I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 95


"Did she really say that?"

"Yes." The commander of the Imperial Guard saw His Majesty's complex expression, "Also, Wei Chen's subordinates found out that the Second Prince Concubine and Fule County Master seem to have old grudges."

"You actually forgot that the second child of the Xie family had a marriage contract with Fule County Master. Later, the second child of the Xie family made an elopement with someone, and the marriage contract between the Xie Ban family was invalidated, and the two families also changed from in-laws to enemies. ." At the beginning of the grievances between the two families, he, the emperor, took sides and protected the Ban family openly and secretly. Since this incident, the Xie family's reputation in the capital has deteriorated a lot.

"The Xie family lacks courage, has a lot of ideas, and is more courageous," Emperor Yunqing put his hands behind his back, "If it weren't for the second prince, I wouldn't want to find such a Yue family for him."

He didn't look down on the Xie family, but at the same time he found a concubine from the Xie family for his son. Such a mentality made people feel that the second prince was picked up from outside the palace by him.

It is said that he favors the prince, but the prince's life is not very good now. He is detained in the square inch of the East Palace and accepts criticism from all directions.

The commander of the Praetorian Guards did not speak, because he knew that His Majesty did not need a talkative subordinate. As the commander-in-chief of the imperial guards, he has another level of identity, that is, the commander-in-chief of His Majesty's spy team.

Those things that can't be put on the spot are all done by him.

The people outside gave these spies a name, Black Guard. Because when they appear, they are often silent. Even if someone sees them, they are wearing black clothes and black face scarves, so that no one will recognize them.

Xie Chongjin, the leader of the Xie family, sent someone to assassinate Ban Huai, which made him very confused. When did the struggle between nobles become so simple and rude

What made him even more confused was, why did His Majesty help Xie Chongjin deal with the exposed cheating? As an emperor, there are many ways to deal with disobedient courtiers, why choose this way? This not only dragged the Ban family and the Shi family into the water, but also allowed the real murderer to go unpunished.

Doesn't it mean that His Majesty loves the Ban family very much

This kind of use of the Ban family to drag the Shi family into the water, but the Xie family can't get any dirty water, doesn't seem like a doting attitude.

"With so many juniors, only the Lord Fule is most in line with my heart."

Yes, this county master is so in line with your heart, when you cheat people's father, don't you still take it right

"Alas," Emperor Yunqing sighed suddenly, his old face full of exhaustion, "Unfortunately, she is not my son, nor my son, otherwise I would have one more general under my command."

"Forget it, the second prince is so absurd, I should let him calm down." Seeing that the commander could not say a word for a long time, Emperor Yunqing lost his interest in speaking.

A day later, Emperor Yunqing drew up two imperial decrees, which officials of the Ministry of Rites recited. His old man named the second prince as King Ning, and Jin Cheng An Bo Rong Xia as the Marquis of Cheng An.

After the second prince supervised the country, it was something everyone had expected that he would be named prince, but it was only a matter of time. It's Cheng Anbo... How did he become the Marquis of Cheng An after being beaten? If there is such a cheap thing in the world, they can't wait to be beaten.

But this kind of title is not something you want to have, and everyone doesn't understand what trouble your Majesty is doing. It was only ten days ago that Rong Xia couldn't get out of bed, and now he is inexplicably promoted to the title. , Is it because he regretted it, so he compensated Rongxia

This is also not quite right. It makes no sense that Yao Shangshu and Rong Xia were beaten together, and only Rong Xia was compensated. Can't because Rong Xia looks good, His Majesty can be so biased

"You all stop guessing," King Changqing was playing with a fan in a suave manner, "I heard something."

"What's the matter?" The officials turned their heads curiously, seeing that the speaker was King Changqing, and their curiosity became even stronger.

After all, King Changqing is also a relative of the royal family. He must know some royal secrets that other people don't know.

Seeing the curious faces of these officials, King Changqing put away his fan, tapped his palm lightly, and said with a mysterious look: "It is said that yesterday, His Majesty summoned County Master Fule."

Summoning Fule County Master, what does it have to do with Cheng Anbo... Marquis of Cheng An

Everyone didn't react at first, but looking at the mysterious smile on King Changqing's face, they suddenly thought that the Marquis of Cheng'an was now the fiancé of the Fule County Master.

In the entire capital, who does not know that among the juniors whom His Majesty loves the most, Princess Fule is definitely one of them. Even those princesses surnamed Jiang and concubines are not as good as her face in front of His Majesty, and even have the same title as Princess Anle, His Majesty's favorite daughter. Is this what ordinary royal relatives can get?

The Ban family's current status is already sealed, but His Majesty really likes the Ban family's county master too much, so how can you reward him? Anyway, Rong Xia is the fiancée of the Fule County Lord, so let's reward Rong Xia. Anyway, the husband and wife are more expensive, and the higher the title of Rong Xia, the better for Ban Huan.

Uncle's status is too low, and he has been beaten and lost face, will the Lord of Fule lose face

It's okay, get promoted!

The officials wanted to understand this, and they were both envious and jealous. When a man married an amazing lady, he could really save ten years of struggle in his life.

Seeing the benefits that Rong Xia is getting now, and thinking about the Xie family who almost married the Ban family, everyone could not help but feel a little sarcastic. The only person in the Xie family who can do it now is the daughter of the princess. The others are all old, old, disabled, and crippled. Unless the second prince ascends the throne and holds the power in the court, the Xie family will die in this life. It can only be this way.

Originally thought that the two sons of the Xie family were not bad, but who knew that the elder one had just returned to Beijing and was sacked from official positions, and the second child was even more absurd. He had an elopement and offended the Ban family and caused His Majesty's dissatisfaction. Since then, his reputation has plummeted. , Whose good girl dares to marry their Xie family

As for whether the second prince can ascend the throne as the emperor, and firmly hold the government in his hands, I am afraid... difficult.

In Cheng Amber's mansion, Rong Xia discovered that the doctor who changed his medicine had changed. This doctor was relatively young, and he had never seen him before. If it hadn't been brought by the Ban family's guards in person, he probably wouldn't have believed him. It's the family's doctor.

"My master and Dr. Cao went to Yao Shangshu's house to treat the wound. Because the uncle's wound has recovered relatively well, the master dared to let me down to change the medicine for you." He whispered, "Uncle, your injury is almost healed. You can drink the medicine for nourishing qi and nourishing blood according to the prescription prescribed by the next master."

"You have a job." Rong Xia nodded to him.

"Don't dare." The doctor hurriedly responded with a salute, turned his head and put the medicine in the medicine box. Before he could say goodbye, he heard the servants of the Rong family say that the imperial edict was coming from the palace.

Rong Xia put on a robe, and the servants helped him to the main hall.

The official who announced the decree came from the Ministry of Rites. When he saw Rong Xia coming out, he greeted him first before saying, "Master Rong, I'd like to say goodbye to you first."

"I don't know... why is there such a joy?" Rong Xia saw the imperial decree in his hand and was about to kneel down, but was supported by the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

"Master Rong, Your Majesty said that because of your injury, you are authorized to stand and listen to the order."

"How can this be done?" Rong Xia had to kneel, and the officials of the Ministry of Rites supported him and said, "Master Rong, this is His Majesty's word. If you kneel down, wouldn't it be a waste of His Majesty's heart?"

"Alas," Rong Xia clasped his fists in the direction of the palace, "Thank you Your Majesty for being sympathetic."

The official of the Ministry of Rites smiled, then unfolded the imperial decree in his hand and shook, and read it out in a cadenced tone.

In the first half of the imperial decree, he praised Rong Xia's virtue and ability with all kinds of flattering words, and finally highlighted the key point, that is, he, the emperor, will promote Rong Xia to be a lord.

Rong Xia really did not expect that he would receive such an imperial decree, he was stunned for a moment, and then thanked him.

"Congratulations, Marquis Rong." The officials of the Ministry of Rites saluted Rong Xia with a very gentle smile on his face.

"Lord Lao has made this trip." Rong Xia returned a salute, and Du Jiu, who was behind him, gave the officials of the Ministry of Rites and the escorts purses, euphemistically called tea money. Generally, this kind of money will not be rejected by everyone, and it can be regarded as a joy.

The eunuch left happily, and was sent all the way to the gate by the servants of the Rong mansion. He rode on the back of a horse and said to a high-grade eunuch who was with him: "Even if Rong Hou's demeanor is injured, it will not be damaged. ah."

"Isn't it?" This eunuch looked like he was only in his twenties, and he laughed very happily. Few people in the palace dared to offend him, because he had a good master, Wang De, the general manager of the house, who was called the king. Xizi, it is said that this festive name was chosen by the empress herself. "The miscellaneous family thinks that Lord Rong is admirable because of his style."

The two looked at each other and smiled, not mentioning the previous punishment for Rong Xia.

"Ouch." Wang Xizi suddenly shouted, patted the horse, and stepped aside. Seeing this, the little eunuchs behind him followed suit, even though they hadn't even figured out what had happened.

The declarant looked up in amazement, and only then did he know why this dignified prince hurried to give way. It turned out that the county master of Fule was riding a horse from the front.

The declarant is only a fifth-rank minor official of the Ministry of Rites. He has not seen the Lord Fule very often, but as long as he sees the white horse that the Lord Fule is riding, he knows that the other party's identity is not low, because this kind of horse It is a tribute horse, a noble who is not high enough and is not favored enough, even if he asks, he will not come, and even if he asks, he will not dare to ride on the street.

"This servant has seen County Master Fule." Eunuch Wang jumped off his horse and saluted Ban Hua diligently, regardless of whether Ban Hua could hear him or not.


Ban Hua's horse stopped, she looked down at the young man in the dark blue eunuch uniform, tilted her head and thought, and said, "You are the father-in-law of Wang Xizi who is serving in front of the empress."

"The county master still remembers the slave and the slave, the slave is really lucky for three lives," Wang Xizi looked surprised, and saw Ban Yan's eyes glowing, "Don't dare to bear the word "grandfather", the county master should call the slave girl Xiaoxizi." Said. It's a bit ugly. If the Princess Fule can remember the name, it is also an honor for these eunuchs.

In the palace, who doesn't listen to all directions, which empress is favored by the emperor, which prince and princess have a bad temper, what taboos does your majesty have, which imperial relative has the most face in front of the emperor, but all eunuchs who have a little way Palace maid, you have a clear understanding of this information.

For example, the Lord of Fule County is a first-class Lord who cannot offend. They would rather offend the concubine princess than dare to make this noble lady feel unhappy in the slightest. Two years ago, a court lady with short eyes criticized the marriage of the Fule County Master. After the Fule County Master found out, the Fule County Master just glanced at him and said nothing. But since then, this maid of honor has become a rough maid. He had seen this maid a few days ago, she was old and ugly, how could she still be delicate two years ago

It's not that Fule County is mainly embarrassing her, but someone knows that Fule County Lord is not happy, and specially went to the Queen Mother to complain, so as to please the Queen Mother and Fule County Lord. It's not surprising what happens to those who can't keep their mouths shut in the harem.

Gossiping about people, worrying about clothes and jewelry, that is the life of noble ladies. If a palace maid dares to do this, it is the life of a young lady's temperament and maid.

Even Mr. Wang, the master, has specially told him some noble masters who cannot offend him, and the master of Fule County must not offend him. Be respectful and courteous.

Although he didn't understand the reason, but what his master said would naturally not harm him, he just did it.

"In a few years, I should call you Da Xizi," Ban Hua couldn't help laughing when he saw Wang Xizi's attentive appearance, "Where are you all coming from?"

"The servants have been serving in the Dayue Palace recently. I have the honor to accompany the Lord of the Ministry of Rites to announce the decree to the Marquis of Cheng'an. I just came out of the Marquis of Cheng'an." Wang Xizi said another big gift to Ban Hua, "Congratulations to the county master."

Ban Hua was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what he meant: "Marquis of Cheng An, he has been promoted to the title?"

"Back to the county master, that's true." Wang Xizi replied with a smile.

"That's it," Ban Hua took out a purse and threw it to Wang Xizi, "for you to eat tea."

"Xie County Lord reward." Wang Xizi held her purse in both hands, looked up and saw that County Lord Fule had already walked away on horseback, and the guards behind her followed neatly on horseback, looking very imposing.

This is the real lady of everyone, and the shot is generous.

After returning to the palace, Wang Xizi found Wang De and told Wang De what he saw and heard when he left the palace today. After he finished speaking, he also presented Wang De with the purses rewarded by the Marquis of Cheng'an and Fule County.

"Since it was rewarded by the prince and the county master, you should keep it well," Wang De did not accept his things, but just smiled, "If you can get familiar with Fule county master, that is your blessing. This bit..." he said meaningfully, "is a noble person."

Wang Xizi thought, he came from a noble family with noble blood, and he had a fiancé who was famous all over the world. Naturally, he was someone they couldn't afford to offend.

Ban Hua walked into the Marquis of Cheng'an Mansion, and saw that although the servant's face was a little more cheerful, he did not lose his sense of proportion. He nodded in his heart. He was indeed a servant of the scholarly family. Different.

"The county master." The housekeeper greeted him and saw that Ban Hua was holding an oil-paper bag in his hand. The bag seemed to contain... candy

Ban Hua nodded to the housekeeper and walked to the yard where Rong Xia lived. Rongxia is now able to sit up and read and write, but the movement should not be too large, for fear of involving the wound. When Ban Hua went in, he was sitting upright on the stool reading a book, and he didn't dare to rely on anything. Ban Hua was so tired for him looking at it.

"There is a big happy event today, and you can also read the book?" Ban Hua lifted her foot into the house and opened a half-closed window, "I met Wang Xizi in the palace just now, and I learned that you have been promoted to the title. I didn't have any gifts, I just saw a candy seller on the side of the road, so I bought a few strings to give you a taste."

Rong Xia put down the book and looked at Ban Hua with a smile.

Ban Hua put the kraft paper bag on the table, walked behind Rong Xia, carefully opened the collar and took a look inside, "Young is good, I heard that Master Yao suffered a lot of crimes and almost lost his life."

Rong Xia looked at Ban Hua, "Why did Bao Hua let the doctor help Master Yao?"

"Originally, our family wasn't a troubled person, but Miss Yao San cried so sadly, and Master Yao was punished with you. If you are completely fine, what happened to Master Yao? For a while, no one will gossip. If someone talks about this, it's not good for you either."

Rong Xia was stunned, he didn't expect that half of the reason the Ban family caused this trouble was actually him.

"Forget it, let's not talk about people who have nothing to do." Ban Hua took out a string of candy from the oil-paper bag. In fact, it was seasoned fruit and boiled syrup. Some of the fruit will be very sour, but the syrup is very sweet. It depends on whether it tastes good or not. luck.

Ban Hua bought this thing as a gift, and with her mother who went out to the street, she bought a random snack to coax the children at home.

Rong Xia took this string of candies, and for a while she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"What's wrong?" Seeing him staring at the candy in a daze, Ban Yu took out another bag from the oil-paper bag, took a bite, and suddenly lost his teeth, "Bah, bah, bah."

Rongxia dropped the candy and brought her a cup of tea.

Holding the tea and drinking a few sips, Ban Hua threw the candy into the oiled paper bag, "Don't eat it, it doesn't taste good." She poked her face embarrassedly, "Then what, I'll make it up for you again tomorrow. a gift."

"No, this is good." Rong Xia took a bite of the candy, the pulp was really sour, but after chewing a few more bites, when the syrup was mixed with the pulp, the taste wasn't that hard to swallow.

"Don't eat it," Ban Hua snatched the bamboo stick from his hand, "Aren't you stupid, you said it was sour, but you still eat it."

"It's not sour, it's sweet." Rong Xia swallowed the candy in his mouth, stuck out his tongue and licked the candy dregs beside his mouth, "I like it very much."

"Cough!" Ban Hua's eyes floated a little, but the corner of his eyes unconsciously fell on the corner of Rong Xia's lips.

sin sin.

The quiet moment between the two did not last long, and was interrupted by the servants.

"Uncle, there is a congratulatory gift from the mansion of Yan Xiangye."

"Uncle, Uncle Zhongping sent a congratulatory gift."

"Uncle, there is a congratulatory gift from the Evergreen Palace."

Gifts came in continuously, and one gift list after another was presented to Rong Xia, and almost everyone in the capital gave gifts.

"Jade toad?" Ban Yu looked at a gift list, "Toad is lucky, this is a blessing to make a fortune."

"And this, the original work of the calligrapher of the previous dynasty?" She wondered, "Isn't the original work of this painting in my house? Where did the original work of his family come from?"

Rong Xia smiled and said, "You probably bought a fake."

"That's not necessarily true, maybe my house is a fake," Ban Hua put down the gift list and yawned, "I think in the past half month, those people who have been with you frequently, as for these people now... "

Ban Hua sneered, "It's all a piece of grass that sees the wind."

"I don't blame them," Rong Xia smiled lightly. "The Sacred Heart is unpredictable, and they are also in trouble. It has always been the case, there is nothing to complain about."

"You can think about it, anyway, I'm careful." Ban Hua stood up boringly, "You have a lot of customers today, so I won't disturb you."

"Hey." Rong Xia stretched out and grabbed Ban Hua's wrist, although through the sleeves, it was early summer and Ban Hua was wearing a gauze, so Rong Xia could still feel the temperature under the gauze, "Why are you leaving? , I'm injured now, if you don't help me, I'll have to watch these things alone."

"I'm still in charge without me," Ban Huan held hands, but didn't break away, "Don't look."

"If you don't see it, don't watch it. Would you like to sit with me for a while?" Rong Xia said with a disappointed face, "These gift lists are just common things sent by the wind and the rudder, you can see it or not. You are someone who dares to love and hate, how can I let you be tired because of these little things?"

"I think you are the one who sees the wind and makes the rudder," Ban Hua sat back on the stool. "It's true that people who see the wind and make the rudder are not pleasing, but the common things they send are still pleasing." People who like vulgar things, so they never dislike the vulgarity of precious jade pearls.

Rong Xia's eyes brightened: "There are many beautiful jewelry in the warehouse at home. If you like it, you can choose it. As long as you wear it, these gems will be more beautiful."

Ban Hua was a little moved, but thinking that she was still in the period of filial piety, her heart disappeared again: "Then you keep all the beautiful and good things for me."

"Okay." Rong Xia nodded again and again.

A middle-aged steward who came to the door stopped, bowed and saluted, "Master Hou."

"Wang Qu?" Rong Xia glanced at Ban Hua, then turned to the middle-aged man outside the door and said, "What's the matter with you?"

"Something happened outside."

"What happened?"

"The eldest son of Uncle Zhongping's family was drunk and had a dispute with a local ruffian. How could he know that this rogue was so bold that he even stabbed Xie Dalang three times."

Ban Hua was shocked, didn't Zhongping Uncle's Mansion give Rong Xia a gift half an hour ago, how long after that, did something happen to his house

Her dream was so vague that she didn't have this memory at all, probably because... She didn't care about Xie Dalang at all

"Has the ruffian caught it?"

"The place of the accident was in the downtown area. There were many people and many people watching the excitement. The murderer was lost."

"How is Xie Dalang?"

"Xie Dalang injured his thigh and heel..." Wang Qu hesitated for a while, thinking that the Fule County Master was still present, so he used a more euphemistic saying, "I am seriously injured, I am afraid that there will be no descendants."

"I see, you go down." Rong Xia was silent for a moment, then shook his hand at Wang Qu.

"Yes." Wang Qu stepped back softly.

"That," Ban Hua curiously stretched out his head and whispered in Rong Xia's ear, "Xie Chongjin became a eunuch?"

"… "

"why do not you talk?"

Rong Xia nodded with difficulty, because it was really difficult for him to mention things like men's self-esteem with Ben Hua.

"Xie family... What kind of bad luck is this?" Ban Hua couldn't help feeling sympathy for the Xie family. What's the matter.

"Perhaps their family did something immoral and got retribution." Rong Xia pinched Ban Hua's fingertips, "If you care about other men's affairs any more, I will eat it."

"A man who has become a eunuch has nothing to eat," Ban Ma comfortably patted the back of his hand, "don't worry, there is no man more beautiful than you in the entire capital. With you, my vision has become higher. "

Rong Xia couldn't help laughing, she really didn't know if it was a compliment or something else.

After noon, Rong Xia stayed in Banhua for lunch, and then reluctantly sent people out of the door in person. After Ban Hua left, Rong Xia summoned his subordinates, "Have you found out why the emperor promoted me to the title?"

The guard standing in front of him had a slightly subtle expression: "Master, this subordinate is incompetent, and the exact reason has not been found out. But... There is a rumor among the courtiers."

"What rumor?"

"Yesterday, His Majesty summoned County Master Fule. You were promoted because of County Fule."

Rong Xia suddenly remembered that Hua Hua did go to the palace to see His Majesty yesterday, and did not arrive at him from the palace until almost noon. What did Hua Hua do to make Emperor Yunqing, who is stingy about the title, suddenly decide to promote his title

Seeing that Rong Xia was silent, the guard thought it was the rumors outside that made the master displeased, and said hurriedly: "This is just gossip from some people outside, and it can't be taken seriously. How could the emperor make such a big deal because of the words of a daughter's family. The decision. Those officials are all nonsense and jealous in their hearts.”

"No," Rong Xia shook her head and said with a deep expression, "If it was someone else, it would naturally be impossible. If it is a woman, she does have such a charm."

Guard: ?

Does the uncle know that the outside world is laughing at him not for marrying a wife, but for marrying

No, it should be said that these messy rumors have not stopped since the news of the uncle and Princess Fule's marriage contract spread, but after this time, the spread was particularly severe.

What other people marry is the honor of the husband and wife, and the uncle of their family is married because the wife has not yet entered the door, but already the wife is honored and the husband is honored.

After hearing this, who is not angry