I Attacked Because I Was Afraid Of Death

Chapter 4: Nuclear good smile


In the face of such a turbulent corpse tide, coupled with the high-level zombies who are staring at them, everyone thought that they were finished.

This is the most difficult era for human beings. It is difficult for everyone to protect themselves, and resources are close to drying up. Even City A, which used to be the capital, is now the base A, and they dare not say that they have the power to protect themselves.

It is also the time when heroes are needed the most.

And now the people who have witnessed this battle seem to have the shadow of a hero in their hearts in a trance.

In order to prevent these zombies from touching her, Chi Xin did her best without system requirements, beheading all the way to the rear.

The body seems to have its own consciousness, but any touch with offensive intent cannot touch a corner of her clothes.

At this time, the zombies had already rushed under the wall, and Jing Xiubai started to protect the city wall from being captured. There were many fewer ice picks supporting Chi Xin, and the pressure around him suddenly increased, and Chi Xin's pupils narrowed slightly.

A male arm stretched out, and even though she saw that she didn't need it, it overturned a zombie beside her.

A young soldier looked at her with a gleam of admiration, "Girl, just charge forward! Behind, our brothers will take care of you!"


All the soldiers responded with a bang, surrounded Chi Xin in a circle, and fought fiercely to clear the way for her.

Chi Xin almost burst into tears: In fact, I want you to rush, I'll take care of the aftermath!

Let me, a delicate girl, kill the elite monsters, are you embarrassed!

So all the soldiers looked at the beautiful girl, after hearing their determination, her eyes softened when facing the incomparably cold zombies, and faintly flashed a tear.

She turned out to be such a strong and soft girl.

Chi Xin opened his mouth, but when he thought of the dog's behavior that the system would deduct points, he didn't dare to say anything, but turned his head decisively, grabbed the empty gun on his body, and swung it back.

A zombie behind him suddenly burst into bloom.

The soldiers who saw this scene all showed a shocked expression, and one of them was almost bitten.

As trained warriors, they naturally know how much arm strength and how strong psychological qualities are needed to achieve this effect.

Does the base actually hide such terrifying warriors

No wonder they dare to face high-level zombies alone, if it is this girl, maybe she can really give it a try!

Several soldiers glanced at each other, and at the same time were infected by Chi Xin's perseverance, and burst out with a strong will to survive.

The weak attack also regained its strength.

Chi Xin didn't know what they were thinking. She only felt that she had a steady stream of energy in her body, and she didn't need to control all her actions, it was almost an instinctive reaction.

But as the force increases, the feeling of being restrained becomes more obvious.

She is much more than these powers.

She could feel that there was a huge amount of energy lurking in her body, but only less than one-tenth of it came out.

And over time, the tenth also began to weaken, and even though she wasn't tired, her body showed signs of exhaustion.

Not good.

Chi Xin's death warning sounded instantly, she didn't want to die, and now the only way to keep her alive—

Chi Xin suddenly looked at the high-level zombies who were hiding among the zombies and were already very close to them, with a green light in his eyes.

The young warrior who had always been by her side turned his head and saw her eyes. With rich combat experience, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

This is the look of the wolf king staring at his prey!

At this time, the desire to live has surpassed the fear of zombies, and Chi Xin tore off a hem of his own shirt, regardless of what happened.

She grabbed the empty gun she just snatched, and under the cover of the soldiers, she tied her long hair high.

Then she took down the gun and grabbed the end of her hair casually, so as not to let the long hair interfere with the movement, and used this to control the trembling roots of her teeth.

She stepped on the stairs made of countless zombies and walked towards the high-level zombie step by step.

The decisive battle that is about to break out here also attracted the attention of the people on the city wall. In bursts of terrified screams, the high-level zombie launched its attack.

Its movements are lightning fast, and its thin hands are like sharp claws.

Chi Xin turned his head to avoid the attack, and a word flashed in his mind: Weak.

She can!

The body moved at will, and at the moment of dodging, Chi Xin stretched out his hand straight, and in the countless shocked gasps, he held the zombie's wrist.

The high-level zombie wanted to struggle, but it was horrified to find that with the strength of its agile zombie, it could not compete with the pool core at all.

And when it woke up to this point, the other hand of the pool core had already grabbed the top of its head.

Then a fair, slender, graceful calf in its blue-white pupils enlarged, enlarged, and clicked.

The world spins.

Chi Xin tightly grasped the things in his hand, turned his feet in half a circle and landed, taking the opportunity to stabilize his body.

She even kicked the head of the high-level zombie abruptly.

Chi Xin: Brain... Brain pulp...

I don't know if there is any washing powder in this wasteland era, I want to cry.

And at this moment, Chi Xin felt a cold chill covering her whole body, she held the thing tightly, and reflexively looked in the direction that made her feel threatened.

But she only saw the zombies that were swarming. There was something hidden in them, which made her feel that the previous high-level zombies were far less threatened.

In the eyes of everyone, she held the head of the zombie, like a triumphant warrior carrying her trophy, and looked back at the direction of the city wall.

With this cold and empty look, it seemed that the victory she had won was just a trivial matter for her.

At the moment when this scene happened, the zombies surrounding her lost control, and they didn't have such a strong attack intention. They just wanted to eat human flesh by instinct, and it became extremely easy to kill them.

A soldier was full of awe, and looked carefully at the head in Chi Xin's hand, "This... hero, what should we do now?"

Unconsciously, Chi Xin has become the backbone of these people, willing to obey her orders.

Chi Xin's violent heartbeat has not yet calmed down, and his eyes are empty: "It's over, go back."

When the task was over, the system added 20 points of trouble to her, which was close to the passing line.

The pool core is full of thoughts now, and finally no need to be visited by the system dog for the time being.

She realized what she was holding in her hand, and suddenly felt sick, and immediately threw it out.


If it weren't for the fact that her strength was on the verge of exhaustion, she would have vomited out her heart on the spot.

Several soldiers gasped for breath, struggling to destroy the remaining zombies, looked at the head of the high-level zombies, and shook their hands lightly, Chi Xin, who didn't even breathe much: …

They looked at each other and saw the helplessness and happiness in each other's eyes.

Helpless because of the gap between people, thankful that there are such heroes on the human side.

It was not that no one was sacrificed in this brutal battle, but because of the existence of the pool core, most of the people survived the situation that should have been wiped out.

The remaining soldiers willingly protected Chi Xin and followed her all the way back to the city wall.

Jing Xiubai's face was a little pale, and the use of abilities in such a wide range and with high intensity was far more expensive than in the movie, but when Chi Xin was "working hard", he firmly protected the rear, and added The shooting on the upper city wall did not allow a zombie to break through the protection.

He looked at Chi Xin, who had returned from a bloodbath, with strong emotions flashing in his eyes, which made a few strong colors appear on his calm and beautiful face.

I don't know if it is hatred, admiration, consternation, or precaution.

All in all, Jing Xiubai's feelings were obviously complicated, and he didn't have the determination to kill Chi Xin as soon as they met.

After discovering this, Chi Xin didn't feel relieved even after killing the zombies, so he relaxed a little.

Great, you don't have to be headshot by the male protagonist with an ice pick.

Chi Xin couldn't even be moved, she wanted to show a kind smile to Jing Xiubai.

So the corners of her mouth twitched on her blood-stained face, and her smile was cold and murderous.

The rough faces of the young warriors who happened to see her smiling couldn't help but turn red.

"Pool core - then!"

There was a call from the city wall, and Chi Xin raised his hand subconsciously, stably catching what was thrown at her.

As soon as he touched the warm and heavy gun body, the model of Chi Xin appeared in his mind again: xm109 type 25mm large-caliber sniper rifle/gun.

Wow, I'm like a firearms encyclopedia.

Chi Xin muttered coldly in his heart, looking up.

Many people were looking at her, as if she was a rare superstar, and Yu Xiang, who threw a gun at her, was waving his arms at her excitedly.

"Be a hero - Chi Xin!"


This is a title that the pool has never even thought about.

A coward who was afraid of death became the hero of the much-anticipated, and the film sold out at the box office.

Chi Xin held the gun and was about to turn around to shoot, but suddenly saw everyone's silent eyes: "... What's the matter?"

"The xm109 25mm large-caliber sniper rifle/gun has a net weight of 40 kilograms." Jing Xiubai habitually wanted to push his glasses, but he pushed them in the air, with a rare glimpse of shock in his eyes, "From a place tens of meters high Throw it down, enough to smash a hole one meter in diameter into the ground."

And the pool core, just so casually, caught it.

Chi Xin looked at the gun that was worth a small cannonball in his hand, and felt that he couldn't explain it, so he simply raised it and faced the zombies.

A soldier murmured softly: "Isn't this a lying shot..."

Another slapped his head with a slap, "The goddess is better with her hands than you with a gun, what are you talking about!"

Chi Xin listened to these words, and deeply mourned for her lack of common sense to reveal more anomalies. She turned her eyes away with a guilty conscience, and saw several tanks parked in the distance, surrounded by zombies.

A thought came to mind.

She looked back at the young soldier who had been following her: "Do you still want those tanks?"

The soldier was looking at her secretly, and suddenly saw that she was talking to him, his face was so red that he couldn't stop it, he stammered: "Yes, you can not!"

Chi Xin was stunned for a while, and he smiled a little, "Whether you want it or not, don't ask me for reimbursement."

After she finished speaking, she raised the gun and aimed it at a speed so fast that people couldn't react. Only when she raised the gun one second, there was a loud noise the next second.


The pool took an extra second this time, because instead of shooting without a target, it aimed at the fuel tank of one of the tanks.

And it was this short second that gave Jing Xiubai time to react.

When the tank exploded, Jing Xiubai instantly condensed a giant crystal screen, protecting the part of the crowd, including under the wall.

On the one hand, it is the most splendid fireworks of the last days, and on the other hand, it is everyone who is sluggish.

This crisis that was supposed to destroy the city was solved in an incredible way.

When the city gate opened, all the survivors consciously divided into two teams, everyone looked at the people outside with the tragic situation after the war.

The warrior who always followed Chi Xin raised the head of the high-level zombie with a serious face, and looked at Chi Xin with burning eyes, as if looking at the light in his heart.

This is the first time in human history that someone has killed a high-level zombie. Whether it is fighting against zombies or in terms of research value, this is a glorious milestone, and he must keep it for the goddess.

When Chi Xin turned around, he saw the head.

It happened that the half-convex or not-convex eyes on the top swayed for a while, and it fell out with a thud, leaving only a bloodshot attached.

Cells: …

She was almost out of breath.

But the more fearful, the colder her face became.

So the soldier stared blankly at her and glanced at the head with cold eyes, as if he was saying what to bring this thing in for, it was no big deal, he looked a little disgusted, his heart trembled, and his eyes became more and more hot.

But he still held the head and walked into the base with the pool core.

Chi Xin walked through complex eyes, and found that she and Jing Xiubai had basically received the same attention. It seems that neither Jing Xiubai's ability nor her sudden combat power are so easy to pass this level.

She raised her eyes to look at Jing Xiubai, who seemed to have expected such a scene, and his face was very calm.

Aware of Chi Xin's gaze, he looked towards Chi Xin, without the shield of the lens, revealing his flawless facial features.

In Qingming's rhythmic eyes, there is a bit of complicated inquiry.