I Am Your Little Sunshine

Chapter 57: Exposure (top)


It was more than a month after the relationship between Ma Yangyang and Xie Tian was exposed. The school has relaxed a lot about catching puppy love. Basically, it only occasionally sends a security guard to make symbolic inspections. The gossip topics in the school have also changed again and again. For a while, Ma Yangyang and Xie Tian were secretly thinking wildly and couldn't get out.

During the mid-term exam, Ma Yangyang dropped a few places. Neither his teachers nor his parents were anxious, but he himself was extremely anxious. Ever since the school started to strictly control puppy love, he felt chills every time he thought about the two classmates who broke up due to the gap in grades. As a result, the more nervous he became, the more mistakes he made.

The questions in this midterm exam were not difficult, so most people did well in the exam. Only Ma Yangyang was always dazed and cried immediately after the results came out.

Xie Tian felt uncomfortable when he was like this. He kept reminding Ma Yangyang that he had promised to go to college together, but he didn't expect that he would push him to this extent. Ma Yangyang always remembered that they "went to college together." There might not be that big a gap between his and Xie Tian's grades in school, but they were not on the same level nationwide.

Xie Tian wanted to get into the best school based on his own ability, and even had the idea of winning the first prize, so he kept running with Ma Yangyang. When others fall in love and date, they go to the movies and go shopping, etc., but they date non-stop. Do the questions, do the questions, but if Ma Yangyang's grades are really far behind in the end, he will choose the same school as Ma Yangyang without hesitation.

Ma Yangyang could also guess what Xie Tian was thinking, but it was precisely because of this that he couldn't accept that he was holding him back. His personality had always been exposed, and although he tried his best to restrain himself, he had not yet learned to completely hide his increasing emotional breakdown.

I have always heard that many people become depressed in their senior year of high school, and the school regularly arranges psychological counseling for senior high school students. However, Ma Yangyang is cheerful and optimistic by nature, and no one would have thought that he would suffer from emotional distress.

These are all my fault, Xie Tian thought. If he hadn't fallen in love with me, he wouldn't have had to bear this pressure; if I hadn't pressed him, he wouldn't have been so depressed.

That was his little sun, the light that brought him out of the cold world. He only thought that he could not lose him, and he only wanted to tie him to his side, but he forgot that liking someone was not just about possessing him.

At first, Ma Yangyang just shed tears uncontrollably. Xie Tian felt uncomfortable and didn't care what others thought. He reached out and carefully patted his back. It was okay that he didn't move. As soon as he put his hand up, Ma Yangyang Started sobbing.

Although he was sobbing quietly, he still attracted the attention of the students around him. Ma Yangyang has a good personality and gets along well with his classmates. He is always smiling all day long. His crying scared many people, even those sitting in front of him. People from several rows came over to comfort him.

He didn't expect that he would be completely unable to control his emotions. He was also frightened when there were many people, and hurriedly explained: "It's okay, I'm just a little sad that I didn't do well in the exam."

Although losing several people in a row is not a terrible thing, it is quite understandable for people who are good at learning, and they all comforted him.

Finally, someone said: "Don't worry, there is Xie Tian!" Everyone nodded and looked at Xie Tian, who was sitting silently aside.

Almost everyone knows that Xie Tian and Ma Yangyang have a good relationship. Xie Tian may not teach others to learn, but if that person is Ma Yangyang, there will be no problem. This is everyone's consensus.

Xie Tian kept looking at Ma Yangyang, and Ma Yangyang followed everyone's gaze. Xie Tian nodded and said, "Well, there's still me, don't worry."

Ma Yangyang felt inexplicably sad after hearing what he said. If there weren't so many people around, he really wanted to rush into Xie Tian's arms and cry. Seeing that his eyes filled with tears again, Xie Tian raised his head and said to the classmates who came to care. : "It's okay, I'll teach him how to solve the problem."

Everyone could hear the meaning of his words, so they comforted Ma Yangyang for a few words and then dispersed.

Xie Tian opened the test paper and took the scratch paper, wrote a few words on it and pushed it over. Ma Yangyang took a closer look and saw "I love you" written neatly on it.

Ma Yangyang picked up the pen, traced his words carefully, and whispered: "Xie Tian, I will never be separated from you."

Xie Tian stared at the words written by the two people, turned to look at Ma Yangyang with mist in his eyes and said seriously: "Let's talk?"


Xie Tian was originally unwilling to talk openly and honestly. He was unwilling to gamble even if there was only a one in ten thousand chance of losing him, and he was even less willing to see him in trouble. But now he would rather put all these aside and just want to let him go. Ma Yangyang regained his former glory.

Xie Tian seriously said that he wanted to talk, but Ma Yangyang was timid. The weather was already very cold in the early winter evening. He put on a scarf early, buried his face in the scarf and walked with Xie Tian on the playground. Circle after circle, "What do you want to talk about?" I still can't ask.

The sky was getting darker, the lights in the distance gradually brightened, a gust of wind blew, and the dead leaves were falling. Ma Yangyang shivered from the cold, Xie Tian stopped, held his hand in his hands and rubbed his hand. He put it to his lips and breathed. The two of them hadn't been this close for a long time. Ma Yangyang really wanted to throw himself into his arms regardless of anything, but he couldn't do that. He just let Xie Tian warm him carefully. his hand.

Xie Tian was nearly ten centimeters taller than him. Usually he had to raise his head slightly to see his face clearly, but now he lowered his head and could see him clearly.

"I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. At that time, I always thought that if I could accompany you through high school as a friend, it would be enough. Later, I became friends with you, and I also thought that if I could accompany you as a brother all the time, it would be enough. It's good that I am with you. Later, you became better and better to me, and I thought it would be great if you could like me too. I never thought that I would be so lucky. Luck makes people greedy and makes people greedy. Worrying about gains and losses, I can't bear the thought of being separated from you, even if it's just for a day." Ma Yangyang held Xie Tian's hand tightly with his backhand and cried softly: "Xie Tian, no matter what, we don't want it. Is it okay to separate? Even if we are found out, even if our family doesn’t agree, even if the whole world doesn’t agree, let’s not give up.”

Xie Tian was surprised. He always thought that Ma Yangyang was worried that he would not be admitted to the same school as him because of his poor grades. He was also worried that he would have to face the choice between his family and him if he was found out. However, he did not expect that what he was most worried about was actually being separated from himself. .

Xie Tian's heart ached with pain, he was so lucky to be liked like this by such a good boy. The boy's bright eyes were full of tears. Xie Tian felt so sad that he also shed tears. Ma Yangyang couldn't hold back anymore and cried out.

Xie Tian couldn't stand it anymore, so he put him into his arms, patted his back with one hand, and rubbed his hair with the other. Ma Yangyang's voice became louder and louder as he cried, and Xie Tian also choked in his ears. Get up: "Cry, cry, just cry."

"At that time, I really hated the world and didn't know what the meaning of life was. But there was a boy who was as warm and bright as the sun. He always thought about me unconditionally and stood firmly by my side no matter what happened. Bian, he is so kind, kind and enthusiastic, and full of kindness to everyone. Even if he has suffered a loss and is hurt in his heart, he will never resent the injustice of God. Men, women, old and young all like him. He is so kind, but he actually likes people like me. I think he is my salvation, I can't lose him, I want to keep him close to me, but I find that I put too much pressure on him, I am very afraid, afraid that he will leave me, and even more afraid that he will be because of me. I don’t know what to do to become an unhappy person. I don’t want to lose him, let alone his smile.”

"Xie Tian, don't be afraid. I understand, and I'm not afraid anymore." Ma Yangyang stood up on tiptoes and wrapped his arms around Xie Tian's neck in distress, reaching out and stroking his back soothingly, "You won't lose me. , I will try my best to keep up with you.”

Xie Tian held him tightly in his arms, rubbing his warm lips on his forehead. The two hugged each other tightly in the deserted playground in the cold wind of early winter. They only had each other in their eyes and ears. You can only hear each other's heartbeat and breathing, and just want to hold each other until the end of time.