I Am Your Little Sunshine

Chapter 68: City Games Selection (Second Update)


The days after the friendship was restored flew by again, and in a blink of an eye it was time for the school's customary autumn outing. Before the autumn outing, the selection list for the city's middle school students' sports meet finally came out.

Generally, students sign up for this kind of selection, and then choose from those who signed up. Ma Yangyang applied for 100 meters, but Xie Tian didn't sign up because he didn't want to participate.

Ma Yangyang was not very fast, so he was beaten down unsurprisingly, but Xie Tian was still selected into the school candidate team. The reason was that Xie Tian's long jump score in the previous physical education class was only a little bit worse than the school record, so He was directly hooked into the school team by the physical education teacher.

Although he didn't want to participate, Xie Tian didn't complain if he was selected. However, Ma Yangyang looked at him with envious eyes all day long, which made him unable to adapt.

There is not much training time before the competition. Including the time spent in previous selections, it will take less than a month to complete the competition. Therefore, some selected students are not allowed to go to class during this period to train.

As a sports committee member, Xue Wei was selected for two events by himself. He was trained like a dog all day long, but he accidentally sprained his foot. Although it was not a fracture, it was swollen like a steamed bun. He was afraid of the sports meeting. I can't catch up.

Suddenly there were two more slots, which made the physical education teachers feel cold. Ma Yangyang was also a worrier, and he sighed about this all day long. He also blamed his poor physical fitness for not being able to contribute to the school. Potency.

So when the physical education teacher asked if anyone was willing to sign up for one more event, Xie Tian didn't know why he raised his hand in a trance.

Xie Tian took the initiative to sign up for the men's 1,000 meters. The teacher asked him to give it a try, and he took first place in the trial run.

When Ma Yangyang found out, he danced for joy and kept praising Tian, saying that he would definitely come back first in the city. He also said that he was just asking for help when he was in danger, and praised him like a great man.

Xie Tian felt helpless at his praise, but he felt that he looked so carefree and energetic, which was particularly pleasing to the eye.


Before the sports meeting, the autumn outing organized by the school came as scheduled. According to the practice of No. 3 Middle School, the three ages were held separately.

The fall outing for the second grade students is on Saturday in the Forest Park on the outskirts of the city. The activities include mountain climbing, boating, barbecue and free activities.

The day before the autumn outing, Ma Yangyang was extremely happy. In fact, it should be said that everyone was very happy, but Xie Tian from close range could only feel Ma Yangyang's excitement. Specifically, Ma Yangyang started thinking about what to bring during class and made a long list. Whether it was the classmates at the front or back desk or Wang Yuelei who was far away, they all agreed with this behavior and actively participated in it. discuss.

Because Xie Tian took up Xue Wei's shortcomings, Xue Wei was very grateful to Xie Tian. Now he treats Xie Tian even better, and even the boys with him are much nicer to Xie Tian.

So when a group of people gathered around Ma Yangyang's seat to discuss issues, they naturally asked Xie Tian to ask a few questions. Xie Tian basically didn't respond the whole time. It wasn't that he was repulsive, but that he really had no experience in this matter.

Xie Tian didn't like snacks since he was a child. When he was a child, his mother helped pack his backpack for school outings. He basically stuffed as much food as he could carry back with him. When he got older, he almost didn't bring anything with him. However, seeing the positive energy of Ma Yangyang and the others, Xie Tian was inexplicably looking forward to the next day's activities.

Because we had to climb a mountain to watch the sunrise the next day, the school arranged to gather at the school at 6:30 in the morning, and then take the bus chartered by the school to Senling Park together. The students who wanted to watch the sunrise and get more sleep all asked if they could gather at the entrance of the park to avoid wasting time, but they were ruthlessly rejected by the school on the grounds of safety.

Xie Tian couldn't help but sigh when he saw Ma Yangyang sighing and being excited at the same time, his expressions switching vividly and seamlessly.

However, perhaps because they were too excited about the autumn outing, the students did not feel helpless when they lined up in the playground in the morning and could not get out of bed. Instead, they were chattering with excitement. Even Xue Wei, who was not yet able to use his feet well, was very happy.

Because Xie Tian was tall, he was photographed behind him when the class was lining up, while Ma Yangyang was in the front of the other group of boys. The bulging bags behind him almost made him invisible. He also hung a cartoon sports bottle on one side and a baseball cap on the other. From time to time he chatted with the classmates in front and behind him, and glanced in Xie Tian's direction from time to time. At first, he noticed that Xie Tian would also give Xie Tian a big smile when he was looking at him. However, the next few times, he hurriedly looked away before even making eye contact.

I don't know since when, Xie Tian always feels a little happy when he sees Ma Yangyang's smile. Although it can't be seen on his face, he is very calm and happy in his heart. And similarly, when Ma Yangyang looks away , Xie Tian felt a little annoyed under his expressionless appearance.

After a lot of things, Xie Tian became more and more harmonious in the class. He would nod and say hello to classmates when he met them on the street. People he knew well might smile or say hello, but the only one he really knew well was Ma Yang. Just foreign.

It seems that from the moment he entered this group, the people he faced were only divided into three circles: Ma Yangyang, Ma Yangyang's friends, classmates and teachers. He is always alone when going to and from school, and has never thought about distance. But this is the first time. After experiencing the same queues for many physical education classes, morning exercises, and meetings, Xie Tian feels that he is connected to each other for the first time. Ma Yangyang's distance. He was obviously standing not far away, and you could even hear the sound of him talking to others, but that was not the normal talking distance around him. Xie Tian didn't understand what he was thinking about, but he couldn't help but feel depressed.

After the pre-departure mobilization and head count, the students lined up to get on the bus in the order of their classes. There were about two buses in each class, and they more or less joined the adjacent classes.

But the seats in the car were really free to sit in. As soon as Xie Tian stepped on the door, he heard Ma Yangyang calling him, "Xie Tian, Xie Tian, this way, come quickly."

Xie Tianxun looked over. Ma Yangyang stood up and waved to Xie Tian. At that moment, the depression that lingered in his heart dissipated as if the clouds had opened and the moon appeared. This sudden sense of relief made Xie Tian couldn't help but laugh. The corners of his eyes and eyebrows were stained with this joy.

He strode to Ma Yangyang and sat down. He saw that Ma Yangyang was squeezed into a lump by the backpack that was about to burst. Xie Tian's smile became even stronger. Ma Yangyang rarely saw Xie Tian's heartfelt words like this. Laughing, not to mention that when I was queuing, I felt that he was in a bad mood. I was very curious about his sudden change of mood, "Why do you laugh like this? Is there anything funny about you?"

"I just want to know if there are three people sitting in our row?" Xie Tian asked, staring at his bag.

"What three people?" Ma Yangyang followed Xie Tian's gaze in confusion, his face instantly turned red, he held the bag that occupied nearly half of the space in his arms and stopped talking.

Xie Tian put the bag he was holding in front of him and asked, "What did you bring?"

Ma Yangyang murmured as he opened his backpack, and it turned out to be a pile of snacks and lunch boxes. The lunch boxes were probably delicious ones made by Grandma Ma. Of course, these are not the main point. I saw many people in the class bringing these. What surprised Xie Tian was that he actually brought several small bottles of seasonings and what looked like dipping sauces.

Xie Tian couldn't help but take a look at it, and asked in a rare daze: "What are these?"

"Seasoning and barbecue sauce." Although Ma Yangyang's blush hadn't had time to clear up, he answered quite naturally.

"Um, I'm asking why you brought these. Doesn't the park provide condiments for the barbecue?"

"The ingredients in the park are pickled in large batches and often taste bad. The seasonings they only have are ordinary salt and pepper, which are not delicious."

Although Xie Tian didn't understand Ma Yangyang's enthusiasm for food, he thought it was very cute that he was picky about food, so he nodded clearly to express his understanding.

Ma Yangyang's eyes sparkled when he understood, "I made the barbecue sauce with my grandma yesterday! Once you try my cooking, it will be so delicious that you will cry."

In the past two months of getting along, Ma Yangyang and Xie Tian have become very familiar with each other. Ma Yangyang's lively and cheerful nature has also been undoubtedly revealed in front of Xie Tian. The initial thoughts of being cautious and paying attention to image have long been forgotten. Forget it.

Xie Tian likes his transformation very much. He feels that the distance is not so far away, not the distance in space, but the indescribable feeling. Just like now, Xie Tian spent a lot of willpower not to let himself reach out and touch him. head of.

Because the gathering time was relatively early, most people had not had breakfast yet, and Xie Tian did not bring breakfast at all. Ma Yangyang opened a separate bag, took out a sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap, and gave it to Xie Tian. "I'm not lying to you. I often teach my grandma and mother how to cook at home. You can eat this while I cook it myself."

It was the first time that Xie Tian knew that Ma Yangyang could cook his own food, which was a bit unexpected. Half of the boys were either very good at cooking, or they didn't even enter the kitchen, and the proportion of the latter was much greater than the former. Besides, As a sophomore in high school, although studying is not as close to purgatory as a senior in high school, it is not easy either. Ma Yangyang actually still has time to learn these things, probably because his family trusts him and lets him go.

Xie Tian took a bite. The tender eggs mixed with sweet and sour tomatoes complemented the crispy and thin fried chicken steak. It was really delicious.

Ma Yangyang looked at Xie Tian slightly nervously, but he hadn't opened his own yet.

"Yeah, it's delicious." Xie Tian commented without hesitation.

"Yeah, right, I won't lie to you!" Ma Yangyang opened his portion happily, took a big bite, and the egg yolk was all over his mouth.


Our Nuan Yangyang is so virtuous~