I Am Your Little Sunshine

Chapter 101: I am not alone


Ma Yangyang, who originally wanted to go shopping with Xie Tian, finally had to suggest going home to study. Although Xie Tian wanted to go shopping for a while, Ma Yangyang's embarrassment was written all over his face, and Xie Tian didn't want to. Seeing him uncomfortable.

They didn't even go to the bus stop together. They just agreed to continue tutoring in the evening and then said goodbye on the spot.

Just now, I was walking with the person I liked, looking at the neon lights on the street and listening to the laughter. But now my hands and heart were empty, and the warm lights and love songs seemed to have become much colder. When I looked back, the sea of people was huge, and my heart was aching. The man on top doesn't know where he is.

The window reflected a slightly disappointed face, and the lyrics heard in my ears seemed to be written for myself - "I am not alone, only when I want to be alone... I sing while thinking of you, imagining you watching I was moved, I was held."

Ma Yangyang tried his best to smile, but felt that the usually suppressed admiration was magnified several times at this moment. He always thought that he would never expect to be with Xie Tian as a couple, but now he found that he could not He is just deceiving himself. He is really not that great. He likes Xie Tian and wants to be with Xie Tian. He likes Xie Tian so much that he wants to hold his hand and never let go.

But, as for Xie Tian, if Xie Tian realizes that he has such unbearable thoughts, might he not even be willing to be friends

Ma Yangyang was thinking about buying a scarf for Xie Tian just now. Now he saw a scarf that he was satisfied with at a glance, but he couldn't walk into the store and buy it. Even if he bought it, would he dare to give it away? Xie Tian is so smart, he will definitely notice if you give him a scarf at this time.

Ma Yangyang changed three or four songs while standing outside the store. It wasn't until a passing couple accidentally bumped into him that he came to his senses. The next step was to enter the store.


It was already an hour and a half after we got home. Ma Yangyang blamed himself for taking too long and turned on the computer in a hurry. As expected, Xie Tian was already online. Ma Yangyang hurriedly sent a message: "I'm sorry. , I came back too late, I must have waited a long time.”

Xie Tian replied quickly: "It's okay. I just got online. There was traffic jam today."

Ma Yangyang was not sure whether Xie Tian was really online or was trying to comfort him, but he vaguely felt that he was no longer angry.

Xie Tian sent a video over. It was getting late, and Ma Yangyang was too embarrassed to ask Xie Tian to wait for him to change clothes. He just took off his coat and clicked accept.

Seeing that he was still wearing his outer clothes, Xie Tian guessed that he had gone home and turned on the computer. He said, "Do you want to tidy up first?"

At first, Ma Yangyang didn't realize what he meant. He thought he was talking about learning materials, so he hurriedly said: "Then wait for me for a minute. I'll be ready soon." After that, he hurriedly went to dig through his schoolbag.

Seeing his hurried look, Xie Tian knew that he had thought wrong, "Don't worry, I'm going to the bathroom. You change your clothes first and then look for it slowly." After that, he got up and left the room.

Ma Yangyang reacted this time and hurriedly sorted out the information. When he saw that the person on the other side of the screen had not come back yet, he went to get home clothes and changed them as quickly as possible. When he looked up, he saw that Xie Tian had come back at some point. Sit in front of the computer with a book and read through it.

Thinking that his busy look might be noticed by him, Ma Yangyang refused in his heart.

Xie Tian's lecture was no different from before. Only then did Ma Yangyang feel a little relieved. Xie Tian was unhappy just now because he probably didn't like what the girl said, and it didn't have a bad association with him.

Tonight was a chemistry question. Before the chemistry teacher had time to finish explaining the test paper, Xie Tian asked Ma Yangyang to highlight the parts he didn’t understand before and explained it to him again. Physics and Chemistry were simply a matter of course to Ma Yangyang. It’s a scourge, especially in chemistry. You have to listen to a question more than three times before you can figure it out. After an hour, he only talked about less than two questions. Fortunately, the next day was a weekend, so Xie Tian extended it for more than half an hour to finish the two questions, and made an appointment to talk about the rest tomorrow.


It was just after 8 o'clock when Xie Tian woke up. The sun was bright and distant. Xie Tian looked at his phone and realized that he no longer had to go to Li Shiqin's studio part-time today. He had only gone there for three weekends, but it seemed like he had been working there for a long time. The same is true with Ma Yangyang. Although they have only known each other for four short months, it feels like they have been together for a long time.

Opening the photo album, there were almost all photos with Ma Yangyang. There were not many, and they were all sent to him by Ma Yangyang. Of course, Ma Yangyang also sent a lot of solo photos of Xie Tian, but Xie Tian felt that he No matter how weird he looks, none of them have been saved. On the other hand, Ma Yangyang in the group photo looks natural, cute and full of energy, just like a little sun. When he smiles, Xie Tian’s little world changes. It lit up.

It turned out that without realizing it, he had already had such a profound influence on me.

Xie Tian had never had the habit of staying in bed since he was a child, but now he was in a warm confusion, and he didn't even want to get up. Some time ago, he was extremely busy every day. Sometimes Xie Tian doubted whether he could bear it, but now that he was suddenly free, he felt an indescribable feeling of weightlessness, and he didn't know that the present moment without Ma Yangyang was unreal. It was still the past with him by his side.

If Ma Yangyang no longer exists in his future life, will his world be cloudy? Can people really survive without the sun

The first time I stayed in bed, I fell asleep again. In my dream, I seemed to be with Ma Yangyang. The two of them were holding each other's hands in a dark place and groping for a way out. A long, long time passed between them. Only then did he find a faint light. Ma Yangyang happily ran towards the light. His warm fingers broke free from his slightly cold hands. Xie Tian followed him stumblingly with heart palpitations. He heard Ma Yangyang's hehehe in his ears. With laughter, he stood under the beam and waved to Xie Tian in the darkness: "Xie Tian, I found the exit. I'm going out. Goodbye."

Xie Tian felt that he had never been so panicked before, and he hurriedly pulled him away. Ma Yangyang, who was tightly held by him, tilted his head and looked at him, "Don't you want me to leave?"

Xie Tian stared at him and said fiercely: "You are not allowed to leave. Don't even think about leaving me."

Ma Yangyang seemed to pout in distress, and smiled brighter than a spring flower. He approached Xie Tian, his nasal voice was sultry, "I won't leave you, you come with me." He said and dragged him away. Xie Tian ran forward, and the brightness became brighter and brighter along the way. Finally, it was so bright that Xie Tian couldn't see anything clearly. Ma Yangyang ran faster and faster, as if he was about to run away from him again. He pulled her into his arms, only to see him smiling arrogantly, "We're going out soon, let's go quickly."

Xie Tian had a feeling that Ma Yangyang would leave him once he went out, so he locked him tightly in his arms, "I won't let you go, right here, let's be together."

It was already past ten o'clock when he woke up again. When he moved, he noticed the slippery feeling between his legs. Xie Tian closed his eyes and stiffened his body.

After a long time, he put his wrist on his eyes and sighed roughly. The moment he took a heavy breath, Xie Tian suddenly felt that all his struggles were meaningless. He needed Ma Yangyang more than he thought, so Ma Yangyang , you still have a year and a half, and then I will let us be together.

At Christmas this year, Xie Tian rediscovered the meaning of hard work in the warm light of the room.


Well, Xie Tian, what's that? Well, I actually drove a car, even though it was only at the level of a toddler walker [facepalm]

The second update is still a little bit away, coming soon.