I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 83


The more he walked into the yard, the more Rongxia could see things that were unlikely to appear in other people's homes.

Lounge chairs covered with soft cushions, swing stands, hammocks, upholstered chairs, and fresh fruit on the table, most notably a table in the middle of the yard, which looks a bit nondescript.

"There are several singer-songwriters and storytellers in the house, and sometimes the lady and the princess will ask them to perform for a while," the butler noticed Rong Xia's eyes and explained with a smile, "Uncle, please."

"Very good," Rong Xia nodded, and then said, "When I go back, I will also ask someone to set up a table in the inner courtyard."

The housekeeper smiled and didn't say a word. There were many things that his servant should not say: "Uncle, this is the place. Usually, the masters like to eat together, and they don't use people to serve them." He led Rong Xia into the inner door, Standing on the stone steps, he said, "Master Guo, Cheng Anbo has arrived."

Rong Xia raised her head and glanced at the plaque hanging on the house. It had the words "Taotie Pavilion" written on it.

"Please come in."

Ban Huai's voice came from inside, Rong Xia adjusted her robes and walked in the door.

"The younger generation has seen uncle and aunt." When Rong Xia saluted the second old man, seeing Ban Hua smiling at him, he couldn't help but smile back at her.

After laughing, he suddenly came back to his senses, how long had he not done such a rude act

"Sit down, our family is not a person who pays attention to these customs," Ban Huai saw that the clothes on Rong Xia's body had not changed, it was the same set he had seen before, "Have you ever eaten?"

According to the rules of the scholar, even if it is useless, it must be said that it will be used.

Rong Xia glanced at Ban Huai and Ban Hua, then slowly shook her head and said, "I just went to Dali Temple, and I haven't eaten yet."

"How can young people not eat." He summoned the servants and asked them to prepare immediately.

"Uncle, how embarrassing is this," Rong Xia said hurriedly, "I..."

"Didn't you just say that our family doesn't teach those useless rules," Ban Huai got up and patted him on the shoulder, "Eat when you're hungry, drink when you're thirsty, and no matter how reasonable you are, you can't feel wronged. Fortunately, our family didn't have a good meal just now, so just treat it as you accompany us."

After half an hour, a few bowls of hot plain noodles and a bunch of side dishes were placed on the table.

Food is really not that particular, but Rong Xia's appetite is exceptionally good. It seems that he hasn't sat with anyone for a long time, and he simply eats a bowl of noodles. He doesn't even pay attention to the rule of not eating and speaking, and he can talk while eating.

"Sister, why do you eat so much?" Ban Heng sat next to Ban Hua, separating her from Rong Xia, "Did you eat in the palace?"

Ban Hua nodded: "I'm just bored, so I can accompany you to eat." She looked up at Rong Xia, "Did you just say you went to Dali Temple?"

"Yes, I have some friendship with the people in Dali Temple, so I talked to them a little more about this case," Rong Xia couldn't help laughing after seeing Ban Hua's smile, "You went to the palace, it went well. ?"

Ban Hua nodded: "His Majesty and the Empress both said that this matter should be thoroughly investigated."

Rong Xia laughed softly when she heard the words: "If I had known that Hua Hua was so powerful, I wouldn't go to Dali Temple for more trips."

"You can't say that, it's called a two-pronged approach," Ban Hua saw that Rong Xia was so troubled by her father's affairs, so she pushed the side dish in front of her to Rong Xia, "Come on, this is for you."


Ban Heng sitting between the two: …

At this moment, he felt that he was a galaxy that separated the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

After the meal, the family of four sat lazily on the soft chair, straightening their backs, and almost sat crooked with them. Fortunately, many years of living habits stopped him in time, and he is still the elegant boy who can sit to the extreme.

The case had just happened, so Rong Xia couldn't guess who the murderer was. Before, he guessed whether the person who assassinated Ban Huai was the same person who assassinated Zhao Jia. But he quickly overturned this idea. The killer who assassinated Zhao Jia was very professional, and even the murder weapon was specially chosen by foreigners. One is to make people unable to guess his specific identity, and the other is to make His Majesty not dare to investigate with great fanfare.

Although the Aipo tribe is a small place, there are many affiliated countries of the Great Ye. If this matter becomes a big issue, it will have a great impact on the stability of the surrounding area of the Great Ye. The current troops and horses of the great cause are not as strong as they used to be. If many countries unite against the great cause, whether the great cause can win or not is a matter of choice.

I am afraid that even if it is a victory, it will be a tragic victory.

Therefore, Your Majesty dare not fight.

The murderers who assassinated Ban Huai this time are different. They are all small gangsters who can't be on the table. They usually do things like stealing chickens and trolling dogs. Anyone with scheming and means can't use such a gangster to do things.

Zhao Jia's case may involve major national affairs, while Ban Huai's case is more likely to be a personal vendetta.

He already knew what kind of person Ban Huai was. The character is lazy and unwilling to make progress, but this person has a very obvious characteristic, that is, he is interested. Never do things that shouldn't be done. Although he is not a kind person, he has never done bad things, and he has never even tasted flower wine.

In fact, when he learned that Ban Huai had never drunk flower wine, he was very shocked. The famous playboy of the Daye Dynasty has never been in Fireworks and Willow Alley, and he has never been in a gambling hall, and he is not good at drinking. How did such a person get his reputation as a playboy

Rong Xia didn't understand it before, but he didn't know why until he asked to see the eldest princess and read the things the eldest princess left him.

A companion is like a tiger, and the rich and noble fields are poisoned. The Ban family just wants to live in peace.

Perhaps the atmosphere of Ban's house was too friendly, Rong Xia unknowingly stayed at Ban's house for an afternoon, and after a dinner at Ban's house, he got up to leave.

When he walked to the door, he saw Ban Hua chasing after him.

"Wait a minute." Ban Hua saw that he only brought a few guards here, "I don't know who is calculating Ban's house, and I don't know what he wants to do. You have made an appointment with me, be careful with everything. some."

Rong Xia didn't expect her to chase after her to talk about it, so she nodded and said, "Okay."

Ban Hua smiled, then gave a high five, and four guards walked out behind her: "the four of them were chosen by my grandfather back then, and the road was slippery in the dark, let them accompany you back."

Rong Xia looked at the four guards behind Ban Hua. The four were about the same age. They were all about twenty-five or sixteen years old. They should have been trained as personal guards since childhood, so they were very respectful towards Ban Hua. It seems that the old master Jingting has thought about it for a long time, so he has arranged these loyal and available guards for future generations.

He nodded, not rejecting Ban Hua's kindness.

Ban Hua suddenly showed a smile: "Be careful on the road."

"Yeah." Rong Xia suddenly lowered her head and gently twisted a leaf off her shoulder, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Ban Hua blinked his bright eyes and looked at him without speaking.

Rong Xia stretched out her palm, gently covering her eyes, and said in a low voice, "Hua's eyes are so beautiful."

Ban Hua blinked, his long eyelashes swept across his palm.

"You said my eyes were beautiful, and you covered my eyes," Ban Hua grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand down, "You are jealous that my eyes are better than yours."

Rong Xia laughed out loud: "Hua's eyes are so beautiful, I can't bear others to see it."

Ban Hua: ? ?

What is this weird idea

She stood on tiptoe and put her hands on Rong Xia's face: "You have such a beautiful face, I didn't even let you cover it. Be a human being, be generous."

Rong Xia sneered, the hot air from the tip of her nose rushed to Ban Hua's palm, she felt that her palm was a little itchy, and then... reached out and pinched Rong Xia's nose. Facts have proved that no matter how good-looking a man is, after his nose is pinched, he will become less good-looking.

"Hee hee, pig nose." Ban Hua pinched the wing of his nose twice, fully feeling the touch of the beautiful man's tender skin, and then retracted his hand contentedly.

"Hua," Rong Xia looked at her with dark peach eyes, "Is this kind of behavior of yours considered molesting?"

Ban Hua twisted her face: "How can it be considered molesting if you touch your fiancé's nose?"

"Is that so?" Rong Xia stretched out her hand and gently scratched the tip of her nose. Because his movements were so light that Ban Hua thought it was an illusion.

A bright smile appeared on Rong Xia's face: "If you touch me, I am yours, and you will be responsible for me in the future."

Ban Hua stared blankly at Rong Xia's charming eyes and nodded dumbly.

Until Rong Xia got on the horse, she still couldn't get back to her senses.

Without him, just because those eyes are so beautiful. She used to look at Rong Xia's eyes often, but she had never felt that Rong Xia's eyes were as beautiful as they are today.

Dark, shiny, with her reflection still printed in those eyes, and her heart trembled when those eyes curled up with laughter.

There is so much beauty in the world, and when you look at other men, they all become scumbags.

The male face is in trouble. From today onwards, her eyes on beauty will improve again. How will she live in the future

On the way home, Rong Xia and Shi Jin, who was on vacation, met each other. After the two greeted each other, they left without exchanging a word.

"Sir," said one of the guards who followed behind Shi Jin, "among the guards who followed behind Cheng Anbo just now, some of them were from the side of County Master Fule."

Shi Jin tightened his hand on the reins and turned to ask his subordinate, "How did you know?"

The Guards blushed when they heard the words: "Fu Le County is so beautiful, as long as she goes out, we brothers will inevitably... Let's take a look at it secretly. We have long recognized the personal guards she often brings with her. A familiar face."

After saying this, he was worried about being punished by Shi Jin, so he added: "Sir, we brothers don't dare to look at it, and we don't dare to leave the post without authorization. It's just that this eyeball is sometimes disobedient, so I just look at it a little more. So little by little, little by little."

"Everyone has a love for beauty, so I don't blame you." Shi Jin took a deep breath of the cold air at night, "I think it's the Lord Fule who doesn't trust him, so let's take him home when he sends someone."

"How can a woman send someone to take a man home," the janitor touched his chin, his tone a little sour, "but this Cheng Amber is also very beautiful, and he can be the fiancé of the Fule County Lord."

These soldiers don't know poetry or paintings. Anyway, in their opinion, the Lord of Fule County is incredibly beautiful, and whoever can marry is a blessing.

The tastes of military generals and scholars are still different.

The author has something to say: Du Jiu: I watch the master and the county master praise each other every day, what should I do, my heart is desperate!