular about people, so he doesn't need to give me a bath. already."

Seeing that her son's face was not very good-looking, Mother Xie thought that he couldn't accept the fact that one of his eyes was damaged, so she said: "Nonsense, tea is for people to drink, what is important is not important, just drink it and be happy."

Xie Wanyu put down what was in his hand, got up and walked to Xie Qilin's side to sit down, "Second brother, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine," Xie Qilin smiled reluctantly, and reached out and patted Xie Wanyu's forehead, "Your marriage with His Royal Highness the Second Prince will be next month, so don't go out these days. People in the capital are complicated, and I'm worried that someone will do you badly. things."

"Don't worry, second brother. Recently, I have to learn the rules from the mammy sent by the palace every day. I'm so busy all day that I don't have time to go out and meet other people." Xie Wanyu is a sensitive person. She saw Xie Qilin His face was wrong, and he guessed that he might have encountered something outside, "Brother, did you hear something outside?"

Xie Qilin smiled: "It's okay, you think too much."

"Second brother, don't lie to me, there must be something wrong," Xie Wanyu had a very good relationship with Xie Qilin since childhood, so if the other party lied, she could tell at a glance, "It's about me, so you don't want to say it? "

"It has nothing to do with you," Xie Qilin shook his head, "I met County Master Fule outside today."

"She?" Xie Wanyu's expression was a bit complicated. She originally hated Ban Hua very much, but she still hated it now, but she didn't have the idea of getting rid of it soon.

She really disliked Ban Hua from when she got engaged with her second brother. At that time, someone always hinted in her ear that Ban Hua was not worthy of her second brother, and the second brother and Ban Hua were together, and her relationship with the second brother would definitely cool down.

Who was it then

Xie Wanyu shook his head, he couldn't think of those faces, maybe... more than one person told her

Thinking of the relationship between the second brother and Ban Hua who used to be a fiancée, it is no wonder that the second brother will lose his temper when he sees her. She subconsciously said, "Brother, you should stay away from her in the future. It's rumored outside that it's because of her bad character that she beat you..."

"Wan Yu," Xie Qilin interrupted his sister's words with a frown, "that's just gossip from ignorant and ignorant people in the streets and alleys. I didn't take it to heart, and you don't have to take it seriously, not to mention... let alone me and Fule County Master back then. When there was a marriage contract, nothing bad happened."

Thinking of gossiping about her sister outside, Ban Hua would stand up and scold them, but her own sister still complained about Ban Hua. Xie Qilin felt a little uncomfortable. It was their Xie family that was sorry for County Master Fule. I hope that after the two partings, the Fule County Master can be happy for the rest of his life, Rong Junpo treats her with sincerity and sincerity, and does not do things that hurt her like he is not firm.

"In every street and alley, there are a lot of people talking about her even among noble ladies," Xie Wanyu pouted, "You wouldn't help her to talk because she had a marriage contract with you, would you?"

"Wan Yu, that's enough, you will become the second prince concubine in the future. If you can't keep your mouth shut, you will bring disaster to you sooner or later." Xie Qilin frowned even tighter, "Back then Concubine Lin beside the late emperor is a foreshadowing."

"I'm just talking at home," Xie Wanyu was a little scared by Xie Qilin's words, and whispered, "I won't talk about it in the future."

"Okay, alright, you all have to say a few words less," Xie Mu stood up to smooth things out, "It's already past noon, let's get ready to eat."

"Hua, I heard that you went out with Rong Junpo today?" Ban Huai saw that Ban Hua didn't use much of his lunch. After putting down his chopsticks, he finally asked what he had kept in his heart for the whole afternoon, "Is it fun?"

Ban Hua thought about it for a long time, and nodded affirmatively: "He is a very interesting person."

Ban Huai's shoulders shrugged instantly, looking a little pitiful, "Oh."

"But what I'm most looking forward to is that father, you will take me to the hot spring," Ban Hua looked at Ban Huai expectantly, "When can we go?"

"In a few days, I have already sent the servants to clean up the hot spring village," Ban Huai's shrugged shoulders suddenly became more energetic, "the weather is not very good these few days, and it is easy to catch cold when going to the mountains. ."

"Yeah!" Ban Hua nodded heavily and began to discuss with Ban Huai what to bring to the hot spring Zhuangzi. The large hot spring pool built in Zhuangzi was suitable for swimming. The father and daughter quickly forgot Rongxia. .

Ban Heng glanced at Ban Huai silently, Father, did you forget something

In fact, he really wanted to know how his sister and Uncle Rong were playing

"Uncle, the cloak has been washed, do you want to send someone to send it back to County Master Fule?" A mama carefully stood in front of Rong Xia with a cloak, as if she was holding a rare treasure in her hand. treasure.

"No," Rong Xia stretched out her hand and rubbed the cloak lightly, smiling lightly, "After her filial piety period, I will give her a more beautiful cloak, and this one will be kept in the manor."

Mammy understood, holding the cloak and retreating.

He returned to the study, took out "Zhongcheng Lun" from a hidden corner, and opened one of the pages.

"Zhongcheng Lun" is not just to teach people the way of being a minister and the way of being a king. There are also many secrets written in this book, but the way of recording is very complicated, and ordinary people can't understand the hidden information even if they read it.

Although he knew that there was a lot of useful information hidden in this book, he sent someone to search for it in private for a long time and found nothing.

There are countless secrets hidden in the previous dynasty, and even the books that recorded the treasures of the previous dynasty, lying in his hands like this.

Turning the page again, he saw the naive little turtle again, thinking that Ban Hua was bored and took a pen to draw the turtle on it, Rong Xia couldn't help laughing.

"Uncle," a voice said from outside the door, "Wang Qu asks to see you."

Rong Xia restrained the smile on her face, put the book back in place, "Come in."

The person who entered the door was a middle-aged man who was wearing clothes from the Bofu. When he saw Rong Xia, he was about to kneel and bow down, but Rong Xia personally supported him: "Mr. Wang doesn't need to be so polite."

"Uncle, my subordinates are incompetent. It took a year to find evidence that Shi Chonghai was selling officials and nobles," Wang Qu took out the letter in his hand, "Shi Chonghai is very cautious, and he almost never communicates with others. , even if there is a letter, the code name is used, and even the handwriting has been deliberately changed."

"If it wasn't for Yan Hui's loss of power this time, which made him complacent for a while, he still wouldn't show his legs," Wang Qu thought for a while, and said a little worriedly, "Uncle, Shi Chonghai is an old fox, you must be careful."

"No matter how cunning foxes are, they all have tails." Rong Xia took the letter and put it into a book that looked very inconspicuous. "Mr. Wang has worked hard this year, so let's go down and rest for a few days."

"Buying your favorite paintings and calligraphy for Uncle is the responsibility of your subordinates, and I dare not take credit."

Rongxia asked Wang Qu to take a shower and change clothes, and prepared a comfortable room for him, so that Wang Qu could experience the warmth of returning to the Uncle's Mansion.

When the night was about to fall, Du Jiu hurried back to the house. After seeing Rong Xia bowing, the first sentence was: "Uncle, Wang Qu is back?"

Rong Xia nodded, pondered for a moment and said, "Withdraw the people we arranged in the Xie family, the Xie family is already a sign of sunset, let them go."

The two sons of the Xie family, one has been abolished from the official position and has been in prison for a month or two, with a gloomy temperament and lingering in the tavern; the other has injured his eyes and is depressed. Causing the dog to jump out of the wall in a hurry.

February is about to pass, and March is about to come. Just when the peach blossoms are in full bloom in the mountains and fields, the noble men and women in the capital all ride horses to go out to the suburbs. In her spare time, she wrote poems and paintings together. She and several other talented ladies were given a nickname by scholars in the capital, that is, the Six Fairies of Bamboo Forest.

Because their poetry club was built in a bamboo forest, the nickname came from this.

Originally, this party was still a good time for these girls to entertain themselves, but I don't know which ignorant lady said something that made the atmosphere of the audience stiff.

"Do you know who Cheng Amber's fiancee is?"

The author has something to say: Shi Feixian: No, I don't want to know!