I Attacked Because I Was Afraid Of Death

Chapter 85: Shocking reversal


"Put your mother's stinky fart!"

The next second Yu Xiang's mouth was free from the bondage, he began to frantically output.

"What are you old thieves, you think you are the god who controls other people's lives by tying us here? I think you are taking off your pants and beating tigers - both shameless and lifeless! Chi Xin, don't care! He, get rid of this old guy quickly, lest he mess around here and see people's hearts... "

Before Yu Xiang's words were finished, Huo Lai waved his hand with an ugly face, and an invisible force sealed his mouth again, so that he could only make a "woo woo" sound.

The scene was embarrassing.

Huo Lai pointed to Jiang Congyun again: "You said, tell your goddess Chi and let her rescue you."

Jiang Congyun raised his eyes, his usual gentle and peaceful gaze met Chi Xin's.

 At this time, they had become close enough friends. There was a wonderful connection between Xu girls. The moment he saw Jiang Congyun's gaze, the panic in Chi Xin's heart was suddenly eased. .

"Congyun, are you injured?" Chi Xin asked.

Yu Xiang immediately swayed and made a whining sound, Jiang Congyun glanced at him, and his voice was soft: "We don't have any."

Seeing that they were actually talking about old times, Holly's eyes were slightly dark.

Jiang Congyun said with some guilt: "Just now Yu Xiang and I fell into the same room. If we separated, maybe he wouldn't catch us so easily."

"It's none of your business," Chi Xin said without hesitation. "He created this place. No matter where you hide, as long as he wants to catch you, you won't be able to escape."

"Let her save you, hurry up." Huo Lai interrupted Chi Xin and said to Jiang Congjun with a cold face.

However, Jiang Congjun was a tough guy, so he ignored her, just looked at Chi Xin and said, "Xin Xin, follow your intuition, we trust you."

The tip of the pool core seemed to be lightly grabbed by something.

How to save everyone in an instant

Yu Xiang and Jiang Congyun are a little far away. If they rush to rescue one of them, I can't guarantee that Holley will not hurt the other. They are trapped in the old castle, and those ordinary people who don't know their life and death...

Chi Xin's breathing was slightly suffocated.

This is a crisis that is completely different from the past. In the past, she didn't need to make a choice, the enemy was in front, she only needed to rush forward and cut the opponent down, and the victory was her own.

But not now, she faces a difficult choice, once she does something wrong, the main character is threatened, and she may face more than the danger of the collapse of the world,   … the reproach of her own conscience.

Chi Xin looked at Jiang Congyun, looked at her gentle and firm gaze, and then looked at Yu Xiang, those eyes that were always full of smiles looked at her with confidence.

They believed her.

Chi Xin's mouth trembled violently, a trace of enlightenment slowly rose from the depths, her mind was full of humming sounds, and even Holly didn't hear her talking.

Recalling that when she first came to this island, because of her doubts about the consciousness of the world, she also had a little rejection of the three protagonists. Perhaps this rejection was not very obvious, and the following incidents also made her feel uncomfortable. She hadn't thought about this feeling carefully.

However, looking at the two of them now, Chi Xin can't help but feel annoyed at the rejection and suspicion he once had.

They are living people, they have their own thoughts, their own judgment, their own love and courage.

They are her most important people in this world.

A bright light suddenly flashed across his mind, Chi Xin's hands trembled slightly, and his feelings became clearer than ever before.

"...What do you think, Chi Xin?" Holly's words just ended.

Chi Xin looked at him with a calm tone: "What did you just say? I didn't catch it."

Holly's gloomy eyes stared straight at her, and right under his nose, Chi Xin seemed to have changed in some way.

When she first saw all this, Chi Xin didn't show it, but she lost her consistent determination, which made it possible to see that Hao Lai's behavior disturbed her behavior. state.

No matter how powerful she is, she is a bloody person who threatens her with the life of an important friend. How could she be indifferent

Thinking of this, Holly's face softened a little: "If you agree to a request, I may consider letting you go."

Chi Xin was a little amused, "You waste so much energy, remodeling the house and designing traps, and finally brought me here, just for a request?"

Holley sneered: "If you hadn't come to disturb my purity rashly, none of this would have happened."

Chi Xin thought for a while: "How about you answer me a question?"

Holly didn't answer.

Chi Xin asked himself: "You are the king of the mountain here, and everyone is under your control. Is it because you want to make them all become puppets with strings, you can use them To exchange psychic potions with the laboratory?"

At this moment, there is nothing to hide, it is better to directly ask the questions that are pressing in your heart, and understand the belligerence.

Who knew that when Holly heard the words "lab", his expression changed.

"You said that you are not the lackeys sent by the laboratory?" His face of the social elite was torn apart by himself, and he growled hideously, "I have already hid here, what do you want? , I don't believe that I am the only one with supernatural powers! Why don't you let me go? Why can't you let me go!"

This series of roars made Chi Xin stunned. She felt that the situation might be different from what they estimated, and immediately asked: "Didn't your ability come from the laboratory?"

Huo Lai's roar suddenly stopped, he stared at Chi Xin in a rude dress, and a hint of mockery appeared in the corner of his thin mouth: "Why, now there is another reason why you don't let me go? Think I stole your potion? "

"Wait." Chi Xin wanted to step forward, but was blocked by a laser that suddenly appeared. She stopped in place and tried her best to slow down, "Holly, we are not from the laboratory, on the contrary, we thought You have colluded with the laboratory. Since you have nothing to do with the laboratory, why do you trick people who have not committed crimes from outside? Why do you regularly send people to the laboratory?"

In the end, she only knew about it herself, but now she doesn't care so much.

"You still want to lie to me now, don't you think it's too late?" The emotions in Huo Lai's eyes were clearly extinguished, and the whole person seemed to be in a state of madness, "What are you deceiving people to come in, what are you giving away, you hit again? What are some good ideas, are you trying to use the power of the law to make me submit? I tell you, you mice who can only hide in the ground will never be able to control the whole world!"

"what are you talking about!"

Chi Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but after saying so much, he could at least confirm that Holly might not be the crazy person they guessed, and there might be some big misunderstanding.

With a bit of luck, she looked directly at Holly, slowly raised the gun with the gun, and threw it to the ground in front of him.

"I'm really not from the lab. If you're not, then there is no need for us to fight each other." Chi Xin said softly, "Look, I put down my weapon, can we talk?"

Holly's frantic eyes showed a hint of dubious doubt: "You really have nothing to do with the laboratory?"

"It's more real than real gold." Chi Xin said, and looked at Yu Xiang subconsciously.

The person who used this kind of messy metaphor in the past was Yu Xiang.

Looking at it, it turned out that Yu Xiang's eyes were flushed red, but unfortunately his mouth was still tightly sealed, and there was no room for him to play.

Wait a minute, where did Jing Xiubai go

This question flashed in my mind, and the pool core threw it aside.

Whoever has a problem should not have a problem.

Holley stared at her for a long time, not sure whether he believed it or not, but the hysteria he had just experienced was gone, he asked coldly, "You just said that I lied to people from outside, didn't I? Want me to confess to this crime and throw me in jail, so easy to get under control?"

Chi Xin didn't expect him to be able to turn around in this area, she took a deep breath: "Really not, I say this because this is what this prison does. If you ask any prisoner in the East District, you will find that they are not at all. What a prisoner, an ordinary person who was caught well!"

She never imagined that the relationship would turn into something that she was proving her innocence to the warden.

But after this incident, she was more certain that Holly should have nothing to do with the laboratory.

There was a hint of shock in Holly's eyes, and he didn't speak for a while.

"Now they are in those bubbles, you let them out, right here, and confront them face to face." Chi Xin strikes while the iron is hot, "In front of you, no one should deliberately throw dirty water on you. ?"

"I don't understand." Holley's voice dropped suddenly, with a sense of loss of purpose, he lowered his head to look at his palm, his fingertips trembling indistinctly, "I don't understand, obviously I I am willing to shrink on this deserted island and be a prisoner who manages criminals. Why don't those people want to let me go? There are so many people with supernatural abilities in the world. I am afraid of this power, and I have never abused it. Why do you find me, and only stare at me?"

Chi Xin heard something, and she looked at the companion behind her in disbelief: "Your ability... Wasn't it obtained by medicine?"

As if insulted, Holley suddenly raised his head and glared at her, "I hate this kind of demonic power so much, how can I take the initiative to obtain it! Those who have obtained the power through this paragraph are almost captured by the devil. Inwardly, they have become the devil's lackeys."

Chi Chi gasped in shock.

She thought about many possibilities, but she never thought that Holly was actually a natural ability user!


Chi Xin felt that from the powers that Holley showed, they were powerful and complex, and he couldn't tell what kind of powers he had. It turned out to be the case.

At a time when everyone is willing to spend a lot of money for a single potion of supernatural powers, there are people who have natural superpowers and can only hide in remote islands.

In the blink of an eye, Lou Chen's previous words flashed through Chi Xin's mind. He said that on Huo Lai's body, he smelled the same breath as her... What do you mean

"Since you are not from the laboratory, then I will change my request." Holley calmed down and said, "I will not kill you, and you are not allowed to think about escaping, and stay on this island forever. Don't worry, I have enough resources here, enough food, enough for you to stay old and die. If you agree, I will let you go."

Chi Xin's attention was drawn back again. She looked at Holly and found that he had a serious expression. Obviously, he really made this request. As long as they agreed, he would not hurt them, but would support them. , just like the prisoners who lost themselves.

"Holly, although you're not from the lab, you know them, and you should know what they're doing, right?" Chi Xin said softly.

Holly didn't move.

"The last time we met, you denied that the outside world has become the end of the world, but you can't be clear, it's actually more cruel than you think." Chi Xin said, "With the level of your shadow, what do you think? How long can you last? This island seems to have no worries about food and drink now, how long can it last? When the whole world is overrun by zombies, can you hold such a piece of land and die safely? Be a laboratory person I really found it, with your current strength - can you really escape?"

Chi Xin pressed hard, breaking Holley's self-soothing defense forcefully, causing his eyes to turn red all of a sudden.

"My only wish is to hide here and spend the rest of my life with my wife." He gritted his teeth and said, "I control the prisoners so that they have no idea of escaping, as long as they don't go out, No one knows I'm here, and neither do you, as long as you don't think about escaping, they'll never be able to come here."

"Do you have a wife?" Chi Xin was stunned for a moment. For so many days, he had never heard the prisoner mention it.

Holley reflexively rubbed the ring finger on his left hand: "She's fine, she'll be waiting for me in my office, as long as no one disturbs us, we'll be happy."

Chi Xin didn't bother about this for the time being, she frowned at Holley's stubbornness: "Open your eyes and see, although we are not from the laboratory, but we came in from outside, we can come in, other people You can also come in! Do you think the laboratory is not in a hurry to find you, did they not find you here? They are just dragged by other people. Once your use value exceeds the trouble of finding you, they will not find you here. Hesitantly come to catch you!"

"How do you know?" Holley said nervously, "I've armed the island like an iron wall, they can't find it, they can't find mine..."

"I didn't see it." Chi Xin said, "We were easy to find anyway."

Before Holley was about to get angry, she immediately said: "Do you know what is holding the laboratory back? Is the ship that transported the supplies not coming? For you, are you still lucky to be able to travel to and from the island? One less person?"

"He hasn't seen me," Holley said. "Every time the island is transported to the island, Pei Jiade is in charge of receiving it."

Chi Xin almost forgot about this person, and when he heard his name, something vaguely crossed his brain.

"You keep saying that you are not from the laboratory, but I think you know the laboratory well." Holley sneered, "What if I know? I don't care about what happened outside."

"I will know that their progress in destroying the world was hindered precisely because we destroyed one of their strongholds." Chi Xin looked straight at him, "Why do we come here, do you think we want to come? Our ship was originally bound for the Banya Forest in country a to find the laboratory! If there is no interference from you, perhaps we have now set foot on the land of country a and this is over."

Holly's pupils shrank suddenly, and asked incredulously, "What did you say? You actually want to...?"

"That's right." Chi Xin raised the corner of his mouth, a sharp and sassy smile appeared on her face, as firm as her tone, "You can continue to live here, but don't forget, as long as the laboratory still exists One day, your life will never be stable, they are like sharp swords hanging on your neck, when they fall, they will not allow you to be yourself."

Holly seemed to be greatly shocked, he took a step back as if standing unsteadily, and did not make a sound for a long time.

Chi Xin took the opportunity to glance at the numerous bubbles, in addition to looking at the current casualty situation, he tried to find Jing Xiubai's figure.

Jing Xiubai couldn't find it, but she just happened to see that the thin monkey was caught by a huge crab. Fortunately, he was with Yan Lin, and the crab's claws were cut off by Yan Lin's wind blade.

Chi Xin turned around and spoke at a much faster rate: "I know it's impossible for you to smash your safe house and let everyone go, but a better choice is in front of you. Do you want to go your own way? When we kill the laboratory and get the vaccine and serum to make the world return to normal, you can stand upright and live under the sun without controlling others, don’t you want to?”

Holly's eyes were blank. He seemed to follow Chi Xin's words and saw the beautiful world he didn't even dare to think about.

"Standing alive under the sun..." he murmured.

"After talking with you for so long, I don't think you've been cannibalized your kindness. Your heart is longing for the light, right?" Chi Xin said, "Even if you don't want to, your wife What? Thinking of your wife, is she willing to hide from your generation like this, and be afraid!"

Chi Xin never knew that he was so talkative.

But it seems to have had a very good effect. As soon as the word Madam came out, Holly's line of defense was defeated. He covered his face with both hands, whether it was guilt or distress.

"Can you really... get the serum?" His faint voice came out, with an imperceptible hope.

"I can't make this promise to you now." Chi Xin answered truthfully, "But if you don't try because you are afraid of bad results, good results will never happen, right?"

Holly's whole body was shaken, and he slowly put it down.

He looked at Chi Xin and opened his lips with difficulty: "I..."

"His wife, I'm afraid there is no chance to answer whether she wants to or not."

A familiar and cold voice sounded from behind the door. Chi Xin turned her back to the door. She narrowed her eyes and saw a shocked look on Holley's face.

"Pegard? How did you get out?" he said.

After confirming the identity of the person coming from Holly, Chi Xin calmed down and turned around.

I saw that Pei Jiade's guard uniforms were all torn into pieces, obviously after a fierce battle, he gasped, stood at the dazzling doorway, and glared at them fiercely.

"You guys are very lively here." Pei Jiade said, Chi Xin found that he seemed to be clutching something tightly.

Holly looked at Chi Xin: "What benefits did you give him to let him join you?"

Pei Jiade was indeed Chi Xin's collaborator, but his original attitude was ambiguous, and looking at his expression now, she had doubts about this.

"Captain of the guard, are you not injured?" Chi Xin didn't answer Holley's question, but asked Pei Jiade.

Pei Jiade said vaguely, "Aren't you happy that I didn't get hurt? It's a pity I didn't die here?"

Chi Xin raised his eyebrows, and there were points in it.

She had personally experienced the power of this ancient castle, and seeing the appearance of ordinary people struggling, she knew that it was not that easy to get out safely from it.

In the end, Pei Jiade not only came out safely, but also found the place that Holley personally chose. It would be unreasonable to say that he was just an ordinary chief of guards.

In addition, in the conversation just now, she knew that Holly didn't do those unconscionable actions, so on this island, no one but him could deceive them and quietly. Manipulate it all... The answer has been revealed.

"It's a pity." After clearing his mind, Chi Xin slapped back unceremoniously, "But now I'm more curious, how much do you hate Holley for throwing so much dirty water on his head?"

Holly was stunned: "What are you talking about? Aren't you a group?"

No one pays attention to him.

Pei Jiade smiled solemnly: "You can figure out my identity so quickly, but you can't figure out why I did this?"

"I'm not interested in being a roundworm," Chi Xin said.

Pei Jiade sneered sarcastically, "I should be grateful to you. If you hadn't instigated the Eastern District Uprising, I really couldn't have pushed Holley to this point."

"Pei Jiade?!" Huo Lai finally understood, his eyes widened in shock, "You did what Chi Xin said just now?"

"Yes." Pei Jiade admitted it simply, he put away his smile, his expressionless face looked as stiff and terrifying as a zombie against the background of light and darkness, "The first time I did it, I was careful, After all, you are very afraid of your ability to be demonized, but later I found out that although you have the power to destroy the world, you just want to hide, no matter what I do, as long as it doesn't disturb you, you A tacit consent."

"You actually... actually..." Holley took a deep breath with difficulty, and his voice became hoarse. "I trust you so much, when you interviewed you, you clearly said..."

"Yeah, when you interviewed me, you asked me a question." Pei Jiade said, "You said: If you enter here, you can only stay here for one generation. Would you like it? I said yes."

"Then what made you do those things!" Holley took a step forward eagerly. "Where is that sincere and enthusiastic young man? What you do, what you do is different from the devil!"

"Devil? Do you think I'm willing to be a demon?" Pei Jiade sneered, "On the contrary, I hate you power users, and I want to completely destroy you in my dreams. When I first felt that you were controlling us, I'm not that young man anymore, Holly, only you are so naive."

"you… !"

"You don't have to hate me, I realized that only demons can destroy demons. This is my own choice." Pei Jiade said.

"Only demons can destroy demons?" Chi Xin repeated this sentence, "You mean, you asked the laboratory for the potion of power?"

"Please? No, no, no, it's just an exchange of interests." Pei Jiade frowned, "They want people to do experiments, I want to gain power, that's all."

"Ha, I've been in the last days for such a long time. It's the first time I've seen someone who can speak of their selfishness in such a high-sounding manner." Chi Xin almost laughed, but then her face suddenly turned cold, "What disgust is it? Powerful people, but I feel jealous when I see that they have power. Now that you have supernatural powers, why don't you hate yourself?"

"What do you know! Why do monsters like you speak so loudly here?" Chi Xin's words touched Pei Jiade's sensitive nerve, his face twisted, "If it wasn't for this kind of power, my brother would how come… "

"What nonsense are you talking about with him." Holley said, "What if he has the ability? Pei Jiade, you may have ambitions, but it's too stupid. You think that even if he has the ability, just What can you do to me?"

With a wave of Huo Lai's hand, the strong wind began to whistle around, and the tree trunks that tied Yu Xiang and Jiang Congyun were shaken. Chi Xin was about to go to save them, but was stopped by Pei Jiade.

"I advise you not to act rashly." Pei Jiade said, "Holly, who do you think this is?"

Chi Xin turned his head and saw that Pei Jiade stretched and pulled, and a thick rope appeared in him, and the other end of the rope...


Holley's eyes suddenly turned red, he gritted his teeth and spat out the name, almost smelling blood.

Chi Xin saw that a female zombie with his feet tied and a muzzle on his mouth was led out by him like a dog.

"Shh." Pei Jiade said softly, "If the warden gets too excited and hurts me, I don't promise to do anything to Madam Zun."

This confirmed the speculation of the pool core.

The roaring wind around him suddenly quieted down, and Holly was obviously trying to avoid the rat, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

"‌You." Pei Jiade turned and stared at Chi Xin, "I know you're amazing, you lean back on the edge of the cliff and don't move."

Chi Xin glanced back at the edge of the cliff, and this glance actually made her see a strand of black hair flashing past Yu Xiang's tree trunk.


After being stunned for a moment, a thought emerged, and she restrained herself, not letting her joy show on her face.

"Quick, don't screech." Pei Jiade urged.

Chi Xin turned around and looked at Pei Jiade inexplicably.

Seeing her half-smiling expression, Pei Jiade subconsciously felt that something was wrong. He clenched the rope of the female zombie and said vigilantly, "I advise you not to try any tricks, or the female zombie will be finished."

"Did you know? Just when Holley said you were stupid, he didn't misunderstand you at all." Chi Xin sighed, "This is Holley's wife. What's the use of using her to threaten me? ?"

Saying that, she didn't wait for the others to react, like a sharp arrow being shot, she arrived in front of Pei Jiade almost instantly.

She locked Pei Jiade's throat with one hand, grabbed the female zombie with the other hand, and pushed her back with force: "Catch it!"

At this time, Chi Xin felt that the human skin under his hands changed instantly.