I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 87


After the queen heard that the prince was reprimanded by the emperor, she sat in the room for half an hour, and finally sighed helplessly. She did not go to Dayue Palace to intercede for the prince, nor did she mention the matter in front of Emperor Yunqing.

It wasn't until she heard that Ban Heng had entered the palace to thank him that she was called to her together with the prince. Looking at Ban Heng's pleasing face, the queen unconsciously revealed a smile, "I heard that you came to the palace to thank you, what kind of grace do you want to thank?"

"Wei Chen has seen the Empress," Ban Heng gave the Queen a salute with a smile, "A few days ago, His Royal Highness asked the palace servants to send a lot of good things. I came to the palace to give thanks to His Royal Highness. I was going to enter the palace two days ago, how could I know that Wei Chen's father was not in good health these two days, so Wei Chen stayed at home for a few days."

"Thank you for what your family is talking about," the queen turned her head with a smile, seeing the prince's face was different, she felt a bad premonition in her heart, "Prince, what good things did you give to the Jingting family, it's worth it. The child came in eagerly to thank you?"

"My son..." The prince did not dare to look into the eyes of the queen. "It's not something rare."

The queen's eyes swept over him once, and then smiled at Ban Heng: "Have you heard what the prince said? It's not a rare thing. How can you be so polite? I'm going to be angry next time."

Hearing this, Ban Heng smiled embarrassedly: "This time, because of my father's affairs, His Majesty is so tired, and the matter is also involved..." He glanced at the prince, and swallowed the words embarrassingly, "I knew it would happen earlier. When the trouble was so big, Wei Chen persuaded his family to talk a little bit."

"To persuade?" The queen glanced at the prince, her tone a little indifferent, "If you do something wrong, you should be punished. You are relatives of this palace and His Majesty, and these daring people dare to make plans. If they don't stop it, sooner or later. One day they will be able to count on this palace and your majesty."

Hearing this, the prince looked a little unnatural, but the queen didn't seem to see that his expression was wrong, and only said: "You can't say such things to me in the future, or I will be angry with you."

Ban Heng is not good at other things, but after staying with his mother and sister for a long time, he has practiced his ability to make girls happy, so he coaxed the queen into a smile after a while, as if he forgot that the prince was still there. .

The prince is a gentle person. Seeing the queen treat him like this, he has no resentment in his heart. He just thinks about what he has done to make his mother unhappy.

Before, he was willing to help the Shi family to ask for this because he heard what the Crown Princess gave him and felt that the Shi family was indeed innocent.

However, in the past few days, he has thought about it carefully in the study. Although the Shi family may indeed be wronged, there is also the possibility of lying. The princess said that her sister was a weak woman who only knew poetry and painting, but after he sent someone to inquire, he found that the princess' sister was not what she said.

She had an affair with many men, and she was even unclear about her former fiancé. Now that she has engaged with Cheng Anbo, there are rumors that she has a crush on Cheng Anbo. This made the prince have to suspect that the second girl Shi was not right, and even deliberately targeted Huahua. Otherwise, why is there so many sons in the capital that she doesn't choose, but she always gets involved with the man who has a marriage contract

The most important thing is that even on the day of the second brother's wedding, he has to go to see her specially. What kind of charm is this, so that the second brother can make the behavior of abandoning the bride? In the past, the second brother always had a hard time with Hua Hua, and even deliberately bullied Hua Hua. Could it be that he did this because he listened to the second sister of the Crown Princess

The human mind is very strange. When he decides something, even if something is unreasonable, he will automatically complete it and make it reasonable.

Some of the prince's recent actions have made the prince dissatisfied, but he is soft-hearted and nostalgic, so he has been hiding this dissatisfaction in his heart, and he may not even be aware of this dissatisfaction. Until this time, he was reprimanded by his father because of the Shi family, and he suddenly came to his senses. Many of the things he does now and many decisions have the shadow of the Shi family behind him, so that he has developed a habit of as long as If there is anything, I like to ask my father-in-law a few questions, and then make a decision based on his advice.

But the father-in-law was only the father-in-law after all, not his father, and the surname in this world was Jiang not Shi, no wonder the father-in-law was so disappointed in him.

To understand this, after seeing Ban Heng, the prince's guilt towards the Ban family couldn't help. Don't say that now the queen is snubbing him in front of Ban Heng, even if Ban Heng scolds him, he won't reply.

After Ban Heng sat in the Queen's Palace for half an hour, he got up and said his farewell. As a son-in-law, it is not appropriate for him to stay in the harem for too long. The queen couldn't keep him, so she asked the courtiers around him to send him out of the palace.

After Ban Heng left, the queen's face sank.


"Queen Mother." The prince bowed his head and stood in front of the queen, his face full of guilt.

Seeing her son like this, the queen was angry and distressed, "You, you."

"My son has disappointed my mother, and my son knows it's wrong." The prince held the queen's hand, "I just ask the mother not to get angry."

"You should change your temperament," the queen patted the back of his hand and sighed, "You are the crown prince, the future emperor, how can you not even manage the affairs of your own backyard. The generous gift the Ban family received , did you send it over, or did the Crown Princess send it in your name?"

"Yes... Crown Princess."

"It's all my mother's fault. When I saw this Shi family was dignified, dignified and famous, I thought she was the best candidate for the crown princess. How could she be so confused..." The queen said this and sighed several times. , "This matter must not be rumored, let alone let others know that the Crown Princess did it. If she is confused, you can't be confused. This thing is given by you, and it can only be given by you, understand?"

"My son, take it down."

"None of them are worry-free," the queen rubbed her forehead, "you step back."

"Empress mother, my son sees that your face is not very good, why don't you let the imperial doctor take the pulse for you?" The prince saw the empress's tired expression, and he felt even more ashamed. "Otherwise, my son will feel uncomfortable."

"It's alright, it's all old problems," the queen shook her head gently, "you and your brother are less angry with me, and I'll have nothing wrong with me."


The prince returned to the East Palace and saw that the eunuch who was serving in front of the princess had been looking at the door of the study. Thinking of what the empress said, he lowered his face and said to the palace servant behind him: "Arrest the little eunuch who probes his head and use the stick ten times."

"His Royal Highness, that's the Crown Princess..."

"Is it no use for what Gu said?"


The prince and the prince concubine have been married all these years, the prince concubine has no children, and the prince has never embarrassed the prince concubine, but this time the prince concubine's face may not be able to be preserved.

However, the faceless prince concubine is also a prince concubine. As palace servants, they have no choice other than being obedient and obedient.

Soon, memorials to impeach Shi Chonghai began to appear in the previous dynasty, and the Shi Party members were looking for ways to find a way. What is the difference between this look of panic and those of the Yan Party when the Yan family lost power last year? It's a pity that Yan Hui's lessons did not let them learn to keep a low profile, but because Yan Hui lost power and became more complacent, they finally caused today's disaster.

How could Shi Chonghai admit to the crime of buying a murderer to assassinate the emperor of the imperial court, so the two sides have been fighting each other, but the Shi family's life has indeed become difficult, and even Shi Chonghai and Shi Jin have temporarily returned home to "recuperate".

In the prison of Dali Temple, Shi Feixian did not suffer too much torture except that he lost his freedom and it was inconvenient to take a shower. The guards guarding the prison were polite to her. Although the food was not particular about the taste, it was clean and easy to swallow. They didn't even prevent the people from the prime minister's residence from visiting her. She was almost the most favored person in the entire prison.

This is a little different from what Shi Feixian expected. She thought that Rongxia would deliberately embarrass her because of Ban Hua's relationship. But after these days, she realized that her thoughts were too petty. If Rong Xia was cruel to her, she might feel more uncomfortable, but he just never appeared in front of her again, as if she was the same as the other prisoners in Dali Temple, and it was not worth his attention.

"Miss Shi," the head of the cell came over and gave her a polite salute, "Your mother has come to see you."

"Mother?" Shi Feixian raised her head and stood up excitedly after seeing Madam Shi, "Mother!"

"Child," Mrs. Shi looked at her haggard daughter, walked to the door in distress, and grabbed her daughter's hand across the fence, "Child, you have suffered."

The mother and daughter held hands and looked at each other with tears in their eyes. After a good cry, Mrs. Shi began to talk about some trivial matters in the family. The prince was rejected by the emperor. The censor is aggressive, those stone parties in the past were all scumbags, and there were very few people who really needed it.

Shi Feixian listened to her mother's complaints, looked at her arms that had not been maintained for a long time and had become dull, her heart calmed down little by little because of the excitement that rose after seeing her mother.

"Is the mother here today just to tell her daughter this?" Her voice was trembling, and she let go of the hand that grabbed Madam Shi's wrist.

"Child..." Mrs. Shi looked at her daughter, and the words swirled around in her mouth, but she couldn't say it.

"Does mother want me to carry the crime alone?" Shi Feixian had tears in her eyes, but she showed a mocking smile, "I have a bad reputation now, and even if I get out, I can only find a useless man to join the marriage, I can't say more. Involve the entire Shi family. Why don't I take the blame, my father, sister and brother will not be implicated, right?"

Madam Shi covered her mouth and cried and shook her head, but she didn't know what to say.

"But I haven't done any of this. As family members, shouldn't you seek justice for me?" Shi Feixian's voice became sharp, "Just like Jing Ting Gong did, whoever bullied his daughter would smash someone. The door of the family, no matter how bad a daughter's reputation is, you must protect her from any grievances, this is what parents and family members should do, isn't it?"

Mrs. Shi was lying on the fence, crying out of breath, she didn't dare to look at her daughter's face, nor did she face her.

"I see," Shi Feixian looked at Madam Shi who was crying bitterly, and wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand, "Let's go."

"child… "

"Don't worry, this crime... I'll take it." Shi Feixian turned her back and stopped looking at Mrs. Shi, her voice trembling, "Just treat it as a daughter who repays her parents for giving birth and raising."

"I don't want it either, I don't want it either," Mrs. Shi cried and beat her chest, "It's useless for a mother, I can't protect you."

Shi Feixian looked at the dust that had accumulated on the wall over the years, and trembled as she cried, but she was still reluctant to look back at Madam Shi.

A day later, Dayue Palace.

The Dali Siqing made a big gift to Emperor Yunqing.

"Your Majesty, Miss Shi has recruited."

"What did she say?"

Dali Siqing presented the confession with both hands, bowed and replied, "Miss Shi admits that out of jealousy, she does not want Fule County Master to marry Cheng Anbo, so she wants to ask a killer to assassinate the people in Jingting's mansion. It's just that the Prime Minister's mansion is extremely strict, and her daughter is absolutely not allowed to do such wicked things, so she can only find a few daring gangsters in private and ask them to assassinate County Master Fule. It just happened that those few days When she couldn't find a suitable opportunity, she changed her plan and let the little gangsters start with Duke Jingting, so that Princess Fule would need to be filial for three years, and she would not be able to marry Cheng Anbo during these three years."

"Oh?" Emperor Yunqing put down the memorial in his hand and said with a deep expression, "Then did she say how she met the servants of Prince Hui's mansion?"

"Miss Shi said that she didn't even know that this person was a servant of Prince Hui's mansion, and only regarded him as the middleman who introduced the killer."

Dali Siqing felt that this reason was a bit far-fetched, and Miss Shi obviously wanted to carry everyone's charges, so as not to affect the Shi family.

He thought that His Majesty would not believe such a clumsy reason, but he did not expect that His Majesty did not refute, just let him put down his confession and let him go.

Before leaving the Great Moon Palace, he couldn't help but think that the emperor still wanted to protect the prince, so he did not continue to pursue it.

A few days later, the truth about the attack on Duke Jing Ting came to light. The reason was the jealousy of the woman. After this incident, Cheng'an Borong Junpo's good name spread all over the world, because a man who can make a boudoir girl jealous and kill someone must be very attractive and charming.

For a time, Rongxia's popularity in the capital increased rather than decreased. If he hadn't already made a marriage appointment, I'm afraid that the flowers, handkerchiefs, melons and fruits that the women still carry every day would have buried him.

Shi Chonghai "learned that his daughter had committed this serious crime, and not only cried blood on the emperor's face to beg for punishment, but also went to Ban's house to plead guilty." This kind of behavior that did not cover up his daughter and had the courage to admit his wrong won the praise of some scholars.

This is not enough, Shi Chonghai even resigned himself, he thinks that his goddaughter is not strict, and he has no face to hold the post of prime minister. The emperor was moved by his sincere attitude and stated that the mistakes made by his daughter should not be borne by him. The final result was that Shi Chonghai fined 5,000 taels of silver, and personally set up an apology banquet for Jingting Gong to make amends and suspended his salary for half a year.

Shi Chonghai had no objection at the moment, and held a grand apology banquet the next day, not only invited Ban Huai to be the guest of honor, but also invited many famous people to be the guest.

This move has won him a lot of praise.

When Ban Huai arrived with a pair of children, there were already many people in the restaurant. Although the banquet was on the second floor, there were many people watching the excitement in the lobby below, everyone was waiting for how the family would react.

Ban Hua looked at the excited readers downstairs, and then looked away with a light snort.

Ban Heng saw that the eyes of the people downstairs were staring at his sister like wolves, so he squeezed to the side of the stairs and blocked Ban Hua inside.

"Prince Jingting!" Shi Chonghai saw Ban Huai, and before he could say a word, his eyes were red, and he bowed to the head of Ban Huai to the end, "I'm really ashamed that my daughter is not strict, I'm ashamed, there's almost nothing here. See you Yan."

Ban Huai glanced at the surrounding guests, avoiding Shi Chonghai's ceremony, and said indifferently: "It's okay, didn't you still see it? But although your daughter didn't teach very well, but luckily I was lucky and saved it. a life."

After saying this, he sat down on the chair next to him out of breath, and said a little embarrassedly: "Let's see the joke, I'm a little timid, and this incident scared me into a sickness. Today Japan I don't want to go out, but I think that if I don't come today, Shi Xiangye will be embarrassed and think too much, so I can only come reluctantly. It's just that my spirit is not very good, if there is any rudeness, please forgive me. "

When everyone heard this, they were concerned about Ban Huai's physical condition.

Shi Chonghai kept smiling beside him, and said apologetic words, but many people were busy trying to please Ban Huai, and no one cared about what he did for a while.

Ban Hua didn't want to watch this kind of farce, but turned his head and met Shi Jin's eyes. The eyes of the two met in the air, and Ban Hua was silent and did not speak. Shi Jin hesitated for a moment, then walked to a place two steps away from Ban Hua and stood still, "How is the county master lately?"

"My father is ill, and as a daughter, how can I be better?" Ban Hua said in a light tone, "Is there something wrong with Mr. Shi?"

Shi Jin gave her a bow and remained silent.

Ban Hua turned to look at his father who was sitting in the distinguished seat, "Master Shi, is Miss Shi okay?"

"My sister committed a heinous crime and was sentenced to fifteen years of service by Dali Temple." Shi Jin fell silent, and there was nothing to say between him and Ban Hua.

"Where to serve?"

After a while, Shi Jin heard Ban Hua ask. He raised his head in surprise, and seeing that there was not much anger on Ban Hua's face, he replied, "Xizhou."

"Xizhou is far from bitter and cold, and the wind is strong and sandy. How can your sister bear the climate there?" Ban Hua lowered her eyelids, and her tone softened a little, "Why not change to a place with a better climate?"

"If you make a mistake, you should be punished. The Shi family doesn't dare to complain." Shi Jin lowered his head and didn't look into Ban Hua's eyes.

"Of course you have nothing to complain about." Ban Hua was a little tired of the Shi family. Although she had a grudge against Shi Feixian, if Shi Feixian really had nothing to do with her father's attack, she didn't want him to die.

On the contrary, the Shi family thinks better than an outsider like her. If she talks more nonsense, she will be disgusting.

On the same day, Shi Chonghai offered Ban Huai the apology tea, and Ban Huai drank it calmly. Just as the banquet was about to officially start, Ban Huai suddenly turned pale and fainted. Everyone was so frightened that they hurriedly invited a doctor to come, only to realize that he was still very weak and could not be too tired at all.

So the banquet was not eaten. Everyone sent Ban Huai home. After walking out of the gate of Ban's house, he looked back and thought, is Ban Huai accepting Shi Chonghai's apology or not

Whether you accept it or not, this is how it ends. On the surface, both Shi Chonghai and Yan Hui are still masters, and their status is not affected. However, in fact, the two families have not regained their former glory, not only the scenery is gone, but also the days of walking on thin ice.

Since then, the DPRK and China have never said that the stone party is strict with the party. But under the surface of this calm ground, there seems to be a dark tide lurking, just waiting for someone to uncover it, it will turn the world upside down and change the color of the world.

On the third day after Shi Chonghai apologized to Ban Huai, Shi Feixian put on shackles and clipped his head, and got into a wooden cart with a group of female prisoners who were also sent to Xizhou.

The narrow and dilapidated wooden car was full of peculiar smell. Several women in the same car looked at her and couldn't understand how much of a crime a daughter's family had committed to be sent to that bitter and cold place in Xizhou.

The oldest woman in the carriage looked to be in her late forties, but was actually in her early thirties. She killed her husband and mother-in-law who had been arguing with her all day, but because she saved an official's daughter when she was young, she gained a bit of favor, so she was not sentenced to death, but to exile.

She couldn't help but said to Shi Feixian, "Girl, what did you do?"

"Me?" Shi Feixian stared blankly at the woman with the vicissitudes of life in front of her, and said after a while, "I was born in the wrong child, and did the wrong thing."

The wooden carriage was nailed firmly around, leaving only a few small holes for the people in the carriage to breathe. Listening to the lively noise outside, she couldn't help thinking in a trance that this was probably the last time in her life. Listen to the sound of prosperity in Beijing.

In Xizhou, there is heavy wind and sand, little rain, and the fiery sun is enough to burn her skin. She doesn't know if she can survive it.

After the wooden cart left the city, family members of the prisoners on both sides of the road came to deliver clothes, some cried, and some kowtowed, but because the yamen who escorted the prisoners received money from these people, they turned a blind eye to this situation.

Except for Shi Feixian, all the female prisoners in the car got things prepared by their relatives, including the woman who asked her just now.

She bent over and sat in the narrow wooden car, looking at the life and death outside the car, her face was extremely numb.

"Miss Stone." A guard riding a horse chased him out of the city, carrying a large bag in his hand.

Shi Feixian's eyes lit up, but after seeing the guard's appearance, the light in her eyes disappeared. She had never met this person before, so she was definitely not from the Shi family.

"My master said that the mountains are high and the road is far away, and since then, we have been separated by the end of the world. The past grievances and grievances have been written off. I hope that I will cherish it."

"Wait," Shi Feixian pinched a corner of the bag and looked at the ordinary-looking guard, "Who is your master?"

The guard gave a salute: "Please forgive me for not being able to answer your question, farewell!"

Shi Feixian grabbed the huge burden and looked at the back of the guard as he rode away in a trance. Soon the other female prisoners were also put back in the wooden cart. They all began to look at the luggage prepared by their families, eager to know what was inside. Only Shi Feixian dragged the luggage and did not move.

She didn't know what was in it, and she didn't have much interest in knowing it. Maybe it was something that cursed her, even dead mice, cockroaches and the like.

She has always known that some young ladies in the capital are secretly jealous of her, but she is more aware that because of the relationship between her father and her sister, even if these people are jealous, they will not dare to show half of it in front of her, and even go to great lengths to please her. .

And those so-called admiring men have long been hiding far away. Even her family didn't want to touch her, let alone these men.

"Daughter, the material of your burden is really good," a female criminal said. "It won't go bad after using it for many years."

Under the expectant gaze of these people, Shi Feixian gritted his teeth and began to reach out to remove the burden.

She wanted to know which person who had grudges against her dared to give her something at this juncture. How dare she do something that even the Shi family dare not do.

The bag was untied. There were no dead mice or dirt in it. There was only a water bag, several sets of inconspicuous four-season clothes, a bag of dry food, and a small purse. She reached out and pinched it. Copper coins and broken silver.

The female prisoner in the car looked enviously at the bag in Shi Feixian's hand. The things in it were really well prepared. Not to mention the clothing materials, even the women's underwear and the things they needed every month, they had prepared a few pieces. Those who prepare the baggage are thoughtful.

The end of the world is separated, and the grievance has been written off since then.

How many of the people who have really had grudges against her have the courage to arrange escorts to send these things

In the past, she would never look at something more, but now it became the only thing she could have. Her family, her friends, and the man who adored her all avoided her like a scorpion. Only this person did something that others dared not do.

After a while, her eyes were blurred, tears slid down her cheeks and landed on the burden.