I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 94


I don't know if it was an illusion, but after Ban Hua found that he walked into the gate of Rong's house, the butler smiled more brightly at him than before.

"Your Majesty, please."

"You have a job." After passing the veranda, Ban Hua saw a middle-aged man in aquamarine robe standing in the corner. She raised her eyebrows and didn't ask any further questions. However, the housekeeper noticed her expression and replied in a low voice, "That's a Qingke raised by the uncle."

Ban Hua nodded clearly. The literati all love to keep some Qingkes at home, discussing poetry, poetry, painting and calligraphy. The higher the status, the more they will keep some Qingkes, unlike their Ban family, who raise all kinds of people. Actors, jugglers, singers and dancers, and storytellers, compared with the Rong family, their family is too vulgar, it is simply unbearable.

"So that's the case," Ban Hua nodded and turned to see that the Qingke seemed to be looking at her, she frowned slightly, "Are all the Qingkes in your house so rude?"

The housekeeper turned his head and noticed that Qing Ke's eyes were still on Ban Hua, and his face sank. Just when he was about to have an attack, the Qing Ke took a step back, bowed to Ban Hua and walked out.

Ban Hua was baffled by the attitude of the scavenger, but thinking that the other party was just a scavenger without fame, so he didn't take anyone to heart, and turned his head to the direction of the hospital.

There are not too many servants in Cheng Anbo's house, but the little servants and maids are extremely disciplined. When they see her coming in, they all avoid and salute, and they don't even dare to offend.

Entering the inner courtyard, Ban Hua happened to face Du Jiu who came out of it, and she stopped.

Du Jiu took two quick steps and saluted in front of Ban Hua. Since the last incident when Jingting Tou was almost assassinated, Du Jiu has inexplicably respected Ban Hu a lot, "I have seen the county master."

"Has your uncle changed his medicine today?" Ban Hua saw that the door of the room was open, "It's already noon."

"If you go back to the county master, the medicine has already been changed." Du Jiu replied with his head lowered.

"Then has he had lunch?"

"Uncle hasn't eaten yet."

"I understand." Ban Ma nodded, raised the corner of her skirt and walked into the house. The two maids in riding suits behind her stood outside the door and did not go in with her.

Although Rong Xia and Emperor Yunqing were both taking medicine, the smell of medicine in Rong Xia's room was very light, and it would not make people sick to the stomach, which was different from the stuffy and unpleasant smell of the Great Moon Palace. After Ban Hua entered the door, she saw that Rongxia was still lying on the bed reading a book, so she stepped forward and took away his book, "What book are you reading on the bed, don't you want your eyes?"

"If you're not here, I'm bored lying on the bed. I don't read books to pass the time, what else can I do?" Rong Xia opened her eyes wide and looked at Ban Hua, her pupils were moist, and after a few more glances, Ban Hua , could not help but softened.

"You literati, just like to keep some Qingke. You are injured now, can they accompany you to write poetry or paint with you?" Ban Hua sat down beside the bed, "My family has some jugglers, and I will let them tomorrow. Come to your mansion to wait for a day, if you have nothing to do, invite them to make fun."

"How can I take your favor."

"It's okay, I've seen all their juggling tricks, and I can save a fortune on food by staying with you for a few days."

Rong Xia laughed aloud: "Is there still a shortage of silver flowers in the dignified government?"

"Who thinks that there is too much money?" Ban Hua said with a smile, "so you can accept it, there are not many other people in our family, and there are many people who are raised to make fun."

"Okay." The corners of Rong Xia's eyes and brows were full of warm smiles, sweet and greasy like a candy man, and he might succumb to a few more bites.

"Don't move, I'll see how the injury on your back is." Ban Hua stepped forward, and before Rong Xia could react, she stepped forward and lifted the smooth and breathable satin back, revealing Rong Xia's nakedness. Half body on the ground.

Rong Xie's skin is very white, the wound on his back is still scabbed, and the dark wrinkles grow on his back, looking twisted and terrifying, without aesthetics. He was worried that Ban Hua would have a bad image of him when he saw this kind of wound. He wanted to pull the quilt, but Ban Hua held his hand.

"Don't move," Ban Hua bent down and looked at the wound, "The wound is recovering well, is your back itchy these few days?"

Rong Xia nodded, realizing that Ban Hua might not be able to see, and hummed again.

"Then don't scratch it, the scar is small, and the big problem is bleeding and purulence." Ban Yan looked down slightly, glanced at her white, tender, tight and sexy waist, and tugged at the quilt , covering most of his body, "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet." Rong Xia didn't like to lie on the bed and use things, so even though it might hurt a little when he got up, he would still struggle to get up from the bed.

"My body has suffered such a big crime, and I can't eat well," Ban Hua sighed, turned and walked to the door, beckoning to the servants of the Rong family who were guarding the door, "Go and bring lunch to the house."

"Yes." The servant bowed and stepped back, not questioning Ban Hua's order at all, and he no longer even had to look at the real master's face. In the past few days, they have watched the county master scolding the uncle, and the uncle can only be obedient. Even the stewards in the house obey the orders of the county master. How dare they offend the county master.

Anyway, sooner or later, she will be the mistress of their uncle's mansion, and they accept it very calmly.

Seeing that Ban Hua was busy for herself, Rongxia's eyes were warm.

After a while, the food came to the table, all light things, Du Jiu and a servant helped Rong Xia up from the bed, then put a loose soft silk robe over him, and helped him to the dining table Sit down.

Although the loose soft silk robe will not rub against the skin, because it is too wide, it will inevitably reveal the place below the neck, such as the collarbone, such as the chest. Some people have said that the most charming moment is when it is looming and half-exposed.

Ban Hua found that his eyes were a little disobedient, and secretly glanced at the place below Rong Xia's neck several times.

However, Rong Xia didn't pay attention. When the chopsticks were used, the chopsticks accidentally pulled the front of the clothes, and the chest was exposed more obviously.

The white, tender and clean skin and the well-proportioned chest muscles seemed to be full of mysterious attraction, so that Ban Hua was half satisfied even before she had eaten. She wiped her cheek, fine, no blush.

Ancestors have long said that beauty is deceiving, and it seems that this is very reasonable.

"Hua, aren't you used to these meals?" Rong Xia looked at her with a smile, the corners of her mouth rose, so beautiful that her heart froze.

"It's good." Ban Hua put a piece of green bamboo in his mouth, and swallowed it without any taste at all.

Rong Xia half-squinted his eyes with a smile, he remembered that Baa didn't seem to like green bamboo shoots very much

"Hey." He stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a dish not far away, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he gasped in pain.

"Don't move," Ban Hua hurriedly moved the dish in front of him, "tell me what you want to eat, don't get involved in the wound."

"Yeah." Rong Xia nodded and began to pick up vegetables in a small arc.

Ban Hua nodded with satisfaction, obedient men are the cutest.

After eating a meal for nearly half an hour, after Rongxia lay back on the bed, Ban Hua said to him, "You have a good rest, I'm going back."

Rongxia; "Okay." But his eyes were full of reluctance.

"By the way," Ban Hua took out two small medicine bottles and put them on the table, "This is a good thing I got from Your Majesty. It has the miraculous effect of relieving itching and healing wounds. Your Majesty has only a few bottles in total. You asked for two bottles."

"Your Majesty treats you very well." Rong Xia looked at the two medicine bottles that were not as big as a baby's fist, and naturally knew what was inside.

"Yeah," Ban Hua nodded with a smile, "then I'll go, remember to have someone put this medicine on you later."

Rong Xue responded with a smile, and after Ban Hua left, Du Jiu walked in. When he saw these two bottles of medicine, there was a bit of surprise on his face, "Uncle, isn't this the secret medicine in the palace, brought by the Lord of Fule?" Just now, only the Lord of Fule was there, so these two The bottle of medicine will only be brought by the county master.

"Yeah," Rong Xia took a medicine bottle and opened the bottle cap to smell the faint medicinal fragrance. Closing the bottle cap, he was playing with the small medicine bottle, and suddenly said, "Du Jiu, you said that after the matter is completed, will the Fule County Master hate me?"

Du Jiu was stunned, he was silent for a moment: "Uncle, my subordinates don't know."

Rong Xia put the medicine bottle on the tip of her nose and sniffed lightly: "Yeah, you don't know." Even he was not sure whether he and Hua Hua would have a conflict with Jiang's family in the future.

"Uncle, why don't you tell County Master Fule what happened to the old Jingting? And the real mastermind behind the assassination of Jingting is the Xie family, but your majesty helped the Xie family to cover," this is Du Jiu The most incomprehensible part is, "If Princess Fule knows this, she will understand you."

Rong Xia shook his head silently.

He just likes watching Hua Hua live a carefree life, wearing the most gorgeous dresses, eating the most exquisite food, and brazenly showing off what she has. All this is too beautiful, and he is reluctant to destroy it.

She lived through her childhood fantasies, but she couldn't live a good life. As long as he looked at her well, he seemed to feel that his childhood fantasies had been satisfied.

"Don't mention it again," Rong Xia held the medicine bottle tightly in his palm, "I know it well."

"But today, His Majesty is so kind to Princess Fule, how could she just watch..."

"But soon this world will not belong to His Majesty today," Rong Xia said lightly, putting the medicine bottle on the pillow, "His unfilial son is looking forward to his death for a hundred years. Although the guards tried their best to protect him, It is inevitable that there will be a miss, and it is also possible.”

Du Jiu opened his mouth and said after a while, "My subordinates understand."

As soon as Ban Hua came home, her family surrounded her, and after making sure that she was not wronged, the Ban family's expression relaxed.

"Hua, you went to the palace, what did your majesty say?" Yin Shi took Ban Hua to sit down, and asked carefully what happened after Ban Hua entered the palace.

Ban Hua explained everything that happened after entering the palace, "Your Majesty doesn't look very good, and his appearance is distorted. The palace people in Dayue Palace are all nervous, lest His Majesty get angry and punish them." Da Yuegong made her feel depressed and dull, completely different from the relaxed atmosphere before.

Yin Shi sneered in his heart, people have done too many unfortunate things, and there will always be retribution. She patted Ban Hua's hand, "Since Your Majesty is so unstable now, you should go to the palace less in the future. Our family is not involved in the matter between the prince and the second prince. She has occupied all the benefits of the world. Such people are too short-sighted and do not need to get too close to her."

"I didn't have a good relationship with her, how could I get close," Ban Hua smiled, "don't worry."

"With you two worrying little things, when can I rest assured?" Yin Shi said, "Forget it, you always have the habit of taking naps, go back to your own small yard."

Ban Hua got up to say goodbye.

"Wait a minute," Yinshi stopped her, "How is Uncle Rong's injury?"

"It's much better. He suffered from flesh wounds, and he was raised very quickly." Ban Hua replied casually, "You don't have to worry."

This silly child, she is not worried about Rongxia, but about her. If Rongxia's body is in trouble, she doesn't want her daughter to marry a disabled person. Relying on her daughter Bomei's name is someone else's business. She only hopes that her daughter will not suffer.

"Master, Madam, the girl from Yao Shangshu's family asks to see you."

"Yao Shangshu?" Yinshi looked at Ban Huai suspiciously. When did their family have a relationship with Yao Peiji's family

Ban Huai shook his head. He had never dealt with Yao Peiji, a painting fanatic.

"Is it Miss Yao San?" Ban Hua looked at the housekeeper and asked.

"Yes." The butler responded.

"This Yao San girl has some friendship with me, let her come in." After saying this, Ban Hua turned her head to Yinshi and said, "Mother, this Yao San girl has some interest, let her come in and ask her intentions first. ."

Yin Shi nodded and said nothing.

Ban Heng glanced at Ban Hua suspiciously: "Sister, have you gone outside to provoke the little girl again?" He had reason to believe that if his sister was a man, she would definitely be a famous swinger in the capital.

"Nonsense, it's the little girl who wants to befriend me," Ban Hua glared at Ban Heng, "You really don't know how to speak."

Ban Heng: …

Yao Ling sat uneasy outside, the handkerchief in her hand had been twisted into a twist. Since his father was scolded by His Majesty and the position of the minister was replaced, their Yao family's position in the capital has plummeted. The Imperial Physician often had to be called upon three or four times before he would come, and the doctors outside could not be used. The wounds on my father’s body had already festered in some places.

After the father lost his use value, the Shi family ignored the Yao family, and the other families were perfunctory. The family wanted to hire two capable doctors, but they didn't know who to call. She also happened to hear that the doctors of the Ban family had some real skills. The ancestors of these doctors followed the ancestors of the Ban family to the battlefield, so they were very good at treating wounds. Even Cheng Anbo's injuries were treated by the doctors of the Ban family.

She had long wanted to come to beg Ban's family, but she was afraid of being rejected or implicated, so she endured it all the time. How could she know that her father's wound worsened last night, and her fever persisted this morning. She really had no choice but to have the cheek to ask Ban's family.

The servants led her into the main hall. Seeing that the family of three was there, she hurriedly stepped forward and gave a salute: "The little girl has seen the grandfather, the madam, the county master and the prince. I would take the liberty to visit and ask the prince. My lord and madam, please forgive me."

"Miss Yao, please take a seat," Yinshi smiled gently, "Miss Yao suddenly came to visit, but what's the matter?" She saw Yao Ling's eyes were red and there were tears on her eyelashes, and her tone softened a bit.

"Madam, the little girl came here today to ask for something." Yao Ling got up and gave a big gift, "My father is seriously injured, I beg the Duke and Madam to send a doctor from your house to help my father take a look at the injury."

Seeing her performing such a big ceremony, Yin Shi thought that something big had happened, but she didn't expect it was just for the two doctors. She was stunned for a moment, "Is Ling Zun's injury still healed?"

Yao Ling shook her head: "Not only is it not good, the wound has festered, and now his body is starting to heat up again, the little girl really doesn't know who to ask for."

She used to live in Xuezhou and hadn't intuitively felt the benefits of power. After staying in the capital for only half a year, I understood why the people in the capital tried their best to climb up. Because this is a realistic place, power and power will be respected. If they lose power, although these people will not fall into trouble, few people are willing to lend a helping hand.

Compared with the capital, Xuezhou seemed a lot more simple, and she suddenly missed the days in Xuezhou.

Although there is no prosperous capital there, and the food and food are not as good as the capital, but the people there are more simple and more humane.

When she came to Ban's house, she was just desperately ill and went to the doctor, holding a faint hope that even if the Ban's family was unwilling, she would not have any resentment. Originally, her father made His Majesty unhappy, and it was normal for others to be afraid of being implicated.

"Okay, I'll let them go and show Master Yao."

Yao Ling's eyes widened, she agreed with such a simple answer? She hadn't said how she would repay her, and she hadn't started begging them yet.

The rumored domineering Ban family... Is that so? "Husband, madam?" Yao Ling stared at Yin Shi blankly, not knowing what to say for a while.

Seeing her dull appearance, Ban Hua asked, "Is there any trouble?"

"No, no more," Yao Ling shook her head in a daze, suddenly kneeling in the face of Ban's family, and stubbornly kowtow to Ban's family, "Thank you, the little girl will definitely report again in the future." When asking for help, she I didn't kneel, because that was too forcing. Now, she knelt down willingly.

She begged several families who had a good relationship with the Yao family, but these people were vague and unwilling to really help. Unexpectedly, in the end, the one who was willing to help was the Ban family who didn't have much contact with the Yao family.

"It's just a small matter, what are you doing, Sister Yao?" Ban Hua bent over to help Yao Ling up from the ground, took out a handkerchief and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Your body is important, hurry up and take it with you. Go back with the doctor."

"Sister Ban." Yao Ling sniffed, and gratefully gave Ban Hua a blessing before wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, and hurriedly left Ban's house.

Yao Peiji is the backbone of the Yao family. If he falls, the entire Yao family will be at a loss. Therefore, his fever is not going away now, and the hearts of all Yao family members are raised. Mrs. Yao and several children stayed in front of the bed. The medicine was fed and then spit out. Mrs. Yao was anxiously wiping away her tears.

"Madam, Madam, Miss San came back with the doctor."

Mrs. Yao quickly wiped away the tears on her face, and said overjoyed, "Which doctor is that?"

"I don't know about the young ones, but seeing that the two doctors are wearing satin clothes, they should not be doctors outside." Generally, doctors rarely wear satin clothes.

"No matter which doctor it is, let's welcome someone in first." Madam Yao was so anxious that she wished that the two doctors would appear in front of the hospital bed immediately.

When Yao Ling came in, the family didn't have time to ask, so they hurriedly asked the doctor to help him see a doctor. It's strange to say, and I don't know where these two doctors came from. After taking the two pills, Yao Peiji stopped shaking, he could drink the medicine, and his body temperature dropped a lot.

The two doctors wrote them a list and prescribed medicine, but the Yao family refused to accept the consultation fee. Later, the Yao family forced it into their hands, and they reluctantly accepted it.

After seeing the doctor away, Mrs. Yao looked at Yao Peiji who was sleeping peacefully, and put her heart down.

"Lingling, which family raised these two doctors?"

Yao Ling covered Yao Peiji with the quilt, "The doctors raised by the Jingting government, they are also responsible for the treatment of Cheng Anbo's injuries."

"It's actually... Jingting Gong's Mansion?" Madam Yao felt a fever on her face when she remembered that when someone was gossiping about the Ban family, she had to make a few words. Their family is in such a situation now that even friends and relatives have to avoid it, but Duke Jingting is willing to lend a helping hand. This kind of life-saving grace, their Yao family can't exaggerate their gratitude.

The rest of the Yao family were also stunned. They were a scholarly family, and they always looked down on the behavior of working family members. Although he maintained a gentleman's demeanor and never spoke ill of the Ban family, he despised the family in his heart.

However, at this time, it was the people they despised who helped them when no one else dared to help.

"Mother," the eldest son of the Yao family said, "Tomorrow I will personally go to the Ban family to thank you."

"Don't be busy for now," Madam Yao shook her head hurriedly. "Now that His Majesty's anger has not subsided, what should we do after we visit Ban's family?"

Yao Family Dalang hadn't thought about this before, and now he was stunned for a moment after hearing what Mrs. Yao said: "My son knows."

"Let's talk about it after your father recovers," Mrs. Yao sighed. "It's a good thing that others helped us, but we can't hurt them any more."

In the Dayue Palace, Emperor Yunqing was drinking medicine quietly.

Since Ban Hua left, he has been in a good mood. He not only used a bowl of Bi-Geng rice, but also took the medicine.

"Your Majesty," the commander of the Imperial Guard stood in front of the dragon's bed with his head bowed, "After Princess Fule left the palace, he did not return to the Duke's Mansion, but went to Cheng'anbo's Mansion."

"Well, I guess she gave Amber the wound medicine?" Emperor Yun Qing smiled lightly, obviously this incident did not make him angry.

"Yes, after having lunch with Cheng Amber, County Master Fule went back to the Jingting Mansion. But..."

"But what?" Emperor Yun Qing stared at the person in front of him with darkened eyes.

"Miss Yao's third went to visit the Duke's mansion, and Duke Jingting sent two doctors to Master Yao's mansion."

Emperor Yunqing suddenly laughed when he heard the words, and after a long while he said: "The whole person in the capital is best at seeing the wind and steering the rudder, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. Only the family members of the class are the real people of temperament. Yao Peiji is a good man. The person who uses it, he really can't have an accident."

"There is no need to report these trivial matters to me. How are the two princes?"

"The prince has been reading books in the palace, and he is not dissatisfied with the fact that your majesty has locked him up," said the commander of the Guards. "It's just that there seems to be a rift between the prince and the princess."

"Well," Emperor Yunqing nodded slightly, "Where's the second prince?"

"Second Highness..." The Imperial Guard hesitated for a moment, "Second Highness is a bit more outgoing than the Crown Prince."

"In my opinion, he is not out of character, but has an active mind," Yun Qingdi said with a light expression, "Besides that, did anything happen today?"

"The second prince concubine stopped the Fule County Lord and asked the Fule County Lord to persuade the Ban family to cooperate with the second highness."

"What does she want to cooperate with?" Emperor Yunqing sneered, "Zhen is still alive, what are they impatiently trying to figure out?"

The leader did not dare to speak.

"How does the master of Fule County answer?"

"The county master said that this world belongs to His Majesty. He will give the throne to whomever he wants. As a son of man, he only needs to obey his father's arrangements."