I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 96


Vicious words hurt people in June cold.

Rong Xia was originally a talented, capable and handsome young man, but because of rumors from some people outside, he became a man who was promoted to the title by his fiancee.

Readers are the most important. For many people, these words are just jokes after dinner, but for the parties, they may not be able to accept these rumors.

Du Jiu didn't dare to say such words at first, because he felt that these rumors were too much.

However, to his surprise, Lord Hou didn't care more than he thought.

"Don't worry too much about the gossip outside. I'll write a memorial to thank you later, and you can deliver it to... Lord Jingting, please help me deliver it to His Majesty."

"Master Hou, why would it be more appropriate to let Duke Jingting deliver it, and let other adults deliver it?" It's not Du Jiu's talkativeness, but Ban Huai's work is not very reliable. It is said that more than 20 years ago, the late emperor asked him to declare the decree As a result, he actually dropped the imperial edict into the lotus pond in the imperial garden.

He was so angry that the late emperor punished him for copying the book ten times, and the matter was over.

"You don't have to think about others, Mr. Jingting is the best candidate." Rong Xia no longer explained, "You go to grind, I will write the book now."

"Yes." Du Jiu didn't dare to say more, and turned around to lay the paper and grind it.

Xie En's memorial is written with passion and gratitude, so that people can feel the gratitude between the lines when they see the content. Rong Xia put down the pen, and after the ink was dry, handed it to Du Jiu: "Go ahead."

"Yes." Du Jiu took the memorial and led the way.

Because of Rong Xia's promotion as a Hou Ye, Ban Hua's reputation in the capital is even greater. Some people say that she has a good life, and some people say that she is lucky. The rumors about her Kefu a year ago have long since disappeared. Because everyone saw with their own eyes the benefits that Ban Hua brought to their fiancé, although they didn't care on the surface, they were extremely envious in their hearts.

There are rumors outside, and everything is said. However, Rong Xia already has many supporters, so when some people say that Rong Xia is eating soft rice, some people refute, saying that Rong Xia is talented, even if there is no Fule County Master, it will be a matter of time to become a Marquis.

Just being the Marquis of Jin Feng can arouse so many people's discussions, which is enough to prove Rong Xia's status in the capital. Originally, I was worried about Rong Xia, but I couldn't go to visit some daughters' homes. After hearing the news, my mood became extraordinarily complicated. Should they be happy with their flaws, or should they be jealous of Ban Hua's superb skills and favored by His Majesty.

"How long can she be favored?" The second prince concubine sneered and turned to look at Jiang Luo who was sitting on the bed. "It's just a lady of the imperial palace, you are a dignified prince, can't you still take her?"

"You're still a princess, how can you take her?" Jiang Luo laughed instead of anger, he stood up from the bed impatiently, "You couldn't take her before you got married, and now that you're a princess, you can do just that. I Look at you, you still stay in the house honestly, and it is the right thing to conceive a son for this king as soon as possible."

When Xie Wanyu heard this, he almost smashed the jade in his hand at Jiang Luo's face, gave birth to a son, gave birth to a son, he lingered in the flowers all day, how could she give birth

"What are you staring at me for?" Jiang Luo was so uncomfortable being stared at by Xie Wanyu, "This king is now in custody of the country, and I don't have time to accompany you to lose my temper."

"Your Highness really doesn't have time to accompany your concubine," Xie Wanyu sneered, and threw Yu Ruyi on the table with a bang, "I do have time to accompany those cats and dogs." This Yu Ruyi ornament was bought by her second brother before she got married. The same dowry, now she has a grudge against her second brother, and even dislikes this Yu Ruyi.

"What are you crazy about?" Jiang Luo frowned, "What does it look like to beat and beat all day long?"

Seeing that Jiang Luo was really angry, Xie Wanyu didn't dare to run against him any more.

"Report!" A man wearing a light blue eunuch uniform came in hastily, sweating profusely, "Report to Prince Qi, Princess Qi, something happened to Uncle Zhongping."

The eyebrows in Xie Wanyu's hands loosened and fell on the dresser, breaking into two halves. While her eyebrows were as dark as a crescent moon, she was as indifferent as a cloud of smoke, "What happened to Uncle Zhongping?"

"Back to the princess, the eldest son had a dispute with someone in the busy city and was injured by someone."

"What, what did you say?" Xie Wanyu only felt that the sullen breath in his throat couldn't escape, "How is the eldest son's injury?"

"I don't know about slaves, but the imperial doctor from the imperial hospital has already rushed to the uncle's house." The little eunuch did not dare to say that Xie Chongjin had hurt his life, and only dared to answer vague words.

"Prepare the frame immediately," Xie Wanyu stood up holding the hand of the little palace maid, his face was as white as the white flour that had just come out of the pot, "I'm going to Uncle Zhongping's mansion."

Jiang Luo originally planned to lie down in the concubine's room, but now that he heard that such a big thing happened to Uncle Zhongping, although he was a little reluctant, he could only dispel the idea and proposed to go to Uncle Zhongping's mansion with Xie Wanyu have a look.

Xie Wanyu was not in the mood to pay attention to him, so she turned around and was about to go out. If the maid hadn't pulled her forcibly and helped her with her eyebrows, she would probably have left the palace with this face on her face.

Ban's house.

Ban Huai took the Xie En memorial that Du Jiu handed over, and did not open it to read the contents, but asked him about Rong Xia's injuries.

After Du Jiuyi answered, Ban Huai nodded and said, "Since he's fine, I'm relieved. As for other things, please don't worry about your family's lords. People outside have never been very kind. Family members never do anything to oppress their own people, and we still know the truth that one is prosperous and one is destroyed."

Du Jiu was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Jing Ting Gong said.

It seems that Duke Jing Ting has also heard the rumors about "entering a family" and "eating soft rice". Now he deliberately said these words to make his master feel at ease

"Please don't worry, Grandpa Guo, our Marquis never believes in the gossip outside," Du Jiu bowed.

"That's right. It's not worth hurting our own feelings for people outside to say sour words. This is something only fools do." Ban Huai is now more and more satisfied with Rong Xia, and now he is even more emotional when he hears this. Yue, nodded again and again, "Your Marquis is an understanding person. In this world, only people who understand can live a better life."

When Du Jiu heard this, he couldn't help but wonder, is Duke Jingting a sensible person or a confused person

"Father, you're on the wrong side again," Ban Heng walked out, patted Du Jiu on the shoulder, walked to the chair and sat down, "I remember your name is Du Jiu?"

"Yes, Prince." Du Jiu turned his head and glanced at his patted shoulder, and cupped his hands, "May I ask the Prince's orders."

"I have nothing to say," Ban Heng took a sip of the tea and found that the tea was a little hot, so he put down the tea cup in disgust, "It's just a question for nothing." This Du Jiuchang followed Rong Xia, almost with Rong Xia there. In the place where there is Du Jiu, is this person a dead man raised by the Rong family since childhood

Du Jiu knew that Ban Heng was a condescending person, so he didn't take it to heart.

He glanced around and did not see the figure of the Fule County Master. It was almost evening. Was the Fule County Master not in the mansion? He remembered that the princess left the Rong Mansion shortly after lunch.

"Prince, the county master hasn't returned to the mansion yet?"

"Maybe it's because I met that little sister again, and I forgot the time," Ban Heng waved his hand, "Women, it's just a matter of time, just get used to it."

He only dared to say this when Ban Hua was away. In front of Ban Hua, he didn't dare to say a bad word at all.

Du Jiu: …

Ban Heng guessed right, Ban Hua met Zhou's sister on the way home, and the two sat in the teahouse for a while.

When the two walked down the teahouse, they found a luxury carriage hurried towards here.

Zhou Wenbi took a step back: "Isn't this the prince's frame? It's all this time, yet leaving the palace with such a big fanfare?" Seeing the prince's car, her first thought was that the second prince came out with great fanfare to find flowers and ask willows.

Although Jiang Luo has the title of prince, but the prince-grade carriage is not ready, so now he goes out, still using the prince's carriage.

Seeing Zhou Wenbi's disgust, Ban Hua said, "Maybe something happened?"

How bad is Jiang Luo's reputation, even the daughter's family in the boudoir knows his nickname, and they never thought of good things when they saw him.

"Even if something happens, can he still help?" Zhou Wenbi's tone contained a faint sarcasm, not showing much respect. It is true that after the second prince supervised the country, he didn't do a few things that were on the table, and Zhou Wenbi's father was reprimanded by the second prince.

Every time His Majesty was sick, he often praised her father. Jiang Luo was something, and he was very picky with courtiers all day long. At this moment, he is only a guardian of the country, and he is not an emperor, so it is so absurd. If he becomes the next emperor, can he still have a way of life for these old ministers

"I looked in the direction of Uncle Zhongping's Mansion," Zhou Wenbi suddenly realized, "Could it be that something happened to Uncle Zhongping?"

Ban Hua looked in the direction of Zhongping Uncle's Mansion and did not speak.

"Let's go," Zhou Wenbi pulled Ban Hua's sleeve, "Let's go over and watch the fun."

"My sister, what time do you think it is?" Ban Hua pointed to the sky, "If you are really curious, just send two little servants to take a sneak look at it. We are so careless, don't we want to be angry? People who are loyal to Pingbo Mansion?"

"You're right..." Zhou Wenbi snickered, "It's as if you're not angry with your family."

"It's no longer fulfilling to laugh at them," Ban Hua said with a lonely expression on his face. "Laughing at them too many times, no matter how strange things happen in their family, they can't arouse my emotions."

"What you said is really bad," Zhou Wenbi suddenly laughed, "but you are right, I'll just send two little servants to watch the fun."

Although she hated the Second Prince and the Uncle Zhongping family, she was still sensible, and she admitted that Ban Yan was right. If something happened to the Xie family, she would stand at the door to watch the fun, which would undoubtedly add fuel to the fire.

"Then you go back early. If you go back later, your uncles and aunts will worry about you again," Zhou Wenbi stroked Banyan's horse, "We'll go back to appreciate the lotus together in a few days."

"Okay." Ban Hua climbed onto the horse's back, "Sister Zhou, farewell."

"Yeah." Zhou Wenbi nodded and watched Ban Hua leave before getting into her carriage.

There was already a mess in Zhongping Uncle's house, crying, crying, and making trouble. The servants who went out with Xie Chongjin even cried and cried, begging the master to open up, but Uncle Zhongping didn't listen to their pleas for mercy at all, and asked the servants to drag them out with a stick and blame them before handing them over to Renyazi. .

As for whether to live or die in the future, he has no control.

When Xie Wanyu came back, the servants of the Xie family were crying and grabbing the ground. She has no scruples about these, and hurried to the eldest brother's yard. As soon as she entered the door, she heard the wailing of the eldest brother. In the yard, there were still several doctors who did not know where to invite them.

"Father," Xie Wanyu walked into the room, preventing Mr. and Mrs. Zhongping from salute her, "how is the big brother?"

Mrs. Xie cried and shook her head. Uncle Zhongping was in tears, but he couldn't say a word. Jiang Luo, who was following Xie Wanyu, saw this situation and Xie Chongjin crying on the bed. He couldn't help thinking, is it because he was missing an arm or a broken leg, that he screamed like this

He remembered that this eldest brother-in-law had a relatively calm personality. Before he was cut from office, he was considered to be one of the best and brightest noble sons in the capital. Now he has no face, and the whole yard can scream. Hearing the sound, it is obvious that the pain is terrible.

"Uncle, now I have to stop the bleeding and relieve the pain for Young Master Xie, or I'm afraid I won't be able to save my life." An imperial doctor turned to look at the female family members in the room.

Mrs. Xie grabbed Xie Wanyu's hand tremblingly, turned and left the room.

Xie Wanyu was very uneasy, what kind of injury did the eldest brother suffer, and he had to avoid the female family before taking the medicine

Jiang Luo stayed in the room and did not leave, but when the imperial doctor lifted the quilt, he saw Xie Chongjin's bloody lower body, and was immediately stimulated by the strong bloody smell and almost vomited out. After figuring out where Xie Chongjin was injured, he only felt a chill in his back, he couldn't bear it any longer, he turned around and hurriedly exited the house.

"What happened to my eldest brother?" Xie Wanyu hurriedly grabbed his sleeve and asked as if seeing Jiang Luo fleeing.

"What else," Jiang Luo hadn't slowed down, when he heard Xie Wanyu's question, the scene he just saw reappeared in his mind, and his face suddenly became ugly, "The man's third leg is injured. , Are you saying it's serious or not?"

"The third leg?" Xie Wanyu didn't react for a while, she was stunned for a while, and then she understood what Jiang Luo was referring to, and suddenly felt that the whole world was spinning.

After a while, Xie Chongjin's wailing stopped, Xie Wanyu hurriedly returned to the house, saw Xie Chongjin lying on the bed, no movement at all, and hurriedly said, "Father, how is eldest brother?"

"The imperial doctor just used Ma Fei San for him, and he has already fallen asleep," said Zhongpingbo with a tired face and a hoarse voice. "The imperial doctor, may I ask you to do something like this, but there is still a remedy."

"Uncle, this rebirth from a severed limb is a matter of legend. I'm not good at medical skills, I'm afraid I'm incompetent." The imperial doctor felt that this situation was too difficult. Xie Jia Dalang was injured in that place. The lifeblood is broken, it is good to save it, how can it be taken back.

Every year, the palace arranges many boys to go into the palace to be castrated as eunuchs, and the ones who clean them are the experienced old eunuchs. As a result, among the ten people, at least two or three could not survive. Xie Jia Dalang is so old, and the people who hurt him are neither serious nor serious. If he can save his life, he will be Amitabha Buddha, and the gods will bless him.

This is because the Xie family is very emotional now, they dare not say too much, they only say: "Uncle, I am not good at treating this kind of thing, why don't you go and ask, which doctor is good at healing wounds, maybe there is a way conceivable."

"Uncle," Mrs. Xie walked in, her voice trembling, "Jingting Gongfu, Jingting Gongfu has a doctor who is good at healing wounds!"

"You are an ignorant woman, what nonsense are you talking about?" The Xie family and the Ban family were already tired of seeing each other. Uncle Zhongping waved his hand, "Don't listen to other people's nonsense."

"Uncle, it's true," Madam Xie said excitedly, "Yao Shangshu's wound festered a few days ago, and it is said that the whole person is dead. Later, Miss Yao San went to Jingting Gongfu and asked two doctors to go back, but they didn't come back. In two days, Yao Shangshu turned the crisis into peace, and was delighted that Yao Shangshu's mansion sent a lot of thanks to the Jingting mansion."

"A person like Ban Huai, what kind of great doctor can the manor raise?" Although Zhong Pingbo's tone was still not very good, he was much calmer than before.

"Uncle," said an imperial physician, "there are indeed some doctors who are good at healing in the palace of Jingting. It is said that these doctors are masters of Xinglin for several generations, and they followed the ancestors of the Ban family to fight the world at the border of the battlefield. Now, although Duke Jingting is not on the field to kill the enemy, these doctors are still taking good care of them at Ban's house."

Even there were several healing orders in their palace, all of which were presented by the Ban family. Now, although the family is passing down from generation to generation, and even their descendants are not as good as their ancestors, the dead camel is bigger than a horse, and they believe that the doctor of the Ban family has the ability.

Even if they don't have this ability, it must be said that they have this ability, otherwise this kind of tricky errand can only fall on their heads.

"The Ban family..." Zhong Pingbo sat down in his chair, thinking about the grievances between the two families, then glanced at the eldest son lying on the bed, and finally he could only sigh, "Come here, prepare the ceremony, I will come to Jingting in person. Government visit."

"Father," Xie Qilin walked in front of Uncle Zhongping and saluted him, "You have been unwell recently, and you have to worry about your eldest brother's affairs. If you go to Ban's house to ask for help, let your son do it."

All this was caused by him. If he hadn't eloped with others back then, the Ban family would have lost all face, and the two families would not have gotten to this point. Later, he injured his eyes and was unable to serve in the DPRK. In desperation, his father could only recall his eldest brother to Beijing. How could he know that he would cause the eldest brother to lose his official position, and make the eldest brother live in decadence all day long.

The source of the calamity lies in him, even if he wants to bow his head and ask for help, he should go.

"You..." Uncle Zhongping shook his head. He knew how much the Ban family hated his second son. At this time, Qilin came to Ban's family to ask for help, and what he was waiting for was the endless humiliation of the Ban's family, and nothing else.

"Father, I know what you are worried about," Xie Qilin gave a big gift to Uncle Zhongping, "but please believe me, I will definitely invite the doctor over."

Xie Wanyu stood in the corner, watching her second brother go out in a hurry, she opened her mouth, but didn't say a word after all.

"The palace gate is about to drop the key," Jiang Luo stood by the door, not looking at Xie Chongjin on the bed, "We should go back."

"Your Highness..." Xie Wanyu looked at Jiang Luo with tears in her eyes, "Would you like me to stay at home for one night?"

"Ms Xie, your home is in the palace," Jiang Luo said in a bad tone, "don't forget your identity."

"But… "

"Princess," Madam Xie felt distressed for her daughter. Seeing Jiang Luo's indifferent attitude, she knew that her daughter's life in the palace was not easy. She was afraid that she would anger Jiang Luo again. Go back to the palace."

"Farewell." The Xie family's sensible attitude made Jiang Luo very satisfied. He hastily bowed his hands to the Zhongpingbo couple and walked out without looking back.

Xie Wanyu looked at Jiang Luo's back, then looked back at Madam Xie.

"Go," Mrs. Xie felt her tears, her shoulders could not help shaking, "Go."

Xie Wanyu wiped her tears and walked out the door. After walking out of the inner courtyard, Jiang Luo, who was walking in front, frowned and looked at him dissatisfiedly, "Cry, cry, cry, you cry for all the good things." It was a great event to be named a prince by Jin, but this happened to the Xie family again.

It's really unlucky to marry such a princess, just to collect debts.

"What a happy event, is it true that the concubine's elder brother's injury is actually a happy event in the eyes of the prince?" Xie Wanyu had a bad temper since he was a child. Luo said, unable to bear it any longer, "That's my real brother, your eldest brother-in-law!"

"There are many people who want to be the uncle and brother of this king, but there is no shortage of you," Jiang Luo sneered. "I just sealed the prince, and your family is in a bloody disaster. Those who don't know it think that your family expert can't get along with me."

"You!" Xie Wanyu was in a hurry and grabbed Jiang Luo who was about to get on the carriage. "You said so much, but you just want Shi Jin to be your brother-in-law, right? It's a pity that you look down on others, but they don't look down on you!"

"Nonsense!" Jiang Luo raised his hand to hit her.

"You fight, you fight," Xie Wanyu raised her chin, "If you have the ability to fight, I will dare to go to my father and mother with this face to say goodbye!"

"Unreasonable!" Jiang Luo withdrew his hand, turned and walked into the carriage.

Xie Wanyu sneered: "I'm unreasonable, I'm afraid someone can't ask for it!" She turned to the servant and said, "Go and ask the people in the house to prepare a car for me."

The palace people who came out with the prince and the princess did not dare to offend, so they had to go to prepare a carriage for the princess. The two would quarrel together, and it would be better if they took the carriage separately.

Halfway along the way, Ban Hua met a craftsman who sold puppets. She bought two and gave them to the guards, and hurried home. As soon as she arrived at the gate, before she had time to dismount, she heard hurried voices coming from behind. The sound of hoofs.

She turned around and saw a very familiar person.

"Fu Le County Master." Xie Qilin jumped off the horse and gave a big gift to Ban Hua.

"Second son Xie?" Ban Hua squinted at the man and played with a horse whip in his hand, "Today is really a red rain, and the second son of Xie has a day to salute me properly."

Xie Qilin bowed and stood without speaking.

Seeing him like this, Ban Hua no longer mocked his interest, and threw the whip to the guard behind him, "It's okay, your precious feet won't be able to go to the Three Treasures Hall. Tell me, what is the second son Xie's order?"

"Don't dare," Xie Qilin gave a big gift again, "I am here today because I want to ask your house for two doctors."

"Interesting," Ban Hua chuckled softly, "Those who didn't know thought that our Ban family was running a medical workshop, and people would come to borrow doctors every three or five days. What kind of family is your house, how could there be a shortage of doctor envoys?"

"My eldest brother was seriously injured, and I heard the good name of the doctor in your house, so I came here to seek medical treatment and ask the county master to complete it." Xie Qilin still maintained a saluting posture.

"Fulfillment?" Ban Hua raised her eyebrows, "Xie Lin, I remember this is the second time you have asked me to fulfill."

The second son of the Xie family was named Lin, the word was Qilin, and Ban Hua directly called him Xie Lin, not because he was close to him, but mocking him.

Xie Qilin suddenly remembered that when he and Yunniang left the capital three years ago, they were discovered by Ban Hua, and he also said this.

What did he say then

"Mr. Banxiang, I and Yunniang are in love with each other sincerely, and I ask the Lord of Xiang to be fulfilled."

"Since Young Master Xie and this girl are truly in love, then I will fulfill the two of you. I wish the two of you will stay together forever and grow old together, and there will be no regrets one day."

However, he soon regretted that he had failed Yunniang as well as her.

Some memories, he thought he had forgotten, was actually just that he didn't dare to think about it.

"The princess..." He hoarsely said, looking up at the woman sitting high on the horse, and suddenly found that all words were pale.

"Forget it," Ban Hua looked away from Xie Qilin's face. She jumped off the horse and said without turning her head, "Doctor, I can lend it to you, but if it can't be cured, don't blame our family for not helping us."

"Many thanks to the county master." Xie Qilin lifted his robe and knelt down in front of Ban Hua's back.

Ban Hua, who had already reached the gate, turned his head and looked at Xie Qilin who was kneeling under the stone steps with a look of indifference in his eyes.

"Guard Du walk slowly."

As soon as Du Jiu stepped out of the gate of Ban's house, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

This is... what's the trouble