I Attacked Because I Was Afraid Of Death

Chapter 68: Anti water


Xiao Ruo ant's eyes have not yet differentiated, and it relies on the sound to move its head towards the core of the pool. It is smaller and cute than the queen ant, but it is still much larger than a human's head. Carefully touched the hair of the pool core.

Lift and hold the cell.

"Mom's spleen is very good, please tell her well, don't put on the stinky air of human beings." Xiao Ruoyi said in a low voice.

Chi Xin seriously reviewed himself and asked for advice humbly, "Excuse me, tell you, what kind of behavior is a human being?"

The tense atmosphere suddenly leaked due to the insertion of Xiao Ruo ants, and Jing Xiubai and Rong Feng naturally felt the transformation of the termites in front of them.

When they heard Chi Xin's question, they turned 180 degrees, and both of them turned their heads and looked at the situation in confusion.

Chi Xin shook his head slightly at him, motioning to wait and see.

Xiao Ruoyi thought hard for a while, "Probably, no matter when you see me, you feel that you are better, right? When I was small and human beings were big, I was often slapped by the soles of my shoes. shoot."

Chi Xin heard a sense of grievance from his childish words.

Before she could answer, the queen ant's gentle yet majestic voice sounded again: "Okay, mother is a guest, how can you make trouble? Go back and play by yourself."

Xiao Ruoyi moved the antennae that was not held by Chi Xin, and with a sigh, he pulled out his antennae and crawled back to the ant's neck, not moving.

Chi Xin's eyes were soft, she looked up at the ant queen again, and her mentality had already changed.

"Queen ant, I understand your vigilance about human beings, but the world has changed, if you really hate human beings that much, I'm afraid you won't let me stand here and talk to you. ?"

The queen said: "Before this mutation, the status of my family and humans was very different. Those who lived close to humans were not uncommon to attack humans after the mutation. I have been far away from human beings from the very beginning, nesting and multiplying in this sparsely populated Gobi, never occupying a single cent of human beings, and now I am very angry at this disaster.”

"Now my children are also begging you, and I can let you go out, but you must promise that you will never reveal my residence to mankind, and I want the people to protect the last of their lives. land."

From her words, Chi Xin realized the most earnest expectations of a king and a mother.

She said sincerely: "I understand your mood very well. Before I explain it to you, let me ask you, do you know anything about the nearby ancient city?"

She is taking a risky move.

This ant queen seems to be gentle and rational, but she is angry because her nest was destroyed. It should not be inextricable with humans. If she can win over this reinforcement, it will not be harmful to the future plan.

These are termites. In the past, only the small size of the termite colony could bring great trouble to human society. The thought of these would become a great help, and the core of the pool could not breathe. Some stagnation.

In fact, this job of fooling people is still suitable for Jing Xiubai to do, Chi Xin glanced back secretly, Jing Jing Xiubai was alert to the termites around, while silently paying attention to her side, sending Chi Xin's eyes , he immediately looked at him with concern.

Chi Xin ticked the corner of his mouth and turned his attention back.

Forget it, I will repeat it to him again, the queen ant may deceive her by discussing a conspiracy with him.

"Ancient city?" The ant queen chewed on the name, "When I took root here, there were no human beings in this area, and he moved here later, before... the mutation happened. ."

Chi Xin's spirit was shocked, and she felt as if she was about to touch some kind of truth: "What time did he pass?"

"I live underground, and my concept of time is a little vague, maybe five to ten years ago," the ant said. "In my memory, my children reported to me about the water in the Oasis River. ‌Foreign objects have been around for a long time."

Her calm and gentle words suddenly became violent, "He threw terrible things into the dunes and rivers, made the land desolate, made the rivers terrifying, and he squeezed me again and again. I have already retreated to the edge of the oasis, and even nourished a new oasis with my own nutrients, why don't you let me go? Could it be that it is not a human being, or is it destroyed? Original sin?!"

The queen ant's voice was loud, like a grand ancient bell, ringing heavily in Chi Xin's brain.

Even the tentacles she was holding were trembling slightly, but this ant queen, who didn't know she was alive, finally let out the resentment and confusion she had buried for too long.

And what she accused, Chi Xin could not refute.

If it's a termite colony that lives in a human colony to destroy its target, it's not surprising to get this kind of treatment.

However, according to the queen ant, he, this ethnic group, has never approached humans, or even avoided them. Even so, they are still forced to this point.

"When my clan was almost destroyed by humans, it was the wolf king who saved me," said the ant queen. "He clearly hates humans, so why should he give you his blessing?"

Chi Xin was silent for a moment, then raised his head and looked directly at the queen's huge compound eyes.

"Then are you going to follow your resentment towards humans and attack me, or do you trust the wolf king's judgment and my common goal with you?"

In the extreme depression, the queen ant asked softly, "A common goal?"

"Queen ant, you have loyal subjects and strong soldiers. Since he oppresses your survival time and time again, why do you have to do it again and again? Do you hold back?" In the weak flashlight, Chi Xin's face was glowing, but it was not as good as the flame that slowly ignited in the bottom of her eyes, "I am human, but I can't represent everyone. Human beings, I can only promise you on behalf of myself and my companions that I will never reveal your whereabouts, and I will not provoke a human attack on you. But if you even shrink from You can feel the threat of survival here, whether you survive or not, whether I can get out of here or not, will not have a decisive impact."

The queen ant silently sensed Chi Xin's mood with her tentacles.

Chi Xin didn't know that she was almost being scanned by a lie detector. She spoke calmly, with a convincing power in her voice.

"Although I was in that spaceship, I was also in a situation of being chased and killed by the people above. Do you know what happened?" Chi Xin said, "Because I don't agree with his concept, because He wants to exclude dissidents, and he wants to bring all the forces that he cannot control into his own control. He does not only cause irreversible damage to the alien race, but also to the same kind. , I am ashamed to admit that he is my kind, and I want to avoid greater harm."

Chi Xin stared into the terrifying eyes of the ant, and tightened her strength, making the ant feel her determination.

"I can have a common goal, that is, to destroy him completely, to give you a resting place, and also to pull out a dangerous cancer in human society."

"You have lived here for a long time, and you know what he did better than me. Please think carefully about what to do."

Hearing Chi Xin's words, Jing Xiubai's eyes suddenly fluctuated.

Facing the king of an ethnic group, Chi Xin had a calm face and talked eloquently. The huge disparity in stature did not bring the slightest oppression to her posture, and her words and deeds had an innate confidence and dignity.

With her head raised, she can shine in the dark.

Unconsciously, although Jing Xiubai and Rong Feng maintained their attacking postures, all of his eyes were firmly attracted to Chi Xin.

Including Boss Lin at the back, when he looked at Chi Xin, his eyes were deeply complicated.

At the very beginning, Chi Xin was like a lone wolf, walking alone. He was very afraid of being in a relationship with other people. He talked less and did things, and only silently served as a rescuer. ‌Man's hero.

Later, she began to learn to accept others and integrate into the team. Because of her backing, she became more and more serious about herself as an omnipotent superman, and her health bar would never be emptied. There is no enemy in front of her that she cannot solve.

She always said that it would be fine if she was in charge of the fight, and the scheduling and planning would be left to others.

Everyone sees her as the hope of the end of the world, but she only regards herself as a fierce general who charges.

But now, she has been able to stand in front of everyone and fight for the interests of her own race.

She has learned to be sharp and use her wits to win, and she has also learned to hold back and persevere.

The uneasiness in my heart just now that I didn't know how Chi Xin would negotiate was completely dissipated at this moment.

Jing Xiubai and Rong Feng are both the people who have known Chi Xin the most. The changes that Chi Xin has made since she entered this world are very eye-catching in his eyes. The softest spot in his heart was attracting his attention all the time.

Chi Xin didn't know that the person behind her was born in an instant. She stared at the queen ant, waiting for her answer.

Xiao Ruoyi also seemed to know that her mother was in a fierce stalemate, and it lay on her stomach, touching the queen ant with its tentacles from time to time.

In the comfort of Xiao Ruo ants, the queen ant suddenly moved the tentacle that was not held, and let it slowly wrap around the neck of the pool core like a soft snake.

Her tentacles were cold and soft, and Chi Xin's pupils shrank imperceptibly for a moment, struggling for a second in the battle between heaven and man, whether to counterattack or not, and resolutely chose to wait and see.

 Her face was calm, her eyes never changed from beginning to end, and the queen ant withdrew her touch.

"I believe in you, human girl." The queen reached her verdict, "not just because of the wolf king, but also because of you."

Chi Xin was all excited. She was ready to burn all jade and stone just now, but she didn't expect the twists and turns, and the queen ant agreed to her alliance!

"I will use facts to prove that your choice is wise." Chi Xin suppressed his excitement and gave the queen a knightly salute.

The queen ant also seemed to know the etiquette of this human being, and she smiled kindly, "As you said, what is your plan?"

Although Jing Xiubai couldn't hear the queen ant's words, but looking at Chi Xin's playful and funny expression, he guessed that an agreement was reached. Chi Xin turned around and met his eyes, and couldn't help showing a soft smile.

He gave Chi Xin the same thumbs up as Yu Xiang.

However, before he could compliment, Chi Xin turned towards a cat whose tail was on fire, jumped over and grabbed him.

"Finally, you can be replaced, and you should discuss with her what to do!"

Jing Xiubai:…

What else can be done, not just talking about it.

After handing over the negotiation to Jing Xiubai, Chi Xin was so happy that he was only in charge of being a transmission transfer station, passed the content back to him, and took time to tease Xiao Ruoyi.

Sure enough, you don't have to use your brain to feel comfortable, Chi Xin thought happily.

It's a pity that the comfortable time passed very quickly. Jing Xiu's words were neat, he pointed directly at the key points, and quickly finalized the next action plan.

The queen ant sent the leading soldier ants to send a few people out of the nest. At this time, the little Ruo ants were clamoring to go together. The queen ant reluctantly nodded its head and agreed.

"That's right." When the queen was about to withdraw her tentacles, Chi Xin suddenly said sincerely, "I'm sorry for ruining your nest and bringing vultures."

"The struggle of the food chain will always exist. If it weren't for this time that only you survived, I wouldn't be at all soft." The queen said mildly, "As for this nest. , I've lived here for many years, and if I can do what you say, I might be able to build a new one right away."

She was transparent and open-minded, which made Chi Xin a little embarrassed.

But she didn't know much about termites, and she searched in the air for a long time, but couldn't find anything that could do him any good.

Finally, she took out several large bags of water-based adhesive and threw them on the ground.

"That." Facing the ant's head that turned around and the stunned gaze of his companions, Chi Xin scratched his cheek, "This is... something that is good for soil adhesion, you have to do it every once in a while. When building a nest, you can try it out."

With the queen's kind laughter, Chi Xin and others followed the lead soldier ants to the outside of the ant nest.

Chi Xin was chatting with Xiao Ruoyi along the way. When he reached the exit on the ground, Xiao Ruoyi made a humming sound.

Chi Xin looked up at it, and always felt that on its huge head, there were two lasagna tears with comic effect.

"Will you come back?" Xiao Ruoyi asked.

It had a very good impression of Chi Xin, who had caught her, and Chi Xin didn't understand why. She touched Xiao Ruoyi's tentacles and comforted, "I will do it again."

The soldier ants did not let Xiao Ruo ants leave the nest, so it had to rub the core of the pool with its tentacles reluctantly, and then, together with the soldier ants, watched him leave the nest.

At this time, the outside was shrouded in darkness.

The night sky above the Gobi Desert is vast, and even the stars seem to be extraordinarily large, and it feels very close to the ground.

Chi Xin glanced back at the towering ant nest and couldn't believe that he was able to get out of it so easily, which was almost better than the best psychological plan he had ever made before.

The stars were wide and the plains were wide, and a few people were walking on the road, but no one spoke for a while.

Everything she experienced in the ant nest was like a dream. When Chi Xin thought of Louis' death, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. More importantly, she was not sure what would happen to the illusion in the explosion that affected the reality. Outsiders saw very little.

She raised her head and said almost at the same time as Jing Xiubai: "That..."

"you… "

The two looked at each other.

Boss Lin said that he still couldn't lift his strength, but Rongfeng still carried him behind his back, and said, "Why don't I say, what happened to the previous explosion?"

Jing Xiubai nodded: "I want to ask this too."

Facing the two pairs of inquiring eyes, Chi Xin had an inexplicable feeling of being caught stealthily.

She shook her head to shake off the illusion, and asked him instead, "What did you see?"

"I didn't even see it." Jing Xiubai said, "You suddenly kneeled on the edge of the cliff, and then an explosion followed. Everything was normal before."

Chi Xin nodded thoughtfully.

She wanted to know at the auction before, when she was dragged into the environment by Lou Chen, what kind of scene did she look like in the eyes of others

Looking at it, Lou Chen's illusion will not affect the people he doesn't want to control, and even in his eyes, the moment after entering the illusion is static, unless something happens inside that is enough to endanger the reality. the damage, otherwise he would not have felt it.

Chi Xin wanted to explain Lou Chen's matter, but she caught sight of Boss Lin's equally focused eyes and closed her mouth.

"It was an accident." Chi Xin said, "I don't know how it happened."

Anyway, her explanation is given. As for whether other people believe it or not, it will not be considered for the time being.

Jing Xiubai and Rong Feng naturally wouldn't question Chi Xin, but Chi Xin looked at Jing Xiubai and asked about the worries hidden in their hearts: "Louis said before that all people who have used magic potions will have different effects. Side effects, what are yours?"

Boss Lin, who had been on Rong Feng's back and listened quietly and did not participate in the discussion, heard this sentence, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and suddenly interjected: "Is this what Louis said?"

"It's the real deal," Chi Xin said, "Do you really use those power potions, is he the one who invented the treasures that let humans evolve?"

Boss Lin stopped talking, Chi Xin kept staring at Jing Xiubai, not letting go of any look in his eyes.

Jing Xiu's white complexion was the same as usual, but against the backdrop of the night, his eyes seemed to be darker and darker.

His language is also very normal: "Maybe you still remember Lou Chen?"

He deliberately did not say the name of the zombie king, and Chi Xin was naturally too familiar with the name, "Remember."

"He said, I'm the most perfect experimental subject." Jing Xiubai tilted his head to look at Chi Xin, his lips curled slightly, "The most perfect experimental subject will not have side effects."

Chi Xin was skeptical: "Is it?"

Jing Xiubai nodded affirmatively: "It's been a long time, have you and I been out of the ordinary?"

Chi Xin carefully recalled, "There is really no such thing at the moment."

Jing Xiubai endured it, but still couldn't control it. He raised his head and rubbed Chi Xin's head, "Okay, let me say something serious."

"What's wrong with this question?" Chi Xin replied consciously, she was unaware of someone's claws, and was still immersed in doubts about Jing Xiubai.

The man, the man, has a gloomy personality in the movie and is extremely tolerant. If he deliberately hides it, as long as he does not interfere with the implementation of the overall plan, Chi Xin is not surprised at all.

But after thinking about it, Jing Xiubai really showed no signs of weakness.

"What about you, Chi Xin?"

Jing Xiubai's question pulled her out of her thoughts, "What?"

"What is the price you paid for this ability?"

The quiet wind at night blew through the empty Gobi, and Jing Xiubai's voice seemed to be transmitted from another world.

The longer she has been fused with this body, the more easily Chi Xin will be ignored. She is not actually a person from this world.

The existence of the system is even more outrageous than the power potion. Chi Xin could not answer, she smiled: "My price is probably not going home."

This answer makes people unclear, but in the ears of Jing Xiubai and Rong Feng who know her, they immediately make up the idea that her family has died in the end times, and she can't save her with all her power. He, this is her pain.

Both were silent.

At this time, Boss Lin said faintly: "Boss Chi, during the negotiation with the ant queen just now, you seemed to be certain of the potential danger in the market. Why do you judge that?"

Chi Xin was eager to move the topic away from it, she immediately said: "My intuition can detect the existence of danger, although I don't know exactly what it is, but I know that things are hidden in the market, this may be the A trump card for him."

It was self-evident that Chi Xin could call him "Ace", which made Jing Xiubai and Rong Feng's faces suddenly turn serious.

Rong Feng said: "I heard from people in the market before that this land is blessed by the gods, so anyone who tries to destroy it and interferes here will be punished by the gods."

"How about this?" Chi Xin was astonished at his shameless face, "People have taken advantage of their own interests, how dare they make up nonsense."

"This statement has been circulating for a long time. I have heard this advice since I found the market." Boss Lin said slowly, he seemed uncomfortable, covered his mouth and coughed a few times, his head drooping, making people feel uncomfortable. Can't see his face.

Jing Xiubai pondered: "I have already suggested to the queen ant to send patrolmen to and from the market and the nest. When he changes, he will send troops to fight immediately, but you are sure, Will this time be delayed too long?"

Chi Xin sneered and nodded affirmatively: "It can't be wrong, he will act soon."

Louis, a general, was still "disloyal" to the organization because of her. The one named Raphael should have been furious.

That's great, she couldn't wait to see if the reliance that made this market run wild was the real "god".

There was a raging flame in Chi Xin's heart, and the flame had not disappeared ever since she saw that Louis had died. She looked up at the twinkling stars above her head and placed herself in it.

In the extreme anger and calmness, the restrictions in her body that had not been loosened for a long time fluctuated faintly.

However, before she could feel it carefully, she heard a muffled groan.

Chi Xin immediately noticed that something was wrong, she turned her head sharply, and saw that Rong Feng fell straight to the ground, and there was still an unbelievable look in her wide eyes.

Boss Lin fell to the ground with him, and in his squat, he was holding a small needle tube. At this time, the pointed end of the needle tube was being inserted into Rong Feng's neck.

Chi Xin was shocked: "You?!"

Boss Lin lowered his head, his pale face was extremely dark behind the black hair, he calmed down and quickly injected the remaining medicine into his son's body.

Rong Feng's body was still struggling to reach for his gun, but the medicine finally failed, and his eyelids gradually closed.

Boss Lin asked Rong Feng for a potion of supernatural powers before, and even had a big quarrel with Rong Feng, so he thought about his father, Chi Xin didn't believe he would hurt Rong Feng, she asked coldly: " What do you mean by that?"

Boss Lin raised his head with a gentle face and a slight apology: "I'm sorry, but I have no choice."

In an instant, the ground trembled violently with his feet, and Chi Xin immediately grabbed Jing Xiubai and retreated a few steps.

In front of him, the earth cracked a huge gap, and a dark purple scorpion pincer poked out of the abyss, flashing a cold and sharp light.