I Attacked Because I Was Afraid Of Death

Chapter 3: Go be a hero


In the desperation that even he could not believe, Chi Xin "led" Jing Xiubai to jump off the huge wall, the sound of the wind pierced his ears, and the people on the wall turned into black dots one by one.

"Di, the trouble point has risen to 55, congratulations to the host! Please make persistent efforts!"

The act of jumping off the wall with the male protagonist actually increased the trouble value by 50 points. It seems that the price of offending the male protagonist is really not small.

The cold wind blew Chi Xin's face, and even Xianxin spit out a groove in his heart.

In this unscientific movie world, Chi Xin has seen his troubled future.

However, the operation of the system sounded a warning to the pool core.

Once the trouble score is lower than the passing level, the system can manipulate its body at will. If it fails all the time... Who will this body finally belong to? What will happen to her when she realizes it? Will it simply be eliminated because of being in the way, or is it more terrifying, imprisoned in this body, but can only watch everything happen until death

Chi Xin felt a sudden chill in his heart.

In the rapid fall, Jing Xiubai's glasses were blown somewhere, and the clear and sharp pupil light was also full of disbelief.

Chi Xin felt a chill under his body, and a bone-chilling chill spread along the overlapping body, causing Chi Xin to shiver, and suddenly realized that he was still holding Jing Xiubai!

However, Jing Xiubai didn't take the opportunity to kill her. Just after condensing the ice-skating surface, the two of them shook at the same time and landed on the unconscious zombie mountain that had been stacked up before.

Regardless of Chi Xin's claws still tied to his body, Jing Xiubai stretched out his arms and protected Chi Xin in his arms, actually using himself as a wall to withstand the impact of the two.

His intentions were good, but for Chi Xin, who had just offended him and got a terrifying fifty points of trouble, the touch of protection made her feel cold.

Even disregarding the danger of fast sliding, Chi Xin subconsciously wanted to push the male protagonist away.

So she moved her hands freely and gently pushed Jing Xiubai...

Jing Xiubai's downward momentum suddenly stagnated. There was no frame to cover it. His eyes could not hide the surprise. In order to prevent the impact from tearing himself, he had to let Chi Xin slip out of his arms, and grabbed one with his hands. Only the arm of the zombie stopped his body.

He turned back quickly to search for Chi Xin's figure.

Even if there are zombies as a buffer, if this height falls without protection, the worst will be a rupture of the internal organs.

Chi Xin at this time: Ah, ah, ah, so many zombies!

After breaking away from Jing Xiubai, she finally realized that she had been on something for so long.

Don't think about it! Don't try to bite her!

For a while, Chi Xin didn't realize that these zombies were incapacitated with their eyes wide open. Her strong will to survive broke out again, and her slender waist suddenly twisted upwards.

Under Jing Xiubai's shocked gaze, her whole body bounced up in a posture that was impossible for human beings. Her light body was like a beautiful butterfly on the ruins. Some hard, hot object was picked up subconsciously.

She rolled over several times and came to the ground. In order to maintain her balance, she tapped on one knee. The thing she picked up was raised diagonally by her side, and her long black hair was scattered and covered her whole body.

Startled a dust.

Then she stood up, looked up at the people above, and behind her was a frenzy of zombies, and she was the only one in charge.

The man on the wall:…

Jing Xiubai:…

Chi Xin looked at the inexplicable charge/machine/gun in his hand: …

This operation really shocked the survivors of the L base.

Cao Yan, who was clamoring to kill Chi Xin before, patted Yu Xiang's shoulder with a demented look, "Isn't she your classmate?"

Yu Xiang nodded dully, "Yes."

Cao Yan: "Aren't you an ordinary famous university? Or a training base for special forces?"

Yu Xiang was silent for a while, then looked up at him, "How about you push me down and see if I can turn it like this?"

The survivor watched Chi Xin's operation, and the deep-rooted impression of her was subverted in his heart.

At the same time, their ideas are subverted.

"This... If Chi Xin has this kind of skill, she shouldn't have to rely on a man for relief, right?"

"Yeah, she's so powerful, I'm afraid only Jing Xiubai can match her, saying that she was raised by a man... I don't quite believe it."

"Actually, no one really saw her asking for something from a man before, didn't they? Someone said it."

"If you say that, will this corpse tide have another secret? She is so powerful, it is impossible to provoke such a large group of zombies by accident."

At this point, everyone fell silent.

Mu Qiang is an instinct of human beings. Once the unswerving concept before is shaken, the group that wants to vent their anger together also has a split.

"What are you talking about?" Someone said, "What if she is powerful? She is the one who brought back the zombie tide! We must let her pay for her life, and we can't let her be the culprit!"

However, this time, there are not so many voices who agree with him, only a few people.

The man's angry face twisted, but like the others, he couldn't help looking at the pool core that had reached the ground.

In any case, they have no choice but to see if this weak girl can bring them life.

Chi Xin didn't know the quarrel between them, she looked up at Jing Xiubai who was hanging in the air, and tried to speak to him with all her strength.

Suddenly, there was a loud "da-da-da-da" sound, and the machine/off/gun in his hand went off.

And everyone who was stunned by the sound of gunfire thought she had something to say, so they stopped arguing unconsciously, and all looked at her.

Chi Xin suddenly became the focus of attention, and the embarrassment in her heart was about to break through the sky. After the thrilling reality show from the first perspective just now, she was completely frightened, and the expression on her face was frosty.

She wanted to say: what time are you still hanging there doing! Come down and discuss how to kill high-level zombies! The zombies are coming!

Then she opened her mouth: "Jing Xiubai, do you want to marinate bacon for the zombies?"

The people on the city wall who heard her voice:…

The distance was a little far, and Chi Xin couldn't see Jing Xiubai's expression, but after she finished shouting this sentence, an ice crystal skateboard formed under Jing Xiubai's feet. before.

This scene was seen by the people on the wall, and they all fell into another shock.

"Did you see it?"

"See, what is that?"

"Appears out of thin air and disappears out of thin air, like ice."

Jing Xiubai's eyes were as black as ink, and Chi Xin didn't dare to look at it. Looking at the tide of zombies, he decided to preemptively: "You should know why I brought you down."

She thought about it, and it was a fact that the male protagonist jumped over the wall. It is better to admit it and take the opportunity to squeeze his use value!

Jing Xiubai looked at her, the guess in his heart was confirmed, and he was a little wary in the shock, "How did you know?"

seen in the movie.

How could Chi Xin dare to explain to him, he couldn't make it up for a while, seeing the zombies getting closer and closer, he had to turn his head and look him in the eyes, "Is this issue important now? If you still want to live, just do One thing: cover me!"

Jing Xiubai seemed to have a lot of things to ask, but the crisis was imminent, he only had time to take a deep look at Chi Xin, then raised a hand, "It seems that we are all hiding something, but you have no trace. ."

Chi Xin didn't dare to speak with a guilty conscience, she felt the temperature around her suddenly dropped, and the exclamations of everyone on the city wall could be heard from so far away.

She raised her head and saw one ice awl condensed in the sky, all sharp and cold enough to pierce the head of a zombie.

Chi Xin thought again: "Why don't you just…"

The system's voice suddenly sounded: "Cause the trouble value failed to pass the warning."

"...cover me!" Chi Xin turned around abruptly.

She was speechless, and it seemed that the Goubi system had to let her kill the high-level zombie by herself.

But it wasn't over yet. In order to punish her, the system wanted to let others go and ruthlessly deducted ten points from her.

"When the host commits a crime for the first time, ten points will be deducted as a warning," the system said.

Chi Xin: I kill the system.

She had no way to go back, so she had to hold onto her only weapon, facing the surging tide of corpses, and rushed directly over!


She shot first and headshot the nearest zombie, and countless zombies swarmed, instantly engulfing her petite body.

There was light bursting from the sky, and countless ice swords reflected the sunlight, piercing the zombies around the pool core.

Chi Xin looked back, Jing Xiubai's expression was cold, his handsome facial features were freed from his glasses, and the appearance of manipulating the ice sword was like a god of creation.

Well done, the male lead is reliable enough!

Chi Xin has no worries, and with a resolute face, he plans to rush in... rush... ah, there are so many zombies, you are really going to die, you dog than the system, why is it so tossing your host, and the male protagonist is lying down to win? You have to watch it I am happy to die!

Even with Jingxiu Baiqinglu, the stinky mouth and dirty hands of the zombies scrambled to reach Chi Xin's hair and body. Chi Xin was full of panic and madness, listening to the system constantly "+0.1 Trouble Point, + 0.1 Trouble Point" notice, sent a ruthless effort to get rid of these things.

dig! door! Tie! system! Killing one only gives 0.1 points!

So in the eyes of Jing Xiubai and everyone on the city wall, Chi Xin controlled the assault/machine/gun with his left hand.

The right hand slapped the head of the zombie fiercely, and countless zombies were smashed by her knife and fell down.

She blocked and killed the gods and Buddhas all the way, no matter how tall, short, fat, or thin, no zombies could stop her.

Even if you can't see her expression, it seems like you can imagine how resolute and decisive such a fierce and fearless warrior should be at this moment.

Jing Xiubai looked at her slender but forward-looking back, the suspicion in his eyes subconsciously faded, he turned his wrist, and a thicker and sharper ice cone condensed, stabbing the zombie attacking Chi Xin without hesitation. .

He observed the angle and tried to kill the high-level zombie in command directly, but after several attempts, he found that the other party could always dodge strangely, and he couldn't hit it.

On the city wall at this time, Cao Yan patted Yu Xiang again, just about to open his mouth.

"It's not a magic academy, nor a martial arts school. They're not human, don't ask me how I know." Yu Xiang's face was blank, and he stopped the words first.

Cao Yan patted harder, with uncontrollable excitement in his voice: "Whether they are humans or ghosts, I want to say... Maybe it's really saved!"

In the last days, what is the difference between a human being and a ghost? As long as you can survive, you will not hesitate to turn people into ghosts.

Unconsciously, people looked at the two with reverence and hope. No matter what they had done before, at this moment, no one brought up the old account.

At the juncture of life and death, as long as you can survive, there is nothing you can't bear.

As for the few voices who were still questioning the pool core before, they have now completely disappeared.

in the tank.

Each tank is equipped with three soldiers. They are the few remaining tank soldiers in base a. They were ordered to come to support base l, but because they underestimated the strength of the corpse tide, they put themselves in a desperate situation.

After they ran out of shells, they fired wildly at the corpse tide with guns, but the corpse tide was endless. When they ran out of ammunition and food, they only killed a small part of it.

"Looks like we're going to die here." The commander-in-chief struggled to look at the others, "I'm sorry for you!"

"Don't say that, Commander!" A soldier responded loudly, "Communications are blocked, no one knows that there will be high-level intelligent zombies here, and no human beings can fight against it at present!"

Not to mention fighting it, under the protection of layers of corpses, it is impossible to even approach high-level zombies.

Everyone understands this truth. When the last gun's ammunition is also used up, all the soldiers show despair, each with a hideous face, planning to drive a tank into the corpse tide, how many can be crushed to death? .

Suddenly, several transparent ice picks stabbed, and most of the zombies surrounding the tank collapsed.

The soldiers were stunned.

Then they saw that a petite and weak girl, even the age of some of them's school-going daughters, was covered in blood, carrying a submachine gun and a gun that was a bit huge for her. He was kicking the zombie in front of him with all his might, and walked over the mountain of corpses and the sea of blood.

With flying black hair and grim eyes, she took off the empty gun in her hand and threw it hard at one of them.

The soldier's eyes widened and he wanted to dodge, but saw that the gun coming towards him had passed him straight and plunged into a zombie that was about to pounce on him.

The long barrel was poked into the eyes of the zombie, and some came out of the back of the head, which made people startled at how much power this seemingly ordinary girl contained in her body.

"What are you still doing?"

The girl twisted her weak hands and broke the head of a zombie directly.

"Cover me and kill that god-killed high-level zombie!"