I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 73


When Ruyi was packing the jewelry box, she found that the princess' expression was very sad.

When Ruyi brought longan and lotus seed porridge to the county master, the county master's expression was still very sad.

"County Lord, what's wrong with you?" If you think that the county leader's expression has always been wrong, but he still doesn't speak, he thinks the appearance of the county leader is really interesting. You must know that the county owner is not a temperament to hide his words. Now it is rare for a person to be bored for so long without speaking.

"It's okay." Ban Hua was lying on the table weakly, not even in the mood to use the lotus seed porridge on the table. She deliberately asked the candy man master to squeeze an ugly face, just to send it over to play with him, but she didn't expect that she put the oil paper bag in the wrong place and sent the candy man shaped like her out.

Thinking about it, I think... She is still very embarrassed.

"Is it really okay?" If the food that is placed in front of the county master is not interested, is this still okay

"By the way, will the second prince and Xie Wanyu get married tomorrow?" Ban Hua suddenly remembered that a good day for Xie Wanyu and the second prince should come.

"It's tomorrow," Ruyi said. "The madam said that our family is filial, so we won't go to the prince's wedding."

"It's no fun to go," Ban Hua held her cheek with one hand, "Anyway, it's you who greeted me, and I'll give you a gift in return. It's no fun to join in the fun."

After taking a few mouthfuls of lotus seed porridge, Ban Hua shook his head: "I'll go lie down for a while, and call me at dinner time."

Ruyi waited on Ban Hua to lie down on the bed, and after seeing the county master lying on the bed for a while, she fell asleep, she put down the curtain, walked to the outside room lightly, and instructed the two maids to wait at the door of the room at any time, so as not to When the princess woke up, there was no one to serve.

The two little girls happily responded, and it would be a shame to be able to serve in front of the master.

As soon as Ruyi went out with the lotus seed soup that she didn't take a few sips of, she ran into Mother Chang who came back from the palace, and she hurriedly bowed her knees to salute.

"Where's the county master?" Seeing that the room was quiet and Ruyi was holding something in her hand, she guessed that the county master might be sleeping. Thinking of this, she lowered her voice and said, "Your Majesty asked me to bring back some things for the county master. Since the county master has fallen asleep, I will put everything in the lady's yard first."

Ruyi was originally worried that Mammy Chang was someone close to Her Royal Highness the eldest princess, and would be very strict with the rules of the county master. Therefore, in the first few days when she first came, she had been trembling, afraid that she would do something wrong and give it to the county lord. also cause trouble.

Fortunately, Mother Chang is a very easy-going person, and she doesn't rely on the old to sell the old just because she has served the princess. Not only did she teach them a lot of things, but she was also very kind to the county master, like... It's like a public pampering granddaughter. grandson's grandmother.

"Does the county master have a bad appetite, why do you use such a little thing?" Chang mama knows that Ban Hua has the habit of eating some food in the afternoon, and she also knows that she has very little appetite. Today, she only used this amount of food, but let her endure it. I can't stop worrying if the county owner is not feeling well.

Ruyi shook his head: "When the slave servants waited on the princess to sleep, the princess didn't feel hot, and it didn't look like she was uncomfortable. Maybe she was a little sleepy." Tell Mother Chang.

She is the maidservant of the county lord, even if she is Changmao, she won't tell her everything.

Ban Hua stumbled to hear someone talking in the yard, but she was so sleepy, as if something was pulling her and urging her to sleep.

In a trance, she felt as if she was flying, passing through layers of dense fog, and landing on the highest roof of the palace.

In the square in front, hundreds of officials worshiped together, and on the dragon chair sat a man in a black robe with a gold-trimmed dragon robe. The bead in front of the imperial crown covered the man's face. She wanted to take a closer look, but Always can't move.

She simply sat down on the roof, she was here, and the man on the dragon chair was there.


This voice Ban Hua heard very well, and it was the voice she had heard for many years.

Wang De, the head eunuch of the Dayue Palace.

She tilted her head suspiciously. When the new emperor ascended the throne, he would not hesitate to use the confidant eunuch left by the previous emperor. This emperor is really strange.

Suddenly, the man who was sitting on the dragon chair suddenly raised his head, and she forgot into a pair of dark swirling eyes.

Suddenly, the scene around her changed again. She was standing in a spooky dungeon. The walls of the dungeon were full of mottled and dirty marks. She couldn't tell whether it was just simple dirt or...human blood.

There was a scream of pain behind her. She turned around in a panic, and saw the man wearing a black robe. He was standing in front of a prison door with his back to her. She also knew the person in the prison. The second prince with no brains.

The second prince opened his mouth wide and was scolding something, but she couldn't hear a word clearly. She took a few steps forward, and when she was about to approach the man in Xuanyi, she couldn't walk again. It was as if something was dragging her feet, preventing her from getting close.

The second prince was imprisoned in a cage, and the second prince squatted in it like a lost dog.

"His Royal Highness, you can take good care of your life here," Wang De smiled and looked at the second prince in the cell, "The scenery here is unique, I believe you will soon get used to it, Your Highness."

It was only then that Ban Hua noticed that Wang De was missing three fingers on his left hand, which looked very strange.

King of Ruth...

Is this the title given to the second prince by the new emperor

Suddenly, the man in Xuanyi suddenly turned around, her eyes were dark, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into an endless abyss. When she opened her eyes in cold sweat, what she saw was the lotus pattern on the bed canopy.

What a strange dream.

She put on her coat, walked from the bed to the table next to the table, and sighed helplessly after thinking for a long time.

Can you still make people dream well, so that she can't see who the man in Xuanyi is? This is simply fishing with bait, and the fish will not let the bait want to take the bait, which is simply sick. Ban Hua felt that she was unhappy, but this unhappiness was inexplicable.

When Ruyi came in, she saw Ban Hua sitting at the table with a sullen face, and she couldn't help but think, "Master, are you in a good mood after a good night's sleep?"

"The more I sleep, the more angry I get." Ban Hua patted his hand on the table, and the teapot on the table jumped along with him, "This is just playing with people. If I see someone who likes to wear black clothes in the future, I will beat them up first! "

As one wishes:? ?

"Sister!" Ban Heng's voice sounded outside, but he knew that Ban Hua might not have gotten up yet, so he didn't barge in, "Uncle Rong has given me a gift again, do you want to go take a look."

Anyway, he is a bridge across the river, and no matter how good things are, they just pass over his head and have nothing to do with him.

Ban Hua was even more angry when she thought of the candy man she sent the wrong one.

She pouted and hummed, "I don't see it."

Ruyi waited for her to get dressed, and combed her long hair that was scattered behind her before turning around to open the door.

"Prince, please." Ruyi gave Ban Heng a wink, indicating that the princess might be in a bad mood.

Ban Heng's feet shrank back when he went in, but seeing his sister sitting at the table, looking aggrieved, he forced his scalp and walked in, "Sister, what's wrong with you, you're not happy?"

Ban Hua lay on the table, raised her eyelids and glanced at Ban Heng, and said weakly, "I'm dreaming again."

As soon as he heard the word "dream" mentioned by his sister, Ban Heng felt extremely nervous. He tensed his face and held his breath, "Did you... see your face?"

Ban Hua shook his head.

Ban Heng was instantly discouraged and whispered: "God, this is playing with us."

Letting them know, but not letting them know clearly, is more confusing than not knowing. It's like watching a very interesting show with someone. When the interest is strong, suddenly these actors put away their clothes and said coldly, they don't like to sing anymore

If they thought that the sister and brother seemed to have something to say in private, they wisely retreated to the outside world.

Looking back, she could still see the two of them whispering. She couldn't help shaking her head and chuckling. The relationship between the princess and the prince is really good.

"Sister, forget it," Ban Heng said, "Anyway, these dreams are useless, let's not waste our minds thinking about it. Go see the beauty when you have time, and bully those you don't like. Good day. One day counts as one day. Isn’t it just a dream, you can do whatever you like.”

"No, it's actually useful," Ban Hua smiled contentedly, "I'm in a better mood knowing that Jiang Luo, who always can't get along with me, will not have a good life in the future."

When Ban Heng heard it, he became interested: "How is his life?"

"I was locked in a cage, and I was given the title of King Rui," Ban Yan said with emotion. "That dungeon is gloomy and dark. If he stays in it with his character, I'm afraid he will go crazy soon."

With a comparison with the worst person, their family doesn't seem to be so miserable.

Ban Heng laughed: "People like him should live a little harder."

The siblings were chatting about Jiang Luo's fate, and they felt happy again. It was not until dinner time came that Ban Heng suddenly remembered that he had not given his sister what Rong Xia had sent.

He asked the maid who was waiting outside the door to bring things over, and then handed them to Ban Hua, "Well, I haven't opened the box before, so I don't know what's inside."

Ban Hua opened the box and saw that there was a peacock ornament made of gems. The gems on the peacock's tail were carefully selected. Even if there is no candlelight now, it still exudes an extremely beautiful brilliance.

"Huh," Ban Heng looked at the ornament in amazement, "Let's not say anything else, this Uncle Rong is quite generous."

Ever since they got to know each other, the things that Rong Xia gave to his sister were either gems or jade, and they were all rare and good things. There is a saying that a man is willing to spend money on a woman, not necessarily because of how much he loves her, and if he is unwilling to spend money on her, he definitely does not love her.

Ban Heng felt that this was quite reasonable. Seeing that Uncle Rong was so generous, he felt relieved, at least after his sister got married, he didn't have to live a hard life.

Seeing that Uncle Rong always wears simple and elegant clothes, but he doesn't seem to have such requirements for his sister. Which of these things he sent is not gorgeous and beautiful, but it seems to be tailor-made for his sister.

Ban Hua touched the sapphire on the tail of the peacock ornament, and really liked this ornament.

"The county master," Ruyi hurried over, with an unpleasant expression on his face, "the second son of the Yan family insists on seeing you, and has been standing outside the mansion gate for nearly an hour."

The author has something to say: Peacock Jewel Ornament: It's finally my turn to be the protagonist, and I'm more valuable than Sugar Man.