I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 76


Xie Wanyu sat quietly in the boudoir, listening to the sound of firecrackers outside, and tightened her wedding robe a little bit.

Time flies so fast and so slow.

The day she had been looking forward to for a long time and feared for a long time finally came, her mind was full of chaos, she didn't know whether she was happy or sad.

"The welcome messenger is here!"

Hearing the three words "Welcome to the Prophet", her heart trembled, as if a icy cold pierced at the tip of her heart, her heart suddenly became empty, and she didn't know whether it was loss or sadness. Strangely, she didn't feel angry.

She clenched her fist, her fingertips were a little cold, but her brain was awake like never before.

"Sister," Xie Jia Dalang's voice was full of anger, he bent down and carried Xie Wanyu on his back, and whispered to her, "Everything in the palace is complicated, sister must be careful about everything. If you need anything, let someone come back. Tell your family not to grieve yourself too much."

Xie Wanyu tightened his elder brother's clothes and responded in a low voice.

This marriage was agreed by their Xie family themselves, and now even if they knew that the second prince might not be a good match, the Xie family did not have the courage to regret the marriage. If the marriage of ordinary people is unfortunate, as long as there is support from the mother's family, the daughter's family can still propose a divorce. But if you marry into the royal family, you can only be born as a royal person, and die as a royal ghost.

After leaving the inner courtyard, Xie Wanyu heard congratulations all around, but she felt extremely embarrassed at this moment. Everyone in the world knew that the second prince did not like her, the second prince and concubine, and could not even greet her in person.

This should be an important moment in her life, but it became the most hated time in her life.

In fact, the second prince did not come to pick up Xie Wanyu, but he was not in the palace either.

The auspicious time of the wedding was in the evening, he changed out of the groom's clothes and came to the bamboo forest where Shi Feixian frequented. He was just unwilling, so he came out to relax. What he didn't expect was that Shi Feixian was actually in the forest.

"Your Highness Second Prince?" Shi Feixian stood up from the pavilion and looked at the man in surprise, "Isn't today your big day, why are you here?"

Jiang Luo looked at the lonely woman in front of him, and couldn't help but walk a few steps in her direction, "The person I married is not the person I like, why am I so happy?"

"You..." Shi Feixian avoided Jiang Luo's gaze and sighed, "You shouldn't have said that. If Wan Yu knew about it, how sad it would be?"

"You always think about others, why can't you think about yourself instead of me?" Jiang Luo strode forward and grabbed Shi Feixian's wrist, "Don't you know who I like? She I'm your friend, so what am I?"

The eunuch who followed the second prince was so frightened that he knelt outside the pavilion. If there was an accident in this marriage today, he might not even be able to save his life if he followed His Royal Highness out of the palace.

"Then you don't have a good mind." Ban Hua, wearing a light-colored riding suit, walked out of the woods with a half-smile, followed by a few famous playboys. These people were both male and female, all from the capital People who are not stingy, they all have surprises on their faces. Who would have thought that the second prince who got married today would be unclear about Shi Xiang's daughter

Aren't Xie Wanyu and Shi Feixian good friends

Originally, the few of them were idlers who didn't go to the wedding banquet. Today, they made an appointment to ride horses and enjoy the spring scenery. Who would have expected to see this good show as soon as they came out

If Ban Hua hadn't been reminded by Ban Heng, she would have forgotten that she made an appointment to enjoy spring with someone today. The group of them saw the person suspected of being the second prince entering the bamboo forest, and they followed in out of curiosity, but they didn't expect to find such a thing.

The groom didn't go to greet the bride, but came to tell the bride's close friend his sincerity. He didn't even feel ashamed to write it like this, but the second prince and Shi Feixian did it.

Jiang Luo looked back at Ban Hua and the others, stopped Shi Feixian behind him, and said with a sullen face, "Why are you here?"

Shi Feixian's face was even uglier than Jiang Luo's. It was absolutely not good for her to spread this out today. But look at the people behind Ban Hua, including the Zhou family, the Wang family, and the royal family's Yuanzong with the same surname as Jiang, these are not the people she and the second prince can order casually.

The more she thought about the expression on Shi Feixian's face, the more uncomfortable she felt, especially after the second prince actually stopped her behind her, she couldn't help but scolded the second prince in her heart, whether she had any brains, this was not to tell these people clearly that their relationship Is the relationship between men and women beyond the normal friendship between men and women

She thought for a while, walked out from behind Jiang Luo as if nothing had happened, and blessed Ban Hua and the others: "It's a coincidence that you are all here to enjoy spring? You actually walked with His Royal Highness the second prince?"

"Ban Hua, you actually followed me with these people?" Jiang Luo heard Shi Feixian's words, and suddenly thought, how could there be such a coincidence in the world? came with him.

"Your Highness, forgive me, I saw that His Highness only brought a few eunuchs into the mountain. I was worried that you would have an accident, so I followed me in with a lot of trouble." Zhou Changxiao had heard the rumor that the second prince interrupted Ban Hua's arm and was worried. The second prince went mad again, so he opened his mouth and said, "Your Highness, please investigate."

With so many young masters and young ladies present, it would be too much to say that they were stalking. They are playboys, not idiots. The second prince is not His Majesty or the Crown Prince, and he is not so capable of calling a deer a horse.

Besides, they are a bridegroom who is about to get married, and a daughter who has not left the cabinet. What are they doing in this wilderness, what can't you see? This forest is not a royal forbidden area. If they come, can they come too hard

"Hmph." The second prince snorted coldly and pointed at Ban Huan, "Zhou Changxiao, get out of the way, Ban Huan, tell me clearly, what does it mean that I have a brain problem? How dare you commit this crime, what is wrong with me? Didn't you see the royal family in your eyes?"

"Today is His Highness's wedding day, but you have a rendezvous with other women in the jungle. This is something normal people can't do," Ban Hua raised her chin and pointed to her head, "If you think I'm right No, you can report what happened today to Your Majesty or the Empress, and the ministers and daughters are willing to be punished."

"You!" Jiang Luo dared not let Emperor Yunqing know about it, let alone let his mother know. If the queen mother knew that he actually did this, not only would he be punished, but even Feixian would be rejected by his mother, so he didn't dare to gamble on this possibility, so he could only bear it.

"County Master, I think you may have misunderstood," Shi Feixian forced a smile, "I just happened to meet the Second Prince and His Royal Highness."

"Miss Shi doesn't have to explain such trivial matters to us," Ban Hua shook her index finger, looking very easy to talk, "As long as the second prince concubine believes you, it's fine."

Shi Feixian's complexion changed slightly, and then he smiled and said, "As long as you don't misunderstand me, the Second Prince and Concubine will naturally not have any misunderstanding."

Is this what it means to keep them from talking nonsense

Several dudes raised their eyebrows, when they grew up so big, when did they ever reason? What do they listen to when someone says something

"My slender lady and gentleman are so arrogant, Miss Shi is the number one beauty in the great cause, and it is normal for others to fall in love with you," a noble lady who had a holiday with Shi Feixian covered her mouth and smiled, "It's not your fault, we all understand."

Since Prince Aipo mistook Ban Hua for the number one beauty, Shi Feixian, the number one beauty in the great cause, has become a joke. Shi Feixian himself no longer wants to be called by others, as long as she hears "the number one beauty", she It will remind you of the humiliation you received outside the palace that day.

The dudes laughed in unison, and the laughter was like a slap on Shi Feixian's face.

Shi Feixian didn't have much friendship with these dudes, and she felt that these people were selfish and despised. And the playboys also felt that Shi Feixian, Shi Jin and others were contrived and hypocritical, but they were prudish. People on both sides don't catch a cold with each other, and they can't play together on weekdays.

What Shi Feixian is doing now, in their opinion, is digging the corners of friends, and it is the most disdainful thing they do.

"Shut up!" How could the second prince helplessly watch these dudes bully Shi Feixian, and said with a sullen face, "You don't need to be so yin and yang when you talk."

The few dudes rolled their eyes. Although they did not quarrel directly with the second prince, they still used their eyes to express their unyielding souls.

"His Royal Highness," Ban Hua glanced at Shi Feixian lightly, "Miss Xie is your bride today, you should go back to the palace now."

"What kind of thing are you? My Highness doesn't need you to tell me what to do," the second prince said disgustedly, "You are a woman who is engaged, so you should stay at home and wait for a man to marry you, and don't get caught again. People break off the marriage, this time no one is here to help you find a good man to marry."

Shi Feixian subconsciously felt that these words were not very good. With Ban Hua's temper, the second prince's words were only afraid of causing trouble.

Ban Hua looked at the second prince quietly: "Yes, the grandmother of the minister's daughter has been assassinated. Probably, His Royal Highness the second prince is very disappointed with this result."

The second prince didn't realize what Ban Hua meant, but Shi Feixian understood.

Ban Hua was implying that the second prince was dissatisfied with the eldest princess De Ning helping His Majesty to stop the assassin. As a prince, why should he be dissatisfied with this matter? Is he expecting His Majesty to die

No one can afford this crime, especially the prince.

Shi Feixian turned to look at the second prince. Seeing that he hadn't reacted, he opened his mouth, remembering that his family supported the crown prince's enthronement, so he pretended not to understand anything and lowered his head silently.

"His Royal Highness!" The little eunuch who was serving closely looked at Jiang Luo anxiously. If you don't speak at this time, it is equivalent to acquiescing!

Jiang Luo looked at the anxious eunuch in confusion, stared at Ban Hua and said, "What do you mean by that?"

"The minister's daughter doesn't mean anything, the second prince, you understand it yourself," Ban Hua lightly blessed the second prince, "Since Your Highness is discussing something with Miss Shi and is not alone, I will be relieved when I wait. , farewell."

Jiang Luo never understood that Ban Hua was pretty good looking, why was she so unlikable

It's been like this since he was a child, obviously he is closer in age to Ban Hua, but she likes to stick to the prince. Later, when the prince got married, Ban Hua didn't love coming to the harem very much. Even if he entered the palace, he only saw his father and mother after seeing them, and never had any private contact with them again.

So much so that he always felt that a woman like Ban Hua was born knowing who to please and who to ignore. As long as he was with the prince, Ban Hua knew how to please the prince, because she knew from a young age that the prince was more honorable than him.

This kind of hatred for Ban Hua has been cultivated since Jiang Luo was young. Later, when he grew up, he was able to leave the palace by himself. After meeting many women, he realized that not all women in the world are like Ban Hua. Miss Shi's personality is gentle and considerate, even the little beggar on the side of the road can arouse her compassion, she is like the warmest spring water, making him soft.

The more he hates Ban Hua, the more he likes Shi Feixian. Because what Shi Feixian possessed was something Ban Hua never had.

Seeing that Ban Hua proposed to leave, Jiang Luo sneered: "I'm a troubled person, get out early."

Everyone present frowned upon hearing this. They were all from aristocratic backgrounds. Even if they were dandies who had no manners, they had to deliberately remain a little polite when facing their daughter's family. The second prince actually spoke to his daughter's family like this, it was really...

Originally, they thought it was a bit exaggerated that the second prince broke the arm of the Fule County Lord, but now it seems that the rumors are not fake.

"His Royal Highness, ministers and daughters won't get away," Ban Hua glanced at Shi Feixian with a half-smile, "It has been said that Dove occupies a magpie's nest, I don't know what Miss Shi is?"

Shi Feixian's expression changed: "County Lord, please pay attention to your words."

"Miss Shi's words are really strange, did I say something incredible?" Ban Hua smiled and applauded, "I always thought that Miss Shi was a rare and strange woman who could speak freely with the second son of the Xie family and become a A confidant and a good friend can also sympathize with His Royal Highness the Second Prince. By the way, I can still have a thousand knots in my heart for Cheng Anbo, and I am speechless and speechless. How many people in the world can do that?"

"Second Master Xie?" Everyone looked at Ban Hua in surprise. Is there anything about Second Young Master Xie

Ban Hua is a playful and lively personality, but everyone knows that she has a characteristic, and she never speaks ill of any daughter's family easily. If she doesn't like someone, she will directly say that she has a different personality with this person, but she will not talk casually. nonsense.

Now that she can say this in front of Shi Feixian, it can be seen that things really happened.

"You, don't talk nonsense," Shi Feixian said sharply, "Ban Hua, don't force me."

"Miss Shi is really interesting. Last year, Second Young Master Xie broke his eye on the way back from bringing you a collection of poems. As a result, within a few days, the rumors turned into me," Ban Hua spread his hands, "He Xie Qilin broke the engagement with me. It's been two years, what kind of Kefu is this, what kind of husband is he to me, do you think it makes sense?"

Shi Feixian was trembling with anger by Ban Hua, and she said stubbornly, "You are talking nonsense, I don't know any poetry collections at all."

"Do you know, God knows it, you know it, and the second son Xie who sent the poetry collection knows it," Ban Hua chuckled, "By the way, I don't know if the second son Xie told you that he gave you this The manuscript of this collection of poems was originally obtained from my class's house?"

Shi Feixian was stunned, not knowing what to say for a while.

"County Lord," Xie Qilin walked in from outside the forest. He glanced at Shi Feixian and bowed to the second prince and Ban Hua, "The past has become a thing of the past, please don't mention it again."

"What kind of thing are you, why don't you mention my sister if you don't mention it?" Ban Heng rolled his eyes, "The face is so big that it can't fit three masks."

Ban Hua smiled: "Today is a good day, even a secluded bamboo forest is so lively."

"Xie Qilin, did your eyes really break on the way back from sending Miss Shi's poetry collection?" Jiang Luo is a man. Even if he is getting married now, he doesn't want the woman he likes to have an ambiguous relationship with other men.

Xie Qilin bowed to Jiang Luo: "Your Highness, it's time for you to return to the palace."

He came here not to quarrel with Jiang Luo over a woman, but to complain about his sister. He glanced at Shi Feixian next to Jiang Luo, calmly as if he was looking at a stranger with no friendship.

"What's the hurry, the auspicious time hasn't arrived yet?" Jiang Luo said impatiently, "Tell me first, did you send a collection of poems to Miss Shi?"

Shi Feixian looked at Xie Qilin, her face was pale, and her eyes were pleading.

Xie Qilin looked away and said slowly, "No."

Jiang Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and he turned his head to look at Ban Hua: "Why do you want to discredit Miss Heishi?"

"His Royal Highness, how can a woman like me smear her reputation?" Ban Hua sighed, "You, the bridegroom-to-be, meeting her in this dense forest will smear Miss Stone's reputation. Miss Stone is as bright as the moon in the sky. , how can you have a tryst with the husband of your good sister, do you think this is the truth?"

When Shi Feixian heard this, she gritted her teeth in hatred for Ban Hua, but she knew in her heart that the more she spoke now, the easier it would be to be caught. She didn't understand that only she and Xie Qilin knew about Xie Qilin sending her a collection of poems. Where did Ban Hua find out about it

Could it be that the servants around them couldn't keep their mouths shut

Ban Hua's words made many people laugh. That's right, Miss Shi is so beautiful, so out of the way, and so observant, how could she have a relationship with a man who is getting married today, especially since the bride is her good sister.

"The princess..."

"Shut up!" The smile on Ban Hua's face faded, and she looked at Xie Qilin mockingly, "I feel sick when I see you, don't talk to me."

Xie Qilin's lips trembled, but he didn't speak.

"As a man, you are incompetent. As a son of man, you are not filial. As a brother, you..." Ban Hua waved his hand, "Forget it, I don't even bother to talk about you, anyway, if my brother were a man like you, I would have kicked it a long time ago. Let him go, lest he be embarrassed outside."

Ban Heng:

"Sister," Ban Heng rubbed against Ban Hu's side, "I've always been obedient."

Ban Hua patted the top of his head: "Well, so I didn't kick you."

Xie Qilin was silent for a long time, and said to Ban Luo: "County Lord, I'm sorry."

He is sorry for her after all, this is a fact that cannot be changed.

Jiang Luo felt that today's incident was a bit strange. He just came out to relax and met Shi Feixian by chance, but the development of things seemed to be a little wrong.

Xie Qilin's appearance that he was ridiculed by Ban Hua and didn't retaliate, no matter how he looked at it, it didn't look like nothing happened. And what Ban Hua said just now about Miss Shi, Xie Qilin and Cheng Anbo, is she really lying

Cheng Anbo is Ban Hua's fiancé, so there should be no need for Ban Hua to lie about his future husband.

But didn't Miss Shi say that the matter of her crush on Amber was just a rumor from the outside world, that she was not interested in love, but only put her love in landscape poetry and painting

Although he didn't like Ban Hua everywhere, every time she said something, he couldn't help but think deeply, what if... was it true

"You..." Jiang Luo looked back at Shi Feixian. Seeing the tears in her eyes, she wanted to stop talking, a feeling of irritability rose in her heart, and she said to the little eunuch beside her: "Forget it, go back to the palace." Married woman, what's the benefit of thinking too much? She is the daughter of the prime minister's house, and it is impossible to marry him as a concubine.

"Respectfully send your Highness." Shi Feixian blessed the second prince, but this time Jiang Luo did not look back and left the bamboo forest.

"The play is over, we should leave," Ban Hua said lazily to Shi Feixian, "Miss Shi, take care."

"Master," Shi Feixian called to Ban Hua, "I don't understand, why are you targeting me?"

Ban Hua raised her eyebrows: "Just think I'm jealous of your beauty."


Someone couldn't help laughing, and Shi Feixian's face suddenly became very ugly.

When Ban Hua appeared, he always shouted and embraced, and when he left, he was full of excitement. After she left with the dudes, the bamboo forest became quiet.

Xie Qilin said to Shi Feixian, "Farewell."

"Wait," Shi Feixian called out to Xie Qilin, her eyes slightly red, "Are you like them, secretly laughing at me in your heart?"

"Miss Shi," Xie Qilin said calmly, looking at the dry bamboo leaves on the ground, "I don't have any thoughts, don't misunderstand."

"It's not that you don't have ideas, but you're complaining about me, right?" Shi Feixian couldn't help crying and laughing, "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be like that with Ban Hu, and neither would the Xie family and the Ban family be the same. Enemy family. The Ban family has a small mind and loves to hold revenge. If it wasn't for their revenge, how could the Xie family have encountered so many things. So the origin of all these things lies with me, and you should blame me. "

"I can only blame myself," Xie Qilin interrupted Shi Feixian, "I was young and ignorant, and the mistakes I made can no longer be made up."

"If Miss Shi really feels sorry for me, she will stay away from His Royal Highness the Second Prince in the future. He is the husband of his younger sister, and this younger sister is the only one under her. She can't bear to be betrayed by her friends and her husband," Xie Qilin looked up at Shi Feixian, " can you do it?"

Shi Feixian avoided Xie Qilin's gaze awkwardly: "In your eyes, I am such a person?"

Xie Qilin didn't speak, only silence was the answer to Shi Feixian.

"Okay, I understand!" Shi Feixian laughed at himself, "You are blaming me after all."

The wind picked up, the bamboo forest made a squeaking sound, and Xie Qilin stood there, like a doll without emotion.

"Xie Qilin, you... really loved me so much back then, did you really have no feelings for Ban Hua at all?" Shi Feixian suddenly said, "You said that you don't blame me, but in your heart, you were resentful. Just now you His eyes have always been on Ban Hua, so I'm afraid you didn't even notice it yourself."

Xie Qilin moved his shoulders, he touched his silver mask, and said lightly, "Whatever Miss Shi thinks, leave."

Shi Feixian looked at Xie Qilin's leaving back, and laughed at himself.

Back then, Xie Qilin gave her a portrait, in which she stood under the willow tree, like a fairy. However, she didn't like that picture at all, because in that picture, her skirt was embroidered with large peony flowers, very beautiful and gorgeous.

But she never wears skirts with peony patterns, and she doesn't like gorgeous and complicated hairstyles. The person in the painting is her, not her.

Xie Qilin told her all about love and love, but did he really love her as much as he said

Back then, when he said that he loved her, he was moved to other women in his heart, so don't blame her for plotting against him.

I only hate Ban Hua, who is like a copper pea with a lot of problems, but she can't do anything about her.

Thinking that Ban Hua would marry Cheng Anbo in the future, the hatred in Shi Feixian's heart could not be stopped.

"Uncle." Du Jiu approached Rong Xia, who was drinking and talking with other officials, and whispered a few words beside him.

The smile on Rong Xia's face did not change, but she nodded silently.

Du Jiu clasped his fists to the adults at the same table and retreated outside.

After the second prince's wedding, Rong Xia was going to take up an official post in the Ministry of Personnel, so there were six ministers and two ministers sitting at this table. These eight people have different thoughts and even different positions, but they are all harmonious on the surface, as if they have never had any political conflicts with each other.

When the welcoming team left the palace, all eight people present knew that the second prince did not go to greet him in person, but no one mentioned it first, only talking about irrelevant topics and passing the time.

Shi Chonghai was the happiest when the wedding was like this today. For him, the more stupid things the second prince committed, the more stable the prince's status would be. He wished that the second prince would not come back after he left the palace.

"Taking advantage of this good day, this old man took the liberty to ask Uncle Rong, when will we be able to drink your wedding wine?" Shi Chonghai smiled gently, as if he didn't know that Yan Hui's second son was for Rong Xia at all. His fiancée was making a fuss to death.

When Yan Hui heard Shi Chonghai's words, he didn't even move his eyelids.

The other officials looked at Rong Xia with a smile and seemed to be very interested in this topic.