I Am Your Little Sunshine

Chapter 8: Xie Tian, whom you have never met


Regardless of the outside world's evaluation of Xie Tian, Xie Tian's life in No. 3 Middle School began step by step.

Over time, the classmates in the class have come to understand Xie Tian's character. Whether they dislike him or have a favorable impression of him, they basically don't bother him much.

He is like a transparent person in the class. Unless necessary, few people will take the initiative to talk to him.

Ma Yangyang is one of these very few people.

He returned the notes he gave Xie Tian last time the next day, saying that he had copied them all. However, Ma Yangyang observed intentionally or unintentionally that he had never seen Xie Tian look at anything that looked like notes or information. .

Ma Yangyang had no place to put his passion to help his new classmates study hard, so much so that every time he saw Xie Tian in the next few days, his eyes would light up at first, and then he would become dejected.

Ma Yangyang's only good thing is that Xie Tian doesn't just hate himself, so does he hate everyone? Or maybe I just don’t feel anything for everyone

This is the first time for Ma Yangyang to meet someone like Xie Tian. Except for the Iceberg Man in the TV series, Ma Yangyang has never seen such a cold person even among adults. It seems that everything in the world is indifferent to him. None of them were attractive, and everything he did was just routine.

However, when I saw him for the first time, everything I felt from him was beautiful.

Ma Yangyang was very distressed and wondered whether Xie Tian became like this because of what he had experienced, but he also knew that it was very unethical to explore people's privacy. If he didn't like to be disturbed, he would spend the whole day If you hang it in front of him, it must be very annoying.

Ma Yangyang didn't dare to get closer, but he couldn't bear to look away from him.

But soon Ma Yangyang saw another side of Xie Tian, just like the first time he saw it.

Ma Yangyang swore that he never followed Xie Tian on purpose. It was probably because they were really destined to meet him on the way to school.

In the golden autumn afternoon, the streets were filled with the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus. Ma Yangyang could not help but follow the scent while riding his bike.

At that time, Xie Tian was standing under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. He had already put on the blue and white striped school uniform of No. 3 Middle School. thing.

Next to him were two little boys and a little girl. They both looked about five or six years old. The little girl looked like she was still crying. One of the little boys had a dirty face, and the other one was anxious and confused. What are you talking about to Xie Tian

Ma Yangyang, who was across the street, couldn't help but stop the car. Xie Tian, who was listening to the little boy's words, knelt down, touched the little boy's head, and then took the lead to look at the wall.

Ma Yangyang followed his gaze and saw a white thing stuck on a branch beside the wall.

Xie Tian stood up and took two steps, then turned around and said a few words to the three children, and the little girl stopped crying.

Xie Tian circled around the tree, seemingly unable to find a focus, and finally returned to the corner.

The fence here is also quite high, almost three meters long. There are reliefs on the wall, but the patterns are not very obvious. The distance between the tree pole and the edge of the fence was also quite wide. Xie Tian stretched out his hand to try, but he could barely reach the trunk of the tree when he climbed on the wall.

Xie Tian was silent on the wall for a long time. Finally, he climbed up a section by holding on to the relief on the wall with his hands, then kicked half sideways and jumped up to the tree pole.

Ma Yangyang, who was across the street, was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his chest. He had been a very obedient child since he was a child. He had never done such a thing as climbing a tree, and he had always found climbing a tree to be quite difficult. As for the tree that Xie Tian jumps on, the lower part is basically straight and there is no point of strength for climbing. If you forcefully slide up, you will probably be injured.

But Ma Yangyang never expected that Xie Tian would use the force of the wall to jump to the branch of the branch. If he didn't catch it, although it wasn't high, he would definitely fall very painfully. Ma Yangyang thought He threw the car and rushed over. Before he could take action, he saw that Xie Tian's left hand had already hooked the fork.

Xie Tian immediately looped his feet around the tree trunk, and then climbed hard on the fork to reach up. Fortunately, he had long hands and long legs. Although it was quite difficult, he climbed up soon.

When he got the white thing, Xie Tian only put one hand around the book and stretched the hand far away as if he was afraid of damaging the thing.

The process of getting down the tree is much simpler than climbing up the tree. Basically, as long as you are not in a hurry, there won't be any big problems.

After Xie Tian jumped down steadily, Ma Yangyang looked down upon the thing in his hand. It seemed to be a toy airplane. He didn't know how those children got such a thing up the tree.

Xie Tian returned the things to several children. The children were very happy. Xie Tian lowered his head and said a few words to them. Then the little girl who was crying just now smiled. She didn't know what she said. Xie Tian squatted down.

The little girl looked around, quickly kissed Xie Tian on the face and ran away quickly, leaving the two little boys screaming and laughing.

Xie Tian looked a little dazed after being kissed, but there was a tenderness in his eyes that Ma Yangyang had never seen before.

Even from a long distance, Ma Yangyang could feel the tenderness and warmth radiating from Xie Tian at this moment.

Ma Yangyang suddenly felt envious of that little girl, who could secretly kiss him openly and see his warmest expression.