I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 67


As we all know, Cheng Amber is very polite and almost never embarrassed when dealing with people, which is one of the reasons why he attracts many women.

Li Xiaoru looked at Rong Xia in astonishment, as if she couldn't believe that Rong Xia said such words. She opened her mouth, turned her head and saw Shi Feixian's face was very ugly. She took her brother and walked into the pavilion. She intuitively told her to participate in this event. It's not doing her any good.

However, she retreated, which did not mean that others did not want to watch the fun.

Shi Feixian has such a big reputation in the capital, partly because the Shi family is good at business, and partly because of the praise of some talented people. A good-looking and talented woman, in the eyes of those scholars who consider themselves high-minded, is naturally touted and touted, so that Shi Feixian has also developed a clean temperament.

Even with a character like Rong Xia, there are also Lang Jun who hate him, not to mention Shi Feixian.

It's one thing for these noble ladies to be humble in front of Shi Feixian, but it's another thing to think about her. Last year, the prince of Aipoguo recognized Ban Hua as the most beautiful woman in the great cause, and many people had fun in private for a long time about Miss Shi.

Human nature is a very complex thing. There will be compassion, kindness, jealousy and malice. There will be no perfect people in the world. If there are, they must be saints. But how many people who are dressed in fine clothes and food and serve in groups every day can truly become saints

Several noble ladies pretended to care about Shi Feixian and walked behind her. Even though they concealed it well, Ban Hua still saw the eagerness in their eyes to watch the fun.

Shi Feixian was not in the mood to care what others thought of her right now, she put all her body and mind on Rong Xia, her face was frighteningly white.

Seeing Shi Feixian's face, Ban Hua coughed dryly, feeling a little guilty in her heart, wouldn't she be driving people crazy

Seeing Shi Feixian's face change from white to red, from red to blue, the last two lines of clear tears fell down her cheeks.

One is a pitiful woman, and the other is a gentleman with an indifferent expression. Silent crying is the biggest accusation. Anyone who sees it will think that Rong Xia is a heartless man.

"Uncle Rong is so ruthless, it's a little girl's wishful thinking," Shi Feixian gave Rong Xia a blessing, "I'm asking myself for boredom and saying goodbye."

Shi Feixian turned around and left, and took away the guards of the Shi family, and immediately the number of people guarding outside the pavilion was less than half.

The ladies looked at each other in dismay. They thought that Shi Feixian would have a dispute with Rong Xia or Ban Hua, but they left in despair. What does this mean

Li Xiaoru put both hands on his younger brother's shoulders, feeling a little worried in his heart, Shi Feixian returned to the city with an aggrieved appearance, and he didn't know what the rumors would turn into in a few days? She turned to look at the other little sisters, and found that their faces were also a little weird.

"Wait a minute." Ban Hua stopped Shi Feixian, who had walked a dozen paces away, and motioned for the Ban family's guards to stop him. Du Jiu, who was standing behind Rong Xia, glanced at his master's face, saw his index finger move, and followed behind the Ban family guard with a few guards.

"County Fule, what else do you want?" Shi Feixian cried so hard that she looked at Ban Hua with a trembling voice, "Don't deceive people too much."

"I didn't want to do anything."

Unlike Shi Feixian, who was excited, Ban Hua's expression was extraordinarily calm, and she glanced at everyone: "In front of so many people, it is better to say some things clearly, Miss Shi went out like this, unknowingly. I thought I did something too bad to you. Although I don't care what others think of me, that doesn't mean I'm willing to listen to some gossip."

Shi Feixian's eyelids trembled, but she didn't speak.

"If after today, I hear something inappropriate, then I can only tell others about today's affairs," Ban Hua sneered, "After all, Miss Shi is kind-hearted and always cares about other people's marriages. "

Shi Feixian's face turned pale, she was not a fool, she naturally understood what Ban Hua said. Rong Xia and Ban Hua are people who have engaged in a relationship. If Ban Hua talks about her outside, there will naturally be gossip about her outside. If it were other people, for the sake of the family's face, they wouldn't make things too stiff, but Ban Hua was different. Ban Hua was a second lunatic. She never cared about the consequences when she did things, and would not give Shi's face at all. Will give her face.

The other ladies watched silently as Shi Feixian was run on by Ban Hua. At this time, no one dared to speak. Even the ladies who were attached to the Shi family did not dare to stand up and offend Ban Hua. People don't even give Shi Feixian face, so what are they

"The county master thinks too much," Shi Feixian sneered, squinting at Ban's guard, "Get out of the way!"

Ban's guard ignored her and just turned to look at Ban Hua. These personal guards were all selected by the old Jingting for her when Ban Hua was very young, so they were very loyal to Ban Hua and did not listen to anyone except Ban Hua's orders.

"Miss Shi understands the truth," Ban Hua raised her chin, and the guards backed away immediately, making way for Shi Feixian, "Miss Wen Shi got a very rare poetry collection, which is not easy to come by, Miss Shi can Take care."

Shi Feixian's whole body froze, his eyes avoided Ban Hua's eyes, and he hurriedly turned and left.

Watching Shi Feixian disappear outside the bamboo forest, the ladies who were still there were a little embarrassed. They looked at me, I looked at you, slowly came back to their senses, and began to say goodbye to Ban Hua and Rong Xia.

Ban Hua pays attention to injustices and debts, so she is still very friendly towards these delicate little beauties. After saying goodbye to them with a smile, she also sees a round-faced little girl looking back and peeking at this side from time to time.

Seeing the appearance of this little girl, Ban Hua couldn't help laughing out loud. The little girl seemed to realize that her peeping behavior was discovered by the person involved, and immediately turned her head and ran away, as if Ban Hua was a big man-eating monster. .


She obviously has a beautiful face, why is this little girl so frightened.

"The county master," Li Xiaoru led Li Wang to Ban Hua and blessed her, "Farewell."

"Walk slowly." Ban Hua smiled back at her.

Li Xiaoru couldn't help but also smiled, lowered his head and touched the top of his brother's head, turned around and was about to leave, who knew that his brother broke away from her hand, walked to Ban Hua and said, "Eldest sister, I can find you in a few days. ?"

Li Xiaoru looked at his younger brother worriedly, Princess Fule was just a few jokes, but his younger brother was still young, how did he know this

"Okay," Ban Hua nodded like a big sister, "When you come, I will teach you horseback and archery."

Li Wang's eyes lit up and he nodded heavily, "Yeah!"

Li Xiaoru looked at Ban Huan without speaking, until after Li Wang came to her side, she couldn't help but say, "County Lord, you... be more careful these days."

She has been with Shi Feixian for several years. On the surface, Shi Feixian has a mild temperament, but in fact, she is very vengeful. If Ban Hua hurt her face like this today, Shi Feixian will definitely hold a grudge and wait for an opportunity to take revenge.

Ban Hua raised her eyebrows, gave Li Xiaoru a strange look, and then smiled, "Thank you for reminding me."

After the sisters and brothers of the Li family also left, Ban Hua looked at the empty bamboo forest and said to Rong Xia, "It's quiet now."

Rong Xia smiled at her.

"Let's go, look at the peacocks." Ban Hua walked out of the bamboo forest refreshed. This kind of mood that prevailed during the quarrel was like winning a battle, enough to make Ban Hua happy for an hour.

The peacocks in Banjiabiezhuang are very well-bred and very narcissistic. They use any fancy things to amuse them. Several male peacocks scramble to open their screens. If you don't look from behind their butts, the peacocks will A very beautiful creature indeed.

On the way back, Ban Hua looked at the green fields emerging from the mountains, and there were peach trees in full bloom on the roadside, she couldn't help but said, "As long as I look at such beauty, it will make me feel that it's good to be alive. ."

Rong Xia looked at her in surprise: "Hua is at the age of a flower, how can she feel so emotional?"

Ban Hua smiled and didn't say anything. The breeze blew the broken hair on her temples, softening her whole body.

Rong Xia followed her gaze and looked into the distance. On the mountainside in the distance, clusters of pink enchanting stood quietly, like pink haze, with a hazy beauty.

However, a few beggars in ragged clothes broke their interest. I don't know where these beggars came from. They were in ragged clothes, their faces were thin and dirty, and a woman was holding a child in her hands. The child was silent. Lying on the ground in her arms, I don't know if I fell asleep or fainted from hunger.

When these beggars saw Rong Xia and Ban Hua, their eyes suddenly became extremely bright, like people who had been walking in the dark for a long time, and when they were about to give up, they finally found a ray of light in front of them.


The woman holding the child sat on the ground, opened her mouth and cried, whether she was excited or sad.

Ban Hua watched these beggars cry and laugh on the official road, and turned to look at Rong Xia.

Rong Xia gave Du Jiu a gesture and asked him to ask what happened. If it was a beggar in the capital, he should not have the courage to walk directly on the official road.

According to the law of great cause, ordinary people are not allowed to walk on official roads without permission. Violators will be imprisoned for one year and fined 12 taels of silver.

Ban Hua took out a purse for snacks, handed it to the guard beside him, and pointed to the beggars who looked like crazy.

The woman carrying the child got the purse, kowtowed to Ban Hua, and hurriedly opened the purse. Because she was in a hurry, the contents of the purse fell on the ground. She picked it up and stuffed it in her mouth, and then He took out a piece of cake from his purse and handed it to the half-conscious child's mouth.

Just when Ban Hua thought that the child would not open his mouth to eat, the child opened his mouth, his mouth was wide open, it was not like eating cakes, but eating a cow.

"Uncle, the county master, the subordinates asked, these people fled from Qizhou," Du Jiu's expression was a little dignified, "They said that a serious snow disaster broke out in Qizhou, and many people died, they It was originally a wealthy family in Qizhou, but before entering Beijing, they were robbed of gold and silver horses, and this is their guide."

Now the focus is not on the identities of these people, but on the authenticity of the Qizhou snow disaster.

If so, why did Qizhou officials not report it