I Am Your Little Sunshine

Chapter 67: I'll bear it


The class was still going on step by step. Xie Tian took out Ma Yangyang's notebook and took down the notes of two people. He circled the key points and marked them with notes. He took pictures and neatly compiled the titles one by one. Sent to Ma Yangyang’s WeChat.

Ma Yangyang still didn't reply until school ended at noon. Xie Tian pinched his palms and tried to call him. His phone could still be connected and was not turned off. Xie Tian stared at his phone for a while and then sent another message, "Auntie, grandma, I know you won't agree with us, but please let him come to class."

Xie Tian waited for a few minutes, but there was still no response from the phone. Xie Tian walked slowly to the canteen with his pockets in his pockets. He didn't eat in the canteen often. In the past, Ma Yangyang was by his side almost every time, but now he came alone. Somewhat helpless and panicked. He went to Ma Yangyang's favorite restaurant to eat fried noodles. The uncle who made the fried noodles probably knew him and Ma Yangyang, and specially added some more shredded pork for him. When he handed it to him, he asked with a smile: "You Why aren’t my friends together?”

Xie Tian smiled, and a boy next to him said, "What kind of friend? That's my boyfriend!"

Xie Tian glanced at him sideways and then looked away. He took the plate and left. The boy probably thought that his lack of response was very boring, so he provoked: "I heard that Ma Yangyang was tied up and brought back by his family. He It’s just like a normal person, it’s amazing.”

Xie Tian's hand holding the plate tightened, he gritted his teeth and continued to move forward. The boy cut behind him and said loudly: "Coward." Some people next to him advised the boy to stop talking, and some said why bother with such a person. Angry, so disgusting.

Xie Tian took a deep breath. They will definitely bear this, not now or in the future. Fortunately, Ma Yangyang is not the one who bears this now.

He found an empty seat and sat down. The people next to him who had not yet finished their lunch moved their seats. Some people even said bad luck and left their unfinished lunch. Xie Tian ignored the reactions of these people and sat down. Eat carefully one bite at a time.

A plate was placed on the empty seat next door. The girl who put the plate was grabbed by her companion before she could sit down. She whispered: "Don't get together with him, he is gay."

The girl groaned, quickly picked up the plate, and whispered, "How do you know?"

The companion said: "A lot of people know this, right? A boy in his class said he was caught having sex on the playground yesterday by the school."

"Oh my god, it's so disgusting. I feel sorry for those girls who like him." The girl slowly walked away, and her companion's voice could still be heard: "Come on, you weren't so obsessed with him before."

Xie Tian was still eating with anger. When he was about to finish, another girl came over. She called Xie Tian with red eyes and asked, "Is what they said true? Are you really gay?" ?”

Xie Tian put his chopsticks on the plate, straightened his back and left without even looking at her. The girl shouted again from behind, rushed to him and said, "What do you mean? Why don't you dare to answer."

Xie Tian glanced at her and said coldly: "It's none of your business."

The girl's eyes turned red again and she shouted: "I, I like you."

Xie Tian didn't say anything and passed her by. The girl still didn't give up and shouted: "Tell me, shouldn't you give an explanation to those of us who have a crush on you?"

Xie Tian paused and looked at the people around him with different expressions. He felt that it was very ridiculous. He smiled sarcastically and said in a medium voice: "This is my duty." After a pause, he added: "I am, so do not bother me."


When he returned to the classroom, his phone was still silent. Xie Tian sent another message: "I sent the notes to WeChat. If he doesn't come to school, just take a look at the notes."

After sending the message, Xie Tian lay down on the table tiredly. During the half day that Ma Yangyang was not around, he became increasingly unable to control the violent thoughts in his heart. Xie Tian remembered that everyone said that his family were all violent murderers. He recalled that he almost beat people to death when he couldn't control himself. Xie Tian also felt that there might really be a vicious beast trapped in his heart. It was now inside him. His heart roared and roared, and he might break out of the cage at any time.

Xie Tian pressed his heart tightly, telling himself over and over again to calm down, study hard, wait for Ma Yangyang to come back, and ignore everything else, but he almost went crazy when he saw Ma Yangyang's empty seat.

Someone stopped near his seat and then walked away. Xie Tian lay motionless. After a while, the man came back and whispered: "Xie Tian, someone is looking for you." Xie Tian heard it, but his current mood He was very unsteady and continued to lie motionless. The girl took another two steps closer, pushed him gently and said, "Xie Tian, someone is looking for you and told you to get out."

Xie Tian then stood up. The person who called him was a girl who had a good relationship with Ma Yangyang. When he saw him getting up, she smiled at him. Xie Tian frowned and nodded to her.

It was Xu Zhen who was looking for Xie Tian, and he was followed by Xie Xiaoya, the class beauty who was chasing Xie Tian. Xu Zhen smiled when he saw him, came over and put his arms around Xie Tian's shoulders. He was a little shorter than Xie Tian. It wasn't difficult to hold Xie Tian's shoulders, but Xie Xiaoya stood about two meters away from them.

Xu Zhen patted Xie Tian and said, "Brother, are you telling the truth?"

Xie Tian looked at his hand on his shoulder and hummed.

Xu Zhen smiled heartily and said: "I have no other intention of coming to you. I just want to say that this road is not easy, but there will always be someone standing by your side. I can't help you with anything, but mentally It might be useful to give you some support.”

He was the first person to say support to Xie Tian. Xie Tian stared at him for a long time. Xu Zhen did not shy away from smiling and looked at him. After a while, Xie Tian also put his hand on his shoulder and said : "Very useful, thank you."

Xu Zhen smiled again and said, "Don't be too moved. In fact, I was driven here by Xiaoya. She said that since you love me, don't give up easily."

Xie Tian followed Xu Zhen's gaze and looked at Xie Xiaoya. Xie Xiaoya smiled at him and looked away sheepishly. Xu Zhen chuckled and said, "My girlfriend is very considerate and will never look at other handsome guys. "

Xie Tian was also in a better mood due to his troubles. It would have been great if he could have met people like Ma Yangyang and Xu Zhen Xie Xiaoya in No. 6 Middle School in City A, so he said thank you to Xu Zhen again seriously. .

Xu Zhen said: "Don't pay too much attention to what those people who have nothing to do say. In fact, there are still many people who support you. Some girls who play well in Xiaoya are very optimistic about you, but they are shy, so I will do it." Conveyed.”

Xie Tian smiled. It seemed like the sun was breaking through the clouds in the distance, struggling to break away from the shackles of the dark clouds.


In fact, I also know that what I write is too idealistic, but I just want to write about being silly and sweet, hoping that the people in the story will be happy in their ordinary life with some twists and turns.

PS: Because I was too stupid, I missed chapters 88 and 89 when I posted chapter 90 yesterday, so please read the full text and then go back and read the first two pages. Sorry, sorry, reach out and hit them!