I Attacked Because I Was Afraid Of Death

Chapter 87: mission complete


In the night sky, the cell core is free from the restrictions of the ground, flying up and down in a light and dexterous shape.

The artillery fire exploded gorgeous fireworks around her, like gilded wings, wrapping her in it.

Without the blessing of Venom, the centipede's threat to Chi Xin plummeted, and after a round, he was double-flanked by a long knife, machine/off/gun, and he could only scream in pain and frenzy.

In his tweets, countless small rustling sounds came, and Chi Xin looked down, and in the shadows in the dark place, he crawled out and found many small shadows.


Big Mouth Yu Xiang immediately reported the situation to Chi Xin: "‌ Centipede!"

It turned out that during Pei Jiade's call, centipedes and insects all over the mountain rushed here to help.

"Deal with it first, don't worry about it!"

Chi Xin made a decisive judgment, except for Jing Xiubai's accident, the other two started to attack the surrounding insects with all their strength.

I don't know how long this island has existed, but the core of the shadow pool was numb when she looked at it. She flipped over and jumped to the other side of the centipede and looked down for a long time. ‌Holly.

He was holding a female zombie, and the female zombies were all tied up, even wearing a muzzle on their mouths. No matter what, they couldn't hurt anyone, so he hugged her and sat on the ground, His eyes were blank, and he murmured not knowing what he was doing. All the bugs seemed to be blocked by something when they were crawling towards him, unable to break through.

Chi Xin's heart moved, she held up her long knife to block the attack of the giant tongs, and shouted loudly: "Ho Lai! What are you waiting for?"

Holly moved his eyes and looked straight at the pool core in the air.

The pool core kept moving: "Remember what you did just now? Madam is still alive! But if you continue to grind here, the lab still doesn't know what it will do. ."

Holly's lips moved, not knowing whether he was asking or questioning.

Chi Xin couldn't hear her. While dragging Pei Jiade, she looked at her companions distractedly, and found that Jing Xiubai had built an ice wall so that they could resist the attack of centipedes, so let's relax for the time being.

"Holly, the laboratory is now being held back by an accident. They have been staying here for a long time. When they adjust, what actions will they take?" Chi Xin I have figured out the attack pattern of the centipede, and the fight is getting easier and easier, and my thinking has become clearer, "In their eyes, how much value can a zombie have? Who can protect Mrs.   !"

This sentence seemed to penetrate the protective cover of Holly, his pupils enlarged in horror, and he kept struggling to bite him, the female zombie.

"No, no, no... ‌‌Aran, she died."

"‌Just cheer up!"

Chi Xin roared, she didn't want to continue to deal with it, she jumped straight into the air with a twist!

At this point, how could Pei Jiade let her go? He suddenly stretched out his huge and ugly skull and bit Chi Xin's back fiercely!


The pool core landed gracefully, rolled around in a circle according to inertia, and half-kneeled on the ground to stabilize the shape.

She raised her eyes, her eyes were sharp and clear, and she looked straight at Holley, who was close at hand.

Holly seemed to be confused by her eyes, and just as he was about to say something, his pupils narrowed when he caught a glimpse of her.

In Chi Xin's eyes, his frightened expression was clearly reflected.

"Pool core! Behind!"

Jing Xiubai shouted not far away.

The corner of Chi Xin's mouth was slightly hooked, and his eyes were fixed on Holly, but he didn't move.

As if the huge threat did not exist at all, she continued to Holley: "It is very strong, if you break this cage created by yourself, it will play a big role. strength."


Near, near, Chi Xin's black hair is close to his eyes, and Pei Jiade's eyes are full of ecstasy!

The centipede roared and swept over, opening its mouth and biting down on the pool core fiercely!

Chi Xin: "‌I don't want to—"

She didn't even look back, she pulled out the long knife, flipped her wrist and charged with the blade, and stabbed it hard!


The sound of metal piercing through a solid hard shell is exceptionally clear in the dark, and it seems that even the rustling of insects around it has stopped for a while. Holly, three companions, and even some shadows in the bubbles. Shadow, at this moment, I forgot what I was doing, and all eyes were focused on the core of the pool.

I saw Chi Xin lifted to a stop in the air, and the tip of the knife penetrated the only cartilaginous jaw of the centipede, and protruded from the back of his head.

Blood dripped from the tip of the knife, and Pei Jiade's eyes were full of incredible shock.

“‌… how could it be…”

After fighting so many times just now, Chi Xin couldn't do anything about his hard shell, how could he kill him in one hit!

But the fact happened like this, and his consciousness quickly dissipated, replacing all his thoughts, and Pei Jiade issued a dying curse.

"These monsters will not be able to... die."

Chi Xin's eyes didn't pierce, and he pulled back the knife directly.

"Bang dong."

The huge centipede collapsed to the ground, disturbing a large swarm of insects.

Chi Xin's wrist was folded, and a gorgeous knife flower was turned out, and then the tip of the knife was inserted back, and it was firmly sheathed.

She raised her head and looked at Holly with shocking eyes, "-Take care of these damn bugs, let go of some innocent people trapped in the castle, and then discuss with them. How can I get the serum?"

Huo Lai Zhang opened his mouth, his eyes fell on the female zombie in his arms.

The female zombie is still stubborn, her eyes are blue and white, her eyes are full of longing and malice for flesh and blood, she keeps trying to stand up, and wants to bite a piece of flesh from her husband's face. .

"Aran, can you still give hope?" Holley asked softly.

Chi Xin didn't say a word, she waited for Holley to hesitate, then turned to throw a bottle of antiseptic for each of the protagonists.

The three of them took it with a look of astonishment.

Jiang Congyun slapped his head sharply: "Why didn't think of it!"

Yu Xiang held the bottle: "Actually... Ordinary people may... I really can't think of it."


Sure enough, there is such a thing, the efficiency of killing insects is instantly high, a lot, but there is still a steady stream of centipedes and insects crawling from the bushes, which is very annoying.

Just when the pool core was about to run out of patience and a hand/grenade/bomb blew up the whole place, Holley suddenly stood up.

"Help me."

He said briefly, and then pushed the female zombie in his arms towards Chi Xin.


The female zombie was replaced with a whimper, and Chi Xin immediately twisted back after catching it, avoiding her passionate kiss.

After killing zombies for so long, and having such intimate contact with zombies, it was the first time for Chi Xinlai to control the movements of female zombies, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Holley stood in front of them, took a deep breath and closed his eyes, as if he was communicating with a certain consciousness in the void.

After a while, everyone was surprised to find that all the insects and beasts on the ground suddenly changed their original trajectories and instead climbed onto Pei Jiade's huge centipede body.

When he died, his body was like a big ship, carrying countless pilgrims frantically swarming with tiny insects, and in a short while, it wrapped around his entire body like a huge cocoon.

"Go down, and they will be freed forever."

Holley murmured.

Then Chi Xin saw that this large cocoon, really like a ship, suddenly moved.

It has a clear goal and heads straight towards the edge of the cliff.

Originally, the three protagonists in the main group immediately evacuated to the left and right, and the ship's route moved out of the way.

Carrying all the corpses of insects and beasts, they flowed into the sea like a river, rushed out of the cliff without turning back, and fell down into the dark abyss.

‌Seconds later, there was a sound of falling water from the bottom of the cliff.

Pei Jiade took his centipede descendants and his distorted ideas to be buried in the sea forever together.

Holly turned around, stared at the bubbles for a long time, and waved them all to burst.

When he reached out to retrieve the female zombie, Chi Xin asked, "How are they doing now?"

"The room has returned to normal, and they are only temporarily unable to get out." Holley, looking strangely at Jing Xiubai, "No one has ever been able to live in the Prism World. Find the right way, and they'll just fall into chaos, into an endless cycle."

Jing Xiu's white hair was a little messy, Chi Xin guessed that he climbed the cliff just now, but she was also very curious about how he came out. Not only did he come out, but he also managed to find it and rescue Yu Xiang. And Jiang Congyun.

"Since there is a prism, some protruding edges are better to guide the way." Jing Xiubai said, "As long as you can judge the direction and keep walking toward it, you will be able to come out." , I just didn't expect it to be a cliff, and if I didn't hear the voices above them, I wouldn't be able to find it here."

"So that's the case." Yu Xiang understood the words, and nodded deeply.

Chi Xin looked at him in confusion: "How do you know how to do it?"

"I don't know." Yu Xiang said honestly, he stretched out his hand and hooked Jing Xiubai's neck carelessly, "No one understands anyway, why don't you just give it a shot and move on to the next topic."

Jing Xiu Bai rolled his eyes, pinched his arm with two fingers in disgust, and stunned him.

Among the people, only Holly frowned thoughtfully, and then showed an expression of sudden realization.

"That's it." He glanced at the four people one by one in a complicated way, "No wonder they will fail, they are really... Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger."

"Left Qinglong and right white tiger, it's only two hundred and five." Yu Xiang muttered, "Now, can you change your words?"

He glanced back again, and shivered when he tied himself to the tree trunk just now.

"These prisoners are not in danger now, are they?" Chi Xin asked.

"Just keep them in various rooms temporarily, and let them out after these things are resolved." Holley sighed and showed a wry smile, "I didn't expect that they wouldn't let them out. Prisoners who are tried... are only the most common people, but ordinary people."

From this point, the four of them were a little sighed.

"When it comes to the trial, the prisoner will make a mistake and the prisoner will be tried. What's going on?" Chi Xin remembered.

Jing Xiubai: "Recall, the warden will try the prisoners. Who?"

Chi Xin thought for a while and suddenly realized.

And Pei Jiade, co-authoring with him, relied on Holly to not want to be in charge, and only wanted to escape from the world, and how many things did he do under his banner.

"Go to the office first, then go, Aran should be hungry." Holley's gentle eyes fell on the female zombie, "Everyone, let's go in."

They walked back to the room where the pool core came out, and the mirrors on all sides were darkened, and then the feeling reappeared when the space changed, and after a while of dragging, they opened it again. Eyes, Chi Xin found them standing in the warden's office.

Here, when I left, the huge glass windows reflected the night sky outside, and the bright stars fell in a little bit of brilliance.

Holley turned on the light: "If you don't mind, can you wait for a while? You need to feed the lady first."

"Zombie... What should I eat?" Yu Xiang stared, "No human flesh, right?"

Holly glanced at him, "You can follow up and take a look."

He walked to the bookshelf and twisted the cabinet door, and the secret door was opened like a special effect in a movie, revealing the warm living room behind.

Holley took the female zombie to the big bed, re-tied her limbs gently but forcefully, and took off her muzzle.


She froze instantly and wanted to bite him.

"Shh, shush, Ah Ran is good, and there are guests here." Holly stroked her hair gently, "Are you hungry? Let's get some food."

Since the owner agreed, Chi Xin was also a little curious, so he followed up to see what happened.

I saw Holly opened the freezer at the end of the bed, took out a piece of cold fresh meat from it, put it near the zombie's mouth, and let her tear it apart.

"What's this?" she asked.

"A ranch as big as raising a farm will never be able to afford even a little raw meat." Holley said.

These words were very reasonable, Chi Xin and Yu Xiang looked at each other and retreated at the same time.

After checking the situation with the two of them standing outside, Jiang Congjun whispered: "I still have some doubts, this Hole has such a strong power, why would he be willing to shrink on this island? It's terrifying to have him control people in some way... He's not like a good person."

"I feel that even if there are truths and falsehoods, there are more truths than falsehoods." Chi Xin expressed his own judgment, "He is very obsessed and very simple, he just wants to make peace. My wife just lives an ordinary life, and when this desire cannot be fulfilled, he will go crazy, and he cannot be good or evil."

"I agree with Chi Xin." Yu Xiang said, "It's really rare for him to be so affectionate about this. I can't guarantee that he will love a zombie for ten years... "

In the general consensus of human beings, it is no longer a human being to become a zombie, no matter who it is, its lover, daughter, son, husband, wife, once it becomes a zombie , it is only dominated by appetite, monsters, and human beings must kill them if they want to survive.

Only by thinking like this can I force myself to be strong and be able to slash at my former relatives with a knife.

After a moment of silence, Jing Xiubai said, "There is a saying Chi Xin is quite right. Holly can't simply use good and evil to describe him, but there is no doubt that he is very dangerous."

He looked at the three of them with a solemn expression: "He is very powerful, once he loses control, no one knows what will happen, and they can't turn him into a companion, the best way is to stabilize he."

"Natural Abilities..." Chi Xin sighed and recited the title, thinking of what Lou Chen was doing, and feeling a similar aura on her and Holly, she couldn't help but stretch out her hand to cover her heart .

Since Holly is a natural power user, the reason why she is not controlled by the system's ability to withdraw power, does not prove that... this body was originally a natural power user

If you think about it like this, it's very possible, after all, in the movie, the original work is put on ordinary people, enough to die ten times, but she lives peacefully every time. After she came down, she finally committed suicide and was forced to go offline.

It's just that she probably didn't know about it herself, otherwise she wouldn't get into trouble and be tortured.

"Chi Xin, what are you thinking?"

Jing Xiubai keenly noticed that Chi Xin was distracted, and the other two also looked at Chi Xin.

"Nothing." Chi Xin put down his hands and smiled at them.

For the time being, she suppressed her doubts about the authenticity of this body.

At this time, Holly walked out from behind the bookshelf, he went back and closed the secret door, looked at the four people in the room, pointed to the sofa for the receptionist, "Sit down."

He himself sat on the wide leather chair behind the desk.

The four looked at Holley, who stared blankly at the computer screen, but no one spoke for a while.

After a long while, Holly suddenly covered his face.

"I concealed some facts just now." He muffled his voice from between his fingers.

"I would like to hear the details." Jing Xiubai .

Holley put down his hand, his cold face suddenly softened, his expression tired, and his whole person seemed to be ten years old.

He didn't look at the four of them, but looked back at the computer screen, which made a pale gleam appear on his face.

"No, I didn't do anything bad, and I didn't really know anything about what Pei Jiade did." He whispered, resting his elbows on the table, his fingers crossed. On the lips, "It's not so innocent."

The four of them looked at each other and Chi Xin said, "Ho Lai, at this time, there is no need to hide anything from them."


Holly took a deep breath, paused for a long time, and let it out slowly.

"In order to build your own fortress, in fact... I didn't treat these prisoners as human beings, and if they came to them, they would bomb/bomb each one at any time. It may detonate and reveal the whereabouts of the people." He closed his eyes, "Controlling them, brainwashing them, making them absolutely yearn for the outside world, and secretly removing the unstable elements... But... Really, I don’t know if they don’t even know…”

He couldn't get down.

The pool is also silent.

From Holly's words, she could hear that human nature is contrary to desire/expectation, and it is painful.

"You can choose to resist." Chi Xin said softly, "I have fought against them more than once, and they are not as indestructible as they imagined. They were crushed by the fear of them. , this weakens the will of the people, and also pushes them to a dead end."

Chi Xin saw the shadow of Lou Chen from Holly.

Tong is deeply disgusted and terrified of the laboratory, and he has great power but can't use it.

Only Lou Chen once vented this fear to the whole world, wanting to pull the world to sink. Holly, on the other hand, avoided the world a lot. Maybe because of concerns, he only chose to hide himself. As long as no one came to poke his tortoise shell, he could keep shrinking inside, but once someone disturbed him If it makes him feel dangerous, this tortoise will instantly turn into a ferocious shark, smashing all enemies into pieces.

Huo Lai's shoulders trembled slightly: "I don't dare... I don't dare...  And A Ran, I can't leave her alone in this world."

Chi Chi sighed.

He has completely entered this vicious cycle, and unless the source of his fear is completely eliminated, he will never get out.

"Don't worry, we won't represent anyone to judge crimes." Jing Xiubai said, "The reason why we are here is that we are standing in the laboratory together. On opposing positions, ask for help."

"Help... help... oh yes, when they first came here, they wanted a boat." Hao Lai woke up from a dream, he opened his eyes weakly, then closed them again, "㴺Knowing that, they will let people take them there."

I didn't expect it to be so easy to achieve, and the four looked at each other again.

"You are so reassured?" Yu Xiang couldn't help but ask, "What if you are liars and report to the laboratory as soon as you go out like this?"

As soon as these words came out, the other three glared at him.

Fortunately, Holly didn't know about his strange "ability", otherwise they wouldn't want to leave easily.

Yu Xiang shrank his neck and blinked innocently.

Holly didn't see the ups and downs between them. After hearing this, he was silent for a second and then chuckled: "Otherwise, why don't you fight with them to die? Isn't that what we will do tonight? Action, but how it ends, we all see it."

He opened his eyes, like an old and tired lion, his eyes were still sharp: "If you really meet them head-on, there is a high possibility that you will die together with them, this is not something you want to do. Besides, if they were really spies in the lab, and they could have taken them back now, why would they be talking so much nonsense with them?"

"It seems a bit unreasonable." Yu Xiang scratched his head.

"Ten thousand steps back, if you want to report to the lab that you are here, it won't affect you to send them away for the time being." Holley leaned back in the chair. During our journey to country a, we can completely leave Donglubao with our wife and hide in another place where we can't find it."

Chi Xin listened, feeling helpless and unfortunate about this man.

He is thoughtful and powerful, but he doesn't use it in business, and he only wants to escape.

"Don't worry, of course you don't." Jing Xiubai's voice was calm and reassuring, "Everything is really good with Chi Xin and Mrs. We really want to go to the laboratory, but to destroy it."

Chi Xin noticed that Holly's eyes moved imperceptibly, and his clenched hands were slightly loose.

"It couldn't be better." He lowered his eyes, not wanting to let the hope in his eyes show, "There really will be... serum in it."

"People also hope so." Chi Xin said.

Jing Xiubai said casually: "This possibility is very high, they will prepare a medicine to prevent themselves from being infected, and they don't know that no important person has been infected. I have my own way of coping with it.”

Holly raised his eyes instantly and looked at him with burning eyes.


Jing Xiubai's eyebrows didn't move: " I have been in the laboratory for a long time, and I have seen it with my own eyes."

Holley pretended to be tough and suddenly disappeared. He slumped on the chair and muttered to himself, "It's true... It turns out that it's true... Aran, we are saved."

Two tears welled up from his eyes, soaking into his dry face.

Chi Xin looked at Jing Xiubai inexplicably, and Jing Xiubai blinked at her quickly.

Then he continued: "Everyone knows the effect of serum, but after everything returns to normal, will Mrs. and Mrs. Zun continue to stay here?"

"If there is a day, I'll take her out of here." Holly's voice became hoarse, "I'll take her to see the mountains, rivers, sunsets, bridges and flowing water, and all the scenery she didn't have time to see. , if there is such a day, if there is…”

He choked up.

Jing Xiu hummed, in a slightly embarrassed tone: "If the incident here is reported back to the inland at that time, they may be subject to some... harassment."

Huo Lai was in a state of confusion. If he could calmly analyze and see the flaws, but at this moment, he could only follow Jing Xiubai's words: "It can be made up! Now, I still don’t dare to go out, but I can treat these prisoners kindly and let them wait for news with me, so that innocent people will no longer be killed indiscriminately.”

After he finished, he looked at Jing Xiubai anxiously, "Is this enough?"

Jing Xiu sighed and said, "For the sake of such sincerity, I pointed to a path."

Holly's eyes lit up: "‌‌."

Jing Xiubai raised the black-screened watch on his wrist: "The watch can send back news to the largest survivor base, a base, that Yu Xiang's father is the person in charge. , you can get on line with us, and if we can reach a cooperative relationship, no one should embarrass us in the future."

"What can I do with him..." Huo Lai subconsciously said a word, his expression suddenly startled.

"There are oil wells." He seemed to be holding on to a life-saving straw, his eyes bright as if they were about to burn, "The ocean is the most abundant place for submarine oil storage, but it is difficult to mine and explore. , no one has ever started here, but building new oil wells through abilities, and now in the apocalypse outside, oil and natural gas should be scarce resources, right?"

"Okay, this is more likely to be successful." Jing Xiubai said, "Can I take you to see it later? Think about a watch. Add energy."

"Of course." Holly agreed.

He looked at the four of them now, their gazes had obviously changed, and he was no longer bored, but he seemed to see the light of his hope, full of gratitude and inexplicable love.

Chi Xin really had nothing to say to Jing Xiubai. It wasn't the first time she saw Jing Xiubai talking, but she was sponsored by PetroChina with just a few words, and she was deeply impressed. admiration.


Seeing that they had already stood up and wanted to go to Jing Xiubai to charge his watch, Holly looked even more anxious than Jing Xiubai, and Chi Xin hurriedly said, "It's still not enough. A little curious, Holly, what exactly is an ability?"

If she looked at her natural abilities at the same time, she could have attack abilities herself, but she couldn't really see what it belonged to with the gimmicky usage of Holley.

"If you insist, the ability might be 'communication'," Holley said.

"Communication?" Chi Xin didn't understand.

"Communicate with all things, and if there is anything in the world, you can talk to it." Holley explained, "This sounds a bit strange, but it took many years to learn how to communicate with it. Use ‌‌ abilities."

"Wait, turn the castle into a prism maze, and communicate with the house?" Yu Xiang was stunned.

"It can be done like this." Holly said, "If you only communicate with sentient beings, the result may not be certain, but communicating with desks, chairs, and inanimate objects will become a one-of-a-kind communication. The ‌face ‌ commands can basically be changed according to ‌‌ wishes.”

"This is also...  Defying the sky." Chi Xin commented pertinently.

Being able to command all things in the world is much more powerful than her second skill "Xin Yu", at least Xin Yu can't order the house to become a labyrinth.

"It doesn't work every time. Today, I've been preparing for a long time for action, but I still fail." Holley smiled bitterly, "These were originally intended to catch the ‌Lab people are ready."

After solving this problem, things went very smoothly.

Jing Xiubai charged his watch and sent a message to the base in front of Holley, asking him to wait patiently.

Holley expressed his gratitude, and immediately ordered the boat to be taken to port, and that if they wanted to go, they could leave at any time.

Everyone trapped in the castle was released, and Holly promised not to limit their thinking with supernatural powers, but only those people in the West District who were not determined at all, that is, If the ability is removed, it will not be restored for a while.

This is a good thing for Holley.

After deliberation, Chi Xin and others did not stay for a long time. After a short repair for two days, they took Holley and all the prisoners to forcibly plug them in to make up for it, and they set out on the road again.

When people in the East District were trapped in the castle, they clearly saw how Chi Xin killed the monsters and made efforts to save them. When they heard the news that Chi Xin was leaving, they were a little reluctant to give up. .

Chi Xin promised them: "They can choose to stay here or go back inland, and Holly will not stop them."

The big black Yan Lin was sniffing, sounding pitiful, but he didn't answer.

The slender monkey smiled and said, "Goddess Chi, now it's apocalypse outside, you might as well stay here to be safe, not to mention that oil wells still need people to operate, it's so important to make oil wells contribute to mankind. If you die, you don’t feel comfortable making friends with others. Don’t worry, you all voluntarily stay here, and no one forces you to.”

"Slim Monkey, thank you, thank you all." Chi Xin looked at this cowardly and timid man, but he was reborn like a fire, his face was transparent and open-minded, and he showed a sincere smile." Everyone, take care and wait for the good news to come back."

"Chixin, it's time to go!"

Yu Xiang's voice came from the boat.

Chi Xin responded with a sound and looked back at Holly: "Give them over to them, and take good care of them."

"It will." Holley said.

"Woo-" Yan Lin whimpered suddenly, and he stood on the face of the pool core, which was half shorter than him, and the pool core was drawn and slapped, "Goddess of Chi, if you want, remember to come back-"

Chi Xin didn't expect him to have such a side, and patted his rock-hard arm a little funny: "Okay, you know, be careful yourself."

About the time, the pool core jumped from the shore to the boat, turned around and waved goodbye to the bank full of people.

"Goodbye." She whispered softly.

The morning sun was very big, and it was reflected on the sea. Jing Xiubai, a skilled helmsman, turned the steering wheel. They were getting farther and farther from Donglubao, and they were getting closer and closer to their real goal.