I Am Your Little Sunshine

Chapter 47: You are written in my song


It didn't take long for a group of people to start asking Ma Yangyang to sing. Ma Yangyang wasn't very good at singing, but he was basically in tune. His slightly milky nasal voice was quite capable of fooling people if he chose the right song. Let's put it this way, Ma Yangyang is suitable for the kind of light and warm love songs, such as Jay Chou's Sweet, Confession Balloon, and Simple Love. Ma Yangyang was sitting on the stage singing, and Xie Tian was looking at him from the shadow opposite. Maybe it was because Xie Tian's eyes were too intoxicating, or maybe he was thinking of Xie Tian's name when he sang any song. After singing two or three songs, he excused himself because he was too tired and refused to sing any more. He called out to others to join in the song, then swaggered over to sit next to Xie Tian.

Xie Tian poured him a cup of jasmine tea, and Ma Yangyang drank it happily. Then he and Xie Tian talked together. Xie Tian didn't answer much, but he listened with a smile the whole time. Most of the girls here were I had only seen Xie Tian with an expressionless face, but suddenly seeing him continuously releasing gentle energy made me feel a little short of oxygen.

Ji Minfei is also very surprised. Xie Tian is well-known in several schools. Many girls will go outside No. 3 Middle School to wait to see him. There is a legend circulating in the world that he has a cold heart and a ruthless face. She had always been reserved, even though she was curious, she suppressed it. Looking at Xie Tian's expression, she felt that the hearsay was really not trustworthy. However, the girls around her discussed him in whispers for a long time, but no one dared to Go up and have a word with him.

After thinking for a moment, Ji Minfei got up and walked to sit next to Ma Yangyang. She said a few words to Ma Yangyang and then turned the conversation to Xie Tian, "Brother Xie Tian, why don't you sing with everyone? Can I help you with the song selection?" "

Xie Tian was stunned for a moment and said calmly: "No need."

Ma Yangyang seemed to be suddenly reminded. He moved his body and said to Xie Tian, "That's right, you won't sing on my birthday either."

Xie Tian really wanted to say no to singing, but seeing him staring at him with his eyes open, he couldn't help but relented. He wanted to rub his head, but he held out his hand for a moment, turned around and picked it up. He handed the microphone to Ma Yangyang and said, "Will you sing with me?"

Ma Yangyang was also stunned for a moment, and then he took the microphone with a smile and said with a grin: "Okay, what to sing?"

Xie Tian stood up and said, "I'll order some."

Ma Yangyang immediately followed him and said loudly: "Don't order anything I don't know how to do."

Ji Minfei, who was left in her seat, stared blankly at the backs of the two people and frowned slightly.

Xie Tian quickly found all the songs. When Ma Yangyang saw "You are Written in My Song", the idea of making trouble with him was instantly given up. This is a song he accidentally heard some time ago. He cried when he first listened to it. After listening to it for more than a month, he couldn't help but start humming it for a while. He also recommended Xie Tian to listen to it. , Xie Tian didn’t react much after hearing this. Unexpectedly, he learned it secretly.

The song happened to be finished over there. Seeing Ma Yangyang holding the microphone, he shouted: "Hey! Don't you want to sing? Why are you so affectionate?"

It was originally a joke, but Ma Yangyang felt hot for some reason, and said loudly: "I think it's normal for my boyfriend to be affectionate?" When he said this, his expression was very natural, and his tone could not be said to be serious. It was a joke. While talking, he hooked Xie Tian's hand. Everyone shouted in agreement. When they saw the songs they ordered, they all laughed. "Isn't it just a couple's duet? Hahaha, let's sing a song for you," he said. You also need to develop feelings.”

A group of people took Ma Yangyang's words as a joke. Ma Yangyang and Xie Tian looked at each other but did not let go of their hands.

As the prelude played, Ma Yangyang felt a little sad. Just as he was feeling uncomfortable, Xie Tian squeezed his hand. He looked up and saw Xie Tian smiling faintly at him. It seemed that all the sadness and grievances disappeared in an instant. As long as he kept Holding each other's hand, one day we can reach each other's shore.

The first person to sing was Ma Yangyang, "The road I have traveled is like a burst of magic, turning all the good and bad into mine. Even if I don't remember the pain in my heart, it has all turned into this look and sung into a song."

No one can be truly carefree. You cannot replace the pain buried deep in your heart, but you can make up for it bit by bit.

Ma Yangyang's voice was very soft, but Xie Tian's voice was in sharp contrast to his schedule. When he opened his mouth, the people in the private room were as shocked as Ji Minfei's singing just now. Maybe his singing skills couldn't be compared with Ji Minfei's, but his voice was cold. Che, singing this song is like the ice and snow melting, and there is a hint of warmth in the coldness. Not to mention a few girls who feel like they are losing too much blood, even the boys are depressed in their hearts - it doesn't matter if they are good-looking and have good achievements, singing is still It sounds so good that it doesn’t let others live.

However, the thoughts of the boys and girls present had nothing to do with Ma Yangyang. As soon as Xie Tian opened his mouth, he got drunk and thought happily: Isn't this the voice of a male god? This is the true male god, this male god, he is mine!

Listen to him singing: "And you are like the noisy sound of water flowing into poetry, knocking on the door of my heart, embracing all the hatred, nourishing the dryness, believing that I can be yours." He sang so focused, Look at it so intently, as if every word is spoken to yourself.

Ma Yangyang dared to bet a hundred bowls of beef noodles, no, no, a thousand bowls or ten thousand bowls. This is what Xie Tian wanted to say to himself. No one can communicate with Xin Yi more than them.

They sang in chorus: "It seems like I can still see the sad face of yesterday. Sometimes happiness is as hot as a slap in the face. You reminded me not to be afraid to fantasize and miss the longing in my heart that I am used to avoiding. It seems like I can see two strings of tomorrow. In the corridor of footprints, sadness is sometimes seasoned like sugar by you. It is you who holds on to me and looks forward, watching the flowers blooming on the bank of my heart. I am written in your eyes. Blink, you are written in Sing in my song, we are written in each other’s hearts to love.”

Those sad and unbearable things have become less heavy because of you. All the good things that I no longer believed in and the hopes that I didn’t want to fight for have come back because of you.

Life is full of ups and downs, and the future may be bumpy or smooth, but I believe that as long as you are here, tomorrow will be beautiful.

After singing one song, the two of them were still immersed in emotions, unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. One of them boldly shouted to Xie Tian to play another song. Xie Tian shook his head, put the microphone on the table, and said, "No more singing." "

He didn't like singing to begin with, and he didn't think he was a good singer. If Ma Yangyang hadn't asked him to sing, he would probably have been able to sit silently until the end. After all, everyone is closer to Xie Tian because of Ma Yangyang's relationship. They usually don't make big jokes with him, and they won't force him now.

Fortunately, most of the people sitting here are very big-hearted people, and a little interlude will not affect everyone's continued fun. After a while, they were singing, playing games, and chatting.

Ma Yangyang is the protagonist, so he is naturally dragged around the place, but he always gets next to Xie Tian when he gets the chance. Anyway, the joke has been played today, and several boys are making fun of him and Xie Tian without any hesitation. When it comes to shabu-shabu, Ma Yangyang basically takes everything he orders, and occasionally responds with a sentence or two.

I'm not joking or lying. You don't believe it, but we are a couple.


I'm in a bad mood, and I feel like I'm getting worse the more I write. I'd better stock up on some manuscripts in the future, so as not to be affected by my mood when writing manuscripts.