I Attacked Because I Was Afraid Of Death

Chapter 35: Teach the zombie king a lesson


The pool core searched for the voice and defended the position. With the excellent physical response, he punched the place where the sound came from.


The skin that the fist touched was cold and soft, not as stiff as she imagined.

Chi Xin looked in amazement at the fist that didn't even show the red mark, and then saw Lou Chen, who was slapped to the ground by her punch, covering his face and howling.

"You crazy woman!"

Lou Chen got up from the ground covering his nose, surging anger flashed in his slender eyes, he glared at Chi Xin, his fingers moved, as if he was about to pinch her neck.

But it was probably due to the measure of force value, he just made a false gesture, and then continued to cover his nose with tears.

Chi Xin thoughtfully touched his fingers, and his exploratory eyes fell on the zombie king who had a vivid expression at this time, such as ignoring his skin color and blue veins, which looked like an ordinary teenager.

Lou Chen wanted to continue scolding, but when he looked up and saw Chi Xin's face, his expression froze.

With tears in his eyes, he said, "Why are you so obsessed with me?"

Chi Xin didn't hide it, and asked him directly: "Are you a human or a zombie?"

Before that, under the influence of the movie, she always thought that the ingredients of the medicine in Lou Chen's body overlapped with the zombie virus, so he had the ability to order zombies.

In this way, Lou Chen himself should have been out of the scope of human beings, more like a completed zombie.

Lou Chen's face froze for a moment, he lowered his head and wiped his eyes, his expression returned to a arrogant smile that was not a smile, "Do you want to accept my invitation by asking this question?"

He thought that Chi Xin would at least answer a "yes" or "no".

No matter which answer she made, he had the answer ready, and he had to show the woman who embarrassed him—

"Don't say pull down."

Chi Xin simply averted his gaze, showing a lack of interest.

Lou Chen's face stiffened, "What did you say?"

"I'm not interested in you, so I won't say anything if I don't say it." Chi Xin glanced at him suspiciously, and said of course, "Okay, now that I've finished beating you, you can send me back."

The pool core silently counted in his heart.

Three, two, one...

"Are you provoking me?"

Lou Chen's voice was suddenly lowered, full of gloom and threat.

Chi Xin secretly pouted.

To deal with this kind of middle school boy, you can't follow him.

The more he wants you to do something, the more you don't do it, the more you will anger him.

Lou Chen stared at her for a moment.

The cell looked back unmoved.

Lou Chen's eyes didn't change, it was still the same as in the original dream, full of resentment in the coldness.

It's just that Chi Xin is now staring at him, and he no longer has the feeling of chills all over his body.

If this was not in his dream, she even wanted to break his head with him, could she correct the strange thoughts in his mind

Thinking of this, Chi Xin's eyes became a little dangerous.

Lou Chen's expression didn't change, but he couldn't help but take a small step back.

He reflexively touched the still painful nasal bone, silent for a moment, and asked the question he wanted to ask when Chi Xin came, "Are you satisfied with my present this time?"

"Satisfied." Chi Xin was expressionless, "It saved me a lot of work."

"You don't accept my invitation, but choose to stand on the side of humans, and I will let you know how disgusting humans can be." Lou Chen said in a low voice, "How about it, did you see it?"

Chi Xin's eyebrows moved, just when Lou Chen thought that she finally stopped pretending and wanted to show her sad face.

"I already know how disgusting humans are." Chi Xin said, "But you are so naive, it's the first time I know."

Lou Chen's expression froze.

"Is this your revenge? Then I really want to praise your wise decision." Chi Xin's tone was calm, but it sounded inexplicably ironic, "You said research The people in the room don't deserve your revenge, but you don't dare? Do you remember the way back, do you want my sister to buy you a plane ticket?"

Lou Chen's whole person seemed sluggish.

Chi Xin's cold eyes glanced over, "Lou Chen, if you only use despicable means to bully the weak, you are not worthy of being the zombie king in the apocalypse."

Lou Chen slowly turned his eyes to look at her, the corners of his mouth grinned into an arc that would not smile.

"Shut up." He suddenly retracted all his expressions, "Do you know that? Do you stand here and say I'm not worthy, to justify those humans? Chi Xin, you came out of there alive, don't you just Aren't you afraid of dreaming?"

The cold and twisted laboratory that appeared in the dream flashed in my mind.

Chi Xin tentatively said: "I often dream of the scene in the laboratory, of those demons in white coats, and that snake tail ring..."

"Shut up! Shut up! I told you to shut up!"

To Chi Xin's surprise, Lou Chen had a considerable reaction to her words.

He widened his slender eyes, and tried so hard that the whites of his eyes burst out with red bloodshots.

"How dare you mention him? That's something that even hell won't accept, don't you worry about—" He froze, and there was a slight fear in his eyes.

Even though he was no longer in the laboratory, he suddenly lowered his tone, as if Ye Feng would send his voice out.

"—You're not worried, will he locate you?"

The gust of wind under the cliff roared up, and the window of the cabin, which was not tightly closed, was knocked open with a bang.

The quiet cold wind blew in and brushed Chi Xin's neck.

With Lou Chen's soft words, the cold hairs on her neck were quietly standing.

"What do you mean?" Chi Xin asked in a deep voice.

Lou Chen smiled silently, with a dead silence in his eyes.

"'Positioning'," he whispered. "A means that even the devil can't use. Guess, we will become the first souls of his subordinates?"

Chi Xin looked at him fixedly without saying a word.

"I thought you and Jing Xiubai were together." Lou Chen said, "I thought neither of you were..." His eyes wavered and he swallowed the following words, "Since you are the same as me, why did you reject me? invitation?"

Chi Xin's mind was spinning rapidly. According to his words, he couldn't compile effective information, so he could only vaguely say: "Just like you, do I have to accept your invitation?"

"I just can't imagine it."

Lou Chen walked to the window, "As long as the devil doesn't die, we won't be safe forever. Are you willing to live like this?"

He turned his back to Chi Xin, so he didn't catch the shock that instantly revealed in her eyes.

Isn't the Zombie King the most evil and powerful boss in the movie? Where did this more powerful demon come from

She felt a buzzing sound in her ears, as if the train carrying the plot was screaming and broke free from the tracks.

"You said you didn't want revenge." Chi Xin chose his words carefully, "I thought you didn't want to go to him."

Lou Chen suddenly turned around.

"I don't want to go to him."

He showed an expression like a smile and a cry, and his bewitching facial features reflected the night, with a strange beauty.

"He's coming to find me."

The pool core did not make a sound for a long time.

"Chi Xin, you are my only companion." Lou Chen took a step closer to her and extended his hand to her again, "We are facing such a fate, do you still want to do something for this world? It's rotten, and our vision shouldn't stop there."

Chi Xin looked at his outstretched hand, this time he didn't rush him away, but he didn't hold it either.

"You don't want revenge, and you don't want to be in the company of humans." Chi Xin said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Create a new world." Lou Chen's eyes burst with persistence and seriousness, "Humans have too deep a heart, they are too easy to give birth to demons, but zombies are different, they are pure, they only know how to obey my orders, such as ‌ With only them in the world, it will be much cleaner."

After all, this kid still wants to destroy the world.

Lou Chen stretched out his hand again, "Chi Xin, hold it, let's stand on top of the world together."

Chi Chi sighed.

"Chi Xin!" Lou Chen's voice hurried.

"Listen, I really want to seriously explain something to you."

Chi Xin moved his wrist and ankle, and made a crisp "click" sound, which made Lou Chen's fingertips tremble.

Maybe because he was beaten more than once by Chi Xin, his nerves became alert, he withdrew his hand sensitively, and looked at her vigilantly: "Do you want to do something?"

"I just think it's better to use a more direct method to deal with children who don't listen to others."

Chi Xin smiled at him.

The next second, she suddenly raised a long leg, causing her whole body to fly sideways.

Lou Chen's pupils shrank, instantly forgetting that it was in his own dream, and turned around and wanted to run away.

However, just as he took a step, Chi Xin hooked his neck with his legs.

The left leg was hooked, the right leg was quickly entangled, following the inertia of the body's descent, Chi Xin suddenly twisted his waist and locked Lou Chen tightly.

"Bang dong."

Lou Chen fell heavily to the ground along with Chi Xin.

Chi Xin's slender long legs locked his neck tightly. He tried to reach out to break it, and his entire face was flushed red.

"Let... let go!"

His voice changed.

"Don't move!" Chi Xin snorted, tightening his twisted legs, "If I can't control my strength, even if you are in a dream, you will die, right?"

Lou Chen's movements froze, and he stopped moving for a moment.

He was breathing so fast that he could hardly breathe.

"What do you want to do?" He squeezed these words out of his teeth.

Chi Xin wanted to ask a lot of questions, she hesitated, a pair of red eyes flashed in her mind.

"Where did you get the high-level zombie you sent to command the wolves?"

Lou Chen didn't answer, he patted Chi Xin's leg desperately, looking like he was dying.

Chi Xin loosened his legs slightly, "Sorry, I'm a little too strong."

Lou Chen took a deep breath of air and glanced at her with resentment.

"Speak." Chi Xin's posture was about to tighten again.

"I don't know who she was when she was alive." Lou Chen spoke quickly, "When I picked her up, she was already a corpse, I just turned her into a zombie."

"You don't know? Are you a liar?" Chi Xin squeezed his legs, and Lou Chen rolled his eyes, "You're not her, so you sent her here as a 'gift'?"

"I... I really don't know!" Lou Chen was about to die of anger, "After she turned into a zombie, I could feel her resentment towards this base, but who is she, how would I know! I'm not checking the household registration. of!"

Hearing what he said, Chi Xin believed it a bit.

"Then why did she chase after me and bite?"

"I said I don't know! Maybe she had a grudge against you during her lifetime, because she lost the limited edition or something? You girls can't make this kind of inexplicable grudge!"

Seeing that Lou Chen's face was flushed and pale, and he couldn't even see the original blue-white complexion, she relaxed and kicked him away.

"Is there any possibility of her regaining consciousness?" Chi Xin ignored his strange answer.

Lou Chen sat on the ground and retreated several meters away from her.

"Zombie back to human? You want to be beautiful." He was annoyed.

"You don't need to recover," Chi Xin said. "It's just to let her... be able to respond to the outside world."

"She can respond to me, what do I say she does?" Lou Chen said.

The pool core is going to pass again.

"Stand there! Don't move!" Lou Chen was like a big enemy, "You came out of the lab, did you forget that you still have the serum! Just give her an injection and it's over!"

Blood... clear

Chi Xin was stunned, and the legs that he stepped out also retracted.

Does this thing that Jing Xiubai and the others regard as the hope of saving the world and are looking for it really exists

If there is serum... Can this apocalypse develop better than the ending in the movie

"You don't know?" Lou Chen wondered.

Chi Xin didn't dare to reveal too much. She said coldly, "Are you kidding me? Ji Rui died of illness. Even if the serum is used, it's just a recovery from a zombie to a dead person?"

"Then you can't go to the laboratory." Lou Chen's eyes flashed a little, and the corners of his mouth drew a strange arc, "Our demons always have a way..."

Lou Chen's voice suddenly became distant.

Chi Xin tried his best to hear what he said, but just like in a dream before, Lou Chen's whole person, including this space, distorted and vibrated.

An ominous premonition flashed in Chi Xin's heart.


A short-lived hoarse electric squeak sounded in his head, and the core of the pool was like falling into an ice cellar.

"Searching for the location of the host... The host is in an illusion... Release, drop..."

After a while, Chi Xin opened his eyes and saw the ceiling of the wooden house again.

The window was closed, and Vona's shallow breathing sounded not far away, showing that this was the real world.

Chi Xin sat up slowly, and the voices of Lou Chen and the system alternated in his mind.

The system... is back

Before it disappeared, it said that the host had lost control and was going to ask for support.

Now, what did it ask for back support

The pool core carefully felt the condition of the body, and there was no difference.

"System?" she tried to call.

There was silence.

Just like ‌, the voice in the dream just now is really dreaming.

But the cell was not taken lightly.

She knew that the system couldn't disappear forever so easily, but she didn't expect to come back under such circumstances.

The Zombie King is staring at him, the base is full of dangers, and the mysteries are intricate.

Calm down, core, calm down.

Chi Xin closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

The mood that had been somewhat chaotic just now gradually returned to stability under the adjustment of a few breaths.

As soon as he calmed down, his blinded five senses regained their sensitivity.

In the dark night, a small whimper and cry came into her ears.


An idea appeared, and Chi Xin's face instantly became terrifying.

She turned her head to look at Vona, who was still sleeping, and gently opened the door and left the house.

The base went through the daytime changes, and now the vitality is greatly damaged, and there is no energy to manage the girls in the middle of the night, and the pool core came out very smoothly.

As soon as it came out, the subtle cry became more obvious.

Chi Xin searched the space, removed the firearms and daggers, and fixed his sight on a certain place.

She pulled out a slender Tang knife.

The handle of the knife was dark and moist, and the blade was cold, reflecting her water-like eyes.

Obviously overkill.

This knife was found in the arsenal in L City. At that time, there was a military thorn given by Rong Feng, but Chi Xin never noticed it.

She held a long knife and judged the direction.

Ash is crying.

When she was dragged out of the room by this man, she hadn't realized what was going on. The surviving sisters buried themselves in the quilt and didn't even dare to show their faces.

She didn't know until she was dragged into the woods by a man wearing thin clothes, and the familiar grim face shrouded her, and she tore her clothes.

"No, don't..." Ashe cried softly, "I don't want pain, I don't want pain."


A slap fell, with merciless force.

Ashe's face was slanted to one side, and a clear slap print instantly appeared on her fair little face.

She was stunned, her voice choked instantly, but the tears fell even more fiercely.

"Damn, so many people died today, don't force me to kill you here too."

The man above spoke viciously, and couldn't wait to pick up her clothes.

Ashe was stunned in tears, her body shivered from the cold.

She thought of many people, her former parents, and her sister Vona who always hugged her and cried when she came here, and finally settled on a sweet bread.

The elder sister who handed her the bread smiled beautifully. She said, "Don't worry, no one dares to come and grab it."

If that sister is here, will she say "don't worry, no one dares to bully you"

"Huh? What's going on?"

The man desperately wanted to xx, he fiercely wanted to make that what and what, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make that what that what.

"Oh shit!"

The frustration in this area was enough to make all the men collapse. He was sweating profusely, and he was instantly angry with Ashe who was crying constantly.

"You little bitch//It's all your fault, let me—"

Ashe shrank his neck reflexively, and reached out to hug his head.

"do not want-"

The expected pain did not fall on her.


With the light sound of a heavy object falling, Ashe shuddered, wondering what was going on.

An embrace with the fragrance of washing powder came up and hugged her icy, trembling body tightly.

"never mind."

The voice that was still fantasizing in my mind just now sounded in my ears.

"Don't worry, no one can bully you."

Soft and firm, with the tenderness that condenses the whole world.

Ashe was stunned and tremblingly grabbed the collar of the person who was holding her.

She didn't dare to look up, "Sister Chi Xin?"

"it's me."

Chi Xin's icy and angry gaze swept across the dead body beside him, holding Asheyu in disbelief, he picked up the knife beside him, and gestured on his bare//exposed area.

He raised the knife with his hands expressionless.

The knife is dirty, go back and make a sacrifice.

As she thought, she held Ashe's head deeper in her arms.

Sensing that she was cold all over, she took out a padded jacket from the space and wrapped her tightly.

"Ai Xi is good, don't be afraid."

Ashe finally summoned up the courage and looked up at her timidly, "Sister Chi Xin, do I really need to be beaten again?"

Chi Xin felt a pain in her heart by the careful stab in her eyes.

"No, no more beatings, no more pain." Chi Xin kissed her forehead lightly, "Ai Xi, will my sister take you back to sleep?"

Ashe clutched her clothes tightly and whispered, "I want to sleep with my sister."


Chi Xin picked up Ashe and went all the way back to her and Vona's hut.

Holding the person, the sound of the door opening was not so soft. Vona rubbed her eyes and sat up. After seeing the scene in front of her, she immediately woke up, "You guys?"

Chi Xin still had blood on his face, and looked at Vona with the coldness of his eyes.

Vona shivered for a while, and when Vona was in her arms, she immediately understood.

"Aishe!" Vona got up and rushed in front of them, looking at Chi Xin pleadingly, "She, didn't she?"

"I arrived in time." Chi Xin handed Ai Xi into her arms, "please appease her, I'll take care of the aftermath."

Vona staggered while holding Ashe and looked at her suspiciously, "You took that person...?"

Chi Xin keenly felt Ashe tremble.

She shook her head at Vona, "You take care of her."

Vona also realized that she couldn't say this in front of Ashe, and nodded worriedly.

Chi Xin touched Ai Xi's soft hair, bent down and looked her in the eyes, "Ai Xi understands what happened, right?"

Ashe nodded and shook her head again, her clear eyes looking at her worriedly.

"Will Sister Chi Xin be punished?"

Her heart is small.

She didn't know how terrible things happened outside, only that her father was gone, her mother was gone, and her world was in front of her.

In her knowledge, resisting those men would be punished horribly.

Ashe's eyes are so clear, it seems that no filth has ever been caught in her eyes.

Chi Xin's throat moved a bit, suppressing some choking.

"No." Chi Xin said, "Today is condemned by heaven. Many bad people have died, and it doesn't matter if one more dies."

Wona was still distressed, and when she heard Chi Xin's words, she glanced at her dumbfounded.

"Don't teach the children." She complained in a low voice.

Chi Xin smiled and straightened up, "Okay, you all go to sleep, I'll go clean up."

With Ashe's well-behaved "sister be careful", Chi Xin's face suddenly darkened as soon as he went out.

She returned to the place just now, put on a pair of medical isolation gloves, put on a pair of medical isolation gloves, put the body in a bag, took it to the edge of the cliff and threw it down.

After doing all this, she turned to look behind the tree beside her.

"You've been watching there all night, don't you think it's time to meet?"

Someone was looking at them, which Chi Xin realized after coming out.

But she didn't feel any threat, and in a hurry to save Ashe, she ignored him.

Originally thought that he would run away after the scene before, and he would have to spend a lot of time to find him, but he did not expect this person to follow her all the time.

Chi Xin looked at the tree with a deep voice, "Come out."

There was a sound of falling snow being stepped on from behind the tree.

Chi Xin stretched his muscles and stared at the person who came out.

Cowardly eyebrows, complicated expressions.

The person who came out was not malicious, but a familiar acquaintance.

Rao is Chi Xin, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"It's you?"