I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 82


"Fortunately, Duke Jingting was lucky and happened to escape," Yun Qingdi said with anger on his face, "These scoundrels are too arrogant!"

The Crown Princess didn't know whether she was lost or something else, she turned her head and glanced at Xie Wanyu, the other party was so calm that there was no expression on his face. Seeing that both the empress and the empress were very concerned about the Ban family, she said, "God must know that the father and the queen are very concerned about the Ban family, and can't bear you to feel sad for the Ban family, so they have been blessed."

"Prince Concubine is right," Xie Wanyu took over, "Prince Jingting is indeed a lucky man."

Emperor Yunqing did not refute this, because in his memory, Ban Huai's luck was indeed better. Every time he made trouble, it happened to happen when his father was in a good mood. And when King Hui deliberately used tricks to scare them, as long as he took Ban Huai with him, it would be difficult for King Hui's tricks to succeed.

Thinking of this, Emperor Yunqing smiled instead: "He is the son of his aunt, the grandson of the emperor's grandfather, and is naturally blessed by God."

The Queen breathed a sigh of relief, and Duke Jingting was fine: "This is called lazy people who are lazy."

The Crown Princess thought to herself, there is another saying that the scourge will be left for thousands of years.

"Your Majesty, Empress." Ban Hua came out quickly, changed her clothes, and re-combed her hair. Indeed, as the Queen said, the plain clothes fit very well, as if it was tailor-made for Ban Hua. general.

"Sit down and talk," the Queen greeted Ban Hua to sit down and said softly, "I have heard His Majesty say what happened, you are shocked child."

Ban Hua took a big sip of the milk tea brought by the palace maid, and whispered, "The servant girl was in a hurry, so she brought the guard to beat the assassin."

"Since it's an assassin who hurts people's lives, it's not too much to kill you, as long as you keep a living mouth that can talk," the queen said, noticing that the two daughters-in-law were still there, and said, "Your father has suffered Be frightened, be careful not to blow the wind these days, or your body will suffer."

The Queen has always been grateful for the benefits of the eldest princess. She married His Majesty when she was fifteen years old. At that time, His Majesty was not valued by the previous emperor. Treat them coldly.

Only the eldest princess treated them with sincerity, and finally kept her majesty's crown prince. And although Duke Jingting was a bit playful, but in the years before His Majesty ascended the throne, he often protected His Majesty and prevented him from being bullied by the Second Prince.

Without the eldest princess, they would not be where they are today. Everyone in the world always likes the icing on the cake, but how many people are willing to give help in the snow? The queen has never forgotten the goodness of the Ban family. Although the Ban family is playful, in her opinion, the Ban family is better than many others.

"Well, the minister's younger brother has always been by his father's side." Ban Ma nodded obediently.

Seeing the dejected appearance of the little girl who has always been jumping around, the queen took her hand and patted it lightly: "Don't worry, I still have this palace and Your Majesty in everything, so you will not be wronged."

"Let's have lunch first, I'll let the people in the kitchen cook the dishes you like." Seeing her obedient appearance, the queen reached out and tapped Ban Hua's clean forehead, "Let's go, you will have the strength to go after eating. Find an assassin to settle accounts."

"Yeah!" Ban Hua nodded solemnly and sat down next to the queen.

The queen pointed to the two vacant seats, and said to the crown princess and Xie Wan, "You don't have to wait for me, just sit down and eat."

"Empress Xie." The crown prince sat under Ban Hua, and Xie Wanyu was under the crown prince. This position seemed to be more honorable than Ban Hua.

Xie Wanyu didn't care about herself, she was happy when she saw that the Crown Princess was in a bad mood. She used to hate the Ban family, but now she finds that the Shi family hates the Ban family even more.

After a series of exquisite dishes were served, the crown princess found that there were indeed several dishes on the table that the queen mother did not use on weekdays, and these dishes were all placed in front of Ban Hua. She suddenly lost her appetite, and after taking a few bites, she felt that today's meal was badly blocked.

She once thought that if Ban Hua was not seven or eight years younger than the prince, maybe the queen would make the decision to let Ban Hua marry the prince. Looking at the enthusiasm of the queen to treat Ban Hua, compared with Princess Anle, it is not bad.

After a meal, the queen saw Ban Hua's fidgety appearance, and knowing that she was not at ease after work, she said, "Go back to accompany your mother, I have some soothing herbs here, you can take them back with you."

Ban Hua wanted to refuse, but was stopped by the queen: "You don't have to refuse, and I won't keep you here for a long time, go back quickly."

"Thank you, Niangniang." After Ban Hua saluted the emperor and the queen, she left in a hurry.

The queen said to Emperor Yunqing, "He is a filial child."

Emperor Yunqing nodded: "This child is pure and kind, but he has a strong temper. Fortunately, Rong Qing has a good temperament, and the two complement each other when they are together."

Hearing the words, the queen smiled: "That's right, it doesn't matter if you look at the entire capital, Cheng Anbo is the most suitable for Huai. You have done a good job as a matchmaker, and the concubine thinks that Cheng Anbo is better than the first two." The queen did not Including the one who died early in the Zhao family, no one stood still, so I won't talk about it.

The Crown Princess and Xie Wanyu, who were sitting next to them, felt a little guilty when they heard this, but it was obvious that the Queen did not consider their feelings.

The princess heard from her family before that her younger sister was fond of Cheng Anbo. She thought that His Majesty attached great importance to Cheng Anbo, and even the prince admired him very much, so she thought it was a good marriage, so she nodded and agreed to the family to arrange for someone to visit Cheng An. Burke style. Unexpectedly, Cheng Anbo refused directly, without the slightest hesitation.

In her opinion, compared with her sister, Ban Hua is much inferior.

However, my sister has been confused recently. How could there be those gossips and rumors with the second prince and Xie Qilin? Could it be because Cheng Anbo rejected this idea and broke the jar

Compared with the depression of the Crown Princess, Xie Wanyu was more embarrassed. The queen said that Amber was better than the two fiancés in front of Ban Hua. Naturally, these two people were talking about her second brother and Shen Yu. As the client's sister, how could Xie Wanyu not be embarrassed

Since the queen can say it in front of her, does it mean that the queen is dissatisfied with the second brother or the Xie family

No matter how worried the two royal daughters-in-law were, Ban Hua came home with a lot of medicinal herbs sent by the queen, and saw that his father was eating noodles with nearly ten dishes on the table. Either frightened or hungry.

She gave Ban Heng a look, what happened

Ban Heng secretly pointed his hand at the Yin family, and he was trained by his mother, and he didn't eat until now.

Ban Hua suddenly understood, walked to Yinshi's side and said coquettishly, "Mother, have you eaten before?"

"I'm so full, what else to eat?"

Ban Huai held the chopsticks in his hand for a while, and was about to put the chopsticks down.

"You eat yours." Yin Shi looked at Ban Huai, distressed and angry, thinking that he would go out today, and he would not be able to come back, his eyes were sore, and he could not speak.

When Ban Huai saw Yinshi like this, how could he still eat, he took out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth, walked to Yinshi's side and said, "Madam, I'm not doing well, don't worry, I haven't been in the past few days. Going out, I won't worry you anymore."

"I really don't understand, our family is already low-key enough, not meddling in political affairs, not taking power, why are these people still unwilling to let us go?!" Yin Shi was annoyed, "Don't we have done enough over the years?"

The power is too great, causing the royal suspicion. Now the whole family is playful, but there are still people who are plotting against them. What should they do

"Mother," Ban Heng brought the tea to Yinshi, "don't be so mad at you. Although our brains are not very good, isn't there a future son-in-law with good brains in our family?"

Yin Shi wanted to say something, but glanced at Ban Hua, shook his head and sighed softly.

Ban Hua glared at Ban Heng: "You are stupid, there are sons-in-law who betray the Yue family for glory and wealth."

Hearing this, Ban Heng's scalp was a little numb: "Sister, you can't say this in front of Uncle Rong."

"I didn't tell him again," Ban Hua coughed dryly, "Anyway, it's not suitable to tell him about our family affairs now."

"Actually, I think Rong Junpo is pretty good," Ban Heng said in a low voice, "If other scholars saw you beat the assassin as if your parents didn't know you, they would have been frightened and changed their face, what would happen to a woman with a mouthful of mouth. I think Rong Junpo is better than other scholars, and he can help us to draw the head of the gangster, which alone can throw off a lot of scholars for ninety-nine streets."

"He was the champion at the age of seventeen, how can he not leave so many others?" Ban Huai said this, and gave his son a disgusting look, "And you can't even pass the exam as a scholar."

"Father, you're right..." As if you were admitted.

However, Ban Heng didn't dare to say these words. As soon as he said these words, he would be punished to kneel on the ancestor's tablet.

After being disturbed by her husband and children, most of the panic in Yin Shi's heart disappeared, she thought for a while: "Recently, our family of four has to go out less, don't let the bad guys take advantage of it, if something happens to you, how can I bear it in my heart? ."

"Don't go out, don't go out," Ban Huai thought for a while, "We'll take the guards to go to Hot Spring Villa tomorrow to stay for a few days."

"It's alright to go to Bie Zhuang, as long as you bring more guards," Yin Shi nodded, "Then I'll arrange for someone to prepare."

"Grandpa, Madam, Cheng Anbo asks to see you."

"Hurry up, please." Ban Huai asked his servants to remove the tableware and chopsticks from the table, then adjusted his clothes and sat in the upper seat.

Rong Xia walked into the inner courtyard of Ban's house, and saw several servants hurriedly avoiding him with food boxes.

"Uncle, please come this way."

Seeing that the housekeeper was leading him into the second door, Rong Xia hesitated, "This... is it inside the second door?"

"Uncle, don't worry about it. Our master and wife are both there, and there are no other female relatives in the mansion. Since Uncle is his own, there is no need to pay attention to those customs." The housekeeper has heard that Rong Xia helped the county master to paint portraits. It's a wicked thing, so Rongxia's smile is a little more sincere.

Since Shen Yu broke off the marriage, the servants of the Ban family have a prejudice against the scholars. Fortunately, Rongxia's behavior has made the servants of the Ban family have a good impression of the scholars again.

The scenery inside the second gate of Ban's house was warmer than Rong Xia imagined. It was not as elegant or luxurious as other families. The inner courtyard of Ban's house seemed more popular. At a glance, you can see that this family is very particular about enjoying life.

The author has something to say: Rong Rong: It was the first time I entered the door in a real sense, so I was very nervous.